The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 02, 1909, Image 4

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Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Publisher.
Application for entrance as 2nd class matter
made on July 6,
t07at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon
Under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1878
Subaerl tlen Hatci :
p r year, in advance 12.00
Single copies in wrappers, 5c,
Through the opium prohibition laws
juat promulgated the imperial govern
ment, China baa established govern
mental precedent in making the com
mon people a priviliged class, which
ezoeeda the dreams of the world's
moat radioal demoorats. Under the
provisions of the imperial edict, the
offloial claasea become amenable to
the prohibitory laws at once and any
offloial fonnd gnilty of hitting the
pipe ia aubjeot to punishment ranging
from two yeara' imprisonment to
atrangnlation. Within one year the
gentry come nnder the law designed
to free the empire from the opium
curse, bnt not until the third year of
Bsnan Tang, which is three yeara
faence, can the prohibitory laws, ex
cept in the employment of restraint in
aggravated oases, be invoked against
the ooolie classes. In explanation of
the graduated provisions of the law
it ia aet forth that the offloial classes
are anpposed to be possessed of superior
intelligence and should obey all lawa
in letter and spirit ao aa to create rea
ped for the government through their
example. No exonse, it ia aet forth,
exists for offloial disobedience of the
law. The gentry, boing removed in
a measure from aotive participation
in the government, are given a year
in whioh to acquaint themselves with
the new law, after whioh they will be
aa vigorously proseouted aa offending
officials. The ooolie classes, it is aet
forth, are composed of ignorant people
and are reoommended to the law'a
patlonoe, so it ia ordered that they
shall not be amenable to the prohibi
tory lawa for three years, during
which period all officials are oidered
to employ measures to aoqnaint the
lower olasaea with the law'a pro-viaiona.
For a week the country has been
gasping over the coat of woman's at
tire aa rerealed in the testimony in the
Gould divorce oaae. The great aum
of 35,000 to 140,000 a year was, ao
cordiug to her own statement, spent
for drees by Mrs. Gould. There was
a morning gown, a midday gown, an
afternoon gown, and a long list of
other gowna for varied purposea.
About an average oost aeema to have
been $500 per gown, and it waa a
violation of the oanona of good form
to wear any of them more than once.
It ia ueoossary for ladies of the Mrs.
Gould type to dross from three to six
times per day, and sometimea aa mnoh
aa two hours with two maida iu atten
dance waa required for the ohauge of
An Italian syndicate baa arranged
for the establishment of two colonies
of agricultural laborers from northern
Italy in middle Texaa. The organizer
ia a prominent Italian, who has held
the positiou of minister of flnauce in
the Italian government. Each of the
ooloniea will consist of 200 families
and about 11,000,000 will be apont in
getting the enterprise started, two
thirds of this to be supplied by the
ayndioate, and one-third by the Tex
ans. Options have teen secured on
62,000 aores of land at 11 to $12.50
per acre and each colonist will be sup
plied with a traot of land, a three
room honse, a cow and a mnle, be
sides transportation for himself and
family. Italians in American cities
are eligible to membership in these
colonies. This seems to be a com
mendable enterprise. The peasantry
of northern Italy are steady industri
ous people and most of the immigrants
will doubtless thrive in their new
homes, whioh are to be theira at the
end of 10 yeara on payment, by install
ments, of the cost of the land and 6
per cent interest.
Those in charge of the farm crops
section in the Wisconsin experiment
station feel 'justly prond of the showing
which they have made in the past Ave
yeara in the matter of developing the
Oderbrncker type of bailey. In the
interval mentioned they have been
able to increase the yield of tbia va
riety nearly ten bushels per aore. A
test shows that the new barley con
tains 15 per cent of protein, which
not only means that it is the best
grain for malt, but for feed as well.
So well baa the new barley been adver
tised and so effectively has it been in
troduced that the past year it compris
ed one-third of all the barley grown
in the state. Its remarkable vigor and
productivity are shown in a yield of
sixty bushels to tho acre on one of the
station flelda of fifty-flve acres, and
tbia not an experimental plot.
The oasualtiea of the Fourth of July
insane type have already begun. A
15-yeai-old boy threw a lighted can
non oraoker into a fireworks store in
Boston. Three persons were fatally
and Ave seriously injured. It required
heroio efforts to save the remainder
of the 16 people in the place from a
horrible death. The property loss waa
many thousands of dollars. We have
a flue pedigree and are wonderful peo
ple, but iu some particulars we are
almighty foolish.
Lawyer Collins, oonvioted of big
amy in San Francisco four yeara ago,
baa jnst reaohed the end of the legal
tether and is now on his way to San
Quentiu. To paraphrase a line from
the poet, "law ia long but time ia
fleeting." It isn't always wise to ex
ercise all of one's prerogatives.
The tobaooo trust will also have its
way and maintai-i its enormous graft
in the Aldriob bill. Its profits are
some teua millions a year, bnt it needs
protection more than ever, and having
a tremendous pull, more than any
million oousumers, will get whatever
it asks.
A Boston editor aaya that American
humor ia on the dooline. This is a
distinct intimation that John L. Sul
livan's oooasiona' wise and witty say
inga are not appreciated in bia native
After all there ia no reason why the
publio should add to summer worri
meuta by sympathetic oonoern in Mrs.
Gould's milliners' bills and house
keeping allowances.
Abdul Hamid baa managed to dis
pose of his funds in a manner that
would puzzle an inoome tax oolleotor.
Tariff debate necessarily develops a
great deal of statesmanship of the
also-spoke class.
$17.50 Tailored Suits reduce to $11.50
84 of tho very boat $17.50 iu panama Serges aud Fancy Suiting SO aud 83
iu. coats flniahed plain or with braid, go ou sale at this
phenomenal low price. Alternations froo.
$30 Tailored Suits, reduced to $21.50
76 of our very best $30 suits sttiotly all wool mau-tailorod garments of
tbe highest class, go on sale at the extreme low prioe
All suits up to $15 reduced to $37.50, There are 70 of these elegant
suitsin the most popular'spring styles and all
go ou sale at the reduoed price of
Meua new sprlngjmits at half prioe
Where it pays to trade.
More than nine out of every
ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the
muscles, due to cold or damp,
or chronic rheumatism. In
such cases no internal treat
ment is required. The free
application of
is all that is needed and it is cer
tain to give quick relief. Give it
a trial and see for yourself how
quickly it relieves the pain and
soreness. Price 25c; large size, 5c.
lll'S QMS
J comes from j
1111 shoes that fit I
1 1 1 "Make long walks if J II
Free Booklet Sd ui portal request and
- tell paper in which you law
thii offer ind we will mail you free out famoui 25
cent '.'painl book" foe children.
Foot, Schulze & Co., St. Paul.
We have the latest styles
in Men's and Ladies Ox
fords. A perfect fit guaranteed,
Some people call an ingrowing case
of gronoh magnanimity. It is remark
able to what limits the English lang
uage can be stretched.
The snmmer aeaaon approaches a
point where tbe climate responds more
or less to tbe promises held out by the
Win, Jenninga Bryan is about to
break ijjto United States senate from
Strayed from my plaoe north of
Athena, one brown filly. 3 years old;
one blaok yearling filly with one white
hind foot. Will pajfrewaid of $10
each for information leading to their
Oliver DioKenson, Athena, Oregon,
For Sale,
Four header beds with nets. In
quire of Geo. Dunlap, Athena, Ores.
Wheat Ranch For Sale.
160 aorea, one-fourtb mile from
Waterman station; all in fall grain;
good buildings and well improved
otherwise. Address, h. J. Zerba,
Athena Ore. Box'63.
elttrate In
Sports, Base Ball and Dancing
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Desire
St. Deunis, Deoeaaed.
Notice ia hereby given that tbe un
dersigned has been appointed by the
above entitled court exeoutrix of the
last will and testament of Desire St
Dennis, deceased, and bas qualified as
the law directs. All persona having
olaima against said estate are hereby
notified to present tbe same with prop
er vouohera within six months from
date hereof to me at the office of Low
ell & Winter in Despaiu Block in
Pendleton, Oregon,
Dated thia 20th day of May, 1909.
Sarah Agnes St. Dennis Executrix.
Swept Over Niagara.
This terrible oalamity often happens
because a careless boatman ignores tbe
river's warnings growing ripples and
faster current Nature's warnings are
kind. That dull pain or ache in the
back warns yon the Kidneys need at
tention if you would escape fatal mal
adies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's
disease. Take Electrio Bitters at once
and see Backaohe fly and all your best
feelngs return. "After long suffering
from weak kidneys and lame back, one
1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes
J. R. Blankensbip, of Belk, Tenu
Only 60o at all druggists.
Up Before The Bar.
N. H. Brown, au attorney, of Pitts
filed, Vt, writes: "We have used Dr,
King's New life Fills for years and
And them such a good family medioine
we wouldn't be without them." For
Chill, oonstipation, Billioaanesa Sick
Ileadnobe they work wonders, 220 at
all druggists.
4tE jjawarw mm
has been engaged to furnish high class Music
f cTVIultnomah County, eloquent Orator of the Day
Snappy Base Ball Games
in the afternoon', for the Championship of the County.
Dancing all 'afternoon and evening; good floor and music
Electric Illuminated Parade
of Decorated Automobiles in the Evening. Cash prizes
will be given for best decorations.
Excursion Rates On All Railroads
.Barber Shop.
Shaving, Haircutting,
Shampooing, Massage
for Face and Scalp.
Shop North Side Main
Street, Athena, Ore.
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
la tbe only on. that can accommodate
oommarctal traveler.
Canb.ieeom.nded for IU clean and
well ventilated room.
Co. Maw aud third, ATBBA,Or. 4
Foley's Honey Tar
tor chUdrctusaf&sure. No opiates.
"The Old Standby'
Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank
With which has been Consolidated The Commercial National
Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million and a Half-
Capital, Surplus and Profits, Nearly
4 per cent Interest
Paid on Time Deposits.
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
T, J. MORRIS, President, A. D. SLOAN, Vice-President,
W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Ass't. Cashier,
W. S, BADLEY, Ass't Cashier.
s - ' 1 y
Everything Flret
Claea - Modern
and Up-to-date