The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 02, 1909, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
I' Hamp Booher was in town yesterday
A from Weston. ,
D. B. Jaiman oame over from Wes
ton Tuesday evening. .
Y Ooie Barton is down from LaCrosse
v. Wash., on a visit to Athena frionds.
John Tboinpsou, the Umatilla liver
cattle man was in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. W. O. Road
Alts. T. A. Lienallea
was the guest of
of Adams, this
A number of fishing parties from
this city will spend the Fourth on the
Mrs. Bowles and daughter return
this evening to their home in Walla
Walla. . , , ;
Sirs. Cass Gannon and daughter are
Nyisiting relatives ' and friends in
Seattle. ,
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, of
Weston mountain, were in the city
yesterday. v
Elmer Conniok wai iu town Wed
nesday with a load of fruit from bis
Milton ranch. ;
Mr. and Mrs. John Bell are taking
in the sights of the exposition at
Seattle this week
"Happy Home" canned goods excel
any on the market. For Bale by T. M.
Taggart & Co.
- Mrs. Jesse Baling and children visit
ed at the home of her parents in this
city this week;
V' Scott Brown, of Eoho, was a guest
bt the A. L. Jones home in this oity
the first of the week.
'Miss Lillian McDonald, of Spokane,
Is in the oity, the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Byion Hawks.
The family of E. A. Dudley arc en
camped at Weuaha, where they will
celebrate the 4tb. -
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts will
spend the week' with Waitsbnrg and
Walla Walla friends. .
v Col Wood, fresh as a daisy And
Invigorated to a turn, is home from
the Seattle exposition.
J Mrs. Wm. Winship returned Satur
day from a visit to relatives and
" friends in Walla Walla.
The entire prune crop of the Milton
country is being contracted for at the
firm price of $30 per ton.
Evangelist Baobelder, who held a
series of meetings in Athena last win-
iar ia iM-Hn frionHa in thA flitv.
) Jasper O'Harra and Hilda Peterson,
J is
Weston young people, were united in
marriage at Pendleton Wednesday.
Y Maurice Hill is an adept at ad
writing. His signs and placards at
the Palace drug store attract attention,
Mrs. Byron N. Hawk,? returned from
Spokane Tuesday evening where she
spent a couple of weeks with relatives.
Grandpa McLean arrived in the oity
this week from Albany, tie will
spend tbe summer at the Parker borne.
' Attorney Wilson, Mr. Beverly and
F. S. LeGrow went to Pendleton Mon
day evening in- a -Fianklin touring
car. .
From appearances the combine is
n tue aecnne in cms section. uu
Atbeua firm has sold eleven headers
so far this season, and fonr complete
stationary threshing outfits have been
Mrs. Fred Koonta and little son
have arrived home from an extended
visit with relatives in the Willamette
& small party of young people
ohaperoned by Mrs. MoPheren, left
yesterday for Wenaha springs to spend
the Fourth.
pFay LeGrow'a string of raoe horses
were taken lo Walla Walla this week
where tbey will enter the races on tbe
4th and 5tb.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keen are over
from Walla Walla? Tbey oame to
attend the funeral of Mrs. J. W.
Keen, yesterday.
p(Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reader, after
visiting friends in this vicinity for
several days, left Wednesday for their
home in Taooma.
I. M. Kemp was in the oity this
morning from Weston. With his
family, he has just returned from a
visit to Portland.
Pendleton anglers have deposited
10,000 Eastern brook trout in the
headwaters of Meaoham creek and
the Umatilla river.
Mr; and Mrs. B. D. Tharp and fam-
rilv trill innnii 4th at Wnnnhn
Springs. Miss Jessie MoEwen will
be a guest of the patty.
Rev. Ryder, who was a delegate to
tbe Baptist National Convention at
Portland will arrive home in time to
hold regular Sunday servioes.
ULast night a number of tbe young
friends of Miss Graoe Myers gathered
at the borne of Miss Eva Wright and
gave a most pleasant party in her
Mrs.:P.,C. Beok sr. was in the city
Monday between trains. She was . on
her way : to take charge of the Haos
oom cooking house near Pendleton,
daring harvest.
Mrs. Will Potts and Mrs. John
Walker were in the oity yesterday
fioni their homes west of town, hav
ing attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. John Keen.
VMis. L. J. Foss has returned from a
protracted visit to her obildren in
Moro, Sherman county. She was
aocompanied home by her daughter.
Mis. James Mitobell.
XFriends here have received cards
rfrom Mr; and Mrs. Frank Mansfield,
who are enjoying a visit at Grange
ville and Lewiston, Idaho. They will
arrive home in a few days.
Free to all church sooials and so
ciety dinners Imported Japanese nap
kins, with purohase of Chase & San
born's high grade coffees. For sale
only by T. M. Taggart & Co.
X Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross Jr. arriv
ed SJaAnaaAov 'aftarnnnn from frhfi.r
borne in Nanton Alberta having been
oalled by the sudden death of Mrs.
Gross' mother, Mrs. J. W. Keen. -
There is approximately 8200 aores of
heirship land on the Umatilla Indian
reservation tied up in litigation, ac
cording to U. S. Distriot Attorney Mo
Court. Twenty law suits are involved.
A party of young people, ohaperon
ed by Mrs. B. W. Myers are prepar
ing to leave about 4 o'clock tomorrow
morning for Wenaha, where tbey will
oamp for a few days.
THaafc Orngs n inp t J" B. Gagnon
of Athena, is a nephew of Gilbert
Gagnon, the Frenoh Canadian who
went to California in early days and
who died several years ago leaving an
estate valued at many thousands of
dollars. Tbe Umatilla oounty man
will therefore make an effort to seoure
his portion of tbe estate as the old
Complete Eome
Do you realize the full meaning of this? Complete Home Furnishers
complete in every sense of the word a stook that cannot be equaled
within hundreds of miles of Walla Walla, and bigger than ever before.
Here are draperies, floor covering of all kinds, china ware, wall orna
ments, pictures, art goods of every sort and the very best stook of furni
ture and stoves to choose from. Magnificent displays of goods in every
one of our many departments.
When in Walla Walla make your headquarters with us; use our rest
rooms, our 'phones i leave your bundles in our care in fact, make your
self perfeotly at home, whether buying or not.
Write for our "Summer Goods" oatalogue.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home & House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash (The home of Greater Whitman)
Branch Store at Pasco, Wash.
"A Better Piano for Less cVloney."
Home of the
Glorious Chickereng,
Hobart M. Cable,
And other good Pianos.
man died intestate and left no child
ren. Will M. Peterson of the firm of
Peterson & Wilson is attorney for tbe
claimant. " .
Athena people will be widely scat
tered tomorrow and Monday, attend
ing the celebrations. Many will go to
Pendleton, others will be at Walla
Walla, while the oali of the river will
entice others.
The farmers of tbe Meadows and
Batter creek have just finished bar
vesting their first crop of alfalfa. Tbe
averaga yield was three tons per acre,
and on acoonnt of the dry season But
ter oreeK was lighter than usual..
?W and Mrs. T. J. Kirk left Tues
day for La Grande, where they will
spend a couple of weeks, visiting
relatives and friends. They went by
team and are prepared to enjoy an
outing on the Grande Rondo river.
The meeting of tbe Ideal Christian
association will be held this evening at
the home of Floyd Pinkerton near
town. A moonlight walk to the farm
will be one of the chief features of
the evening's pleasure. A good pro
gram baB been prepared.
' Mr. T. H. Beverly, a young attorney
of North Carolina, has arrived in tbe
oity and is a guest of his friend, at
torney S. F. Wilson. Mr. Beverly
will remain in Athena for some time
and may oonclrde to looate in tbe
Northwest and praotioe law.
Fay LeGrow is making preparations
to assemble a congress of Umatilla
Indian dancers and roughriders at
Walla Walla to feature in tbe Fourth
of Jnly program. Last year Mr. Le
Grow bad a bunoh of Indians
and tbey made tbe hit of the day.
Tho wnndnrfnl ; nrodnotiveness of
ioll along the Wild Horse creek bot
tom may be seen at this time on the
CnnliriBAr nlane. near town. One of
the finest gardens to be fonnd in the
state is to be seen there, and fruit trees
ere also making a splendid showing.
Mrs. J. 0.- Keller of Freewater who
has less than half an acre of land
realized a net profit of $114 from ber
stt aw berries during the season. Mrs.
Keller always has a second orop from
this patch in September from wbiob
she realizes almost as muoh as from
tho June crop.
Mr. and Mrs. George Olore and son.
of Abington, 111., arrived in the oity
Sunday and are visiting at tbe W. R.
Taylor home near town. Mrs. Clore,
nee Miss Minnie Leeper, is a sister of
Mrs. Taylor. The party will visit
Mrs. J. W. Smith at Corvallis in the
near future.
Walter MoCormiok and James Stur
gis of Pendleton, spent a couple of
days in Athena this Week demonstrat
ing tbe merits of tho Franklin auto
mobile. A number of these maohines
are already in servioe here and from
indications there are several prospec
tive nnrohasera on the list.
Ka serious aooident happened to the
r lithe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Bonifer in this city Tuesday.1 -The
mother and tbreo children were cross
ing Main street when a horse, ridden
by one of the Brotberton boys at a
smart pace, ran over tbe little girl.
The ohild was knooked down and
when pioked up the right side of tbe
face was fonnd to be badly laoerated.
Dr. Sharp dressed tbe in jury.
Weidemahn's Wild West show fur
nished diversion for tbe people of
Athena and vicinity Tuesday afternoon
and evening A feature of the evening
entertainment wns tbe dumping of
one of the rough riders from tbe
hurricane deok of a fiery cayuse.
Jeers from the orowd elioited from
him a $20 declaration that no one in
the audienoe could ride tbe broncho.
Instanter bis bluff was oalled but the
fellow "crawfished" before bis money
oonld be covered.
After boring a distance of 80 feet,
Miller & West, tbe contractors lost the
hole they were boring for tbe Athena
Land & Trust company, and are now
down about 90 feet on a seoond one.
The big drill enoonntered bonldera and
casing was resorted to. In plaoing tbe
casing In the hole 21 feet of tbe big
pipe, whioh proved to be of inferior
grade troke apart and lodged in the
bottom of tbe hole. Tbe well men
considered it time saving to bore a
new bole rather than fish the casing
out. . -- ' '
While on the road home from tbe
tiver Saturday, where a party of
young people bad spent the week,
little Hope MoPberen met with an
aooident whioh resulted in a painful
injury to her foot. When crossing a
deep rut in tbe road, the horses jerked
the driver. Flovd Pinkerton. to tbe
ground, dragging him a few feet, but
without serious injury to him. Miss
Hope, who was in the front seat, in
somo manner fell to the ground the
wheel passing over her foot. She was
pioked up by Rev. Harris and con
veyed to bis borne in town, a good two
miles drive, before assistance could be
secured. Tbe foot though badly swol
len, is healing nioely and it is now
hoped that no bones were broken.
Words To Freeze the Soul.
"Your son has Consumption. His
case is hopeless." These appalling
words were spoken to Geo. E Blevens,
leading merobant of Springfield, N. C.
by two expert doctors one a lung
specialist Ihen was shown the won.
derf ul cower of Dr. King's New Dis
covery "After three weeks .use."
wriMa Mr. Blevens. "he was as well
as ever. I wonld not take all the
money in tbe world for wbat it did for
my boy." Infallible for coughs and
oolds, its the safest, surest cure of des
perate Lung diseases on earth. 50o.
and $1.00. All druggists guarantee
satisfaction. Trial bottle free
High Art Moral Plaques
The lost Liberal Offer
I everlade
We have just purchased some beautiful, highly decorated,
; High Art Floral Plaques of different designs to use as an
advertisement. The Plaques are eutirely new, and as we
have purchased a large quantity, we intend to give them
away as an inducement for you to give us your patronage
Our stock has never been so complete nor so up-to-date
as at the present time. ...
Every home in this community will appreciate this kind of
advertising, as every penny we spend in this way benefits
the people! We will be pleased to have you call at an early
date, at which time we will explain fully.
We thank you for past patronage and hope in the future
we will see you more often in our place of business we are
Yours truly,
The Store That Has the Goods
Our great special sale of summer Wash Goods and Rem-
I : nonto pntYifnonpoo lr4"irv1 otr Tuna 1 OfV
Printed Lawns, 8 1-3 and 10c quality
Sale Price 5c per yd
Lot 2
Fine 15ct Printed Lawns and Batistes
Sale Price 10c yd
Lot 3
Colored Dimities, Batistes and Swisses,
20 and 25c quality,
Sale Price 12jc
Lot 4
All colors in Etamines, Crepes, Eolines,
30 and 35c quality,
Sale Price 19c yd
High Grade Mercerized Suitings and
Waistings, 40c qualities
Sale Price 25c yd
Lot 6
White Goods, India Linons, 10c quality,
Sale Price 8Jc yd
Lot 7
12 l-2c India Linons and Victoria Lawns
Sale Price 10c yd
India Linon, Victoria and Persian Lawn
20c quality
Sale Price 15c yd
Lot 9
Fine Persian Mulls and Lineens, 30 and
35c qualities
Sale Price 25c yd
Lot 10
Zephryette and Grenadine Dress Goods
wide widths, 30 and 35c qualities
Sale Price 19c yd
SPECIAL-About 30 Mens fine 2-piece Outing Suits with
cuff bottom Dants; single or double breasted coats; raner-
x ' - '
JMng in price from $5 to $15, will go in Sale at half price.
- ra An rr n . A rA Aw rA n p An
inis means qo.uu suits ior .ou; amis ior ana so on.