AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER - Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July 6, 1(107 at the poslofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot (fenceress of March 8, 1879 Subaorl tl on Rtttt ! p r year, 111 advanct Single copies In wrappers, 6c, 12.00 cATHENA. ORE.. JUNE 25, . . 1909 The penalty of the law never fell more justly than on the man Bobs, who forged names to some of the in itiative petitions. In passing sentence, says the Portland Journal, Judge Bronangb characterized the offense as heinous and very properly made the penalty severe. Others have offended more seriously against the common wealth of Oregon and esoaped punish ment. Legislative votes have been purohased for senatorial candidates. Positions and appropriations have been bartered in the same despioable activ ity. It is notorious that men went to the legislature, served their 40 days, delivered their senatorial vote and went borne and paid off debts, lifted mortgages and faoed the world full handed. All this was a crime against Oregon, bnt it was the custom and was withal beyond reach of oonvioting evidence. Far less destructive than these was the offense of Boss. They debauched offloial position and cor rupted the very fountain of govern ment. Be was a private citizen, and , bis aot was not in reality a rotten spot Jin the publio authority. They 9 were festering sores on the publio bo som; be was one cancer among the human atoms. Yet Boss piofaned a system that is baaiu in the oivio in stitution. By affixing false signatures be prostituted the very measure by whiob the purpose of the people was to be tested. He took the short out of fraud as an easy route to bis objec tive. He invoked ibe dishonest in stead of tbe honest piooess, and the two years of bis sentence are tbe price 'of his folly. His presenoe in the pen itentiary and tbe reason for his going there will mark tbe end of one of the abuses of the intitiative petition. Other abuses of the petition and of the system will be removed with equal wnn Un a mn M n lit Sk X n ( i n II nn nnA n little time. Despite tbe right put up by Senator Brown of Nebiaska his amendment to the Tariff bill to put print paper on tbe free list was defeated by a vote of 53 to 38 ic tbe senate. Bailey was the only Demoorat voting against tbe amendment and Boveridge, Bristow and Burkett, tbe Bepublicaus voting for it. Senators Borah, Bourne, Jones, Piles, Carter, Dixon and Heyburu vot ed uay. OLamberlain was the only uotthweat senator voting aye. Here is an instanoe where tbe power of the press the Metropolitan press is not exerted to any great extent in a cause seemingly of grent interest to it. . The reason that it does not melt the paper trust in is found tbe faot that many of the owners of big city papers are proprietors ot individual paper mills or own stock in tbe trust factories. By holding aloof the influence of their newspaper oolumna, they surreptitious ly assist in making tbe burden of tbt competitor a heavy one. A united press could make the paper trust look like thirty cents in less than thirty days and tbe politioal hides of several senators would likewise be consider ably parohed. , , , ' It must be remembered that the Aldriob tariff bill, whiob Senator Aid rich and bis Finance Committee are now asking tbe Senate to kindly pass for them, was framed after a number of secret hearings before this Com mittee of representatives of certain interests wbiob enjoyed tbis especial mark of favor. In spite of all tbe strong criticisms directed against tbis ugly policy of "star chamber" secrecy thrown around tbe statements of those who seek special privileges of taxing and plundering American people, tbe Senate Finance Committee persistent ly refused to make their bearings pub lic, although tbe Ways and Means Committee of the Hsuse had publio hearings. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that the Aldriob bill is found to be crowded with "joKers." Of course, these sprout most abundant ly in darkness and secreoy. And they come into tbe light only by slow de grees. Tbe linen trade awoke one day very reoently to find, much to their surprise, a little" "'joker'. that was loaded for them and their-customers. One of the provisions of the new Washington criminal code makes it a misdemeanor for a youth under 18 years of age to enter or be about a pool or billiard room, and any pro prietor found allowing it is subject to fine and imprisonment. Tbe first arrest for infraction of this law was made in a Sound city a few days ago. 1 he proprietor put up cash bail but tbe youth was looked up to insure bis appearance as a witness. Alfalfa hay is being stacked all through the irrigated seotions. Theie is always a oasb market for alfalfa bay. The meal made from it is in creasing its popularity in the markets of Portland. For obiokens and pigs it is unsurpassed. . Baok in Maine one county alone has furnished a potato crop worth $24,- 000,000. And still the country lad emigrates to tbe city to work for f 6 a week. WHO PAYS THE INTEREST? I have found by . experience , that when I go to tbe store to buy some article go with cash in band that I pay just as much as the man who pays bis aoonunt at tbe end of the year. Has tbis not been your experience as well? Do yon get a disoount for oasb? Do yon think tbe cold "chink" is worth more than a promise? Why of oourse it is. , Your word is good, but it won't pay the bills of wholesalers and manufacturers. , Those bills must be paid, and our merchants must have tbe cash to pay them with. If be hasu't the oash be must go to tbe bank and borrow it, paying interest thereon, or pay tbe jobber interest on the ac count which is tbe same. But if be baa tbe oasb to pay be must carry the aooount of his "pay-o'ioe-a-year". cus tomer. It is fair to figure a reason able interest on this money invested in tbe promises of customers. The ques tion Is who pays tho interest? The faot is when I pay as muoh in oash as my neighbor does in promises for tbe same article, I am paying the in terest, and be is getting the benefit Every man wbo has tbe cash should receive caeli concession. This is cus tomary every where else, and should be here. Think it over. U. Gesageu. Strayed . from my place north of Athena, one brown filly, 3 years old; one blaok yearling filly with one wbite hind foot. Will pay reward of $10 eaoh for information leading to their recovery. Oliver, Diokenson, Athena, Oregon, LAD ES HIGH GLASS SUITS ALL BEST TAILORED SUITS FOR A $17,50 Tailored Suits reduce to $11.50 84 of the very boat $17.50 in panama Serges and Fanoy Suiting 80 aud 33 in. coats finished plain or with braid, go on sale at this phenomenal low price. Alternations free. $30 Tailored Suits, reduced to $21.50 76 of our very best $30 suits strictly all wool ruan-tailorod garments of tbe highest class, go on salo at tho extreme low price $21.50 All suits up to $45 reduced to $27.50. There are ,70 of these elegant suitsiu tbe most popular spring, styles and all go on sale at the reduced price of $27.50 Mens new spring suits at half price THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE i ... Where it pays to trade. HMDS I III mmn I ' i.i III 'Willi 1,1 lilKI Si!: ;i 'iy Mis SOLE COMFORH comes from shoes that fit FOOT- II t'Make long walks : I i' K .U 1" because they lit i III Wi ca,.. j i l l , awtlitv T V-'. 'IN f if II! I! verywhen (IWIliH mm SCHULZE lllllllll'lilfilll Free Booklet Send n poul requett nd tell paper in which you nvr thii offer nd we will mail you free our famoui25 , cent "punt book" for children. Foot. Schulze & Co., St. Paul. We have the latest styles in Men's and Ladies' Ox fords. A perfect lit guar anteed, T. i Ufa COMPANY For Sale, . Forty-two aores of finest land on the reservation, all in timothy except 10 cores of wheat. New house, one and a half acres in strawberries. Fine fruit land, good water. With tbe place goes 70 acres of barley and 40 aores of wheat on leased land, a four-horse team, harness, two wagons, and house hold goods. Enquire at the Press offioe. For Sale, Four header beds with nets. In quire of Geo. Dunlap, Athena, Oreg. . Wheat Ranch For Sale.' 160. aores, one-fourth mile from Waterman station; all in fall grain; good buildings and well improved otherwise. Address, E. J. Zerba, Athena Ore. Box 63. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J..G. Martin expiess tbauks for the many kind aots of friends and neighbors during tbe ill ness and death of their infant -daughter. ' EXECUTRIX NOTICE. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Desire St. Dennis, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tbe un dersigned bas been appointed by tbe above entitled court ezeoutrix of tbe last will and testament of Desire St. Dennis, deoeased, and has qualified as tbe law directs. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe same with prop er vouohers within six months from date hereof to me at tbe offioe of Low ell & Winter in Despain Block in Pendleton, Oregon. Dated tbis 30th day of May, 1909. : Sarah Agnes St. Dennis Exeoutrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Ole Thompson, deoeased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may couoern, that B. B. Biobards was appoiuted administrator with tbe will annexed of tbe estate of Ole Thompson, deceased, on April 14tb A. D. 1909, and bas qualified as snob; all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and re quired to present them, with proper vouchers as required by law, to liim at bis offioe in Atbena, Umatilla County, Oregon, or at the offioe of his attor neys, Peterson & Wilson, at their offices at Atbena or Pendleton, Oregon, within six months from the date of tbe first publication of this notico, whiob will appear in the Athena Press on Friday the 83d day of April A. D. 1909, and will appear ouoe eaoh week therein for four oonseoutive weeks. Dated tbis 23d day of April A. D. 1909. , . B. B. Richards, Admr.Cum testamento annexo. Peterson & Wilson. attorneys. Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warningsgrowing ripples and faster onrreut Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or aohe in tbe baok warns you the Kidneys need at tention if yon would escape fatal mal adies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's disease. Take Eleotiio Bitters at once and see Backaobe fly and all your best feeing" return. "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame baok, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. R. Blankensbip, of Bolk, Tenn. Only 60o at all druggists. Up Before The Bar. . N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts filed, Vt, writes: "We have used Dr. King's New life Pills for years and find tbem such a good family medicine we wouldn't be without them ". For Chills, constipation, Billiousness Sick Headaohe they wyrfc wouders, 85e at all droggists. ' JULY' JUL I " XjSNs i"- Sports, Base Ball and Dancing ti 13 mm has been engaged to furnish high" class Music ''tf; cJWuitnomati- the Day Base Ball Games in the afternoon', for the Championship of the County. Dancing all afternoon and evening; good floor and music i I of Decorated Automobiles in the Evening. Cash prizes will be given for best decorations. Snappy electric Ilium mate Parade Excursion Rates On All Railroads KEENE'S . Barber Shop itiaitii)ii)if)i Shaving, HaircuUing, Shampooing Massage for Face and Scalp. ' HOT BATHS. Shop Nortii Side Main ' Street, Athena, Ore. X THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL- J. E. FROOME, PBOP?. Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS U ihtonly one that can Moommodate Can be i ftr oomended (or IU elean and well Tentllatfid roomi. Cob. Mais and Third, ATBSMA.Qr. Foley's Honey sad Tar fQrcbUfrtasafe.surc So opiates. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLETON : ' Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank ; : ; With which has been Consolidated The Commercial National . ' Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million and a Half- Capital, Surplus and Profits, - Nearly $300,000.00 4 per cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits, Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent T. J. MORRIS, President, W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, A. D. SLOAN, Vice-President, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Ass't. Cashier, W. S. BADLEY, Ass't Cashier. " Y Li PARKER-STONE HI t Eyerythlng Flrat Claa - HOdrn and Up-to-date SOUTH - SIDE MAIN STSEIT ATKEKA