The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 11, 1909, Image 4

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Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Publisher.
Application for entrance an 2nd class matter
made on July 6,
11)07 at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon
Under an Actot tJonurtes of March 8, 1879
Sub.crt Hon Rate !
p yar, In advanct 12.00
Single copies in wrappers, 6c,
It is conservatively estimated that
between 3700 Bad 1000 people attended
the oloslng exeroiseg of the tenth an
nual Caledonian piooio in this city,
Saturday. As the years go by these
Scotch gatherings grow more interest
ing, the cbaraoter of entertainment be
comes more imbned with diversity and
more interest is taken by the increas
ing numbers of people who attend.
This year the program numbers were
replete with the nsnal Sootob songs
and danoes, and these were generously
interspersed with band selections,
able addresses, sports, games, and
even the red man was given a place
to display his prowess as a rider of
the untamed oayuse. The annual ad
dress of Judge Lowell was perhaps the
ablest oratorical effort ever heard in
this oity. For one honr and a half ho
held the attention of a large audience
by his masterful eloquence. His vivid
word pictures of the achievements of
men from highland and lowland recor
ded in the musty leaves of the Worlds
history touohed the chords of Soottish
hearts; and the response was vigorous
applause, and eyes dimmed with the
emotional tears of race pride. The
pipes trilled the notes tbat brought
back to fond recollection the thistle
and the heather, aud nimble feet of
graoef ul dancers made the old young
again. The Caledonian may rest on
laurals garnered from the splendid
suooess resulting from what is consid
ered by all to be the best reunion they
have held.
The following eloquent tiibnte to
the sturdy pioneer is found in the
Blue Mountain Eagle of Canyon City:
"Our first Bottlers are a distinctive
type of men. Without any other
distinguishing oharacteristio, their
physique marks them a superior lot.
During tbe settlement of this oouuty,
when tbe conditions were primitive,
tbe dangers manifold and tbe hard
ships excessive, nature iuvokod the
law of tbe survival of the fittest and
tbe survivors were the seleot of a
hardy oloss of me'i Many residents of
this county whoso memory runs baok
to pioneer days aro today in advance
years a marvel in their vigor, remark
able in their endurance, and in their
pbysloal capabilities an envy for much
younger men. For this, of course
there is a rensou, aud tbe reason in
tbe first place is based upon tbe fact
that the best of the race was the ma
terial for tbe start. Nuture weeded
out the weaklings, tho men of iron
alone surviving the trials and hard
ships of pioneer days. Peouliar and
uotioeable Is also the mental vigor of
these men, and their oonoopts of jus
tice are not burdened with tbe legal
technicalities of a complex oivilizatiou
How diffnreut these men from those
flush from the ouuters of oivilizatiou,
whose lives are thrown in the vortex
of oompntitive endeavor. lu tbe
pioneer stook none of tbe artilloial
culture of a false oivilizatiou mars
their cbaraoter and they stand out
each an individual, like a snow oapped
peak from a range cf hills, oonspiouous
and entirely distinctive. , Bat the
years are rolling on and these sturdy
men in advanoed years are suoonmb
ing to the inevitable. The impress
they have made will, however, live
after them and their deeds and the
influence of their lives will. remain as
eternal as their flnal baven of rest"
Tbe contention tbat the city of Vale
in Malheur county be given full pow
er to license, tax and regulate tbe sale
of liquor in Vale notwithstanding tbe
subsequent adoption . of local option
laws, is held to be without legal
grounds by the supreme, court. The
litigants were encouraged by the de
cision in tbe Medford case recently re
manded, although tbe provisions of
the Medford charter are different
from a legal standpoint from the pro
visions of the Vale oharter and other
charters of Oregon cities.
, Billy Sunday has a boy who is evi
dently endeavoriug to follow iu tbe
footsteps of his strenuous father. A
tew days ago the lad was holding a
boys' meeting in Marshalltown, Iowa,
when one of the audience tried to bntt
in and take obaige of the organ play
ing. Young Billy got into the game
and tossed the offender out of tbe window.
President Taft has just been offici
ally advised by the solicitor general
what whisky means in law. It
doesn't take a temperance orator to
toll what it means in fact. The old
song covers tbe point, "Ob, whisky,
you're the devil, drunk or sober."
Athena has had her Farmers' and
Caledonian picnics; Weston her
Pioneer rennion; Milton her Straw
berry day; now it's opto Pendleton
to serve us a "skookum" 4th of July
A Brown University professor de
clares tbat tbe world is at least 72,
000,000 years old, bat, in spots at
least, it is looking as youug as ever
this spring.
Tbe new Snltan of Turkey will ex
perience no difficulty at this time iu
finding an opportunity for doing some
thing which will oonvinoe tbe Chris
tian world Of his intentions to be a
good ruler.
Visiters from the east who have been
looking over Alberta say tbat tte Can
nock country is greatly over-boomed.
Hat pins from toads is tbe latest
fad. A news item from Chicago states
that a firm in tbat oity have secured
2,000 horned toads wbiob they expect
to convert into hatpins.
Every onoe in a while some corres
pondent intimates tbat there will be
real revision of the tariff downward.
But no one takes it seriously.
We repair all kinds of fine and com
plicated watobes, Repeaters, Chrono
graphs, Chiming aud Cuokoo Clooks.
Try us. H. H. HILL, Jeweler Palace
Drug Store.
Strayed from my plaoe north of
Athena, one brown filly, 3 years old ;
one black yearling filly with one white
hind foot. Will pay reward of f 10
each for information leading to thoir
Oliver DioKenson, Atheua, Oregon.
$17.50 Tailored Suits reduce to $11.50
84 of the very bost 117.50 in pauama Serges and Fauoy Suiting 30 aud 33
in. coats Ouished plaiu or with braid, go ou sale at this
phouomenal low price. Alternatious free
$30 Tailored Suits, reduced to $21.50
70 of our very best 30 suits strictly all wool muu-tailored garments of
tbe highest class, go ou salo at the extreme low price
All suits up to 145 reduced to 137.50. Them are 70 of these elegant
snitsiu tho most popular spring stylos aud all
... ,, go on sale at the reduoed price of
Mous now spring suits at half ptioe
Where it pays to trade.
In the County Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Desire
St. Dennis, Deceased.
Notice is hereby, given that tbe un
dersigned has J)een appointed by tbe
above entitled coort exeontnx of tbe
last will and .testament of Desire St.
Dennis, deoeased, and has qualified as
the law directs.. All persons having
claims against . said estate are hereby
notified to present the same with prop
er vouobers within six months from
date hereof to me at the offioe of Low
ell & . Winter . in , Despain - Block in
Pendleton, Oregon.
Dated this SOth day of May, 1909.
Sarah Agnes St., Dennis Exeontrir.
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tbe matter . pf tbe . estate of i Ole
Thompson, deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given to all persona
whom it may . oonoern, tbat B. B.
Rioharda was appointed administrator
with tbe will annexed of tbe estate of
Ole Thompson, deoeased, on April 14th
A. D. 1909, and has qualified as such;
all persons having olaims against the
said estate are hereby notified and re
quired to present them, with proper
vonobers as required by law, to him at
bis office in Athena, Umatilla County,
Oregon, or at the offioe of his attor
neys, Peterson & Wilson, at their
offices at Athena or Pendleton, Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
first publication of this notioe, wfaioh
will appear in the Athena Press on
Friday tbe 23d day of April A. D.
1909, and will appear onoe each week
therein for four consecutive weeks.
Dated this 23d day of April A. D.
B. B. Biohards,
Admr.Cum testamento annexo.
Peterson & Wilson.
, attorneys.
Mutual Life Insurance
Of Hartford, in the state of Connect
icut, on tbe 31st. day of Deqember,
1908, for publication pursuant to law:
Amount of capital paid
up - - $ -INCOME.
Premiums received dar
ing the year - f 5,799,581.75
Interest, dividends and
rents reoeived during
year - - - 3,109,332.23
Inoome from other
sources reoeived during
year - 13,789.75
J. I
Total inoome $ 8.982,703.73
Paid to policy holders
during the year - $ 6,506,444.16
Dividends paid daring
the year on oapital
stook ...
Commissions and salar
ies and medioal exam
iners' compensation
paid during the year - 737,341.87
Taxes, licenses and fees
paid during the year 341,672.38
Amount of all other ex
penditures - 682,858.74
Total expenditures $ 8,268,817.15
Market valae of real es
tate owned - $ 8,406,478.97
Market value of stocks
and bonds owned 29,824,846.25
Loans on mortgages and
collateral, eto. 23,457,441.03
Premium notes and pol
icy loaus - 3,842,561.19
Cash in bauks and on
hand 1,001,023.15
Net uncollected and de
ferred premiums - - 461,081.17
Other assets (net) - - 1,166,558.90
Total admitted assets
under Conneotiout
statutes $67,659,990.66
Dominion of Canada de
posit - 111,113.20
$ 67,548,877.46
Net reserve - 1 60,954,624.95
Total polioy
olaims - $357,846.80
All other liabilities, in
cluding $357,846.80 2,535,336.59
Total liabilities -$ 63,489,961.54
Total insurance in force
December 31, 1908 - 178,494,797.48
Total risks written dur
iug the year $ 143,273.00
Gross premiums received
daring the year
Premiums returned dar
ing the year
Losses paid during the
Losses incurred daring
the year
Taxes, fees, expenses,
commissions, etc
Total amount of risks
outstanding in Oregon
December 31, 1908
Connecticut Mutual Life
Insurance Company
JOHN M. TAYLOR. President.
Statutory resident general agent and
attorney iu fact:
Gen'l Agent, 203 Marquam Bldg.,
Portland, Or.
A largo Dumber of Athena people
atteuded the Strawberry Feaitval at
Milton Tuesday aud report a good
' . Club ;
on any
fm g n Juli ..Ml. II
$1,000 Prize Kitchens Free
Call this week
These prize kitchen designs are the result of $1,000 in cash prizes offered
by McDougall to the architects of America for the best design of an ideal
kitoben. The prize designs have been reproduced in colors, will be presented to every housewife who
will Call at this store for them this week. Tbey will give you many ideas that you can utilize in your
own kitchen and will show you how to make your kitchen more convenient and more attractive.
cTHcDougall Kitchen Cabinets
oontain many features tbat cannot be bad in other cabinets at any prioe. Before you buy u oabinet
yon should examine the complete line of MoDongall oa binets now on display at this store. See for your
self the many advantages they possess, and do not let anyone tell you tbat any other cabinet is as good
as tbe MoDougall.
Special Sale
Easy McDougall Club Terms
We are now forming a MoDougall Kitoben Cabinet Club, whiob will make it easy for every house
wife to. own a MoDougall Cabinet. By joining you can seleot any oabinet you desire and secure it upon
a small payment down the balance of the purchase prioe to be paid in easy weekly payments.
Do We will also present each housewife, who calls, a CREDIT Call
AJot CERTIFICATE GOOD FOR $1.00 on the purchase price of
J" any McDougall Special Club Cabinet. You will not be urged
Delayto buy, but come and see the McDougall display. Qnce
An expert demoistrator a my Furniture Store,
in the near future.
MILLER "The Rustler" Athena, Ore
.Barber Shop.
Shaving, Haircutting,
Shampooing, Massage
for Face and Scalp.
Shop North Side Main
Street. Athena, Ore.
J. E. FROOME, pbop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
It IU. oal7 on. thai en acoomroodate
oommarclal traveler,
; 1'anb.ieoomended. for Ha clean and
well TenUla ted roomt. X
. Com. Miu AHsTHrao, ATHisA.Or.
Foley's Honey and Tar
tor chUdrc&s&f ensure No opiates.
"The Old Standby"
Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank
With which has heen Consolidated The Commercial National
Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million and a Half.
Capital, Surplus and Profits, Nearly
4 per cent Interest
Paid on Time Deposits, . Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
T, J. MORRIS, President, A. D. SLOAN, Vice-President,
W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, V T. G. MONTGOMERY, Ass't. Cashier,
W. S. BADLEY, Ass't Cashier.
- , l-T f ETerythlng Firet
Vv -HKfi? v