The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 28, 1909, Image 3

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    l fiia
Press Paragraphs
Walter Preston is in
alia Walla.
city from
Mr. Joseph Sheaid, returned Monday
from Hot Lab p.
Miss Lizzie Shenrd risited in Walla
Walla tbis week.
T. M. Taggart was a Walla Walla
visitor yesterday.
Attorney Wilson was in Walla
Walla Wednesday.
John J. Gross of Walla Walla spent
toe week in Atbena.
Jerry Stone spent Tuesday and Wed
nesday in Pendleton.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Moln-
yre, May 27, 1909, a daughter.
Lost, a watub charm, bearing the
letter Q, . Reward at this offloe.
diss Delia Danner was a guest of
isB Gold a Willaty Wednesday.
w 0. A. Cannon, prinoipal-eleot of the
rEoho public sobools, is in the oity.
Miss Carrie Stone, the well known
teaoher, is home for the anmmer vaca
tion. ,
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow returned Wed
nesday from a weeks visit in Walla
George Rosenzweig will arrive from
Eltopia Sunday on a visit to Athena
Mrs. L. J. Fobs left last evening for
Moro, where she will visit her son
and daughter. :C :;
Miss Uarda Curry and Miss Rosa
Lee, of Weston, were in the oity shop
ping Tuesday.
east by the Harriman system. The
work was doue in tbe Press meohnn
ical department.
Tbe Eraser Concert company bd-
peared at the Dime Wednesday and
ThniNdAv niffhto.
Aitnrnnv Wnt.ts Tntnrnnri frnm Pnn.
dleton yesterday, where he had a case
in tbe oirouit court. 1
Mrs. Brown, nee Genevieve Dixon,
visited at the Nelson home near town
tbe first of tbe week.
F. S. LeGrow returned Wednesday
evening from tbe Crab Creek stook
country, in Washington.
")( Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Eirk and J. A.
Kirk are at the Warm Springs, below
.The Dalles, for a few days. , w.
Mrs. L. R. Rnflanll nrrivnrl in thn
city Tuesday from Lebanon, and will
' visit friends for several days.
Here's to tbe pioneers and their an
nual picnic xne cpmpinatiou beats
any old rain maker on earth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. MoDonald, of
Spokane, are in the city visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Byron Hawks.
Mrs. John Rolbrock, who was oper
ated on at Hot Lake, is getting along
nioely and recovery is assured.
Among the autoists who toured up
from Pendleton Saturday to attend the
farmer's pionic, was W. J. Stockman.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Klenime were
among tbe Walla Walla people who
attended tbe farmers' piomo in tbls
oity Saturday.
Rural routes No. 1 and 2, out of
Adams are now affording patrons
daily mail service. Tbe farmers serv
ed by these two routes Qnd the daily
servioe very convenient.
d. Pinkerton is engaged in fencing
two acre tract whioh he reoently
purobasnd from tbe Athena Land &
Trust Company.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson were
in town Wednedsay lrom tbeir Uma
tilla river cattle ranob, trading with
Atbera merchants. j
Mrs. Milt Swagger!; wag a Pendletou
visitor Tuesday. Mrs. O. W. B. Zerba i
ana aaugnter, Miss juzzie, visited in
endleton Tuesday.
ttorney Wilson is expeoting bis new
automobile next week. It is a 80-
borso power Franklin and one of tbe
very latust models.
Miss Haitiet Edwards arrived in the
oity Sunday and is a guest of tier sis-
d ti
Miss Gladys Bush, with her father,
arrived In the oity Wednesday fiom
Walla Walla, where she bas been
taking treatment for lung trrouble.
Miss Gladys is wonderfully improved,
muoh to the pleasure of her many
fiiends. -
Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph N. Scott went
to Weston Sunday, and staid during
the entire commencement week exer
cises of tbe Normal sohool. Both are
members of the' Alumni association,
and met many old schoolmates during
the week.
KMrs. J. G. Stamper has received
i Ann I : r - : .
me lutjuruuoe on a poiioy - neia
by her late husband in tbe Woodmen
or the World. The payment of tbia
! poiioy was made promptly: Appiloa-
ier, -mrs. uiooara lnomptou. Her tiou was made on May 6 aud payment
home is in Heppner. was made May 21.
m ST t . m . . j .
mr. ana Airs, uiain waiter returned X Misses Edith and Blanoh Owwell
left Tuesday tor tbeir home iu Eugene,
to tbeir home at Walla Walla Tuesday
evening, after spending several-days
at tbe ranob, west of town.
: Mrs. A. J. Bisboff, of Walla Walla,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
John Walter, near town, returned , the
last of tbe week to her home. . v ..
hBill" King, who ranks high iu the
mass of old time fiddlers., came: over
from Weston Friday evening, so as to
be on band early for tbe farmers pic
nic .. '
Miss Kathleen McEwen went down
to Pendleton yesterday, and accompan
ied her brother and sister, Lnvois and
Jessie, home for their summer vaca
tion. The Bap'.ist Association gathering
held lea" week elected Rev. H. E.
Ryder es a member from this Associa
tion on the Oregon Baptist State Con
vention Board.
Mrs. Walter M. Ely is down from
Boise, Idaho, where with her husband
she at present resides. Mrs. Ely is in
Weston, and will visit her Atbena
friends in the near future.
Mrs Josie Hawley, with her mother,
Mrs. lheo Danner, was in tbe city
during tbe Farmers' pionio. She has
been visiting her pa recta in Milton for
some weeks, from her home in Mon
tana. The proceeds from the supper served
at the M. E. church, Tuesday evening,
netted the Epworth Leagne $13.60.
Supper was served from 5:30 to 8:30
o .dock and many Business men dined
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Harris went
down to Pendleton Wednesday, where
they were present at tbe laying of the
corner stone of tbe magnifloent new
Christian church building to be erect
ed there.
Mrs. Robert Walker loft for Cheney
yesterday where she will visit for a
few days. Mr. Walker will soon join
her, when they will leave for a
summer's visit with friends in Penn
sylvania. New arrivals at Jarman's Depart
ment Store tbis week; Fane veilings
in all colors. Narrow ruohings, a com
plete line at one cent an inoh. Dutoh
Collars, also Embroidery collars, auto
Soarfs and auto Veils. ' .
Professor and Mrs. Cbatterley, of
tbe music department at tbe Weston
Normal sobool, passed through yester
day on tbeir way to San Francisco,
where they will visit relatives, and
perhaps make tbeir futnre home.
nSTen thonsand leaflets, containing
IMlAflnrinf.ioa tnntfai Tiarfoinlnrv 4-n Ath
ena's resouroes, were printed and de
livered to the commercial association
thin wank fnr riiof.t'iVinf inn Tiiro fhnn
sand will be disbursed throughout the h(prt
Plamondon drove
f Pen dleton
Complete Home
Do you realize the full meaning of this? Complete Home Furnishers
complete in every sense of the word a stook that cannot be equaled
within hundreds of miles of Walla Walla, and bigger than ever before.
Here are draperies, floor oovering of all kinds, ohina ware, wall orna
ments, pictures, art goods of every sort and tbe very best stook of furni
ture and stoves to choose from. Magnifioent displays of goods in every
one of onr many departments.
When in Walla Walla make your headquarters with us; use our rest
rooms, onr 'phones; leave your bundles in our care in fact, make your
self perfeotly at home, whether buying or not
Write for our "Summer Goods" catalogue
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home & House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash The home of Greater Whitman)
Branch Store at Pasco, Wash.
Pendleton Cleaning & Dye Works
All Kinds of Hat Work, including Stiff, Soft and Panama
Hats. Special Attention given to Gent's Clothes
If you want Good Work, call us up
We Clean Lace and Chenille Curtains, Furs, Kid Gloves, Feather Boas, in tact
almost everything. Evening Gowns Party Dresses Cleaned on Short Notice.
206 ALTA STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON. . Telephone Main 169
where tbey will spend tbe summer va-
oatiou. Tbey were accompanied as lar
as Albany by Miss Velma Wilkinson,
who will teaoh a summer term of
school near Yaquina, on the ooast. v .'
'' Damon Lodge No. 4, Kuights of
Pythias, of Pendleton has appointed a
building committee to act jointly with
the Elks. .The Pythian committee is
as follows : J. W. Maloney, T. , G.
Montgomery, M. A. Rader, -W. 8.
Bowman, Jaok Huston, R. W. Fletch
er and J. R. Raley. - .
V H. C. Adams has disposed of his
Athena, whioh necessitated a ohange
in the officers and board of directors.
T. J. Kirk has been elected president ;
D. H. Preston vice-president and E.
E. Koontz takes Mr. Adams' place on
the board of directors. V
AAt the meeting of the Alumni of
th Normal sobool Monday afternoon.
Joseph N. Soott was elected president
of tbe association. Tbe sooiety will
meet annually at tbe time of the Pio
neers' meeting, and will take charge
of tbe olass presents and art oolleotion
of the Normal sohool. ...
Mr. and Mrs. James Hnggebs have
arrived in town lrom juayview, Wash,
where they werj in tbe hotel business.
Mr. and Mrs. Huggfns, like many
others, found no better plaoe than
Atbena, and so returned to make tbis
their home. Tbe are comfortably es
tablished in the A. A. Foss oottage ou
Jefferson street, near 3rd,
A Just what everyone was hoping for,
transpired Wednesday night-a good,
soaking rain fell on the just and the
unjust. Crops were in serious need of
moisture. In faat, the.hardpaaapolsJ
had beoome conspicuously prominent
in the orying need for rain. Tbe rain
fell nearly all of Wednesday . night,
and everybody wears a smile.
John Shaw, one of the pioneer set
tlers of Umatilla county, died Sunday
at his home near Weston. He was
only ill a few days. He leaves a wid
ow aud two children, both married,
Mrs. Addie B. Price, wife of J. M,
Price,, and Mrs. Maybe, wife of Cbas.
Maybe of Mabton, Wash. All of the
family were present at the bedside
when the father passed away.
Tbe auxiliary to the 0. W. B. M.
of the Christian ohuroh will meet next
Wednesday, June 2, with Mrs. J. N.
Soott. This will be a delightful ride
to tbe country, and it is hoped that
tbe usual large number of ladies will
attend. Carriages will be in waiting
at tbe Christian parsonage for all who
wish to go. Kindly report your in
tention of going, by phone, to the pas
tor as early as possible, so sufficient
arrangements can be made.
an auto to
Wednesday afternoon, in
just 42 minutes, over the reservation
road. He took Mr. Wall and two eons
down, who were called owing to tbe
critioal condition of Charles Wall,
who had recently been operated on
for appendioitis. The father and bro
thers arrived in time to be at the .bed
side before death took plaoe, which
oooured at 5 :16V Charles Wall was a
well known young man of Pendleton,
and for several years was employed in
the Rader furniture store He leaves
a wife, but no children.
Baptist Church Notes.
There will be services as nsual in
the Baptist ohnroh on Sunday. Bible
sobool at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11
a. m. and 8 p.m. B. Y, P. U. servioe
at 7 p. m. A cordial invitation to all
of these services.
More Room for Furniture at
The Davis-Kaser Co., of Walla
Walla have been increasing tbeir
stock of furniture until their floors
were too crowded to display their
goods properly so they have fitted up
the entire basement under their furni
ture department into an elegant sales
room. Adding about six thousand
square feet of floor space to their al
ready enormous Furniture department
Together with tbe decorations the
electric lighting system makes tbia ad
dition very attractive.
Grant Acquitted
Charles Grant of the Corner saloon
was acquitted on tbe charge of selling
liquor as found in an indiotment by
the grand jury. Tbe case was tried
Wednesday and went to tbe jury in
tbe afternoon. A number of witness
es, iuoluding a detective from Spokane
were called.
Byron Hawks, of the Pioneer drug
store finds ready sale for his Peroxide
dreaseless Skin Food. It is just tbe
lotion for the removal of freckles, sun
burn and tbe softening of rough skio.
It is best for complexion and leaves
tbe skin free from grease.
Foley's Honey Bad Tar
(or chlldrensatc.surc No opiates.
v ' immctt- :-"ft&c. If?
There is more satisfaction and pride
and convenience to be gained from the
possession of fine baggage. Yes you
get service and style and it pays in the
end. We have a line so complete and
at such fair prices that you'll surely
see something to suit you. Suit cases,
Trunks, Telescop
es, a n d H a n d
Bags. Prices to
suit everyone.
I!1 fS
is interested in Under-muslins. The kiud that are spe
cially designed for summer wear. We have a wide
range of styles and prices from which to select.
Lace Curtain
No dout you've cleaned house. Perhaps you have
hung up your old lace curtains. How much better it
would look if you put up a pair of those light, summer
Curtains we are selling. Think it over, then come in
and, look at our fine line.
Jaftnan's Dep
losgiwe Mercantile 1
j j
New Spring Goods
arriving Daily
New Spring Goods
arriving Daily
we are now showing the latest spring and summer produc
tions of the foreign and domestic markets, and guarantee
our prices for the same qualities of Merchandise lower
than all competitors.
r Silks
1 Striped Taffetas, Messalines, all colors
; Printed Foulards in great variety, Tokio
and Rajah Pongees.
Wool Dress Goods
Invisible stripes and plain effects, in
Browns, Greens, Tans, Blues, London
smoke and Philadelphia grays, at prices
to suit customers.
Fancy Waistings
Silk, Wool Chiffons, plain and fancy
Netts. Also an endless variety of white
Waistings in stripes and crossbar.
Ladies White Waists
An immense big variety just received
" frcm 1 to 3.75 each. Values never be
fore seen in this city.
Ladies Furnishings
; Laces, Bandings Ribbons and Gloves
in all the latest fads and colors.
Ladies Neckwear
Collar Rushings and Jabots to suit the
most fastidious.
M n's uits
Before maki g you" spring purchase,
look over our hand tailored Suits, very
latest color and cut. Price 12.50 to $25.
Men's Shoes
We are now showing the new spring
shapes in Vici Kid, Gun Metal, Valour
Calf, Patent leather, high or low cut.
Ladies Shoes
We latest creations in Tan, Oxblood
or Black. High cut Oxfords or Pumps.
Kid or Colt skin. An endless variety.
Misses Childrens Shoes
We can show you 40 different styles.
Anything you want in children's foot
wear, from 65c to $2.50 per pair.
Men's Furnishings
New line of Dress Shirts with or with
out collars. Well made. New patterns.
Perfect fitting.
Men's Neckwear
Just received new line of Ties. Up to
date colors! and stripes. Prices 35 C& 50c