The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 07, 1909, Image 3

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    V'q. w.
lot Lak
Born, to Mrand Mrs. J. A. Martin,
, May 4, 1909, a daughter.
Attorney Watta was oalled to Helix
on legal business, Tuesday.
iS Jay Gross, tbe Weston farmer, was
f notioed on oor streets Wednesday.
Mrs. J..C. Stamper and daughter,;
j Lola, visited friends in i Weston .tbiB
week- ; ' i
.1,. Mra, Hugh Walker,' accompanied by
m Mies Waddingbam, was in town from:
j.? Weston, Tuesday. ",
. ;r. Attorney Wilson argued in tbe Tay
lor case before tbe supreme court, at
, . ; Jfenaieton, tbis week.
V Tom Taseart is reooverinz from a
ratber severe illness, in wbiob be was
; threatened with typboid.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Betts attended
tbe .funeral of ibe late Mrs. Matt
Mosgrove at Walla Walla.
ine city council will meet in speo
ial session tonigbt to oonsider appli
cations lor near beer licenses,
Mi 8. S. A. Barnes and Mrs,' Wm
j . if Grabam were in tbe city Wednesday
: sropping and visiting friends.
Dean Dudley, who is receiving trea't-
meat fiom a Walla Walla 'physician
made a trip to that city yesterday.
,, : Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Harris attend
ed toe Unristian ohurob convention
wbiob was beld in Heppner tbis week.
jV'Several of tbe Normal sobool etud-
( ni8 were guests of Misses Lula Iharp
. ana veoue coya Saturday snd Sunday.
Mrs, Lillie Miller has a n e w Hd e of
:1. all black bats on display,' also a" new
supply of tbe popular Russian net veil
. ings.
: .- Edgar "Forrest has been employed
-,, in tne plumbing department at A. B.
MoEwen & Son's hardware store, tbis
' week.
.Mrs. John Keene is confined to her
time she
attack of
home with illness. For a
was threatened with an
Sam Hutt sold bis iron grey dray
earn to a faorse buyer this week. The
.ltlprice received is said to be over the
, ,-. 1500 mark. : -
O. C. Tnrner has returned to Weston
V afrom a short stay in tlie'asternp$rt
( of Washington, where he has been to
V, look after a land deal. if ,-
,j" Mrs. Margaret Howe returned Mon
t;;:day from Mliton, where she bad been
1Vj called by tbe sudden -death of her
. uousin, Mrs. Mosgrove.
Miss Ruby Douglas is over from
.Weston and will be tbe guest of Mrs.
0vLuke Read during tbe absence of Mr.
rf and Mrs. Gross in Alberta.
Miss Uuillette, "who reoently closed
".j a most auooesstnl term of school in tbe
j Keene district, has left for her home
f in the Willamette valley.
', Roe Martin and family, of Colfax,
Uare down visiting at the homes of Mr.
. Martin's two sisters,? Mrs iWnar iWin
.Shipand Mrs. Sam fia worth. '
v )(Mr. B. C. Kidder fajiher f G. B.
, vftCidder, has purchased the Hays" pro
.;, pertyin the north part of town and
' will make bis home in' tbis. city. ;f
(fVMr. and Mrs. George Gross and little
jrranddaugbter, Verve,. left yesterday
inoonfor.j Albert where; they , will
visit tbeir children for six:' weeks or
..inore. ,: Sunday Mr; Jatoes-visited bis
, brother J J., ia Walla,, Walla. ... .,
Proebstel- of Weston.' ia at
Lake sanitarium:- where he will
make aoriof stay in hopes of receiv
ing benefit from the waters of that
place. ' . ;.. .
Henry Harold, tbe blacksmith, has
returned from Iowa, aooompanied by
bis family. Mr. Harold has taken up
residence in a cottage on Jefferson
street .. ' :
Mrs. Lizzie Jones received today a
new shipment of young ladies' large
hats, wbiob will be on display to
morrow', i Call early before they ere
all gone. I ) ' ; .' . t ,J
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart visit
ed at the borne of their daughter,
Mrs. M. K 'Akers. . Pendleton,
Sunday. Mrs. Akers, who has been
quite ill, is recovering.
Henry Keene, speut Wednesday night
at the home of his : parents " west of
town. His mother was taken very ill,
am ' ' .
uiiu ior a ume serious rears . were en
tertained idr her recovery. ,
The foil force of clerks at tbe Mos
grove Mercantile Co's. store attended
tbe funeral of Mrs: Matt Mosgrove in
Walla Walla last Sunday, driving to
Milton Sunday morning.
XMiss Carrie Saarp. baa been eleoted
to her present position in the Pendleton
publio sohools for another year. Miss
Aloy Fobs, who also teaohes in Pendle
ton has" resigned her position.
Ibe different committees having in
charge the ' arrangements for ' the
Farmer's Pionio, wbiob takes place in
this city, Saturday, May 22, will bold
a meetiDg here, tomorrow at 2 p. in.
Mrs. H. M. Wood returned home
Tuesday from Pendleton, where she
received medioal treatment in tbe
hospital for eight weeks. Mrs. Wood's
friends will be pleased to learn that
e is greatly improved in health.
Last Friday evening the young peo
ples Club was entertained at the home
of Miss Nellie Foss. A literary pro
gram was arranged by Misses Edith
Ors well and Kittie Gbolson and Mr.
Mitobell. 'i A most : pleasaut time was
enjoyed ty all.
Deputy 4 Assessor Charles Pinkerton
is in the .city;', engaged in sizing hd
what property you possess and record
ing valuations on assessment blanks.
The county and state levy is 11 mills.
city 9 and r' school 3 mills, making
Atheba'i levy 23 -mills this year.
JV Byron N. Hawks of tbe ;Pi6neer
drugstore, has perfected 'a splendid
face lotion,; wbiob ia giving satisfac
tion to all who have It is a
defeated this seasonyTbe boys from
the sheep range are' aoming to Athena
to add another , victory, but with La
Brasohe and Stone in mid-season con
dition and tbe other players nifty and
strong, there is just tbe possibility of
a neat package being carried home by
our friend Mask ery.
Next Monday will see tbe close of
the sobool at LaMar sobool house.
taught by, Mrs. .Dobson. The term
baa been a long one for a country dis
trior, and as is usual with Mrs. Dob-
son, a successful one from every stand
point The teaoher has been urged
to again accept tbe school. . '
? uev. jr. ri uarit, ot Portland, gave
some interesting and inspiring talks
at the Baptist oburoh Wednesday and
Thursday evenings on "Christian
Stewardship." Rev. Dark is a pleas
ing and foroeful speaker and has . the
faoulty of rousing each individual to
a sense of bis duty in matters pertain
ing to the interests of the oburoh. v
John Molntyre, whose health has
been growinsr noticablv worse dnrinc
the past few weeks, was taken to Pen
dleton Wednesday for treatment in this
hospital. The old gentloman's -mind
is perceptibly failing in oonneotion
with a geneial deoline of bis pbysioal
condition '. His friends hope that by
a course of treatment, his health may
eventually bn rflstnrBrL
Xhe Athena Truok oompany,. wbiob
rbas the contract for snrinkling the
streets for . tbe year, rolled a new
"squirt wagon" into service Wednes
day morning. The new outflt consists '
of a big round tank mounted on trnoks,
and is equipped with tbe very latest
Austin sprinkler like those used in
tbe large cities, and is giving .entire
satisfaction. .: i
- - ! t
Commencing tomorrow express ser
vioe will be inaugurated Iba the Pen
aieton-walla Walla looal passerger
trains, Nob. 45 and 16. This servioe
will be of great convenience to Athena
business men, inasmuob as express
matter oan now be reoeived from Port
land and Walla Walla in muoh Jess,
time than when tbe handling of ex
press was oonflned to the Pendleton-
Spokane trains. !
The fruit paoking establishments of
Freewater are all getting things into
for the season's work. 1 The
strawberry outlook is the best that
they have had for years. Most, of the
patohes have blossomed out until the
whole patoh looks like a great white
flheet spread over the ground. Cord-
petition Will be keen among tbe buyers
ior tne terries and prioes will be good
from the start. Vii
vement sized, bottles and is known on
tbe market .'as i Peroxide : Grease ess
Skin Food. 1 - . s
Mrs." Joseph1' Sheard atrived borne
Monday from' Hot Lake, ' where she
aooompanied her sister, Mrs. John
Rothrook, who is taking treatment
there for rheumatism. Upon Mrs.
Sheard's arrival home, her sister, Miss
Nettie McCoikell' wenf, to Hot Lake to
attend Mrs. Rothrock.
A number of Atheba residences are
ing brightened op with paint. The
homes of Dr. Sharp and Henry Dell
have been painted this week. The
Christian churob building is to be
painted, soon, and the big Preston
Parton mill will also be giveb a new
dress of color. ' ,
The Shamrocks "will meet the crook
Pilot' Rook team on tbe borne grounds.
Sunday afternoon. The game will be
called at 1:80 sharp,' so that Charley
Maskery's bnaoh Can get away on tbe
down train at 4:15. :. Pilot Rookv bas
good team, and only once has it been
We have a most complete line of Dress Shirts, in all
shades and quality, p4 new line; neckties; it does
not matter what kind you want; weVe got 'em.Our
.glove stock is complete;, we have anything you want in
shoes and oxfords.Just received two swell numbers in
oxfords this vweek in oxbloods. Prices,1 $4 & $4.50 come
in and look them over.
enow, white preparation, put"uplndon-XLa farv Union No. 6. held one of the
I 'I .11. , ' '! II ' j
; fWe. beg to annouooe the arrival of our Spring line of carpets and rugs.;
Mr Mann bur Carpet jtoanager. spent several weeks in New York selecting ;
only the best of the new creations, so that we oan offeor you a most sup-1
erb variety of beautiful and exolusive patterns ; A more handsome and
seleot stock of both carpets and rugs could not be found Embraoing as it
does many particularly new designs aod coloring effects in Oriental Flora j
.and Domestic designs, this' splendid showing. covers every , thing in ; the
'most reliable oarpdt st vies .
We not only have by fartbe most complete line in tbe Inland Empire,
but we guarantee you perfect satisfaction and finished workmanship or
refund poiohase price s
You are always welome to come to our store and look around whether
yon wan Jo boy prnot but should you buy we will prepay the freight io
your station'.if yburpurchase amountB to $10 or over : :
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home & House Furnishers . .
.Walla Walla; Wash (The home of Greater Whitman)
Branch . Store at Pasco, Wash.
Pendleton Cleaning & Dye Works
, . W. SULLIVAN, Prop.
, ' ; Satters : r-
All Hinds of Hat Work, including Stiff, Soft and Panama'
' Hats. Special Attention given to Gent's Clothes '
- ,; - If you want Good Work, call us up ;
We Clean Lace and Chenille Curtains, Furs, Kid Gloves, Feather Boas, in fact
almost everything. Evening Gowns Party Dresses Cleaned on Short" Notice. 7
206 ALTA STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON. Telephone Main 169
most successful sooial meetings in the
history of tbe organization, Monday
night. Between 75 and 100 persons
were present nnd enjoyed the evenings
entertainment, wbiob consisted of a
splendid program. An oyster supper
wfis served, and it required two tables,
extending across the sobool bouse to'
aootfJiEbodate these who -participated
in the feast. .
Mrs. E. E. Shepard, state president
of the Utah W. C. T. U., will ba in
tbe city Saturday and Sunday, when
she will address tbe people iu the
ohurobea here., On Saturday evening
at 8 o'cIooe,-a union meeting will
be bled at tbe Christian ohurob. Sun
day Afternoon at the Baptisbt church
she will address women only, and Sun
day night at tbe Methodist oburoh a
union .meeting fcf tbe oburobes will be
held, with Mrs. Stiepard as speaker.
.The funeral of Jas. O. Stamper Was
Id at tbe M. E. churob Sunday at 11
o'olook, and tbe big auditorium, class
room, and ;galiery, all three of which
were .thrown open,- ywere taxed to full
capacity, and then, many persons were
compelled to romaih outside the ohnrcb
during the services. s .The seats in tbe
center oLthe auditorium were all oc
cupied by relatives of tbe deceased,
and members of the Odd Fellow and
Woodman, lodges.'.-The service at tbe
grave was conducted by tbe Odd
fellows.' v'l'ne noral . offerings were
profuse and. Jbeautif ul. f ' ' "
' ' ' ' r.
" Accidents at Horse iShow. ;
Horse show day at. Waitsburg . nit
nesaed a -chapter of acoidents. - In the
early morning Miss Purvis, ' while
taking a praotice ride, was thrown
from" her horse and later found ticoou
soious. No serious injury was sustain
ed. At tbe race, track Mrs.. John
Roberta was thrown and considerably
bruised. Mrs'. Pearl Clark was thrown
over the bead of her hprse, but imme
diately picked berself op and remount
ed, jbone the worse for tbe fall. Dur
ing tbe exhibition of roadsters a hbr'ee
reared,-striking' Charles Smith on Ihe
head, cutting a severe gasb.
Christian Church Announcements.
M Regular services next Lord's day,
to wbiob all are very earnestly invited.
At the morning' ser vice tbe annual" of
fering of American Missions will be
taken. This was to have been reoeived
last Lord's day, but owing to the fun
eral was "postponed. " 'Let everyone
bring a liberal otfeiing, j Tbe nigut
services will be a onion meeting at tbe
M. E. ohurob. . . ,
Reward Offered.
Strayed from my plaoe north of
Athena, ; one brown filly, 3 years old ;
one blaok yearling filly with one wbite
hind foot. Will pay reward of $10
each for information leading to their
Oliver Dioxenson, Athena, Oregon.
Baptist Church Notes.
Services as usual in tbe Bavtist
church Sunday. Bible sobool at 10, a.
m. Pastor Ryder will preach io tbe
morning. In tbe evening tbe servioe
will be in union with the other con
gregations of tbe town st tbe Meth
odist churob. ' "
Heatherbloom petticoats in black, tan; brown and navy
blue; prices $1.60 to 4 dollars; also gingham petticoats
just ther thing ; for spring; prices;. 90c $1 CS, $1.25.Do
not -forget that we are headquarters for anything you
-want in - muslin 'underwear,- shirtwaists . and shirtwaist
; suits df ess: skirts in voile, panama, also in white linen.
Shoes;-Oxfords for ladies - and "children, a complete line.
losgToye Mercantile
I"!?!, Hnm rci n it "i"fi
I I : t il l I I r I'll II I I V ..
If WAv "xs -.v, w w jkjk xsyjmjuj arriving uany
For sale or rent. 640 acres in Whit
man county, Washington. A barsain.
investigate at once. , , - -
Richards & Kershaw.
We are now- showing the latest spring and sum
mer productions of the ; foreign and domestic mark
ietsi and -guarantee, our ; prices for the same qualities
of Merchandise ilower than all competitors.
i Silks ' Men's Suits
: 1 Striped Taffetas, Messalines, all colors Before making your spring purchase,
tPrinteci Foulards in great variety, Tokio look over our hand tailored Suits, very
and Rajah Pongees. latest color and cut. Price 12.5 0 to $25.
Wool Dress Goods v i -Men's . Shoes
' - Invisible stripes and plain effects, in We are now showing the new spring
i Browns, Greens,. Tans, Blues, "London, shapes in Yici Kid, Qun Metal,' Valour,
smoke and Philadelphia grays, at prices Calf, Patent leather, high or low cut.
to suit customers. Ladies Shoes
. Fancy WaistingS latest creations in Tan, Oxblood
..; Silk, wool Chiffons, plain 'and fancy or Black. High cut Oxfords or Pumps.
Netts. Also an endless; variety of white Kid or Colt skin. An endless variety. '
Westings in stripes and crossbar. MisSeS CS, ChildreilS Shoes
Ladies White Waists We can show you 40 different styles.
An immense big; variety just received Anything you want in children's foot-
. (rem 1 to 3.75 each. Values never be- wear, from 65c to $250 per pair,
fore seen in this city. " xi
... . Mens Furnishings
Ladies Furnishings New line of Dress Shirts with or with-
Laces, Bandings Ribbons and Gloves out collars. Well made. New patterns.
in all the latest fads and colors. Perfect fitting. ,
Ladies Neckwear Men's Neckwear
- Collar Rushings and Jabots to suit the Just received new line of Ties. Up to
most fastidious.' " . date colors and stripes. Prices 35 C& 50c