The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 07, 1909, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Preston-Parton Milling Company s
Arrangements Being Mader-Commit-tees
Appointed at Joint Meet
ing in Athena Saturday.
Flour ia made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest
and beat equipped mill in the west, of the best selected
Blueatem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home
industry. Your grooej sells American Beauty for
I $1.7
n ;
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers :
Athena. Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
Makes a Specialty of furnishing
Meat in Large Quantities.
First-class stock, Reasonble prices
Paints, Oils, Class
House Sign and Carriage Painting
E. TV Kidder, Mc Arthur Building
La War and Athena local Unions of
the Farmers Eduoational and Co-operative
Union of America, are busily
engaged in the perfection of prelimin
ary arrangements for the county
union's first annual pionio, whlob is
to bo held in Athena, at MoEwen
park, Saturday, May 22.
At a joint meeting of La Mar and
Athena Unions, held in this oitv last
Saturday afternoon, the following
committees were named:
General arrangements A. L. Swag
gart, George Carmioheal, Henry Soh
mitt. Finauoe G. W. Hansell, Cass Can
non, Wm. Tompkins, E. A. Dudley.
Program Clarence Conner, Helix;
F. A. Sykes, Miltou; James v Price,
Weston; J. T. Lieuallen, Adams;
Charles Gerking, Athena; A. L. Swag
gart ,La Mar; Mr. and Mrs. Carmioh
ael, La Mar; Charles Maskeiy. Pilot
Rock ; W. W. Harra, Pendleton ;
Charles Hill, Holdman.
Musio George Gerking, Miss Ella
Anderson, Miss Mary MoKionon, Jao
ob Booher. '-
Deooratiou George Sheard, Jaoob
Booher, D. C. Kirk, Miss Mary Mo-
Klnnon, Miss Ella Anderson, Miss
Lizzie Sheard, Miss Bessie Key, Ralph
Cannon, Marion Hansell.
Grounds Wm. Booher, Hugh Mo
Intyre, Alex Johnson, Cass Cannon,
Ad Pinkerton, G. M. Thompson, Uus
Those having the pionio in charge
want it understood that all who wish
may have camping privileges in the
park. This will prove a great con
venience to farmers and their families
who come from a distane. By leaving
their homes Friday, they can have the
pleasure of camping over nigbt at the
paik, or for that matter the nigbt
following the pionio, also.
It is probable that two , bands will
be seoured to furnish music. Negotia
tions are uuder way to seoure the ser
vices of the Athena Band and Pilot
Book having a good band, the Uniun
at that place, may decide to bring it.
The Unions will bear the expeuses
entailed in giving the pionioThere
will be no subscription paper circul
ated among the business men. Every
dollar used to oarry the big pionio' to
success, will come from the farmers
who are members of the different
Commercial Association Members Raise Funds and Now
Hold Property in Trust Until the City Votes to
Levy Tax to Purchase the Park.
City Evil eat Marke
J. II. STONE, Prop.
The Best Meat to be found in Town. Come and see
me. I will treat you right.
Demands Attention of Councilmen at
Regular meeting.
Sidewalks and stook running at large
within the city limits demanded prin
cipal attention of the councilmen at
the regular, meeting Monday nigbt.
Mavor MoEwen called lor a reading
of the ordinance which prohibits its
stock rnnnine at large, saying that
complaints to him regarding loose
stook were frequent. He instructed
the marshal to see that the ordinnnoo
was striotlv enf oroed hereafter.
Dilapidated sidewalks in front of
the Gilli? "property and the Douglas
property both on Fourth street and the
Lester Swaggart property on Third
street, were give special attention and
it was ordered that the respective own
era lie notified to rebnild them.
It was noted by the Mayor that a
cessation in cleaning up alleys was
atraarent. with the result that instruo
tions were given that ail alleys must
be oleaned up at onoe. f
Only four bills came beiore'tne
counoil. Three of these were for offi
cers salaries, the outsider being a
small one for the Athena Truck com
pany. The connoil will meet in
special session Friday nigbt to consid
er applications for near beer saloon
At the meeting of the Commercial
Association Tuesday evening the prin
cipal topio for disonssion was the ac
quisition of the site for aoity park,
offered by the Athoua Laud & Trust
Mr. Wilson and Mr. McEwen of the
company were both present, and stat
ed that the object ii offering the paik
to the city at cost was that they were
interested in seeing Atheua made a
better town and any progressive move
ment that helped Athena, would help
the company in the enterprise whiob it
bad undertaken. Mr. Wilson said bis
company offered the city 5 and one
tenth aores of ground, for park pur
poses only for the sum of $867. wbiob
was the aotual cost to the company
at this time.
The manner of securing the land
then oame up for disoussion. The pro
position of raising funds by popular
subscription to purchase the park and
deed it over to the oity, reoaived prao
tioaliy no support whatever, and was
superceded unanimously on the part
of the meeting by the proposal advan
ced that the city bny the park at the
cost above stated by the uaual method
of tax levy.
The arguments advanced in favor of
the oity as a whole buying the park,
were logioal in every sense. It was
shown that purohase by popular sub
scription method, would throw tho
burden on the business men and a few
proporty owners, while railroad prop
erty, the saloon buildings whiob are
owned by outside interests, and other
property owners, whose names iu the
past have always teen conspicuous by
absence from any subscription list
whatever, would pay nothing, but
still reap pro rata, any benefit wbiob
the town would derive from park con
Reoogoiziog that here was Athena's
only chance to proonre at a nominal
figure what is perhaps the finest site
for a park found anywhere in Eastern
Oregon. President Hawks of the Com
mercial Association, named Jtf. A.
Miller, J. E. Froome, F. B. Boyd and
David Taylor as a committee to se
cure signatures of property owners on
a joint note for the putpose of raising
tne amount asked by the Atbeua Land
& Trust company.
The committee seoured the necessary
signatures, borrowed the amount of
money from the First National Bank
of Athena, and when the papers are
made out and recorded, the park traot
will be deeded in trust to N. A. Miller
ohairman of the oommittee, until the
city votes to take over the property at
the next oity election.
The oondition on wbiob the Atbena
Land & Trust company sells the park
at aotnal cost is that it to be owned
by the city and maintained for and
used only for park purposes.
The reason that the transfer is made
to Mr. Miller in trust temporarily, is
that the land company, selling the
park at a low figure iu comparison
with prices for whiob other land in
the looality of the park will sell, was
not disposed to hold the offer open in
definitely, which would be until the
oity oould vote on the purohase ot the
land and make the levy. The nine
men who went on the note for the pur
ohase price, did so purely through
pnblio spiritedness, believing that
Atbena needs the park and should own
it in the nature of a valuable asset;
just the same as all progressive towns
and cities own and ooutrol parks for
the convenience and pleasure of the
public. '
This splendid property is looated in
the very heart of the famous "Rioh
ard's Grove." It is conveniently lo
oated, being just two blocks eouth of
Maiu street. The park contains 5 1-10
aores including the exteusiou of Third
street on the west and the extonsiou of
Fifth street on the east. It embraces
luxurious shade trees in plenty ; a creek
flows the entire length of the tract on
the north side, and the oontour of the
entile plot of land makes it possible of
securing pleasing landscape results.
Everybody, inolnding the obildren
and especially the obildren the
yonng folks and the old folks cf the
town are invited to join the park
cleaning brigade, armed with a gar
den rake, tomorrow (Saturday) after
noon, when all are to assist iu clean
ing up the new oity park. It is pro
posed to compine pleasure with tne
work, and so far as the obildren are
conoeroed the ocoasion will be de
voted to a sort of pionio. h is sug
gested that the sobool obildren ouap
eroned by the teaohers, congregate at
the park before the noon hour and en
joy a basket dinner, after which all
will tnrn to and assist in oleaning up
the park. No one is barred from as
sisting in cleaning up tbe park and it
is expected a large nnmber will be on
band duriDg the afternoon. Tbe oo
oasion will give a splendid opportun
ity for all to inapeot tbe new park and
enjoy the afternoon there.
Commercial Association Will Meet in
Home of Former Organization
Committees were Appointed.
Will be Assisted in Program, Sunday
Evening by B. Y. P. U.
Six Weeks' Session to Begin June 1
at the Weston Normal.
The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in
ce Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
?2S" Athena, Oregon,
The Epwortb League assisted by the
B. Y. P. U. will give a musical pro
gram at tbe M. E, Churob on Sunday
evening May 9th, from 7 to 8. This
date being tbeit 20tn anniversary.
Tbe program follows:
Voluntary - Mrs. H. E. Ryder.
Song Tbe Cloud and tbe Fire.
Prayer - Rev. Ryder.
Song The New Song.
Address Rev. Geiszler.
Song He Saves With Power Divine.
Message from Epwortb League to
b. y. p. u.
Duet - Sweet Will of God.
Norma Smith and Gertrude Booher.
Message from B. Y. P. U. to Ep
wortb League.
Song Jesus .Stood in tbe Shore.
Epwortb League roll oall.
Song In Bis Keeping.
B. Y. P. V. roll oall.
Song Hallelujah for tbe Blood.
White Steamer Burns.
Dave SHU of Freewater nearly lost
his new Wbite Steamer Sunday morn
ing ty fire. Tbe oil oaugbt fire some
bow and at first it was thought the
whole machine was gone but Mr. Still
with tbe help of D. J. Kirk who was
passing, managed to get tbe Ore out
Biter it bad done abont f 500 wortu ot
damage. Tbe machinery is tlonght
to be all right.
Concrete Walks.
Concrete walks are being puf down
on Alain street tnis ween, in iront or
tbe business property of Cbas. Norris
and David Taylor, tbe latter property
being oocupied by Dell Bros. Otber
Main street property owuers are also
considering replacing bond walks
with concrete.
A fairly good attendance of enthus
iastic boosters were seated in Masonio
Hall Tuesday evening, when President
Hawks oalled the second meeting of
there-organized Commercial Associa
tion to order.
Tbe committee appointed at the
previous meeting, to seoure a meeting
place for the Association reported. .
Three propositions were offered as
follows; 0. A. Barrett's proposal to
rent tne Commercial Association room
furnished with chairs, carpet, stove
light, and desk, for $6.50 per month;
H. O. Wortbington, unfurnished
building on Main street, $7 per month ;
A. B. MoEwen, Masonio hall, inolnd
ing janitor servioes, meetings on basis
of two meetings per month, at $8 per
Tbo matter of looation was discussed
at length. On motion it was decided
to choose between the Masonio Hall
and the Association room, tbe latter
carrying tbe privilege of meeting at
anytime, by ballot, with tbe result
that the former meeting plaoe was
selected. '..' .'
The oommittee on stationery sub
mitted for iuBpeotiou a design for let
ter heads, wbiob met with he appro
val of the Association. The question
of scouring an appropriate eleotrotype
for advertising purposes orr envelopes
was referred to the oommittee on ad
vertising It was proposed that suit
able literature setting forth the re
sources of Athena and tributary terri
tory, iuoluding tbe Athena Land &
Trust Company's sub-irrigated acre
traots, and a committee of two, H. A.
Barrett and N. A. Miller, was appoint
ed to solioit funds for publioity pur
poses. '
Tbe question of membership fees
was discussed, and tbe amouut charg
ed will bo decided at tbe next meeting
whiob will be Tuesday evening, May
Attorney Wilson stated that the O.
R. & N. company had ottered to dis
tribute any publioity matter wbiob
the association saw fit to furuisb and
a like offer was made by tbe Northern
Paoiflo through David Taylor.
The plan of securing tho park for tho
city from tbe Atbena Land & Trust
company resulted in the president
appointing N. A. Miller, J. E. Froome,
F. B. Boyd and David Taylor as a
oommittee to procure signatures to a
joint note for tbe purpose of seouring
$867, the amount needed as the pur
ohase prioe, and to have tho property
deeded in trust until such time us the
oity takes ownership. .
Must be Placed In an Easily Accessi
ble Position.
A summnr session of the Eastern
Oregon State Normal Sobool is an
nounced, to ocour soon after the an
nual commencement. Tbe session
openB June 1 and close July 10, and
tbe following courses are announced
by tbe management:
Methods ot Teaobiug.
Preparation for State Teacher's Ex
amination. Latin, Germai, Musio,
In addition, during tbe first two
weeks ot tbe session, instruction will
be given in 8tb grade work to pnpils
desiring it. Ibis will enable pupils
who failed al tbe May examination to
review in tbe necessary branobes for
the June examination.
An able corps of instructors will be
beaded by President Freuob. These
are Mr. aod Mis. J. O. Rossell, Mr.
Paul H. Wyman aod Mrs. A. Z.
Crayne. Mrs. Russell will have
obarge of tbe work in musio.
A large attendance is expeoted, and
Weston will be tbe center of much
ednoational interest during six of the
summer weeks.
Spokane Elects Democrat.
N. H. Pratt, demoorat nominee, de
feated J. T. Onto, republican, for
mayor of Spokane. Tuesday, by a ma
jority of from COO to 700. While
Pratt ran ou tbe democratic ticket,
he stood pledged to a nonpartisan
administration. Extraordinary inter
ect was taken io tbe contest from tbe
faot that Jbe issues were sharply
drawn between tbe liquor aud brew
ery interests, who supported Omo. and
tbe civio league and nonpartisan club,
composed largely of cborcb people,
and those opposed to wide open town
tendencies, who wero for Pratt. Omo
also bad the support of the t treet rail
way companies.
Unole Sam's mail routes are a great
convenience to patrons, and are really
run at a loss. In return he asks that
patrons-make things handy for the
oarriers. Below is an excerpt from an
official letter received by postmasters
handling rural route mail:
You are, therefore, directed to re
quire each rural carrier at your ofilce
to submit to you withont delay, for
transmission to tbe Department, tbe
names of all patrons whoso boxes can
cot be served without leaving tbe
road, dismounting, driving in deop
ditobea or on steep inclines, or pu or
across railway tracks involving dan
ger, or tbe approaches to whose boxes
are obstructed. It is not required that
boxes should be erected beside wheel
track?, nor on any particular corner
of tbo crossroads; but they must be
created witbiu the conflnos of tbe
road, and accessible, on any corner.
It is not desirable that toxes be at
tached to telegraph, (elepboue, or
electrio light poles, or to fonoes or to
buildings, bnt boxes should fce secure
ly fastened to neat and strong posts
firmly set at tbe eido of the roads, at a
sufficient height to bo served by car
riers witbont rising from their seats
or reaouing through wbeol spokes.
Milton Early Fruit.
That Milton is tbe earliest fruit
center in the Paoiflo northwest. wus
proved Monday morning when Joe
Irons picked a box of bright red straw
berries from his plaoe southwest of
tbe depot says a Milton item. ' Tbe
berries were of flrnt class quality and
had all tbe flavor that is found in the
later fruit. The box was wortb $1.
Strawberries in the vicinity of Milton
are ripening very fast and it will only
be a short time until large quantities
will be placed on tbe rnarkot.
s Athena's Big Sales Dav.
LvOaig posters annonnoing Athena's
aunnal sales day are being distributed
throughout tbe county. Tbe posters
announce that $9,000 wortb of prop
erty inclnding 60 bead of horses, new
buggies, wagons, etc, will be offered
for sale to the highest bidder in this
oity Saturday, May IS. Tbe men
having tbe salo in obarge bavo all
necessary arrangements made, and
every indication points to success.