Press Paragraphs - ). C. Kirk was iu towu Wednesday, from Weston. Mr?. Jones visitod her miliuery store at Echo yesterday. . Coffee that's all coffee Seal Brand For sale ODly at Taggait's. - , F. K. Noordhoff of the Pendletou Academy was in the city Tuesday. Miss Kathleen McEweu was the guest of Pendleton friends Friday. I. M. Kemp and Will Jamieson drove over from Weston yesterday. . Richards went Wednesday ere- Mr. and Mrs. B. B, over to Walla Walla mug. ' - , ; . Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Burke and eon lioy attended the Burke-Stroble wed ding bt Pendleton, Tuesday. Mrs. Lizzie Jones has some beauti ful pattern bats just arrived this week Gall and see the latest styles. . Miss Katherine Froome was com pelled to miss school several days on account of a severe bilious attack. . . Try Swifts Premium Ham's and Ba con. Their sugar cured flavor lasts a long time ,v:,; T. M. Taggart & Co. Aosou Wood has purchased a Max well automobile, and for the time be ing has given np the plow to master bie buzz wagon. . Sim Cully, the Weston merchant, ?bo is closing but his stock with the object ot engaging in farming, was in town Wednesday. . Willie MoEaohorn arrived in tbe city yesterday from np in Washington, . and is visiting tor a few days with his mother, Mrs. Etta MoEacbern, in this "Ky- ;. :. . J y f; -J'yA 'JSyOuo of the O. K. & N. compuuy's new gasoline motor cars passed through Atbeua this forenoon and its passing attracted quite a crowd at -the sta tion. with from Waits burg to "Toppenisb, Wash., where he will go into the confection er's business. Mr. aud Mrs. Gua Volmer and Mr. id Mrs. Shaffer, came down from Waitsburg .by auto a few days ago. Mr. aud Mrs. Volmer were entertaiued at the Tompkins home. - Mrs. JiilUe Miller has received la new lot of hair goods, rolls, switches, etc. With tbe present mode of arrang ing tbe hair, these articles are absol utely essential to all ladies. One of the longest hauls of flour to the domestio trade from the Preston , Parton mills was sent out this week. Tbe shipment, consisting of one-carload was billed to New Bedford Mass. The damage to fruit iu tbe Walla Walla valley as tbe result of frosts is not so great as at first reported. Wheat in this vicinity was not injured but in some looailties early garden truok was nipped. pRov. H.. E. Ryder gave his illus- rated lecture, "Seeiug New York," at tbe Baptist church Tuesday evening to an . appreciative audience. Tbe pictures were excellent and the leoture very instructive.. -.- Mrs. Lillie Millet's millinery win dows show a constantly changing pan orama of new hats eaob week, hats being sold as fast as tbey arrive. Tbe latest in pattern bats and large frames for girls arrived this week Report says that Charles Gay, bis family, has recently moved er t A?.1 Tonight Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis will lecture on "Signs of Chaiacter in Faoe, Walk, Handshake, etc" Do you know a man when you see uiui? Are you easily taken in? You should bear this lecture. It is free. - - Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis will leoture to women only, Saturday night. The subjeot will be, "MotDerbood and Dress Improvement.". This will be of untold value to mothers. Every woman in Atbena should bear it. CAtbena is to have a laundry. Mrs. Minnie Baker has sent for machinery for both washing aud ironing which is now on tbe load and as soon as its ar rival will be set in operation at her residence on High streetThe ma Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Kidder are in tho city from Pendleton visiting at tbe home of their son, G. B. Kidder. Mr. Kidder may deoide to purchase a tract of land from tbe' Athena Land & Trust company and come here to reside. ' . Miss Maud Sherman reoently closed a successful term of school in tbe Waterman district north - ot town. Miss Sherman is one of tbe most care ful and painstaking teachers in tbe county and deserves the success attend ing her efforts. - ';7 r, - XAthena ia destiued to be noiibed as a ceuter for breediug tborougbtred poultry. A number ot persons here are giving attention to thoroughbred fowls, tbe principal breeds at present being Rhode Island Reds, Buff Or pingtons aud Barred Plymouth Rook's. Rer. Currev.aud family of Weston will make their borne ia Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Carrey aud daughter Bernice have already gone to the Sound city, while Miss Uarda and Ben will join the family at the end of the present term of the normal sohool. v .: At the Dime touigbt and tomorrow night a most interesting program is promised by Manager Tbarp. The films to be produced will Bhow "Tbe Need of Gold;" "Laughing Gas;" 'The Sheath Gown;'"'The Polioeman Bafflled," and the song, "Whe-i I Am Away From You Dear. " XVill Pinkerton and family are again UUUJUUA1CU ah IUC U1U LIULXJO uuitunoai. of town. Mr. Pinkerton disposed of his Milton land purohase after owning it but four mouths at an advance of $6,000. He bas purchased the Noab Remillurd place on the reservation, containing 181 acres for $15,000. Tbe announcement is made that Atbeua people are shortly to be favor ed by tearing a lectuie delivered by tbe well known minister, Victor Dor is. This lecture will be given some time between the 10th and 1 5tb of May, aud will be highly appreciated by the thinking people of the city. . W. E. Dobson, who has beeu ailing for some time, went to Portland Sun day where he is receiving medical treatment from Dr. A. B. Stone. Liver complaint, complicated with a growth in tbe left side is reported to be Mr. Dobson's affliction. It is tbongbt that an operation will not be necessary in bringing about Mr. Dob- n's reoovory. Mrs. Cordelia Waterman, well known in Atbena, died at tbe home of her son in Spokane, yesterday, aged 86 years, five months and 13. days. The funeral 6ervioes. will be held iu this city tomorrow a 10:15 a. in. at the Methodist Episoopal church. Mrs. Waterman lived in and near Athena for many veers. -After tbe death of her bustand in this city several years ago, she removed to Spokane, Where sbe has since resided. East Oregonian: One of tbe most nnique revival meetings held in the world will be commenoed at tbe Tutu ilia Presbyterian church on tbe Umatilla Iudiau reservation April 28 to last until May 5. It will be attend ed by the Christianized Indians from Oregon, Washington and Idaho tribea and will be made a great event among tbe Indians of tbe northwest. When you bur coffee at random you sometimes set just as good as we can give you and sometimes yon dont. It is largely a matter of obanoe. When you buy Cbase & Sanborn's High Grade Brands of lis you' get the best that can be produced. The same to day tomorrow, all the time. They never . vary. T. M. ..Taggart . & Co, Sole Agents. , Monday night at the Dime ' will be devoted to the benefit of the . Atbena Band. Tbe proceeds of tho evening will be given over to the, purchase of uniforms for the organization. Tbe entertainment will consist of selections by (he band, interspersed with moving picture soenes. -. Tbe prion of admis- siou has been placed at 15 ani 25 cents Tbe band boys will sell tickets for tbe entertainment.;.' Buy one. v Leonard Thomas, formerly v a. pupil in the Atbena sohool,' has beet) report ed to tbe Press as in a serious condi tion. He reoently underwent an oper ation for tuberoulosis of the .boues of the arm, and may likely lose a -hand. It is said the disease is Spreading n tbe bones of the leg also. Leonard resides with his parents in Waitsburg, and was popular with Atbena young people during bis residence here, obines will be run by electricity, and Mrs. Baker will, shortly vbe pre pared to take care of all the laundry work to be obtained in Atbena, Wes ton and Adams. Sbe will employ competent help and will run a regular laundry wagon to tbe two neighboring towns mentioned. Tbe Press bespeaks for tbe lady liberal patronage, as this is an industry loug needed iu Atbena, ana Mrs. Baker's enterprise deserves commendation aud encouragement. "When Patty went to College" a splendid play, will be given at the Opera House this evening with Pen dleton Academy student in the oast. The play was given at Pendleton last Friday evening. ' It was well present ed and pleased a large audience. The piece is a clear, high class comedy, depiotmg amusing situations in oollege life, aud is fresh and eutertaiuiug. Miss Jessica McEweu ot this city is iu the oast. 'liokets for 'tonight's play are on sale at Dell Bros' store. ... TAG6ARTT0 MANAGE BALLTEAM Athena Coifs Give Pendleton Hard Jlun In Sunday Game. - ' arpets and We beg to announce tbe arrival of our Spring line of carpets and rugs. Mr -Mann, our Carpet Manager, spent sev3ral weeks in New York selecting only tbe best of the new creations, so that we can offeor yuu a most sup erb variety of beautiful and exclusive patterns A more handsome and select stock of both carpets ,aud rugs could not be found Embracing as it, does many particularly new designs aad coloring effects in Oriental Flora " aud Domestic designs, this splendid showing covers every thing iu the most reliable carpot styles ".' We not only have by far the most complete line iu ibe Inland Empire, bnt we guarantee you perfect satisfaction and finished workmanship or refund purchase price You are always welome to come to our store and look around whether you want to buy or not but should you buy we will prepay tho freight to your station, if your purchase amounts to $10 or over The Davl's-Kaser Company Complete Home & House Furnishers Walla Walla, Wash (The home of Greater Whitman) Branch Store at Pasco, Wash. , M. Taggart has been selected, as the man to mauag ihe - Athena--bae J ball team tbis .season.. The team is composed of clever i players and -in Sunday's game at Pendleton, tbe Colts gave the bard bitting Indians a close run for tbe game which ended with a score of 7 to 8., - i -. i i. y La Brasobe, Athena's nifty pitcher and Lawrence Lieuallen, made a stiff battery for tbe Colts, while Hutobin sou and Baker were in the points for Pendleton. Errors figured prominently on both side, a total of 20 being re corded 10 for eaoh side. However tbis is to be expected tbis early in tbe season. Tbe game was interesting from start to finish and tbe large .crowd iu at tendance was liberal with its vocifer ous rooting. Tbe Colts are sobeduled to ' play iu Pilot Rook Sunday, where they will co against Charley Mask rev V swift bnnob. Pendleton Cleaning & Dye Works W. SULLIVAN. Prop. LADIES' FINE GARMENTS OUR SPECIALTY Hatters All Kinds of Hat Work, including Stiff, Soft and Panama Hats. Special Attention given to Gent's Clothes If you want Good Work, call us up We Clean Lace and Chenille Curtains, Furs, Kid Gloves, Feather Boas, in fact almctt everything. Evening Gown Party Dresses Cleaned on Short Notice.- . 206 ALTA STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON. Telephone Main 169 Burke-Stroble." Viotor Burke of tbis city, and Miss Josephine Stroble of Pendleton, were united in marriage in that oity Tuesday, Father Durgan of the Catholic church performing the oer emouy before relatives aud friends of the bride and groom. After tbe wed ding a splendid dinner was served at the Stroble home. VTbe groom is well known in this city. He is tbe eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke and holds a responsible position with tbe Standard Lumber Co. of Pendleton. Tbe bride is one of Pendleton's favor ite daughters, and is highly respected. Mr. and Mrs. Burke are at present visiting at the Burke borne iu this city, after spending a short time lu Walla Walla. They will make their borne in Pendleton. vj iuuio larnjera. t of the cow and sheep Is carefullr rained and discussed, but oftentimes horse's feed Is Just all the hay he ear ana various quantities of corn oats, according to the work belne fe. Although oata and hny are ideal H, they should not be fed excluslve- Illorses like a variety pn .. any other animal. Good timothy, & cut and well cured, is tba hit for horses, but many fannert feed mucn nay. If the horse is exDect- p do extra hard work be should be any ana frequently fed. It is best ater horses as they come In from or before feeding. If watered after feeding, tbe stomach, being I name ro re partially emptied te water of the nnAicaaton causes bowel trouble or lost of larmatfs Dept. Store. I ks I llew Arrivals Fig . A complete up-to-date line of mimr Any Style, Any Price, Any Size. We arc Headquarters for Embrorderies, Floun cing sets, Laces of all kinds, cMovers, Nettings and Dress trimings. Fancy Buttons all sizes and all kinds. LAC CURTANS we have a superb stock at prices from 60c to $3.50 e ;&Have th'eG lis BJBB jEosaiwe i mercantile New Spring Goods are arriving Daily Company New Spring Goods are arriving Daily We are now showing the latest spring and sum mer productions of the foreign and domestic mark etsand guarantee our prices for the same qualities of Merchandise lower than all competitors. tnem plant! To the g fornia by all t 1 Thet Pi! S ;.uh end fl wear OS V Mle - - California Raisin Day. California invites all tbe world to eat California raisins on April 30tb every day, for that ' matter, but par ticularly on April 80tb which bag been added to tbe calender of festival occasions as a ' day of rejoicing. Eat California rajuiua qo "CaltfPUila fio Pay." Arril sots! THE B. & H. TRADING ST. I EVERY CASH PUBS : Silks I Men's Suits 1 Striped Taffetas, Messalines, all colors Before making your spring purchase, 1 Printed Foulards in great variety, Tokio look over our hand tailored Suits, very , and Rajah Pongees. ' latest color and cut.- Price 12.5 0 to $25. , 4 Wool Dress Goods ' Men's Shoes Invisible stripes and plain effects, in We are now showing the new spring Browns, Greens, Tans, Blues, London shapes in Vici Kid, Gun Metal, Valour smoke and Philadelphia grays, at prices Calf, Patent leather, high or low cut. to suit customers. Ladies Shoes Fancy WaistingS We latest creations in Tan, Oxblood i. Silk, wool Chiffons, plain and fancy or Black. High cut .Oxfords or. Pumps. etts. Also an endless variety of white Kid or Colt skin. An endless variety. Waistings in stripes and crossbar. Misses CS ChildrenS Shoes Ladies White WaiStS We can show you 40 different styles. An immense big variety just received Anything you want in children's foot- from 1 to 3.75 each. Values never be- wear, from 65c to $2.50 per pair, fore seen in this city. Men's Furnishings Ladies Furnishings New line of Dress Shirts with or with- i ' Laces, Bandings Ribbons and Gloves out collars. Well made. New patterns. ! in all the latest fads and colors. Perfect fitting. , Ladies Neckwear Men's Neckwear t " " Collar Rushings and Jabots to suit the- Just received new line of Ties. ; Up to i 'most fastidious. date colors and stripes. Prices 35 m 50c l ' " ' ' E ....... w l f. - - ,. ., r . . -