The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 09, 1909, Image 4

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Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F.B.Boyd, Publisher.
Application for entrance as 2nd class matter
made on July 5,
1907 at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon
Under an Actol Congress of March 3, 1879
Subserl tlon Ttatei :
p r year. In advance.
Single copies in wrappers, 5c,
ATHENA. ORE.. tAPRlL 9....... 1909
Canada baa a problem In its Senate.
Aa at present constituted it is an ap
pointed not an eleoted body, and tbe
appiontments are for life. If either
of the two parties remains in office
a long time naturally the political com
plexion of the senate changes, for the
vacancies caused by death or resigna
tion are filled by appointees of tbe
same politics as the government. The
result is not good and there is much
dissatisfaction ever it. Now the sen
ate is considering a plan of having
two-thirds of its membership eleoted.
The idea is to have eaoh province
divided into senatorial distriots, the
uumbor in each proviuoe to be deter
mined by its population.
The Oregon's Teaohers Monthly is
endeavoring to secure an expression
from tbe teachers and county school
superintendents of the stare as to their
ohoioe for state superintendent. It is
understood that J. H. Aokerman will
not be a oandidate for reelection. The
county sohool superintendents have
been first requested to name their
ohoioe and those will be considered as
nominations. The names of thoso nom
inated by the superintendents will
then be published in tbe monthly and
the teaohers of tbe entire state request
ed to vote upon them. Tbe names of
the voters are not to be given out.
Whatever view may be held as to
woman suffrage it is clear that tbe
present movement having for its object
the scouring of tbe suffrage has passed
the age when it onu be treated with
ridioule or as an inconsequential mat
ter. With Sweden, Australia and
New Zealand granting tbe suffrage
within the last yar, with woman suff
rage in four of our own states, and
with aotivity and influence displayed
in Great Britain, certain it is that the
demands now being made upon many
of our state legislatures to grant votes
to women, have an- insistenoe and
force never before seen.
Port Orford Tribuue: Addison Ben
nett is writing a Beriea of ai tides from
Coos Bay. He graciously gives them
10 feet of water on the bar and about
all the Port Orfoid cedar in existence,
ignorautiy ignoring tbe f aot that there
is twice as muob iu Currv county, and
that Port Orford harbor has twice 40
feet, wbiob is the gift of God.
Carl Haborluoh is the scoretary of
IS) cheese factories and sevoral small
dairies iu Tillamook county, repre
senting about IKiO dairymou. He
baudled more cheese than any oue else
iu Oregon last year, the amount being
2,0?3,3!0 pounds valued at if 359,355. -20
being two thirds of the output of
Tillamook county.
A youug muu formerly residiug iu
Eugene aud boarding at u hotel left
iu September 1007. He returned tho
other day aud when he went to tbo
hotel for breakfast he banded the clerk
a meal ticket issued to bim shortly. be
fore be left and wbiob contained space
for one meal whioh bad not been pun
ched. He bad kept the ticket in bis
pooket for over a year and a half to
use in case be should ever return there.
That man ought to get rich, says tbe
A strange case of loss ot memory
was solved recently in Milwaukee,
when William Childs, aged 35, after
having been mourned as dead for two
years, suddenly recovered bis memory
upon bearing tbe click of a photo
grapher's camera. Tbe sound brought
baok to bim that he was once a dealer
in photographio supplies in Btooklyn,
N. Y. He says that something snap
ped in his head two years ago and he
does not remember now anything that
has happened during that period.
Statistics by the Medford Commer
cial club show that 75 per oent of tbe
newoomers into tbe northwest during
tbe past year turned to farming, stook
raising and dairying, while of tbe
others more than 50 per oent took up
orcharding and chicken raising in
districts tributary to the settled communities.
An Ohio minister says kissing is
worse than drinking whiskey. His ex
perience might be interesting.
Count Boni agrees with Carnegie that
it is more diffloult to keep a fortune
than to acquire it.
It has been a souroe of personal
pleasure to know that some of our en
terprising citizens bave commenced
boosting for Athena. A publio park
that sounds good. But it is a cause
for regret that we must record tbe fact
that some bave gotten out their little
hammers and commenced "knock
ing." Too bad we bave noplace of
confinement to put tbe knookeis. But
who would be door keeper? Let us
confess that we are too muob inolined
to knook knook on enterprise, knook
our merobauts in fact knook every
thing but the thing that needs Knock
ing, and then when someone has the
"giit" to knook the thing, that neeas
it, someone at once begins to knook on
Yes tbe park is all right, so is
Athena. True there is room for im
provement. What shall we do to
bring it about? One tbingia to put up
little hammer and get out aood old
fashioned iaok screw and. go to boost
ing. Why not bave good sobools and oth
er good thing? that will bring the peo
ple baok. They bave not lett because
tbey did not like the town or country.
I have talked to people who bave left,
and they bad rather live in Atbena
than anywhere else; but some things
must be improved or it is impossible.
Lots make tbe changes. Lets fill up
the empty houses, No, Atbena is not
dead. She has just beeu asleep. She
is now wakiug from her slumbers.
With a good park, the coming eleo
trio Hue, and better sobools, .a boost
ing, hopeful population, a graveyard
full of knockers, we would have the
best community ou earth. Lets have
it. Every body boost.
U. Gesagen.
Tbe good effects of freab air in
health building are so oommouly un
derstood that tbe really beneficial idea
of exercise in tbo outdoor air is some'
times overlooked. Tbe open window
will not alone build up weakened
bodies or impoverished lungs. To get
the best effects of fresh air iu the lungs
the oue exercise free to all not physi
cally incapacitated is walking. Yet
few will walk where tbey can ride and
fewer still are in tbe babit of walking
for its bygienio value.
In the Spokane country there are
few days in the year when one need
be kept under shelter by heavy snow
or raiu or discouraged from exeroise
Correct Sprin
Sbe who desires to be well dressod, aud who at the same time Is
wistful of exorcising due regard lor eoouoiuy, will be pleased to kuow
that this store has always bad distinction of showing first, and at tbe right
time tbe uew, moat exclusive, most original styles eaoh season offers, iu
superior assoitmout, and always at a modest ptioe.
Stylo is something you can readily see here, but quality is something
that you have to take the stores word for, until you have proven yourself.
Therefore it's up to you to deal with tbe store that has a prentation for
dependable, trust-worthy merchandise, aud open, houest methods.
Iu piece goods aa ia ready-to wear good, this store ia now showing
the largest aud most metropolitan stocks of spring fabrics iu approved
A visit to the store at this season of the year is very con
vincing of the stors's superiority in Assortments,
Styles. Qualities, and Lowness of Prices.
Where it pays to trade.
by exoessive beat. .
Bat there is little bygienio value in
bustling through the. crowded; down
town streets and , breathing the dusty
air, with thousands of others. r Tbe
walk that; counts is one that carries
tbe pedestrian up the bill to a higher,
purer atmosphere or- over the sod f a
nearby woods or country roads, where
there are no impure exhalations and
tbe dust of travel does not treacb. Tbe
smell of the wood, of tbe grass, of tbe
flowers, of tbe soil itself is invigor
ating. In tbe winter the sharp, frosty
breath of the enow carries health
building properties.
Brisk walking in tbe fresh air is tbe
surest cure for lassitude, is the most
healthful appetizer ,for the daily meals
and tbe nightly rest. The worries of
the day may be smoothed over in the
oool evening stroll, tbe duties of the
day mapped out' in a brisk , morning
jaunt. Tbe . effects of the walking
babit will be discovered in the nerve
system, in the digestive organs, in the
quickening of tbe brain faculties, as
tbe babit grows, just as surely, as it
builds up mpsolea and health. -Spokesman
The country seems to liave the im
pression that Congress, at tbo reoent
short session, fixed tbe President's
salary at f 75,000 a year and also allow
ed bim $25,000 a year for traveling
expenses. It increased his salary to
$75,000, but it cot off tbe $25,000 an
nually for traveling expenses which
bad been allowed . President Koosevelt
for three years. So in the "long run"
Mr. Tatt would not be any better off
financially than his predecessor if he
should do a . great; deal of traveling.
The. increase, in. salary- went into
effect March ij while tbe, appropria
tions of $25,000 for traveling expenses
made foi the current fiscal year runs
until tbe first day of Jply. Mr. Roose
velt, between July 1 last year and
March 4 tbU year spent $9000 for
traveling, and bo Mr( Taft found a
balance of $16,000 in the fund when
he entered offioe. He may spend all
of that amount in travel between now
and July 1, if be shall choose, but,
with Congress on bis bands, be is not
plauning to make any long trips.
The new.- President likes to travel,
and the prediction there is that be will
very likely use up most of tbe inorease
in salary in going about. In tbe old
days a President, could travel exten
sively without any; drain on his own
financial resources, but he cannot do
it now. The railroad-rate law applies
to him as foroibly as to the most
bumble citizen of tbe land, and wben
ever be tases a railroad: trip he must
pay bis fare, and be must also bear tbe
expenses of the Government employes
be takes with bim. Mr. Taft's closest
friends say he would: like, to make at
lesat one long "swing around the
oirole" eaoh year; and they understand
it is bis fixed determination to make
one or two trips to the Panama Canal
during bis administration. He had
planned to make a trip to Alaska this
summer, but the talk about tbe White
House now is that he will probably not
go, or at least that no plans , will be
perfected until Congress disposes of
the tariff and goes. home. Boston
The tomato oan but will it?
The cheaper 'the shoes, the louder
tbe sqneak.
Tbe wife of a henpeoked Husband is
usually set in her ways.
The man who persistently sits down
is sure to become hard up.
No matter how well, mother may
feel sbe is continually on tbe mend.
It ia important to bave dear vision.
Even tbe potato must bave sound eyes.
Neither a boil nor a oabbage amounts
to anything unless it comes to -a bead.
If young Spendthrift - would settle
down be might soon be able to settle
up. ,
One of tbe most insidious and unex
pected forms of attaok, is to tread up
on a taok.
You oan always gauge tbe import
ance of a man by the angle at wbiob
he wears bis hat.
There is quite a ' difference between
the door-jamb and the jam mother
used to make.
"There is the wieok of timet" ex
claimed Jones as bis olook fell from
tbe second story.
There are no stripes on a flagstone
but if one falls on it bard enough be
will be likely to see stars.
Some of tbe neckwear worn by fash
ionable young men is so loud that you
oan hear it in the next blook,
Most anybody can retail butter, eggs
and vegetables, but we have never
met a man smart enough to retail a
Sometimes when a woman throws a
briok at an old hen in the garden, it
la harder on the scenery than it is on
the hen.
The best way to cultivate an appe
tite is to cultivate a field, and then
you will have both an appetite and the
wherewithal to appease it.
Some folks bave rats la their garrets,
some have rats in their cellars, while
not a few young ladies have good sited
rata in their hair.
Do you ever see a man on tbe rail
way train wbo ia all bows and smiles
to obanoe acquaintances, and wbo will
ride twenty or forty miles beside his
wife without more than a word or two
of conversation? Unfortunately there
are a few such men ; but uone, we hope
among Our Folks.
We repair all kinds of fine and com
plicated watches. Repeaters, Chrono
graphs. Chiming aud Cuckoo Clocks.
Try u. II. H. HILL. Jeweler Palace
Drug Store.
We have, jnst received a
new line of Men's Furnish
ings consisting of bats socks
neck ties, suspenders, hand
kerchiefs, collars, cuffs.
u 11
j i i i
( . L " "
umtrm in r
Coffee ta Ihs morning b
fctst whennadef romoiseof
Chau Jk Sanborn' .
Htehdnde Coffees.
from tnt Kieo
timuif thchtrr
to the nUdnrla tha
Mclcae .which vou bm.
If jroa appreciate fin
Cofiee,eff eof clsarcolor
. d delicate aroma noo
bat Cm a Sanboro'i
"l : ye
.... i
1 J; I
ll t
Why you should deal with
T. M. Taggart & Go.
1 Quality. 2 Snappy Styles.
4 Honest Value. 5 Good Service.
We are offering this week 25
,Boys Ever Day Suits at the
small price of
! M cacti
Canned Goods., Have you tried
them. They are unexcelled by
any on the market.
The place to save for cash.
Hardeman Hats
131 "Vj,
Boys Suits
" h mb mm isHHMMSMHMMsnMPas"'
Soldier Balks Death Plot.
It seemed to A. J.' Jackson a civil war
veteran of Kemp Tex., that a plot exis
ted between a desperate lung trouble
and ; the grave to cause his death,
I contracted a stubborn cold; be writes
that developed a cough that stuck to
me, in. spite of all remedies, for years.
My weight ran down to 130 pounds,
then I began to use Dr. Kings New Dis
covery, wbiob restored my health com
pletely. I now weight 178 pounds.; For
severe Cold, obstinate Coughs .. Hemor
rhages, ABtbma, and to prevent Pneu
monia it's -uniivaled., 50o. and $1.00.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Pal
aoe Drug Co.
For health and happiness DeWitts
Liittle Eraly Risers small, gentle,
easy, pleasant little liver pills, tbe
best made. Sold by Palace Drug Co. ,
! Washinirtoii OuceGave.lIp
to , tbiee doctors; was kept in bed for
five weeks. Blood poison from a spideis
bite caused large,, deep sores tooover
his leg, Tbe Dr. failed, then Bucklens
Arnica Salve completely, cured me,
writes J. Washington, of Bosqueville,
Tex.-. For eczema, boils, burns, piles
its; supreme. . 250. at Palace Drug Co's.
K "' THE. .
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
It the only one that oan accommodate
commercial travelers.
Can bieoomendd for Hb clean and
well ventilated rooms.
-The Old Standby"
Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank-
With which has been Consolidated The Commercial National ; -. :
Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million and a.Half.
Capital, Surplus and Profits, Nearly
4 per cent Interest
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
Paid on Time Deposits.
T, J. MORRIS, President, A. D. SLOAN, Vice-President;
W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Ass'. Cashier,
W. S. BADLEY, Ass't Cashier.
urn- s; m nd
Everything- First
Class - Ho.detn
and Up-to-date
During the months of March and
April we will give away one fine
Sewing Machine
to the person paying us the largest
account during these two cTVIonths