Wk SttaK tm AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July 6, 1907 at the postoffice at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1879 Subaorl Hon Hatet : p r year, tn advance 12.00 Slnif le copies In wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE.. MARCH 12 1909 Iowa has twice as many swine as any other state in the union, according to statistics wbiob the department of agriculture has just compiled. Tbe department estimates from its reports that ou January 1 Iowa bad 7,008,000 swine, valued at $63,261,000. Illinois, tbe next nearest state to Iowa, is cred ited with only 4,428,000 valued at $31, 606,000, or less than half the wealth of bogs owned by Iowa farmers. Nebras ka ranks third with 3,904,000 swine, valued at $22,304,000. The Hawkeye state also leads tbe nation in tbe value of its rattle. New York alone exceeds Iowa in tbe number and value of her milob cows, and Texas stands first, with Iowa second, in number and value of other than milch cattle, but Iowa is ahead of tbem all in total val ue of all classes of cattle, in milob cows Texas ranks but ninth, while in other classes of cattle New York stood only twentieth among tbe states. Wis consin is third in milob cows, Illinois, fourth and Pennsylvania fifth. Third plaoa for all other cattle goes to Kan sas, fourth to Nebraska aud fifth to Illionis. Tbe Echo Register boosts after tnis maunei. "It is just this way: you can be broke, idle, worthless, you can be a knooker, a kioker and a stumbling block, a disgrace to your own name and as near a bum as tbe law allows right here in Eobo. Certainly. How ever, if you desire to work, have a home or to be a eelf-rospeoting citizen there are opportunities knocking at your door every morning before break fast. Tbey troop in after supper aud they wake you up in the night. A wooden man never improves his con dition, bat obauges only in gettiug weather-stained. Echo offers live men with little means exceptional oppor tunities. Those without means can work foi some." For once ttie interstate commerce commission has rendered a decision that pleases everyoue. We refer to tbe oelebrated Spokane rate case, wbioh has involved all of tbe principles of rate tnakiug .and now after 26 mouths of deliberation a decision is reaobed so that nil parties are pleased. Spo kane has wnu a viotory and tbe Port laud aud Seattle jobbers claim tbe validity of water competition, wbioh gives thorn special rates, is sustained. Wbat ever reduced rate Spokane sno oeeds in obtaining, means other iuland shipping points will in time bo bene fited in a similar way. Present ounditious indicate that Gil liam oouuty's wheat crop for the year lt)0t) will greatly surpass all former records, says tbe Ooudon Ulote. Gil liam couuty ootnptises 090,000 acres, of whioh 500,000 are tillable aud about 25,000 acres are iu wheat. In 1007, with 125,000 aoresin cultivation, the couuty turned off 3,350,000 bushels of grain, and as bettor farming methods now prevail it is expected that if the season continues propitious the output this year may reaoh 6,500,000 bushes. Mr. Watteison's paper the Louis ville Courier Journal, says that "there are rascals, fools and liars who dare to say that a man may be a Prohibi tionist and remaiu a Demoorat" There must be many euuh down south. But isn't the colonel becoming Koose-veltian? Tbe adoption of the electric furnace in large steel operations is expected to meet tbe demand for the rail tough enough to bear the strain of highspeed in tbe largest freight engines. Great possibilities are still bidden in all forms of applied electricity. Fred Hawkinson, a laborer, stealing a ride on a Burlington train, saved a Cbioago-Omaba flyer from destruction by climbing over tbe tender of a looo motive from which the engineer and fireman bad been thrown and stopping the runaway. A Cuban congressman Das introduced a bill to prohibit tbe ownership by aliens of laud in tbe island. If aliens are also segregated in the schools Cuba will feel that it is getting right into the current. Specimens of all of Luther Bur banK's wonderful vegetable creations will be shown at tbe Alaska-Yukon-Paolfio exposition iu Seattle this sum mer, among them tbe spineless edible caotus. Senator Tillman remarks that he will "keep right after the president." The senator seems to realize that he is several laps behind. Now poor Lo has disappeared from tbe 1-oent pieoe, aud Lincoln's bead takes bis plaoe. This is a high honor for tbe bumble coin. A palm whioh grows in South America has a leaf measuring 50 feet long and is 12 feet broad tbe largest in tbe world. Noiseless powder may have its uses but at a celebration it would be as muoh out of plaoe as in a frontier melodrama. A SCATTERING SHOT. Every resident of this' community is in debt to the community. We owe it to the uommunity to make it the very best in the state. We can do it I How? you ask. By oleauing up your own door yard. This has a double meaning, both figurative and literal. Figuratively, it refers to your moral life. Every, man who loafs around the streets and squirts tobaoco juice on tbe sidewalks, to emphasize a poiut in a tiltby story is helping to lower the standard of tbe community. Clean up your own life and you will help to clean up your town. JMow, literally, we could improve tbe town if every one would contribute bis part to cleaning up rubbish about tbe home. Now one can walk along the streets and see everything from, tin oans to dead oats. Does that sound good? "Not very," you say. Well, then clean up. Health must be considered, both moral and pbysioal and we might add, intellectual. The Press has touched our school question iu a oommondable way. May I add a word? To say nothing of Athena's empty bouses because our sobool is below standard, is it not a crime to let boys and girls grow up in iguoranoe when there is no possible reason for it. It is not a laok of mon ey, it is a lack of interest. Are you interested in your boy or girl? This is "just a scattering shot, from my old shot gnu. If it doesn't bit tbe mark, I will get down my rifle next time. U. Gesagen. Correct Sririn Styles She who desires to be well dressed, and who at the same time is wistful of exercising due regard for economy, will be pleased to know that this store has always had distinction of showing first, aud at the light time the uew, most exolnsive, most original styles eaoh season offers, in superior assortment, aud always at a modest price. Style is something you can readily see here, but quality is something thut you have to take the stores word for, until you have proven yourself. Thorefore it's up to you to deal with the store that has a preutation for dependable, trust-worthy merohaudise, and open, honest methods. Iu pieoe goods as in ready-to wear goods, this store is now showing the largest and most metropolitan stocks of epriug fabrics in approved styles. A visit to the store at this season of the year is very con vincing of the store's superiority in Assortments, Styles. Qualities, and Lowness of Prices. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it pays to trade. ANOTHER STONE AGE COMING. The extravagance of 'Americans in building with wood is well known by the statistics of losses by flrel Our per capita loss is nearly eight times tbat of Europe, though we have tbe best fire fighting apparatus in the world. Tbe reason is tbat .brick and stone are - more extensively used abroad. "."'"'' -- It is fortunate that oement is com ing into favor for general building purposes, for wood, always expensive on acoount of it) oombustibility and poor wearing qualities, is no longer obeap at tbe start and is sure to rise rapidly in cost Moreover, if tbe waste should continue another 30 years, no timber would remain. Tbat oement is destined to find al most universal use in building, every one believes who has given attention to tbe subject. In tbe produotion of oement tbe United States has come to the front since tbe Columbian expo sition when Germany was supreme. Id 1880 this country produced 150,000 barrels, and in 1907 tbo amount was 49,000,000. The figures for last year promise to show an astonishing in crease. To tbe reenforoed oonorete business blocks and factories will soon be add ed dwellings "poured" in a day ac cording to tbe Edison plan, or built of "oonorete lumber" slabs made at a oentral plant. For small houses it may beoome common practice to plas ter the oement on metal mesh. But for all tbe assuranoe tbat a new stone age is coming, there is bo reason to suppose that wood will not be wanted. There are many things for which it is indispensable. And tbe forest must be proteoted for tbe sake of interests entirely outside tbe'matter of building. Spokesman-Review. FULL OP PROMISE. The number of cattle being fed for tbe spring market in Oregon is far short of the usual, in tbe Eobo dis trict, where the number was 7000 last year, but 1000 are being fed this win ter. New mills for reducing alfalfa to meal are consuming large quanti ties of what was formerly a part of the bay supply, and this with the some what shorter crop of alfalfa rednoed tbe number of stall fed beef from 7000 to 1000. Reports from other sections reduoe the numbers of feeders in tbe state to about one third tbe usual aver age. Tbat the condition will be re flected later on in higher prices for beef is likely, unless imports from California or elsewhere shall hold tbe market down. - The condition oballeugea attention, in tbat it should invite farmers and stockmen all over tbe state to a care ful strtdy of the future of thelivestook industry. A great paoking company bas planted itself in Portland, and within a few months will have a great modern plant ready for operation. A demand for livestook that has not hitherto been known and a volume of livestock not yet dreamed of is certain to appear. The vast investment in tbe paoking industry must have a raw material to sustain it, and this is in itself full assuranoe of both tbe de mand and volume required, such as stockmen and fatmers can always count on. To stimulate the industry, it is fundamental tbat tbe paoking people must maintain prioes, and with prioes, volume and demand thus as sured, tbe produoer must see ahead an inoentive for expaosiou of the busi ness. The suooess of tbe alalfa mills, the higher prioes for the hay, the new market for livestock, tbe millious of money investing in enterprises for paoking, all this, in tbe face of tbe reduced teserve of fed cattle at this time, is a glittering prospeot for the man on tbe soil. More afalfa fields, more hoofs and more intelligent meth ods in the business are the inexorable logio of present conditions and immed iate prospects. The man on the soil in Oregon never faoed a vista so full of promise. Portland Journal. Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experienoe to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering, "she writes, "and several times nearly oaused my , death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was inourable. Then Dr. King's New Disoovery brought quick relief and a oure so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Pond, Pa. It works wonders in. Coughs aud Colds, Sore lungs, Hemorrhages, LaGrippe, Asth ma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Bronchial affection. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. . Guaranteed ty Palaoe Drug Co. It Saved His Leg. .V ''AH thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Swensott, Watertown, Wis, "Ten years of eczema, t hat J 5 dootora could not oure, had at last laid me up 3 hen BuckJin's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." Infallible for Skin Erup tions, Eczema, Salt fibeum, Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25o at Palaoe Drug Go's. Kills Wonld-Be Slayer, A meroiless murderer is Appendioitia with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing tbat dogging that invites appendicitis, curing Con stipaion, ' Biliousness, kills Malaria, Headaobe and Indigestion. 25o at Palaoe Drug Co. REPAIRING We repair all kinds of fine and com plicated watohes, Repeaters, Chrono graphs, vbiming and Cuckoo Clocks. Try us. H. H. HILL. Jeweler Palaoe Drug Store. . Wl ",fl fl HjJm. ' .11 TO 1 T7V WILL CURE CoMo Try m The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy in the cure of bad colds has made it one of the most popular medicines in use. It can always be depended upon to effect a quick cure and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY. Soldier Balks Death Plot. It seemed to A. J. Jackson a oivii war veteran of Kemp Tex., that a plot exis ted between a desperate lung trouble and tbe grave to oause his , death. I oontraoted a stubborn cold, he writes tbat developed a cough that stuck to me, in spite of all remedies, for years. My weight ran down to 180 pounds, tnen I began to use Dr. Kings New Dis oovery, whioh restored my health com pletely. I now weigh 178 pounds. For severe Cold, obstinate Coughs Hemor rhages, Asthma, and to prevent Pneu monia it's unrivaled. 50o. and $ 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Pal aoe Drug Co. For health and happiness DeWitts Liittle Eraly Risers small, gentle, easy, pleasant little liver pills, the best made. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co. , Washington Once Gave Up to three dootors;' was kept in bed for five weeks. Blood poison from a spiders bite oaused large, deep sores tooover his leg. Tbe Dr. failed then Buoklens Arnica Salve completely cured me, writes J. Washington, of Bosqueville, Tex. For eczema, boils, burns, piles its supreme. 25o. at Palaoe Drug Co's. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOMB, prop. t Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS : 4 lit Mm only one that can accommodate s - eoramsfoial traveler. Can t) lecomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLETON Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank With which has been Consolidated The Commercial National Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million and a Half. Capital, Surplus and Profits, Nearly $300,000.00 v 4 per cent Interest Paid on Tim? Deposits." ; Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent T, J. MORRIS, President, A. D. SLOAN, Vice-President, W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Ass't. Cashier, ", W. S. BADLEY, Ass't. Cashier. Cob. Maid and Third, Atbxna, Or. t I 1. yf ' ARKER-STONE 111 it 4i. .h i imm : I r Everything First Claaa - Modern and Cp-to- d at e SOUTH SIDE ' MAIN STREET ATHENA jr mm mu A dose at bed time usual ly, relieves the most severe case before morning. 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction O A ff 1 guaranteed or , money refunded. JUi JT JOk! SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE. 1(0) Oil ; CystoiTO During the months of March and April I we will give away one fine Domestic Sewing Machine to the person paying us the largest account during these two cTVlonths C. A BARRETT & COMPANY, ATHENA, OR.