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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, f'l'BLisiiEB. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter raadeon July 6, 1007 at the poBtofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879 Subsert Hon Hatet : 'nr. In advanct ' Single copies in wrappers, 5c, 12.00 ATHENA. ORE.. MARCH 5 1909 Mr. E. A. Dudley, one of our heaviest taxpayers, favors a high sohool iu Athena. "If yon cannot obtain a competent man to head the school for $125 per mouth, get one lor $150 per month. Why, I pay $05 a month for a man to work on my farm, and think it is money well spent, for be is worth the price." This is the proposition, exactly. Ath ena school distriot, free from debt, with an assesied property valuation of $683,000, has been putting a crimp in its public sohool by offering low wages and trusting to luck and the forebearanoe of sohool patrons, in the matter of securing a priuoipal and instructors in the high school depart ment. The result is that this depart meut has dwarfed and dwindled until it has been totally extinguished. With the passing of this department, pa tience has ceased to be a virtue, and surely very limited returns from the element of obance can be noted. The experiment has been characterized with utter failure; this too, in face of the fact that the under grades for the most part have been under the supervision of capable and practical instructors. What is needed in Athena is the resurreotion of the high sohool department, at the head of which should be a man who is strong enough and who is endowed with ca pabilities sufficient to give the sohool the moral, progressive uplift that is required to insure satisfactory results. Snob a man would take the kinks out of present conditions. Pay the price and get him. Already other localities are scouring teachers for the oomiug year. Last week Milton re newed bor ooutraot with Mr. Young, her priuoipal, and raised his salary. Let us be ud and doing. Pay the price I According to many good soldiers the meanest thing about beiug in aotiou is the noise oue has to endure. It doesn't take the man with the gun very long to learn -that there are not many ohaucoB of beiug killed by a bullet from tbo other sido, but that eur-torture is a sure thing. It rattles a man until ho cun'r shoot struight, thiuk straight or evou swear straight. A devioe reaout ly exibitod by a noted iuvoutor prom ises to put an end to this sort of nuis ance and, "on the side," so to speak, allow a sharpshooter to pepper au enemy at short range witbont having his gun talk loud onough to lot the other follow know whore to return the oomplimeut to. Tbo "mlouoer," as the deviao is oalled, is a tube of about the leugth aud diameter of a phono graph cylinder; it is attached to the muzzle of a rifle and prevents noise by dissipatiug the rub caused by the burn ing powder. Men who snw and heard tbo demonstration declare that a full charged Winchester, SpriugQold or other military rifle made no more noise tbau a bottle of beer blowing out its oork. It might havo boon heard a few yards away, but not at even the short est distance at whioh soldiers ever use men as targets. If this devioe will work proportionately well when appli ed to artillerythere will be fewer deaf men among gun crews afloat and ashore, for despite of all time-honored precautions, such as cotton in ears, standing on tiptoe and keeping the mouth open, the noise of a big cannon attending to business is something that is most enjoyable when the hearer is several miles away. Monday was an extremely important day iu the growth aud advancement of tbe state of Oregon. It was the opening day of the lowest-prioed one-way tick ets to the state sold for years, and cal culated on tbe basis of rate per mile, Oregon has the advantage of every other state in the Union. Tickets for Oregon points will te on sale until Aptil 30th, at every ticket office in the United States and Canada, and if tbe buyer of tbe ticket is posted in ad vanoe he can get a ride from Winnipeg, Cauada, to the farthest rail point in Oregon for $25. This same fare applies from St. Paul, Omaha and Kansas City, while from St. Louis it is $30.50, Chioago $33, New York City $50, and proportionate rates from every other place. To spread the knowledge of these rates the people of Portland are doing every thing in their-power, and leaflets are going out in almost every letter that leaves tbe city, advising that people can buy their tickets to any Oregon point just as obeap as to Port land. Every city, town and village' in tbe stare should get busy in its own benalf to tell E&htern people of this fact. There is every indication now that tbe travel will be very heavy it should be enormous. Every reader of this paper should take this artiole us a personal appeal and do bis full share toward adding to the population of the state. In order that his wonderful discov eries may be more generally distribut ed and incidentally that his work of discovery may not te hampered by business worries, tbe brains and gen ius of Luther Burbank, tbe plant wiz ard, have been capitalized for several million dollars. The men who have secured tbe sole right to distribute to tbe world tbe marvelous plant dis coveries of tbe Santa Kosa naturalist are millionares of bis borne oity. There is no limit to tbe rights whioh these men have secured exoept one or two small contracts which Burbank is now fulfilling. Working alone, Burbank has not bad time to give the results of all bis experiments to the world, but now a systematic effort will be made to distribute both his past and future produots to tbe world. Importations of potatoes from Ire land is neoesary booauao of tbe short age in domestic stocks. Tbe latest cargo was from Neater, cousisted of 45,000 bushels and was sbiped by train from Baltimore to points west. Last years potato crop iu the United States, including tbe Puoifio Coast states, was short. Even tbe mountain farms east of town produoed a light yield of spuds. The Christian Churoh (Disoiples of Christ) celebrate what is known as their one hundredth anniversary at Pittsburg, Pa., October 11-19, next. It was near there, at Washington, Pa., that Thomas Campbell published a dooumeut known as tbe "Declaration aud Address" in tbe antumn of 1809, which has become historic. The prin ciples embraced iu this dooumeut led to a movement that has resulted in the existence of the "Christian Chnrob," whioh now numbers about one million and a quarter members, with six thou sand ministers, and forty schools an d colleges, etc. It is a growing church and is one of tbe most aggressive rol igious todies in the world. Iu face of the aotion of the Oregon senate in killing all appropriations for maintaining tbe Normal sohools, Weston's patriotio and loyal citizens have rallied to tbe rescue, and by gen erous donations of money have made it possible for the sohool there to finish " the present year's work. This is not the first time that Weston's vein of generosity has been bled that life might be instilled in Eastern Oregon's only state institution. In fact, for Weston, it has been one continual round of saoriQce since tbe Normal school was established there. It took just twenty minutes for the oitizensof Milton to raise $2,000, tbe sum for her share of the Walla Walla valley publicity fund. This money will be used to advertise that section of the valley tributary to Milton, though in a way tbe plan will La oonneoted with the movement originated in Walla Walla, by Tom Riobardson, tbe Port land booster. Milton certainly has I be goods to deliver to the home seeker, and she oan spend $2,000 on no better advantage than in buying oil for her publicity lamp. Correct Spring Styles She who desires to bo well dressed, aud who at the same time is wistful of exercising due regard tor economy, will be pleased to know that this store has always had distinction of showing first, and at the light time the new, most exclusive, most original styles eaoh season odors, in superior assortment, aud always at a modest ptioe. Style is something you oan readily see here, but quality is somothing that you have to take the stores word for, until you have proven yourself. Therefore it's op to you to deal with the store that has a preutation for dependable, trout-worthy merobaudise, aud open, honest methods. Iu piece goods as iu ready-to wear goods, this store is now shovviug thn largest aud most metropolitan stocks of spriug fabrics iu approved styles. A visit to the store at this season of the year is very con vincing of the stors's superiority in Assortments, Styles. Qualities, and Lowness of Prices. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it pays to trade. About the rankest . breaob of news paper ethics that ever came nnder the observation of tbe Press, was the ao tion of the Pendleton Tribune manage ment, in permitting tbe vile attack on C. A. Barrett in the paper, over a pseudonymous signature. Such prac tice may be tbe proper caper back in Injiana, but in tbe west there is an attempt made among newspaper ' men to maintain a code of honor. OUT OF THE GINGER JAR. It doesn't pay to bully-rag a bull. A tbin purse makes a person feel flat. Common sense always brings fancy prioes. Of what trade are all of our Presi dents? Cabinetmakers. There are some folks too oowardly to lick a postage stamp. Tbe jelly gets in a tremble without betas the least bic soared. He who pursues two rabbits will succeed in oatohing neither. Men who spend all they make often don't make all they spend. "I am down in tbe month," said the panoake, as Johnny took a big bite. Tbe horse is tbe most contrary crea ture alive. He says neigh to every thing. Adam had a right to think bis wife the prettiest woman in tbe wbole world. The foolish man can ask twice as many questions as tbe wise one oan auswer. There are some folks so liberal that every time they speak they give them selves away. Another fact totakenoteof a borse may pull with all his migbt but never with his mane. Thf last tbing a woman does befoie leaving a house is to gaze into a mirror to reflect. Odd as it may seem, three tongues are required in bitching a span of horses to a wagon. Johnny, looking at tbe speoks on tbe Dotatoes asked: '"Mamma, are those speos for the potatoes' eyes?" Eieht drams make an ounoe, but often half that number will make a man a foolish and disreputable speo- taole. Many a man has paid a lawyer $5 and $10 for poorer advice than his wife would willingly have uiveu him for nothing. A farm journal olub bears no xela tion whatever to the president's big stick, further than that those who join it are mettv sure to stick to it ever after. Talk about woman's vanity 1 Note now few tbe number of men who can pass a mirror set up in any publio place without a smirk and a curling of the mustaobe and an adjustment of the necktie. Farm Journal Soldier Balks Death Plot. It seemed to A. J. Jackson a civil war veteran of Kemp Tex., that a plot exis ted between a desperate lnng trouble and the crave to cause bis death. I contracted a stubborn oold, be writes that developed a cough that stuck to me, in spite of all remedies, for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. then I began to use Dr. Kings New Dis covery, wbiob restored my health com pletely. I now weigh 178 pounds. For severe Cold, obstinate Cousbs Hemor rhages, Asthma, and to prevent Pneu monia it's nniivaied. 500. ana l.uu. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Pal- aoe Drug Co. For health and haiu)inees--DeWitt8 Liittle Eraly Risers- small, gentle, easy, pleasant little liver puis, tne best made. - Sola by Palace Drug Jo., WILL CURE Tf ouiip ColcL Try It Jos 77 3'W tt!00: il 2 Oi ? whatsit .1 :r. The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy m the cuofU colds has made it one of the most popular medicines in use. It can nlfitto depended upon to effect a quick cure and is pleasant to take. :tn Jo .;(! It contains no opium or other narcotic, and maybe given as confidently to a child as to an adult Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. ,i h !)o, . THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY. '! if- nun I "The Old Standb Washington Once Gave Up to three doctors; was kept in bed for Ave weeks. Blood poison from a spideis bite oaused large, deep 6ores tooover bis leg. Tbe Dr. failed then Bucklens Arnica Salve completely cured me, writes J. Washington, of Bosqueville, Tex.' For eczema, boils, burns, piles its supreme. 25o. at Palaoe Drag (Jo's. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Iff " Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff j THE ST. NICHOLS t U l lie only oue thai cd accomiuodtr ooramerclal travelers. w ran bp lecomended for lis clean and well ventilated rooms. UK-- i i it .h; ILiilJJd fit buy- i-fu'r ;i?sa i? THE AMERICAN : NATIONAL, MM . . OF PENDLETON d,t Formerly the Pendleton Savings BaK; ;; With which has been Consolidated The Commercial National v Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million anUflalf.i .i; .f. ... HfltJShJ i!ll---.- Capital, Surplus and . Profits,;If( $300,000.00 sany '.a'-v hit: J 4 per cent Paid on Time Deposits. Interest Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent oi.i If-,:: ''lU'lf: . T, J. MORRIS, President, A. D. SLOAyJce-President. W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Assrt; Cashier, W. S. BADLEY, Ass't. Cashier. '"," p Cob. Main AND Thied, Atbbna, Or. t ARKER-STONE BARBER IP '''fciann'V Modern ! r .fHpi Cp-to -date SOUTH'4; SIDE MAIN !stBET?J ATHENA P ineules A dose at bed time usual ly relieves th most severe 30 days' treatment for $1.00. r Satisfaction guaranteed or monev refunded. - SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORfif k. ... BACK-ACHE Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to faoe death. "For years a severe lnng trouble gave me intense suffering, "she writes, "and several times nearly oansed my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so permanout that I have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives iu Dig Pond, Pa. It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, Sore lungs, Hemorrhages, La Grippe, Asth ma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Bronohial affeotion. 50o and fl.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed ty Palaoe Drug Co. REPAIRING We repair all kinds of flue aud com plicated watohes, Repeaters, Chrono graphs, Chiming and Cuckoo Clocks. Try us. II. B. HILL Jeweler Palace Dreg Store. Foley's Honey and Tar tor childre0,S2fe,surc So opiates. flBf"PBB I Ir ons- oiraws During the months of March and . , ' JO 1Ur' .fUJ.-! April we will give away one fine Domestic Sewing Machine to the person paying us the largest account during these two cVlonths -J- " '' M JO J.K- ' V water v.T'.in . - , $ j ib ijn 1 f' "07 :)V fro .:. C. A BARRETT & COMPANY, ATHENA j OR.