The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 12, 1909, Image 5

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    Good Blood
Means good hoalth, and Hood's
Sarszparllia has an unapproached
retard a Moad-purlflar.t, V ' ;
It efiects its 'wonderful' "eures", not
aimplT besause it contsim.atrsaparilla
hits oe.utf it camlui :Uie utmost
ri.i tbIum of mora tliau 20 different
Inarediants. ' Thar U no reaV.ubstituU
eit. If rjid to bay any preparation
ni4 U aa "jus as Rood';' yoa may be
art it it inferior, cost fesejo nske,
and yields thedealer' kier pi- fit.
U4 Heed's frinr-arllta "1i. In nn,al l-qnid
r&reieT In ehwoiatad tablewsHowTs as (jarsaaibs.
i ; 'Plenty of Tlsnt Kind. W
"TVell known charity worker? . I nevei
heard such.,"-, v. - , '
.:' ''WeiL-he ! He- bis- living sj
;: 'orktrit c".iable- porw -.s." j V
for the. algnsiure of E.W, GROVE; Used the
worW over to Cure a Culdin One Day. tte.
' A thousand honM-powijr .,; ferjicai. gas
engine, said to be the largest of its kind,
was recently; pu.t iuto 'operation at Uub
corii. England,; driving aij electric genera
tor, i ., 1 i . -' . ...
Mothers will .find Mrs. T71n--1o-,ri Bonthloj
Syrnp th-i b ' reinelv to u:eo Uteiron ai a
luring thotoetMnjrr .00. , .': . , ,
,PoUe Station Amenltlem
Bontall Lrnn Cot a match?
, Ura Peddin Xiw .Why,, didn't- yt
. hunt aron nd ah' fl-iT'one v'ien ye pitied
up that, snipe? Chicago Tribune.
.. v r-TPT-r tv.. :
riTC St, Ylrns' Dunce ana rrn uinm trm
ll 1 neatly '"eared hy Dr. I me'i Great Herve Ke
Itorer. Benil for FBEE $2.00 ti . il bo" le unit t rent re.
Or. B. H. Kline. Ld., til Arch St., Philadelphia, fa.
. ' ' iilaom ' '"y '
Warcham Loni! How d'ye reckon we't
know it w'en the prns'iurrity comes?
Taffold Xutt It'll hit ev'rybody 'cept-
ti' OS.
.' : '
Rheumatisrrr Pretcrtption. ... '
The incrensed Tise of, whiskey for
rheamatism is causing, considerable'
liscussion rrnoni 'the '"medicaV fra
ternity, It is an almost nTallible ctfre
wben mixed with 'certain other' in
rredients and t"ken pfoperly. ?TIie,
following;,, fdrnui!,i4 leffectivel-.,1 "To
me-linlf t?int ,o.f good whLskey.add
me oniicje ,fbf Tori ss "Compound ant,
me ounce of Syrup SnrsapariJla Com
lound. ... Take, in tablespobnful dov
before each meal .affci before fetifinR.
Toris Compound is a product if
the hiborator'es of the Globe Phar
maceutical Co.', Chicago, but it. as
well as the Other; ingredients can be
had from' any good druggist. '
; x .
Contlnaon Performance), .''
"Ebenezer," called out 'Mrs." JHjrwa: -from
the floor 'above, ""have, you bee
drirkinj- airain?" '1-4 -."'". . ,
"So. m dear," answered Mr.-Jawa,
In the hallw- ' Mow. "ot again. Stil.."
Aj, recent chawa" notice in'Maachester,
iJncland, read: "A potato pie supper will
be held on Saturday evvti. Subject
for Sunday evening, 'A lgbt of Agony.' "
' '. i'-- - ;
PAZO OINTMENT i sruarenteed W cure any
eaae of Itchinr. Blind, 'Bleeding: -or Protndin
Pilea ia to M dsya er tttoney refunded. We.
'' '. EpIntorr. " 7
Rivers I haven't heard anything ahont
Dr, Mary 'Walker for a' long time. What
aaa become of her? t "
Brooks I. think she hat' gone into a
gentleman's agreement of some sort, not
to break into print any . more.
There'a nethlna; te fenteel ai engTared werk
that te artatically done. We do the flneet
work on the Pa ific Coast, at hiost reaaemtsle
pricea, We will mail you apecimens of latoat
letterinir and wording- of invitations, eta.,
anon reqneet. Send us your name en a aeetal
looks beHer -wears tenger-
ana givvs mort
bodily comfort
because cur on
loroe oattern. vef
costs no more than
the 'just os good kinds
wwcr proof
r-'x Ml l
UTAL06 fntt
nsHTnra tubep.ctjlosi3.
'-,' It
the :
Modern Frceb-Alr Parllloa and
WBa AacoiuplUhse. ,
niay be said that to-rlnv tho
treatment of tuherr
little Qermrted
Hippocrates, who 400 years before
.i uuvisea putieuts to'go into tle
uuu urniK goats' milk." Modern
is - w itn ".tuberculosis' ore still
advisory and a re roiminti v...
jour essentials: Air tnn Vlitsr nr.n
i. says the "Aineriearj Review of 'Re-
vn.. Ana,, a. though this regimen Is
d out ty certain
allevlale and aid, without these four
Hinis tne physician of to-day Is
to do little. The
on tuberculosis,' which meets at
ihington this fall, will hnv-P nntMn.
ond to offer. .Tho
tuberculosis Is yet to be found.
Of eonrse.- "new cures" are evolved
constantly. We hnve had the "vegetable-Juice"-
cure, -the "stuffing" treat
ment and various "inhalations." But
one and, alL prove,- upon "Vea I trlklto
be either, worthless or else of only su
perficial value. ...
However, it miiRt not -be con
jectured lhat-.the curative treatment of
tuberculosis has not advanced. The
principles are ns ever,'' but they are be
ing more thoroughly applied and their
effectiveness furthered, ".An unremit
ting study is' being made for a better
understanding and appreciation of the
fresh nlr and proper food." the rest; the
careful supervision.-- -
. Fresh, air -maintains Its position as
first among the requirements in the
treatment of tuberculosis. That the
fresli air may he unimpeded and ab
solutely incapable of contamination the
outdoor pavilion is assuming the per
fect type.. The tent is loslug. ground,
not even the most radical styles can
be-fully ventilated at all hrtnrs of nil
seasons with the precision of the 'mod
ernly constructed pavilion. -The tent
l hotter than the pavilion, colder than
th? pavilion nnd damper than the pi
vi!ion. The pavilion Is also'.belng ac
corded precedence ;over the cottage
I Took Pe-ru-na
tfifL i
4. f
wear ,
W Hl.W..V W i-i n J Urfl. wi-,
, -.- - ,'WtTENTH SI-YOl IVI
Peruna Drug Co.; Columbus', Ohio.
' ''Gentlemen i-r-l v can' cheerfully rec-'
ommend Peruna, as Aan '.effective cure
for coughs arkl cnkls.
; You are authomed to use my photo
with testiinbnial-in anvi .o'ub'icition.
' '""''"' -'Mr's: Joseph Hall Clmse,
804 Tenth St.. Washington, D. C. .
Cou'.d Not Smell Nor Hear.
' Mrs. A. L. Wetzel 1023 Ohio St,
, Terre Haute Thd.. writes:
"When I began to tnke your medi
cine I could not smell, nor hear a
church bell ripg. ; Now I can botl
sme'l and hear.
"When I bctinn your treatment my
head was terrble. I had buzzing and
chirpinc noises in my hed
"I foHowed your advice faithfully
snd took Peruna as you told me
Now I miht I say T am we'l. ' .
"I want to go and visit mv mother
and see the doctor who said I ws no1
long for this world.' I will tell him i'
was Peruna that cu-ed ire." v
Peruna is . manufactured by Thr
Peruna Drug Mfg. Co.,. Columbus
.-V tri-i.-r"o -for a . Frc
Peruna Almanac for 1003. ' -
"Uncle Joe" Cannon' was discussing
Jocularly- our society leader's claim
that too many statesmen appear to
rely on their un
couthness on the
absence of socks,
etc., f o v . their
fame! ' V1'
"I would point
out." : said he,
"that neither Cae
sar nor Alexan
der wore socks,
and if t attacked
New York society
J r
as frankly as this person has attacked
public life, I might but. after all. per
fect frankness is. Invariably a bad
thing. iVou have heard,' perhaps, of the
young man who admitted perfect frank
ness? Callng on a pretty girl, he said:
' 'If there', is one thing that I rever
ence in this world, perfect frankness Is
that thing,'
".'Yes?' said the. girl. 'Then I'll at
once grasp the opportunity to urge you
to shave off your mustache before you
eat 'another soft-boiled "s' " '
; Vj sT jt
St, 'i fj .
C Gee Wo
Thi Chinsst Doctflr
Thia wondeful man has
nude a life study of the
properties of Roeta,
Herbs and Barka. and
ia firing the world the
benefit af hia eerrieea.
Ne Mercury, Poisana' ;
r Drus llaed. Urn "
Operatiana air CaUlirf
guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lunr,
H'omach and Kidney troubles, and aU Trirata
Iueaseaof Men aad Women.
Just received frum Peking China safe, cars
andreiiabie. Umailinc in its works.
If you cannot call, wri'e for lymptam blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps,
The C Gee Wo Medicine Co.
1 Rara i ftd atttf.. af
V . - y
' N V
Km. 2-09
HCt wrIMnar ta avelvartUara pJeasa
mantloa this ampar.
Senator Tillman, discussing Interna
tional marriages the other day, said
"What are .we ' .
coming to? A friend TLpr
of mine, at. arrant r235-i.
foe to monarchies,
roared out ' in a
speech last week:
" 'Down trodden
as they are abroad,
I still fall to under
stand how they can
endure to be taxed
to support Idle, ex
travagant and dis
solute royal fam-
"Tben my frier d
wiped his heated
brow, and hurrying ' ! -?,
home, sent In a B- tiixmaw.
stock assessment of $10,000 In order to
help the president of the Dash Rail
road purchase a titled son-in-law."
Woman Students In Alsace.
A telegram from Strassburg states
that the government of . - Alsace-Lor
raine has laid before the" authorities of
Strassburg University a scheme for ad-
'. milting women to study there. This
scheme was discussed by the senate of
j the university, and; was accepted In
principle. -. -
It Is therefore probable that women
will be admitted to matriculate at the
beginning of the winter session. Ber
liner Anzeiger. ' . ' , .,
' ' . As .Yale Sees If.. )'
" Tanke It,, must - be "great to be
, Harvard ' ., 4 ' ' . ,
StyneWby so? - ' y;
"The streets-up there are so crooked
that people can't-fell whether you're
walking straight pr not," Yale Rec
ord. ' - ; ;
j Drlren to Drink. ' ,
Artist My next picture at the acaa
"emy will be entitled "Driven to Drink,"
j ' His Friend Ah; some powerful por
trayal of baffled passion, I suppose?
Artlst-Oh, ho; Iff a horse ap
proachlng a water trough ! .
A Snrprlsa.
When a woman calls her husband up
by telephone without his knowing who
she ta. she ia always surprised to see
how politely he addreasei her at first
-Somarvllle Journal. ., .
ut Klt'kliisr.
Hick Jayset Xockei says you spend
the br-st p:i i t of yo ir life in eating.
Ne: k Doset Huh ! The time any ma n
spends in eating is the best part of bin
Posnlbia Explanation.
Mrs. Biggs My husband seems to be
lost lu thought about half the time.!
Mrs. Ditgs I suppose his ideas are
so far apart that lie can't help getting
lost on the way from one to the other.
Merely Tenlnf Ira,
"What is the baby's name?"
"It's Mary now, but I suppose It will
be Mayme. or Mae, or Marie as soon a
the gets old ""ft-1' -o-'-n it." ?
All V naiad.
"George," said Farmer Scrapple to-his
son. "if you had this wart of mine 0'
your hand what would you do with it?"
"O. I don't know, father," answered
George. "Trim it down with a razor, I
"And I've spent - $4,00f givin' yon a
medical education !' gronned . Farmer
Scrapple.- Chicnsro Tribute. .;
, .... - . . 1 ill 1 VVv , J
. Follon-lna; a Bad I'rewdea't. . ,
t "What kind of pavement' are you going
to pnt along fliis street?"-, ii: - :;. '
. ; "Well." it is our . intention-: -".
: "Ko -that's the kind, is'it? Great Pluto !
Why don't you move" -out -of'-hisvne'.gb-boijinod?"
Ttfu "idron't have..,to" live here,
ab'you?" til-i iy i .::,'.:.
' TUe lliiis;n.ials. .-
- Sloboy Doctor, I'm troubled with In
somnia. I tumble and toss In bed all
night long. What do you suppose Is the
en use of it? '- ;
; Doctor Perhaps you re worrying
nVer that bill you have owed me for the
t,ast two years. "- '. ; . , i
'4 - '"" ' '
l.earnina; tna Points af tha Game. ',
!Gifl in Grand Stand-f-Harry, who ii'
that man everybody is. cheering?
Her Escort That's Grabsey, the right!
ackle. r ' . ...
Girl I see-and the fellow he threw
lown and Jumped om is the wrong tackle,
he? ' , .. .. 'V : .
Obey Ina; an Injunction. , '
"the Rev. Dr. Fourthly, heki-ing 1 turn
orran playing ragfime music in front ol
his. prem:'. closed his storm door.
".For Solomon . sayn. ;oty kuow.V re
marked the doctor, "th-f 'the dof:s hl!
be shut '"in, the streets when the sound of
the grinding Is low.'".";". "
... ' ' ' "
Ine irrllble,
ate'la It she a so-nen'r -fiend? -s
'11a Drwdfol! The last dinner
attended . she carried away the cook- .
New York 8 ' 'v '
t'oly 7 P" cent f fool af V
French . peesaot consists of meat, while
an English" aavvy's food is 23 par. cent
neat ; --- ' .-' ' .
The Sultan of Morocco must choose hit
Jonr real wives from among kii cousins,
ad the King of S am is forced ia ssarry
his sisters, i ,
finds , roll1. , 1
Tke sweet yaang thing wlti A beaatl.
fal red hair approached the parrot's caga,
"Pretty Pally !" she said.
"Fire! . Fire!" seres ir:ed the parrot.
Everybady Knows.
"Why da yen sail yeur ek Caan
eraog?" ise.air4 the caller.
- Bat the answer the ether woman asads
to this enesrieej is ee ahvlons (bat the
h:tor)ea refosee te Insult the Istelligence
of t reader by reeeriing ft. ; .
1 rrk Arm. Taelae Gaed. ' r
J I'm ia time. b mirr. I j
Washington State Experiment Statlor
' Makes Extensive Investigation.
In order to discover a forage plant
hich will grow .and yield profitable
crops in the so-called "dry sectioni."
of the state, the staff of the State
College. Experiment Station hat car
ried on extensive investigations- at
both the local and. sub-stations during
the past year. Scores of forage plant
have been planted and tested, and at
the present stage of this experimenta
tion,' it is known that milo maize.
Jerusalem ' corn, artichokes, Kaffir
corn, ana amber cane corn are among
the best adapted plants for "dry
farming.'' " ' . ' '
The work of the sub-station ( Con
nell has been carried along four lines:
First, there ha.c been an effort to de
termine the best method of handling
summer fallow, including a study of
the effect of ccta"n tools; second,
there has been a study of the adapta
bility of various well-known dry lano.
forage plants to. central Washington
conditions; third, a study of the effect
of growin a cultivated crop, in place
sf the summer fallow; upon the wheat
:rop; fourth, there has been a study ol
.he adaptability and .methods of seed
ng of well-known dry land grasses,
ind legumes.
Although the past season has been
an exceptionally dry one, and the re
sults could not be expected to show
forage crops in as favorable a light as
the average season would, yet several
olants showed up very promising.
Among these. Were Jerusalem corn,
milo maize. Kaffir cofn artichokes
and amber cane corn. Another prom
ising one was a small, early maturing
variety of dent corn. .
Other olants tried were cow peas,
soy beans, chick pea, common millet.
Japanese millet, Hungarian millet,
golden millet, common field peas,
kale, rape, pooeorn and flint corn.
On September 10 the Milo maize
showed itself to be the best drouth
resister. This plant grows very simi
lar to corn, except that it scatters a
rreat deal more, and is more leafy.
Jerusalem corn and Kaffir corn are
both very similar in appearance V'
ommon corn, beii.? about midway
etween common corn and Milo maize
I bushiness. Their seed, however, is
orne in a large and fairly compact
lead, or bunch on the end of the stalk.
They yield quite heavily in most
)laees, and judging from this year's
-xperience, would mature a fair quan
tity of seed Connell, which makes
ery useful feed for poultry and
The difference in the showing of
ferusalem and Kaffir corn and Milo
maize was quite , noticeable. While
the leaves of the two former plants
Md not dry up the inner plants of the
V.ots were about one-third smaller in
Ve than the plants on the outer edge
This showed that their growth had
een materlly checked by the short
ge of moisture. The trial leave
;ler the. impression that Jerusalem
d Kaffir corn are but poorly adapt
to central Washington conditions.
Dent corn made almost a perfect
.tand. but the growth was scanty, and
'rilv a small quantity of nubbins m- '
ured. ' -
; The present season's growth could
tot be considered a proved crop, bu'
irn of the same strain grown on land
id.ioining the experiment station last
ear was a fair crop, and may be taken
s a fairly good demonstration
vhat could be done with dent corn
n anv good, dry land farm. The
eed. however, would have to be
dinted to the locality.
The flint corn and the popcorn
i.ide a good stand, and matured well
ut their growth was so small that
Hev could not be "given consideration
1 comparison with dent corn. The
rtichokes mad an excel'ent stand,
nd showed rem!rk''ble ability to con
inue their growth throughout the en
ire drv season. .
Whether it would pay to utilize
"lin land for the growth of the'
lots is an open question. The other
'ints tbnt were used made so light a
rnwth this season that further tri--ill
be necessary before they can be
onsidered as even promising.
Of the non-cultivated forage plants,
he most promising was the alfalfa
Phis made a fairly good stand and
ontihued to grow slowly throughout
he entire season On September in
: stood about eighteen inches or two
eet high. As the first season is needed
0 establish alfalfa, this is considers .
in excellent showing. The alfalfa was
needed with a grain drill, which al
owed the seed to be conducted down
into the shoes of the drill, so that it
.vas deposited in. moist soil. It is
questionable whether a good stand
ould be secured by broadcast seed
ng and harrowing in.
Hairy vetch made a poor stand, but
1 promising growth. The tenacity
'with which they cling to the soil when
jnce established makes it rather "t't
tion.ible whether it would pay to seed
Tood grain land to vetch, un e ,
permanent pasture is desired.
Of the grasses, the most promising
was the slender wheat grass; smooth
brome grass. Neither of these grasses,
however, showed up as well as the
alfalfa. Another season's growth is
needed to determine anything definite
regarding their production. Other
grasses tried were meadow fescue, or
chard grass, tall oat grass. None of
these grasses made a show worthy of
mention. Since the past season has
been excentionally dry, they will be
given another trial.
The only suggestions the station
has to make to farmers regarding
these, forage crops are that alfalfa,
brome grass, acclimated dent corn.
Milo maize, Jerusalem corn and Kaffir
corn are worthy of trial in a small
way. , The farmer had better learn
w tc handle them, however, before
trying them on a large scale.
: Walat-Llas Weaa.
When you would put your dextar la
Around a girl, it Is a sin,
A crying shame.
To get, I claim, ; v
, Ail lacerated by a pin.
The Gossip. ,
Tne Eaenark.
Policeman (to unskilled rider) Go
back I No thoroughfare here. Can't
you read that sign?
i Rider I - can, but my horse can't
Translated from Tales from rilegenrlo
sfci aiM''WwiiiMi-r.(ii'M toi vv'hr vfi TAnTrf--f -ti-k-mi
m 11 nuui.iwxaiipi ,1 n.umi mi . 1 niuimnissi
"-r-Su'Vir 1
111: v !fMfl!li !
swiilataig (IttFocdiTdRtf da
ting liie Sjoraachs aadLWls of
ness and &st.Conta)ns nciito
OpiuniJorphiae nor Mineral
Not Narcotic.
--nvKaMBBBaaBB e aasBinMHsa- .
Qtsnsmt Stqar
Anarfect Remedv forConsfira-
Hon , Sour Stoiwach.Dlarrhoca
ruessandLoss of Sleep.
FacShwle Signature of
Fsr Infants axd Childrea.
Tha Kind Yeu Hsvq
Always Bought
Beara tto
J Use
For Over
Thirty Years
itbiiaranleed undurthetW
"UWuima -
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Thi ecnTSxa aoneanT, new vena errv,
M-l'W!'m"i'vi,4mK ill ' j pin m, j i'nie
" - - ii I
A Flarorinrf. It snaVes a
syrup better than Maple.
J J Sold y tfrees.
Imported Rice, superior quality. Comes in
bulk or 3-lb. basra. If your dealer doesn't
keep it aend us his name and address.
We also handle all classes of Domestic Rice
at lowest prices.
The only Kice Mill and larceat dealers on
the coast.
Is your month almllBr In any war o the atioveT If
to t o need 'O tin a wot.hly. nnii.nlile rnll plu'e
er lli-ttttlns. ordinary bridge work. The Ut, vvim
iritem of
Die remil of SI ream' per sure, the new wnr of
replfntnff tenth in the nouth leeih in fact, teeth in
appearance, teeth to chow your 'ooil mon. n. oo
did uron your ratiiriil onen. Our force m.oor"n
iced we enn do your entire crown. irid.e or pints
work in s dr If noeewnrr. 1'onltlvely nniuleM es
umotlng. Only hiKh-olam. Koiem ino work.
Dr. W. A. Wine. Mnnairrr.. 21 yenrn In Portland.
Second Floor, i'ftilinx hntldlnx, 'i hinl nd VV.h.
Isston Htrceta. Office hours. 8 A, M. to 8 V. M. Hun.
jt. 0 to I P. M. 1 lnl(M, I- iiniotiog. t: plauia,
K up. Piipnn A and Main 'Jlt&,
w can Imow every-
can Imow every.
thine. To becotno expert
means to Fpeeimize. Wonroane
clol Ints In rrodurlnn th bert flower
and vecetntile erciK In (1 yenra wa
have become cport.. 8iw Ferry's
Beedn end rcr n the results of our care.
For ante everywhere Rend cur IflOS
catalnmennd prnllt by ntirexpertena.
Bent free on request. Address
The 2
are the
O. R. & N.
fast through trains
i-h 4 afin rr'ftifnia irt.rBni
TtlLl DO All
Get it from
your Grocefi
vs. Quality
In the matter of food you can't afibrd to
sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy
Is right and good but inferior food product
arc dear at any price. .
KG 1 1!
p is economical not Cheap. Try
it inc dcsi ar. any pritc ur
your money back.
J ti Tf js Mm, j--".
0 .
Pure and