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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1909)
!; Press Paragraphs , Jerry was in Pendleton tbh. i terday. ! Attorney Wilson spent yesterday in j Pendleton. Two revival meetings are in progress Helix is to have a new bank build Big and a $3,000 hotel.- UAli tnr fnn M1t Dlbl f Dfjuse Saturday night. For dressed poultry, call up Bert Cartauo. 'Phone, 86. Mrs. Copley has the agenoy for Mrs. Norton's Nut Oilskin food. y If yon want to buy, lease or sell land oall on S. P. Wilson, attorney, Joseph N. Soott attended to bus . loess matters iu Pendleton yesterday. i . : Joseph" Payne has been ill the past j week witba serious case of pneumonia. See. the . great dramatic drama, "Gambler's Wife," opera house to pigbt. . - Spring goods are arriving daily at the Mangrove Mercantile company's store. i . Don't miss the best drama of the year "Gambler's Wife" Opera House 'tonight.1 s 1 Mrs' .A. B. MoEwen left .today for Helix, where she will visit relatives and friends.". Get iu line for the big thing "Mixed Piokles" Opera House Sat urday Night. A play built for laughing purposes only "Mixed Pickles," opera house Saturday night Plowing is iu progress in the Walla Walla valley, and onion seed is being sown at Hudson Bay. For sale oheap One bed room set, 2 chairs, 1 table 1 dresser. Inquire at the Bradley oottage. . - Mrs. Glint 1 nomas and two little girls were over from Walla Walla the first of the week. ; ' T. M. Taggart & Co. have on dis play samples of excellent cloth for spring and summer suits. A marriage lioense has been issued to Charles Smith and Francis Gban grow, both of this county. . Yoil have seen many comedies but none so funny as "Mixed Piokles," opera house Saturday night. James Mosgrove is down from 'Alberta on a business visit and will remain in the city for several days. Bring or send your prize numbers to the Opera House Saturday night. Some one will get a beautiful watoh. State Organizer Sykes met with La- mar Union No. 6 Monday evening, aud as interesting meeting was ihe result ''''mj .'AjSast Oregonia: Born, to ft?r and jwrs. Frank Rogers, at their home on the north side ot the river, a nine pound girl. Mrs. Ovie Castleroau, of Portland, accompanied by ber sister, Miss Golda Willaby, was in the city this week visiting relatives. Mrs. C. A. Barrett returned to Salem yesterday, wbere she will remain with her husband until the olose of the leg islative session. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harris of this oily officiated as judges at the declam atory contest at Weston Normal eohool, last Saturday night. George Rosenzweig is in Walla Walla from the Franklin county farm, and writes friends hero that he will visit them tomorrow and Sunday. George Jones, a tramp, while trying to swing under the rods of a moving car, at Pendleton Tuesday night, had bis left hand cut oS by the wheels. For health and happiness DeWitts Liittle Kraly Risers small, gentle, easy, pleasant little liver pills, the best made. Sold by Palace Drug Co., De Witts Carbolized Witch Hazel salve the original is good for anything when a salve is needed aud is especially good forjpiles. Sold by Palace Drug Co. p i ton'1 ") Bp; The infant twin danshter nf Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bedford, born Jan. 16th, died at the home near Adama yester day. The funeral takes place in Pen dleton today. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Green of Walla Walla, are guests at the home of Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Green have recently returned from a visit lo the Alberta oountry. Mrs. Worden, a teacher in the Nor mal 80bool, and Misses Kelly and Bloom, and Clarence Zerba, pupils in the sohool, attended churoh services in Athena Sunday evening. Ohas. Smith and family will return soon to their Athena home from We natohee, Wash., wbere a year ago Mr. Smith purobased a fruit ranoh. He has sold hia ranch nt r nrnttt. X Misses Clara Zerba, Hazel Blair, Eaura Smith and Ruby Barnhart, pupus in trie .Normal sohool at Wes ton, were guests Sunday of Misses Lula Tharp and Ceoile Boyd. ( Despite the wintry weather, flower bulbs in Athena yards are beginning to sprout, and, sinoe the groundhog failed to see bis shadow, everything is propitious for an early spring. Kodol is a combination of all the nat ural digestive juioes found in an ord inary healthy stomaoh and it wilt ' digest food in a natural way. Pleasant to take sold by Palaoe Drug Co. y' Sparks from a Northern Paoiflo loco motive set fire to a pile of cedar posts in the Tum-a-lum yard Monday. A stream of water from the city mains soon extinguished the inoipient blaze. All members of Mignonette Rebekah Lodge are specially requested to be present at the meeting next Tuesday evening, as praotioe work will be on the program. By order of the Noble Grand. Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup not only allays inflammation and irrita tion of throat and lungs but it drives out the cold frcm the system by a free yet gentle aotion of the bowels. Sold by Palace Drug Co. Next Friday night at the Dime, will be presented the sacred drama, "Pas sion Play," and in connection with this the beautiful and spectacular reel of "The Hand of the Artist" Don't fail to see them. VfDunoan Molntyre has returned from Alberta. Ho reports the Athena col ony prosperous and contented. Mr. Molntyre went to Alberta several weeks ago for the purpose of attending to some business matters, Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion does the ordinary work of the stomaoh so that by taking a little Kodol every now and then you oannot possibly have indigestion or any form of stomach tronhle. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co. Through an Alberta land deal, a Mr. Red field has attained ownership of the Nelson residenoe property on Third Street. Mr. Red 8 eld and family will oooupy the residence on the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Danner, who are the present occupants. Harold H. Harris, late proprietor of the Grangeville (Idaho) Globe, arrived in the oity yesterday and joined the Curtiss Comedy Company. Mr. Harris is an experienced newspaper man and only recently disposed of his business at Grangeville. X James Conley, the tailor, has pur chased the gallery building from Photographer Danner and will con vert it into a tailor shop and living rooms. Mr. Conley is in possession of the property and has moved into his new looation. Jf Farmers north of town saved a rail fence from burning Tuesday nigbt by diligent and persistent labor. The stubble fire, caused by sparks from the burning of tbe PaoiUo Coast Elevator oompany's warehouse threatened to burn tbe fence. R. H. Whitehead has recovered from his extended illness and is again at bis post of duty as agent for the Northern Paoiflo Railway Co. in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead returned from Irrigon reoently, where Mr. Whitehead reouperated his health. (Charles Norris has completed what te characterizes as being bis master pieoe of workmanship in tbe harness line. A splendid single harness, whioh he has manufaofnre i for the classy "Karl" to wear, temporarily adorns a oonspicuons exhibition niche of bis down town shop. The harness being admiringly inspected by Mr. Norris' friends. Max Baumeister, pioneer farmer, real estate dealer and capitalist of Walla Walla, died Wednesday morn ing after a week's illness from diabet es. Mr. Baumeister was one of tbe best known men in tbe Northwest. He is survived by bis wife and five children. IV Robt. Tharp has purohased the Per Kkins interest in the Dime moving ; pic ture show. It will be Mr. Tbarp'a aim to exhibit the best pictures ob tainable. The Dime has been open evenings at 7 o'olook this week, and despite counter ' attractions has re ceived liberal patronage. -:X- ., As a suooessf ul result of thejrevival meetings conducted at the Baptist churoh by Rev. Ryder, nine aooessions to the ohnroh are announced by the pastor. Rev. Ryder preached most able sermons , during the meetings, and baa made a lasting impression upon this community by his earnest and eobolarlv address. Tbe members of Dolpb Lodge No. 80i A. F. & A. M. are highly pleased at receiving a present of a new bible from Joseph Norton Dolph, , nephew of tbe late Senator J. N. Dolph, . for whom tbe local lodge was named at tbe time of its organization, August 4, 1883. In gold letters, tbe following inscription appears on the ' cover: "Presented to Dolph Blue Lodge of Athena, Oregon, by Joseph; Norton Dolph, of Portland, in memory of his late uncle, U. S. Senator Joseph N. Dolph." AThe wheat waiehouse, owned by the Paoiflo Coast Elevator company, locat ed on the O. R. & N., in the north part of the oity, was destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon when the wind storm was at its highest velooity. The fire started on the roof of the build ing and was caused by sparks from the locomotive palling passenger train No. 8. The location of the building was outside of the fire department limits, and although the department responded promptly to the alarm, the fire laddies were powerless to ; be of any assistance and tbe building, whioh was valued at $2,600 soon burned. Firebrands were carried by tbe wind over a quarter of a mile north, and set fire to a stubble field. CI 12th Annual January earance Sale Ends January 30 The end of oar big "clearance Hale a sale that will be remembered for ninny a day as tbe biggest bargain evont ever offered in tbe Inland Em pire ie soon at hand ; only a little ovar a week off. Rigbt now is when yon should prepare for the future. Buy now I wben practically every article in our eutire stock a reduced greater than ever before. , Carpets, furniture, draperiee, cbiua, glaswaie, moves, range9 kitch eu utensils, all included in this great stock-reducing, money raising sale. We honestlv say we Lave elimiuated our profit for Una month, iu ordir that our stock will tt small at stock taking, aod that we will t n a sorplos of cash lo buy for (.piiup. Write us today youi needs aud wo will send you prices and det-cnp-tious. and remember we pay tbe freight. The Davis-Kaser Company Complete Home & House Furnishers Walla Walla, Wash. .... Pasco, Wash. GOSPEL MEETINGS TO BEGIN Soul Saving Services to Be Held at the Christian Church. For some time the Christian churoh has been preparing for a soul saving campaign whioh is to commence Sun day, Feb. 7. The musio wilKJbe feature of tbe servioes. A large, well trained chorus will sing rousing evau gelistio songs, from "Songs of - the King," one of the most up to date, and undoubtedly the very best, com pilation of evangelistic songs in exis tence. Tbe book is compiled by Ghao. Reign Sooville, an evangolist of world wide fame, assisted by DeLoss Smith, one of tbe world's sweetest singers. The pastor will do tbe preaching. He will use his very best sermons dur ingthis meeting, aud every effort will be used to better the spiritual condi tion of tbe community. Special musio will be rendered at everv service, solos, duets, quartetts, all suoh as awaken interest in higher things. Come and hear for tbe good of your soul. Bring your friends with you. Bluestem Sells for $1. Wheat prioes have been slowly ad vancing for several weeks, and the high-water mark was reaobed Satur day, when George Struthers of Walla Walla sold 1000 bushels to the Jones Soott company at f 1 a bushel. The graiu'was No. 1 bluestem and a oboioe lot The prioe was f. o. b. oars at Eureka. FARM LANDS FOR SALE No. 147. 160 Acres near Weston, good farm land running water, fair tuildings, near warehouse and sohool, . this for a short time at 165.00 per acre. No. 148. 400 Aores seven miles South east of Walla Walla, 200 aores in summer-fallow wheat, balance stub ble, land is nearly level. Good bouse and barn. Water piped in tbe bouse and on tbe lawn, some fruit, at $85.00 per acre. , No. 149. 181 Aores two miles from Athena, this is on tbe Reservation; for the balance of this montti at $15,500.00. This is worth looking after. No. 15. S83 Aores nine miles north of "Walla Walla, all in wheat 1-3 goes with place, warehouse on farm, good well, and shed for 20 bead of horses, this belougs to ao estate and must be sold, price $10.00 per a ore. No. 151. We have some nice aore tracts for sale, prioes range from $200.00 to $1200.00 per aore. No. 152. 1280 Acres on tbe Eureka Flat, 700 aores in wheat 1-3 goes with place, laud lays Hue, railroad ruus through farm, warehouse 14 milo from farm, this at $35.00 per acre. No. 153. 880 Acres niue miles South east of Walla Walla, fine barn with stone foundation, good bouse, 400 acres in wheat, this is foot bill land price $65,000.00, $6000.00 cast), bal ance as long time as you want. i 1 hia is just part -of what we have for sale; if you are interested oome and we will show yon the land. Copeland & Ginn. No 10 Second St Walla Walla. Jariiian's Dept. Store. . 1 ' I: Mm mi Underware A Complete Line for Ladies, Misses, C& Children Prices Eight Remnants from the Factory infLaces, Insertion, Embroidery Beading, Emdroiderjr Outing, Trimmings, etc. Come in and look these over Our New Goods For Spring Have Just Began to Arrive AM ic Itoeroy Modes Received this week are a nice line of JLadies dressy skirts, in all colors, trim- ed withoire and Satin. Prices $6.50 $8.00 and $8.50. IHS533&S iosgiwe Mercantile New Spring Goods are arriving Daily Company New Spring Goods arriving Daily Our First Shipment of Just Received DRESSY MENWEAR GORDONS are ti