The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 29, 1909, Image 4

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Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F.B.Boyd, Iubmhheb.
Application for entrance as 2nd class matter
made on July 5,
l'K)7at. the postofflce at Athena, Oregon
Under an Actot Cointreau of March 8, 1879
Subsorl Hon ftatci :
"tr. In advance
Hlngle copies In wrappers, 5c,
ATHENA. ORE.. JAN. 29 . . 1909
' By all means the town of Ptfndleton
should change its name. A writer ia
tbe oolumasof the Portland Oregouian
which by the way sonnda very mnob
like the late lamented T. T. Goer
says that tbe town is named from
"George H. FeudletoD, a Jeffersonian
Demooratio Secession Confederate
statesman of Ohio, one of tbe bitter
eat enemies of Lincoln and opponents
of tbe war for tbe Union and a mem
ber of tbe House of Representatives.'
In these days there is but one pluoe
ou God's green earth where tbe fact
of having esponsed tbe "lost cause,"
rauklea in the craw of animosity, and
woere tne tattered "bloody snirt" is
waved in tbe faoe of an intelligent
community as political bunoomb, and
tbat is from tbe tall towers of tbe
Portland Oregonian. Nowhere else
does this bitter, malicious, vindictive
spirit prevail. The North as a whole
is free from it, tbe "solid south" has
burned it in tbe asnes of the past and
united, stands for all the Northern
states in citizenship and progress. A
reoent testimonial of tbeunii of South
ern sentiment in this respeot was tbe
reception of Pesideut-eleot Tuft. In
tbe whole history of the state of Geor
gia nothing compares with the univer
sal effort put forth on tbe part of tbe
citizens in the reception given tun na
tion's presideDt,who overcome by tbe
splendid spirit of respeot and fealty
shown bim said: "I bad hoped to win
the solid south, but it has won me!"
But in the faoe of all this tbo big
soavenger paper at Portland launches
in its oolumns a dirty, UDderband dia
tribe, pickled with its. customary
A constitutional amendment ia
before the Oregon legislature wbioh
wonld provide for county bonds in
road improvement. Tbe proposed a
mendment reads: "Each oounty in this
state is hereby authorized, empower
ed to issue bonds to the amount of not
exceeding one per cent of the assessed
valuation of ita property but in no case
to exoeed the sum of three hundred
thousand dollars, to raise money to be
used for the construction of perman
ent County roads within such oounty,
and tor no other purpose. Before any
county can issue any of suoh bonds tbe
matter must be submitted to the voters
of such county at a general election
and if a majortiy of those voting on
that matter shall vote in favor of issu
ing snob bonds specifying the amount
of bonds to be issued, tbe same shall
be issued accordingly; otherwise, no
such bonds shall be issued. Tbe Leg
islature shall enaot such laws as may
be necessary to carry this amendment
intoeffeot." The proposition to issue
bonds in payment for permanent coun
ty road construction is a modern
idea and one which appears favorably
to many, Tbeproposed amendment if
passed will give an opportunity to find
out whether good roads are wanted ex
oiusively by tne automobile owner
for tbe tax paver would be civeu an
opportunity for his say.
In tbe private language of Repres
entative Clemens of Multnomah be
is quoted by a Portland paper as say
ing "The people did it; now let tbe
dam fool people take their medioine."
But when be cast bis vote for Cham
berlain, Mr. Clemens said: "I believe
tbat tbe people of tbe state ought to
be tbe supreme power in tbe state and
I believe they ought to have the right
to elot United States Senator. Their
choice being Hon. George E. Cham
berlain my choice ia George E. Cham
berlain." Either Mr. Clemens ia a
very "weak sister" or the Portland
paper ia a liar.
Sinoe tbe threat of a Texaa State
Senator to introduoe a bill for tbe tax
ation of bachelors, many young women
in the north and oast have written
asking bim to provide them with hos
Uncle Sam's National Forests yield
ed an inorease of 102 per oeot in tim
ber last year over tbe reoord for 1907
giving returns of $819,027.21 to the
government. Twenty-five per cent of
this amount went baok to tbe states in
which the forests are located in lieu of
taxes in aooordanoe with tbe provisions
of tbe law. This revenue will be add
ed to tbe state's fund for tbe support
and maiutanance of roads and publio
It will be wise to wait a month or
two betore holding obsequies on fruit
trees thought to have been killed by
oold weather. Nature has a wonderful
way of healing aud reo uperating, and
the warm days of Spring will show
how well she works. If some outer
limbs were frozen and are dead it may
be Nature's way to jog tbe man who
is afraid to prune.'
Urmsby MoHarg saya be was soo
oessfnl in bis mission to Oregon. Be
got seven Statement men to file arpro
test with their vote for Chamberlain.
He and his benohmen will see tbat
these protests go into the bands of the
committee on privilegea and eleotona
in the United Statea in the hope that
they may be made the basis of aotion
by tbe United States senate in refusing
to seat George E. Chamberlain, tbe
cboioe of tbe people of Oregon.
Following is a oopy of tbe Statement
entered on the records by seven State
ment members yesterday:
"In casting my vote for George E.
Chamberlain for United States senator
I do so under protest and for tbe fol
lowing reasons:
"First I regard tbe methods nsed
by Democrats registering in large num
bers throughout tbe state for tbe pur
pose of enhanoing tbe chances for bis
beooming tbe peoples choice at the gen-
al election in June last as fraudulent,
benoe an unfair test to tbe true oboioe
of tbe people.
Seoond I do not so vote as my free
and acoepted cboioe by virtue of my
right under tbe constitution but in
stead as a redemption of my sledge
made nnder what is known as State
ment No. 1 to support tbe people's
"Third If I were free at this time
to cast my vote for my personal oboioe,
would cast same for tbe Honorable
Charles W. Fulton or tbe Honorable H.
M. Cake.
Athena OPERA House.
. One Week
Starting cH
ilQnday5 Feb LJj
fl 1 I ID) IT
The Popular
Supporting the Charming Actress
Scat Sale Opens Monday, 2 p. m.
Fine Undermuslins, Embroideries, Laces, Linens, Sheet
ings, Pillow Casings, Nainsooks, India Linens,
French Cambrics, etc.
Commences Saturday, Jan.
23, 1909 & Running Q Days
This annual sale is of supreme importauoe to all thrifty and eoonom
oally iuolined people. We have taken great care to see that every flu
hod Garment in our- Underwear Sale is pnperly finished and propor
tioned; made oorreotly, fluisbed to a uioety.
Pi.'re!ll0uiUgf!EnilroidwiMis tbergreatest display of Real
Fine Embro dery Pendleton has over seeu.'aud 'the price quoted in the
circular will enable you to see the savings they afford
Take early advantage of these reduced prioes-read'the enolosed"cir
oular oaretul y. especially the quotation ou Table Linens, Muslin Under
wear. Embroideries, Laoea, Muslins aud Sheetings. .
Where it pays to trade.
Their protests robbed six Statement
No. 1 legislators of much of tbe
credit wbiob tbe Statement members
wno did not protest have earned. They
made tbe protests on tbe assurance of
tbe discredited MoHarg tbat thereby
a basis would be afforded for defeating
tbe people's oboioe. If anything should
come of tbe protests tbe aot of eaob
protestant will be as base and treaob
erous aa if he bad broken his pledge.
mi it .
j. ne preage was tne means oi seouring
eleotion. tbe final determination
tbe protests abort tbe legislature's
aotion of yesterday eaob protester will
be a traitor to bia constituents to the
truth aud to tbe plighted word. Eaob
protest was made with full knowledge
tbat it was tbe last desperate effort of
MoHarg, Clyde Fulton, and tbe other
senatorial hangers-on to npset tbe
electorate's will. Fortunately for tbe
case of tbe protesters, the protests are
raise on tbeir faoe, in tbat eaoh mem
ber in taking tbe statement had sense
enough to know ita meaning, and took
it freely voluntarily and without com
pulsion or oompunotion and for a rea
son all the protests combined and all
the inner and ulterior designs of tbe
protestanta will avail nothing. Port
land Journal.
. President Helps Orphans.
Hundreds of orphans have been help
ed by the President of tbe Industrial
aud Orphan's Home at Maoon.Ga.Who
writes: We have used Eleotrio Bitters
in this Institution for niue years, It
baa proved a most excellent medioine
for stomach Liver and Kidney troubles.
We regard it as one of the best family
medicine on earth." It invigorates tbe
vital organa, purifies tbe blood, aids
digeston oreatea appetite. To strength
en and build up the thin pale, weak,
obildren or rundown people it baa no
equal. Best for female oomplainta.
Only 50o at Palace Drug Co.
Dissolution Notice.
Notioe ia hereby given that the firm
of Jones & Jackson, heretofore engaged
in the millinery business in Athena has
been ty mutual consent dissolved.
Misa Jaokson retiring and Mrs. Jonea
who will oolleot all acoounta and pay
all indebtedness of the Arm, will con
tinue tbe business.
Don't Get a Divorce.
A western judge granted a divoroe on
aoconnt of ill-temper and bad breatb.
Dr. Kings New Life Pills would have
prevented it. They cure Constipation,
causing bad oreatb and Liver Trouble
tbe ill-temper, dispel colds banish
Headaches conquer chills. 25o at Pal-
aoe Drug Co.
A great many people have kidney
and bladder trouble, mainly due to
negleot of the occasional pains in the
baok, slight rheumatio pains, urinary
disorders, etc. Delay in such cases ia
dangerous. Take DeWitta Kidney and
Bladder Pills. Tbev are for wnak
baok, baokaobe, ibeumatio naina and
all kidney aud bladder trouble. Sooth
ing and antiseptic and acta promptly.
Don't fail to get DeWitts Kidney and
bladder Pills. Accept no substitnU.
Regular site 60o. Sold by Tbe Palace
Drug Co.
To Cora CoukttiMtUoi For,
fakeCustrareta C.mUjr Cuthariio. Htoortfa
u u C. uu to euro, druacMs rutaad
mm art. m
mm b
. ' .8?.!'. '
Try It
ffi Mm(Ql
Your. Cole
The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy in the cure'of bad
colds has made it one of the most popular medicines in use. : It can always be
depended upon to effect a quick cure and is pleasant to take. t it r
It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a
child as to an adult Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents. T....!
.-. Vr!::-
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
U the only one thai can accommodnte
ooramercial travelers.
Can be teoomended for Us clean and
well ventilated rooms.
That our American roresta abound in
l' which poscc:s tlm most valuable
ii" .! .-.iiial virtus is abundantly attested
l..v uras of tho most eminent medical
vvrluis i)d touchers. Even the untu
tored iiK.ia.ns ;ia discovered the useful
nfi,s of many imtivo plants before the
advent of tho whito race. This informa
tion, imparted freely to tho whites, led
tl.e latter to ccatinno Investigations until
to-tiny wo have a rich assortment of most
valuable American medicinal roots. .
Dr. Pierce believe that our American for
ests abtnd In most valuable medicinal roots
fo tliecufaxjf most obstinate and fatal dis
eases. If wewdlHdproperly investigate tbemi
anc lnjia?i'ijji of this conviction, be
DOinWwlth priafcsA thn nlmnsf murr-lnm
covery." wmcn
tnojr .LuiiUca.
Ch..l)3 Hi-oven Itself to hn Ihn
L .M()n'n'-h-l?r.lf.. l.'-pr Invlcrnr-
i tn-. and blotxf
it.-m-n. Dj-sDtD-
!. C?'lJMlWv4lrf;n. '.. .1.1.; .i'ver. functional
ar.d even vairuiar a;m olijer affections of
the heart yield 10 its curative action. The
reason tchi) ll cures tWee and many other
affections, is dourly sitown In a little book
of extracts from tl.-m.'i.-.-idjira medical works
which Is mailed . ;j cny ?3dress by Dr. R.
V. Pierce, of Buitaio, N. V.. to all sending
request tor tbe same.
Not less marvelous. In tbe unparalleled
cure It Is constantly making of woman's
many peculiar affections, weaknesses and
distressing derangements, is Dr. Pierce's
FaVorHeNPreserlptkStiKas is amply attested
by tboasaitds pfjfJHidTed testimonials con
tributed byo?BTeful paTTftMBwho have been
"The Old Standbf
Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank
Commercial Banking .
i. t:
Capital, Surplus and Profits,;-
$250,000.00 :;
We Give Savings Bank Facilities
the National Bank Security
4 per cent Interest
Paid on Time Deposits, Safe Deposit Boxeslfor Rent
. . ll-: '
The Old Savings Bank, the friend of the Farmer, Stockman and
Merchant, nofr a National Bank, continuing business under the super-
vision oi xne u. o. liovernmem;.
Cured by tt Of r jitiirrhul nplTlf fy ffrfrnaTnTjg
perloiilrrrgularltles. prolapsus and otjieg
uiNtiipt-pm'-nia ranseu ny veaKness., yicer;
ation ot uterus andklfidTeTalfectioris7o
after many other advertised medicines, and)
physicians had failed.
O 2-
Both the above mentioned medicines are
wholly made up from the glyceric extracts of
native, medicinal roots. The processes em
ployed In their manufacture were original
with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by
skilled chemists and pharmacists with the
aid of apparatus and appliances specially
designed and built for this purpose. Both
medicines are entirely free from alcohol and
all other harmful. ha!ir-formlng drugs. A
full list of their ingredients is printed OH
each liottlP-wrapner.
4p4it Iferrt, 1 r-SAf "-veVythlns First 1
lgfeBSftll $i$l 2u ATHENA
MAttTP vnim nAM crnrir conne ov iiemr
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose In tablets j
Makes Your Stock Look Like the:;;T Price
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the dflve principle or tbe
condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
as good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all 'shutedru'g laws. Ask, for
no vrj sun orviuwu wonomon lamets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidacy, Chicken Chofera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic'tablets or Louse Powder,
Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL' MEDICINE CO.
Incorporated! Capital Stock $300,ooo.o0i Watertown, South Dakota, U. St A,
Hold ia Athena by A. B. McEewn & Sons.
Until February 1 we will Allow you
per Cent Discount On Heating Stoves
.i-. -irr :
ih Cum
Foley's Kldnev Curs
makes kidneys and bladder rizht
f c mo&t hsMtiina salvo in tho world.
Foley's Honey aod Tar
forchlldreeusafetsurc. A'd opiates