The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 29, 1909, Image 3

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    tha city from '
Dr. Laziit was ia
Weston 0cuday.
Jerry Sfeje was w
business Wednesday.
For dressii? poultry,
Pendleton on
business -visits
call up Bert
lJ ' E444ju4leywei fc
'4 ia maietoft Tuesday;
Otitv'w'iurif WaliaXWailav
,$ a poupW of days this week. .
f . Mrs. Oonley has the agenoy lor Mrs.
J Norton's Not Oil skiQ food.
r Attorney Wilson was in Pendleton
g Wednesday legal business, v-
I John (fsvirttld, of rwrRiters,
5 Wash., was-irfttae oity Tuesday.
fe Miss Kathleen McEwen spent Wed-
u fS.-l' i4 bi-lfiends-in Pendleton.
iJt to bnyf lease or sell
land oall on S. F.IVilson, attorney?
osaph,)Harper .of the Preston-Par-tdB
Mirikirtfte in townfiOm Waits
. burg. .
fa A slight snow storm prevailed Wed-
&7iMaTig5grtailSte leading more moisture
for the soiL
-JwHi-Jaokson, - residing weet ot
Athenibasflvestaoksof straw, which
1 Sheep s&sawng'gangs are organizing
I their Grew8,Uraparatory' to' taking up
I the season's raWM1-- . -
For sale cheap One bed room set,
T&Mi,jJtable J drajer." Inquire-at
I 4MF&J&if& outage? ' .;- ? ?
Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Bush axe in the
oity from their home on JBiron oreeS:.
visiting Atbejjta relatives. . . -
John Rideuour who is .making 'his
home in Athena this winter, 1 viaMed
friends in Weston yesterday.
- All accounts owing to the firm of
Jones & Jackson not paid by February
1 will be paaptkwith a collsotoi-v
Mrs. Jme Baling of Fendleton"iP
ited at the home of her' parents,-Mr.
and Mrs.VA. L. Jones, tbi week.' W
'SXBStSOBtrct 10 - per cent, on . all
orders for goods -amounting to $5.00
lofver at jfliejps inrniturer store.,
1 yQ. private letter1 ftfom MrMJohnsV
atfuounces that he" bos met several i
I Atbenaitfi.A California thia-winter.
If youillr5ipbae good oups. of
' At a meeting of the board of direct
ors of the Bank of Helix Wednesday
the oapitai stock of the bank was in
creased from 125,000 to $50,000.
L. B. Rnssell will leave Athena
about the first of 'the month, for Le
banon, Oregon where be1 will enter
the employ of the Kern Pharmacy.
.Marshal Gholson is engaged this
tyeeK. with " the assistance of "work
men, in cleaning out the feed pipe at
the bead of the waterworks system.
r For health' and happiness DeWitts
Liittle J&alyH Bisers small;, gentle,
easy, pleasant" little liver pills, the
best made. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co.,
VEleotrio lights, were installed in the
Christian ohurch this week. Here
tofore the lighting system employed
at the ohurch was a high : pressure
gasoline plant -s : f
Hand 'bills are out announcing a
danoe to be given Friday night by the
ladies of Weston and vicinity.. Phil
lips' orchestra has teen i engaged . to
furnish the tnusior, r 1
Telephone communication is again'
established after being out of com
mission for several tlays on account of
electrical induction from power wires,
due to the reoent storms.
KThe Margaret Bonifer estate has been :
apprnisea at fia.eua oy josepn uoag-1
son T. A. Taggart and B.B.. Richards,
the appraisers. The estate oonsists of
160' aores of land and personal 1 pro
perty;'', . .
sAn addition to- the looal telephone
Astern being 'badly" demoralized, the
long distanoe line between this city
and Meaobam has been out of commis
sion.- -Tnree Jggroman have -been en
gaged this week in undoing the tangle.
v' Mr. and Mrs. Et B. Harris, who
arrived home Wednesday from La
Grande, report sixteen accessions- to
the ohuroh during their series of meet-1
ings there. Bad weather prevailed
continually during their stay there',
this proving a drawback to the meet
ings. , ' t . :';
jMoFadderi-the -carpenter, has long
ago established tha reputation of being
aflrsc-olass wouman. But it is only
recent! that his workmanship in mis
sion furniture and cabinet work, has
been brought to notice. " An exception
ally! fine"' testimonial to Mr.' McFad
den's skill may be seen at the First
National Bank..
'Chas. Norris is in reoeipt of a letter
m M. S. Young of San Barnardino
Calif 6r nia. wbiob conveys the an-
K coffee or a light ;lunobt tiny tkna4 hdunoement that Zalook 2:05 the fain
through the day stop ' at Miller's
- Mr. and Mrs. John Fobs are in the
oity visiting. They are en route from
gpber bjir..bome -in Moro, Sher-.
When f uilds are ' available for the"
purpose the federal department of
-"Miss ftlad-ys Bush, is said to be im
l .proviHg.fietnr, her illness with lung
trouble, and is expected to visit friends
in, Athena next ; week. 1 ,
h Mix. 'F.'i.v59otukneoht, of Benning
ton; Michigan,' is visiting tier brother,
Rev. C. W. Geisler, aud will remain-
two x)ribtefl.3TBBkSi - " ;- , 1 '
J JtB. 'Daane t be pbotographor ' has
ileasedia boildiag in Milton and will
niORe 4 tubals jfiity Boufet; March t, to
engflgft in hnainBag.r . v :
Miss Blanohe Ore welt was ill- Tues-
afas anjflinnajhtoQto attend her duties in
laschool, :
md for
Liha pupils were dis- 7
vi-mwJmmiiBE.Bt, Jftung people enjuyed
"apleasahf time at a social danue given
in thePeebler &?hamberlin building
and Mrs. John- M. O'Harra,
: yi reside touiniles east tf -Weston,
aSid yestefllfay at the home of their
i.bestartfn this city,.1
sllJfj,Ma bio uiau muuuuuuao
n that .otttii. Janiil, be wilt give ' 10
3ce':isflM on all-orders- for
' -Hereafter "ou" Sunday-evening,- the
jptoe will not be open for'pioture x
I' " hiMiions7 dunBgu hurch hours; After
'"cinrfCtfWvlOBrtbe program will, be
) given.
ons pacing stallion is to be brought to
Walla Walla this- year. This Will i be
weloome news tomany horse owners,
who are interested in the breeding of
light harness stook. , t .
Henry Miller soooeedfl felmer Oon
mob as floor foreman of the Preston-
Parton Milling company plant in this
city. Mr. Miller, who was formerly
in the employ of the mill company be
gan , his new, duties Monday. Mr.
Conniok came here from Waitsburg.
It is not known what his intentions for
the future are. -
.Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hansell re
tu'roed home Tuesday evening from
their1 California trip. PMr. and Mrs.
Hanoell ' met ,many Umatilla county
people in the snnnjr Southland. One
ia-partioalar "Who the Press bad lost
track of - was found by Mr. Hansell
running s grocery afore. '-He met up
with old ''Sorib in that capacity and
be says that the Did fellow is enjoying
good health and is prospering in busi
ness, uiad to near it. .
five cents per bushel for Dale
wheat was the prioe paid by Kerr-
GiQord & Co. in Pendleton - yesterday
morning to C H. CnmbpelOnHW
liSairfwgmTinw fTEesale consisted of
ten thousand bushels of 'wheat and the
prioe paid is said to be the reoord
price! of the present season. The
wheat is said to have been above the
average and tha local buyers are unit
ed in declaring that the price is above
the ordinary quotations, said to be
about 80 cents. ;" - , 1
Arrangements have just been com
pleted by Mr. Spencer of the Athena
opera house for the appearance of the
well known Curtis Comedy company,
for all of next week.- beginning -' Mon
day night-. The company is one of
the best known ia the west and the
Ends January 30
W J 12th 'Annual i'January
The end of our big clearance Bale a sale that will be remembered for
many a day as the biggest bargain event ever offered in the Inland Em
pire it soon at hand ; only a little over a week off.i 1
Right now is when you should prepare for the future. -Buy now! when
practically every artiole in our entire stock 8 reduced greater than ever
before. - r . . . ' ,
Carpets, ftlrnittrre.' draperfelcbinaVglasswarestovea, ranges kitch
en utensils, ail included in this great stock-reduoing, money raising sale.
We honestly aa?' 'fiifvttftBttate4-1nit prttlf Id 6i month,' id order
that our stock will fce small at stock taking, and that we will hava a
surplus of cash tdtmy for spritig..,ir; ; - r - " ; i ; , ,
Writeus today your needs and we will send you prioes and descrip
tions, and remember we pay the freight.
:ii?T!ie :Davis-Kascr Company
, 2t-.0
rWnril,r ITnmP! AV Ilmise Furnishers
VTaWa. r4foflfa, Wasb.o - - - - - Pasco, Wash.
plays presented will be-fooBd-strong
Miss Leota Howard is said to be a fin
ished actresaand in ber supporting
cast will be found many well known
dram atio people. A first class band
and orohestra will be found a pleasing
feature ; of this, large- organization.
Seats will be on sale at Dell Bros, at
2 p. ra.' Monday. - ; '
The Pendleton Tribune is authority
for the statement thai ten pupils tak
ing the 8th grade examination passed
and are entitled to diplomas. Of these
Zola Ferris of Athena is one, and Anua
Johnson and Hattie Pihkerton, of Dis
trict No. 30, near Athena, passed the
latter scoring an average of 00 2-9',
the highest average of the examina
tion. Miss Johnson and Miss Pinker
ton are stndents of Mrs. Dobson, : whd
teaches in Distriot 'No. 30 and bo
has been eminently successful in 8th
grade work" :-.--J r ,;. ;':
Wednesday the following offioers oi
e M. . Churoh Sunday School were
elected : Mia E. M. Smith, superintend
dent; Mrs. R. E. Stewart, assistant
superintendent; Miss Ada Bannister,-,
Seoietary ; Miss Grace Myers, assistant
secretary ; Miss Norma Smith treasurer ;
Miss Ruth Dickenson librarian; Miss
Ruth Stewart, assistant librarian ; Miss
Bessie Parker organist; Mrs. R. E.
Stewart, assistant organist; "Mrs R. E.
Stewart, teacher class 1; Mrs. H. O.
Worthington, teaoher class . 2; Miss
Norma Smith,' teacher class 3; Mr.'H.
O. Worthington teaoher ;olaas - 4 ; Mr.
Fred Eoontz, teaoher class 5.
f Grain Growers Association. ;
H. J. Taylor, vice-president of the
Inland Graingrowers' association has
issued a oall for a meeting of that
organization to be held in the rooms
of the Pendleton Commercial associa
tion at 1:30 p. m., Saturday, January
80. 1
Sunday Next Year.
Walla Walla's ministerial oom m it
tee which went to Spokane with the
object of scouring the services of Ev
angelist "Billy" Sunday, report that
he cannot come to oonvert the Garden
oity until 1910. , V
Marriage Licenses. - ;
During the week marriage lioerises
were issued by the county clerk to the
following persons: Harry L. B. Shan
non and Dolores Cross; Pearl F. Shaw
and Leeta T. Bowers; James E. O'Bri
en and Margaret Reed. - ' : "
Lakin-Bannister. , . ,-
iss Ada E. Bannister, formerly of
this city was married to James; B.
Lakin of Pullman, Wash, in that
oity, Sunday, January 24. Mr. and
Mrs. Lakin will reside in Pnllman.
At Paso Robles , Hot Springs. w
Among the many oharming stopping
places in California is Paso Robles
Hot Spiings.
Here are conditions ideal for restful
reoreation; quiet, congenial surround'
ings and modern, almost luxurious ao
oommodations, Paso Robles Hot Springs is a Winter
Resort hotel with the hospitality of a
borne; a healing Spring without the
atmosphere of a sanatorium ; an en
chanting conntry plaoe with the cou
venienoes of a great resort. .
Ask any O. R. & N. Agent for illus
trated booklet, "Paso Robles Hot
A Horrible Hold-Up.
About ten years ago my ' brother was
'held up" in his work, health and
happiness by what was believed to be
hopeless Consumption,' writes W. R..
Lipsoomb, of Washington, N. C. "He
took all kinds of remedies and treat
ment from several dootors,. but found
no Help till be used Dr. Kings mew
Discovery and was wholly cured by six
bottles. He is a well man today." It's
quick to relieve and the surest cure for
weak or sore lungs, i Hemmorbages,
Coughs and Colds, Bronobitis, Lagripe,
Astnma and all Bronchial affections.
50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free;
Guaranteed by Palace Drug Co.
No. 147. ' 160 Aorer-near - Weston,
g?od farm land running water, fair
tuildings, near warehouse and
" sobool, this for a short time at
165.00 per acre. - f " '; i
No. 148. 400 Acres sever: miles South-
. east of Walla Walla,'1 200 acres in
- summer-fallow wheat, balance stub
ble, land is nearly level. Good
. bouse and barn. Water piped in
the house and on the lawn, some
fruit, at $85.00 per acre.
No. 149. 181 Acres two miles from
Athena, this is on the Reservation
. for the balance of this month at
' $15,500.00. This is worth looking
after. ' r
No. 15. 383 Aores nine miles north of
Walla Walla, all in wheat 1-3 goes
with place, warehouse on farm, good
well, and shed for 20 bead of horses,
this belongs to an estate and must
be sold, price $40.00 per aore. ,
No. 151, We have some nice aoie
traots for sale, prioes range from
- $200.00 to $1200.00 per acre.
Nd. 152. 1280 Acres on the Eureka
. Flat, . 700 acres in wheat 1-3 goes
" with place,' land lays flue, railroad
... runs through farm, warehouse 14
" mile from farm, this at $35.00 pet
acre. ,
No. 153. 880 Aores nine miles South
east of Walla Walla, fine barn with
stone foundation, good house, 400
acres in wheat, this is foot hill land
price $65,000.00, $6000.00 oash, bal
' aabe us long time as ym want.
' Ibis is just part of what , we have.
for sale; if you are interested come and
we-will show yon the land., !
v Coneland & Ginn. .
ISd 10 Second Sil ' Walla Walla.
j IaMM?"IBsBfc Store.
MjnosDoini Uinderware
A Complete Line
for Ladies, Misses, CS, Children
Prices Eight
Remnants From the Factory
in Laces, Insertionj Embroidery Beading, Emdroidery
Outing, .Trimmings, eta Come in and look these over
Our New Goods
For Spring Have Just
Began to Arrive
Received this -week are a nice line of
Ladies' dress skirts, in all colors, trim
ed' with Moire and Satin: Prices $6.50
$8.00 and' $8.50; :
All Remnants at less
than cost
'during this Sale' -
All Furs at actual
during this Sale
j ; We are invoicing and find that we have many
broken lines of seasonable goods that must be got rid
of to make room fbrf the New goods.
dd Lots of Wool Dress goods less than Cost,
dd Lots of Fancy Silks less than Cost,
dd Lots of Men's Suits less than Cost,
dd Lots of Men's Overcoats less than Cost,
dd Lots of Boys' Suits less than Cost. '
dd Lots of Boys' Overcoats less than Cost,
dd Lots of Men's Shoes less than Cost,
dd Lots of Boys' Shoes less than Cost. -dd
Lots of Women's Shoes less than Cost,
dd Lots of Girls' Shoes less than Cost
dd Lots of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks less than Cost.
Come and inspect these special offerings. Your mon
ey will buy more here than any place on Earth.
If yon want Shoes,
, look over
our Odd Pairs
Men's Wool Under
wear, $1.25 grade,
98c dnring Sale