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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1909)
HITCHCOCK jEELS BIG STICK Roosevelt Aroused Over the Chairman Meddling in Oregon Affairs. Believing that the eleotion by the people of Oregon of Governor George E. Chamberlain, Democrat, to the offioeof United States senator should be ratifled by the state lgislature, President Roosevelt has locked horns with Frank Bitchoook, chairman of the National Republican committee. Hitohoook is reported to have taken steps to use his power as national chair man to aid Charles W. Fulton, Rep ublican, to induce legislators pledged to Chamberlain to break their agree ment and return him to the senate. The president reoently put himself on record in favor of Chamberlain, when, on the occasion ot the governor's visit to Washington he greeted him as "governor and senator-to-be" and add ed that while Chamberlain was a demoorat and he would prefer to see a rfinnblian elected, he believed the legislature should bow to the will of Tien ill ft. This statement was made in the most rnhlin wav. in the uresence ot a immhnr of eovemora and senators, and was lcoked upon as ending all chance nf Fulton's securing support in his fie lit. The Frlton forces, under the direc tion of S. C. Beaob of Portland refused fn nnnAnt. thn TiTRsident's rebuft as a final and appealed to Hitchcock, with a certain decree of suooess. When the president heard of this he is said to have teen somewhat ruffled, and it is known that he and the national chairman have since held several stormy conferences. Babe Stored in Valise Snuggly wrapped in a cotton blanket and placed in a large telescope valise an infant apparently not more than three days old was found iu a toilet at the rear of the Eagle Hotel iu Pasco by N. Ridder. Suspecting that the paokage contained au unusual charge Mr. Ridder immediately sum moned a chamber maid ut ttie Jiagie hotel wbo opened the valise and lifted the cover finding the litle oue, happily cooing to himself. Chief of Police Daniels was at once notified and re sponded immediately. From all ap pearances the bale had been iu the telescope several hours though no clew to its identity can be obtained the sup position being that it was left by some one passing through on the train. Notice. The regular annual meeting ot the stock holders of the First National Bank of Athena Oregon, tor the election of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may lawfully come before il will be held inits office iu Athena, Oregon on Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 1!,0, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Lfeoernbcr 18tb, 190S. F. S. ho Grow, Cashier. President Helps Orphans. Huudreds of oiphuns have been l.elp tVl by the President of the Industrial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Ha. Who writes: Wo havo used Electric Bittern in this Institution for nine years, It has pi overt a most excellent medicine for stomach Liver and Kidney troubles. We regard it an one of the best family medicine on earth." It invigorates the vital organs, purities t he blood, aids digeston creates apiietite. To strength en and build up t lie t Ian pale, Weak .'liiilii-n ,.r rundown posple it has no , u. I:-! f,.i ffiuai" Miml u'm. 'farm lands for sale No. 147. 160 Acres near Weston, good farm land running water, fair tuildiugs, near warehouse and school, this for a short time at 165.00 per acre. No. 148. 400 Acres seven miles South east of Walla Walla, 200 acres in summer-fallow wheat, balance stub ble, land is nearly level. Good house and barn. Water piped in the house and on the lawn, some fruit, at $35.00 per acre. No. 149. 181 Acres two miles from Athena, this is on the Reservation; for the balance of this montu at $15,500.00. This is worth looking after. No. 15. 383 Aores nine miles north of Walla Walla, all in wheat 1-3 goes with place, warehouse on farm, good well, and shed for 20 head of horses, this belongs to au estate and const be sold, price $40.00 per aore. No. 151. We have some nice aore tracts for sale, prices range from $200,00 to $1200.00 per aore. No. 152. 1280 Acres on the Eureka Flat, 700 acres in wheat 1-3 goes with place, laud lays flue, railroad runs through farm, warehouse 1-4 mile from farm, this at $35.00 per aore. No. 153. 880 Aores nine miles South east of Walla Walla, fine barn with stone foundation, good bouse, 400 acres iu wheat, this is foot hill land price $65,000.00, $6000.00 cash, bal auoe as long time as you want. 1 his is just part of what we have for sale; if you are interested come and we will show you the land. Copeland & Ginn. No 10 Second St. Walla Walla. A Horrible Hold-Up. About ten years ago my brother was "held up" in his work, health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless Consumption," writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He took all k: ids of remedies and treat ment from several doctors, tut fouud no help till he used Dr. Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles. He is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemmornages, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Lagripo, Asthma aud all Bronchial affections. r.O cents aud $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Palace Drug Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of ttie State of Oregon, for Umatilla Couuty. In the matter of the estate of Mar garet Bonifer, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, mat isyton Hawks has been duly appointed exe cuter of the last will aud testament of Margaret Bouifer, deceased, and has qualified as such. All perrons having claims against ttie said estate are here by required to present them duly veri fied as required by law to the said executor at the oflieo of his attorneys, L'eteisou & Wilson, at their office iu Athena, Oregon, or at their office at Pendleton, Oregon, within six mouths from the date ot the first publication of this notice, which said publication will appear in the 'Athena Press on Friday January s, A. I). 1909, and will appear once each week there after tor four consecutive weeks the last publication appearing on Friday the day of February A. O. 1909. Dated at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon, on this the sth day of Jan uary, A. I). 1909. Byron Hawks, Administrator. l'eteisou ' Wilson, Attorneys. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. H. J. Fleischer, Plaintiff, vs. Ele nora Fleischer, defendant. To Eleuota Fleischer, above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby sumoned and required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you iu the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first puolication of this fummous, and if you fail to ap pear and auswer the complaint or plead wi'.hiu that time, plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Circuit Court for the relief demanded in bis complaint filed in said suit, to wit: For the decree di voroing plaintiff from yon and abso lutely canceling and annulling the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you. This summons is published pursuant to order of the Circuit Court of the State of Orecou. for Umatilla County, in open court, made on Deoember 18, 1908, and the first publicatiou of tbis summons is made ou January 1st, 190'.). Watts & Neal, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla Couuty. In the matter of the estate ot Au toioe LaCorse, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that William H. LaCorse has teen duly appointed administrator of the state of Antoine LaCorse, deceased, and that letters of administration have been issued to him as such. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present them, duly verified as required by law, to the said administrator at the office of bis attorneys, Peterson & WilBon, at Pendletou, Oregon, within sis months from tho date of the firs' publicatiou of this uotice. The first publication will appear on Friday tho 18th day of December A. 1). 190S, in the Athena Press, a newspaper pub lished at Atheua, Umatilla County, Oregon, and will appear therein once each week thereafter for four consec utive weeks, the last notice appearing on Friday tho J 5th clay of January, A. D. 1909. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, on this the IStli day of December A. D. llios. William II. LaCorse, Administrator. Peterson & Wilson, Attorney.-. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iu tho County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of lias -still is LaCorse, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concei n, t hat William II. LaCorse has been duly appointed administrator of the estate f I'.ariliis LaCorse. deceased, and that leftt is of administration have bee i i-ued tr him as such. All persons having claim.-, ngaiiiM the said estate aio hereby required to preseut t hem, duly veiilied ;b irquind by law, to the said admini-l rator at the oflieo of Ins atti'i iieys, IVtor-iui V Wilson, at IVndieton, icgou, within six months from t he date of t he lir-t publication of this notice, publication will appeal e tl Wli dav of Deewnl A. the Athena l'r..-s Ii-hed af Athena, i liegon, uinl will a; each week t hervatti tivo week-, t 1:.. :a-i on J ini.i.v the : ' ' Ii I). !909. Haled a' i'.a,:l:r: I !' Our per Cent C. A. BARRETT & COMPANY, Walla Walla to Los Angeles and Return You are cordially invited to j o i n t li e t o I e g i v e il il 11 d e..i' t Ii e a u s p i e e s o 1 Walla Walla Commercial Club ID ieave Walla Walla l-y Spef.a! lra.i I'ridiiv, j i'.ni.M Mh !!o') a t I i : I ' V !'i . v i : j j j l The Oregon RaihoaJ UUti"M ( ".( '.il! tVU) V oalhes n f'aeii: ' Vl id i ii "f, f Excursion Until February 1 we will Discount On Heating Stoves gsgyystJ" tggn6!58g OFFICERS II. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIKK, Vice President, Le OKOW, 1). H. PKESION. P. F. S. LoOliOW, Cashier, 1 COLBKKN. EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass't. Cashier. ! OT ATIN-NA C.UMTAL STOCK. $30,000 SVH-. A General Banknu;' conducted on loitsc: ?i w ill. lit fj ) $ h ''4. "vi !- t?, : Allow you ATHENA, ORE. j rM. ' esssgrsg !E23eSSE3s ' DIHKCTOltS If. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIKK. K. S. , t . . . ii