SGHS FAILURE Former Associate Traces Down Real Beginning of La Grande Bank Cashier. Relative lo the wreekiiig cf tho Fanners and Iradera National L'uuk ut La GraudH ly J. W. Scriber. the ca-ihier, the La (iraude Observer ob-taiued- the tollowiup; from ud iuter view vitlj J. B. Storianl oaca associ ated with Seiiber in boHiuejs: "Yes I was associated with J. W. Soi it t-r in tbe .baukinf? bui-iiips at Sum liter. Soma things might be told tbat would be of iaterent to tbe pablio at this time, in view of tbe receut failure. The fjstcw cf 'funzitd Ann tree' tbat bas been in vckdg during the punt 10 years is roally the root of tbia evil. 'I be individual is often the creature of circuuistances. The causes undarlviiiR this failure date back for 10 years or more, to a timo when Mr. Scrib eotumeuced to spoeulato and manipulate affairs outside of legiti mate baubiuK bnsiuens. Inflation of credits, hypothecating Hecuritius, mnl tiplying resources, and trying to make each dollar of capital do tbe work ot 20 was the beginning of this trouble. "Mr. Scriber, having a very limited capital, conceived the idea of buying control ol tho stock of the Farmers & Traders bank, and then through the inflation of credits sought to establiHU a chain of bauka from Elgin to Canyon City in Grant county, whilo at tbe same time ho was investing heavily iu real estate and backing many indus trial mining and promotion enter prises. The banks at Sumptor and Canyon City were started without a dollar of actual capital being invested in them by the promoters, depeudiLg entirely on tbe depositors' money with whiob to do business. Muoh of these deposits were loaned oat to mining op erators without security, among which were numbered tbe ofTioors of the banks. Large sums of money were deposited with the Farmers & Traders bank by tho lank of Sumptor, subject to draft, aud tbe La Grande bank often hud notes with the Sumptor bank signed by business concerns of this city and oonnty and running sometime us high aa f'JO.OOO. The loans mado by the baukof Sumptei to Mr. Soriber and associates and to tho La Grande I) nuk did run as high at ouu time as fiSO.000. Money at Hurapter was easy and ulouty during tho boom timus, but when the dump came the immense iu llatinn of credits had to be liquidated aud instead of the Sumptor bank fur nishing largo sums . of money to Mr. Suribor and the Farmers & Tradois hank, tho whole suheme was reversed and all the woithless mining uud other property aud soouritioj belonging to The Only Place to Buy a Heating Stove and the very best of Hardware is at W. J. Clark & Co., - Pendleton J. W. BOOOY'S II SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET CHOICE STEAKS, CHOPS. ROASTS, ETC IN FACT EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET. , ' s BUY HERE AND GET THE BEST " J. V. RODDY, ATHENA, OREGON m Men's Foot Sliulze ubo's $:U,0 lo $5.00; Ladies' Mnidwell shoes s?:!.00 to 1.00; Ladies' Tun and Patent Leather Oxfords $!i.50 to $1.00; Boya' High aud Low Top shoes ifl.tiu to ?;i.r0. Men's Furnishings Sweater Coats - - 1.75 to 2. M) Men's Suspenders - .25 to .75 Men's Sox from - .10 to .f.O Mou's Soft Shirts .05 to ;i.r0 M Men's Dross Shirts l.r.O to i?;!.r.0 Grocerie Wc am y the famous "Diamond W" and "Preferred V Stock" lines of the best on Our lines are completo iu every (ilovos, Hand Knit Hosiery. Western wool uudoiwear Canvas Back brand of shirts, aud tho Patterson Hat. Some of the best lines on tho ror.d today. . Notice our bargain window. You will lind somo rare I nrgaius. ', Wo save you money lor cash mid solicit your patiouago on a safe basis. , T. M. Taggart S Co's Cash Store Men's Furnishings and . Goikl Things to -.'t. . tba bank np there bod to be Bert to La Grande and assumed by Scriber and tbe La .U here. Tbe bank was reor ganized at Sumpter aud the new direc torate rejected all the qae-tiouabid paper, behidi-s a lot of paper was seut to the L? Grando bank before tbe change was mado. The paper consid ered Lad, the notes transferred, tho money owed by Sctiltr au.1 his asso ciates, and tho dupo.iits withdrawn finm La Grand ; when tbeslnnipeauie, aggregated i:euly $00,000 per Cups $.'0,00 or ?:;0.000 of this has baou re alized o:i niucr. Scribei was at fault in the first place tor engaging ia the'e niii cui'itiouf, but when it came lo a show down, he was tlie victim cf oth ers'" ba J management aud all the bur den It'll oa hio!. then in turn on the Fanners & Traders bank uud now on the depositors who aio the solierers. "There probably isn't another man living who would carry the load Scri ber has carried daring tbe last live or 10 years." Seven Yiars of Proof. "I have seven years of proof that bi. King's New Discovery is the test medicine to taku tor coughs auo colds arid lor every diseased condition of throat, o first or lungs," eays W. V. Henry, of Piitiuuiii, Mo. The woilJ has bad t liirly-eight years of proof (hat Dr. King's Kow Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds, la giippo, us-.ttnuu, bay lever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of tbe lungs, uud (be early stages of consnmptioa. ' Its timely ue always prcveuts the develop-, meut ot pneumonia. Sold nuder guar antee at Palace Drug Co's. store. SOo aud $1.00. Trial bottle free. Dry Farming Recognized. The irony of fate was most apparent when, ut the National Irrigation con gress in Albuquerque, New Mexioo, tho elaborate goldoa trophy cup pres ented ty William Randolph Hearst to tbe bust individual agricultural ex hibit, was captured by tbe exhibit made by Puoblo Colorado, from tbe "dry farming" district immediately uortheust of that city. Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watobed ihe working of Bubklen's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, uloer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy, ot East Wilton, Maine. 25o at Palaoe Drug Co's. store. Spelling the Name of God. Havo you ever rollocted that the name of. Gorl is polled wi'h four let ters iu ut lo:ist seven languages? Horo they are: Latin, Dous; Greek, Zous; Froiicu Dieu; Scandinavian, Odin; Arabia, Alia; Get man Gott; Japanese, Zaiu. Tho old Euglish spelling was Godo. 1 AT MARK : V4 Mu filets from - - $.75to-2.00 Silk Handkerchiefs - ,:5 to .75 Keck Tiea ... .60 to .75 Cnrdnioy Shirts - J. 50 to 2.E0 Swoa't'ers - 1 1.00 to 1.75 3C2 canned yood, the coast. respect having tho M. W. Hodkins line of Men's light and Heavy 1 Bfrm0qssiAii'$Bfi'fa0t ' 01 SUPERVISOR FOR ROADS The Plan is Recommended By County Good Roads Association. That one road supervisor should di rect tbe work of tbe entire oonnty was nrg d by tbe Umatilla County Good Ror -3s association in a rcsolntion pa s d ""ahiruay etternonu ut a sptciil m i e -I iug called Ly President H. J. TBylor and held in th rooms of the Comiuo -j cial bkscci liion at Peudiotou sys tie ' Ea-.t Oiesouiati. Other sleps toaid ! securing tn -lfetlive organization iu the good roads movement were taken. Soveial representative business men aud farmers were in atteudanee, and Conuty Judge Gilliland and Commis :siou!is Lee uud Walker, who were , present, assured tbe association of a ; hearty desire ou the part of 1 be county ' to coopL-rato. in the work, i With Jesso Hales as chairman, a I committee was appointed to report cp j on tbe advisability of and problems i connected witb building dirt roads 1 together witb tbat of special districts taxes to cover tbe ccst of tbe work. The other members of tbe committee are Dave Nelson aud Frank Sherman. President Taylor will serve as chair man of tbe committee on legislation wbiob consists of the president, Dr. O. J." Smith. Dr. W. G. Cole, L. L. Maun and G. W. Phelps. Moutie B. Gwinn will act as chaii man of the Ouanoe commit'ea and Charles McLeavy, Jim Lieualleu and E. L. Smith will be co-workers. Tbe ladies were given tbe task of securing membership to tbe assooiation and on tbe membership committee witb Mrs. Sam Thompson as chair man were appointed Mrs. W. J. Fnr uisb and Mrs. Gideon Brown. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES, Still tbe growth in tbe Sunday school continues. Last Sunday tbe largest attendance was recorded since the growth commenced. We expect a greatet growth still. Regular servioes meet witb an in creased atteudanoe constantly. Nest Lord's day we have servioes at , 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In tbe evening the pastor will speak on "Tbe Great StoueFaoe." -All are earnestly invited. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Connty Court of tbo State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. Iu the matter of tbe estate of Cath erine Wilson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all porsons whom it may concern that Lowell L. Rogers has been appointed administra tor of the estate of Catherine Wilson, deceased, und that letters of adminis tration have been issued to hvca as snob. All persons having claims against tho estate are required to present them, with vouchers as required, by law, to the said, administrator at bis homo iu Adains, Oregon, or to bis at torneys, Peterson & Wilson, at their office in Atbeua, Oregon, or at their office iu Peudletou, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of tbe first pub lioation of tbis uotioe. whiob Diet publication will appear in tbe Athena Press on Friday the sixtn day ot No vember A. D. 1908, and will be pub lished once a week thereafter for four successive weeks. , ; Dated this the Ctb day of November A. D. 1908. $ . Lowell L. Rogers, Administrator .Peterson & Wilson, Attorneys. .i . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rn the Couuty Court of the Stato?ot Oregon, for Umatilla County. i Iu the matter of the estate of Ad'ele St. Dennis, deceased. J Notice is hereby given to all persous whom it may oonoeru F. S. Le Grow has been appointed administrator of tho estato of Adele St. Dennis, de ceased, and tbat letters of administra tion have been issued to him as snub. All persous having claims ngairjst tho estato are required to pressut thorn, . with vouobers as required by hw, to the said admiuistrator at his office iu the First National Bank in Athena, Oregon, or to his. attorueys, Peterson & Wilson, at their office iu Athoun, Oregon, witbiu sis mouths from the date ot the fust pnblicutipu ef this notice, wbicp (list publication will appear iu the Athena Press on Friday tho sixth day of November A. D. 1903, and will be published ouce; a week thereafter "for font "-sneftraw weeks. Dated tbla tbe Gtb in ot November. A. D. 1908. x F. S. Lo Grow, Administrator.' Peterson & Wilson, Attorneys. Wanted. ' ' ' Success Magaziue requires the er vices of a man in Athena to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure uew business by moaus of special methods unusually etlective; position pormatient; prefer oue witb exper ience, but would, cousider any appli cant witb good natural qualifications; salary f LEO per day, witb commission option. Address, witb references, R. C. Peacock, Room 103, Success Maga zino Bldg., New York. How is Your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th Ave., Sau Francisco, reoom mends a remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wouderfnl effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute in digestiou, prompts this tes'tmouial. " I uiu fully couvinced that for stomecb uud liver troubles Lteonio Bitters is the t'tst remedy ou tie tmuket today."' 'ibis great toole acd iUteiative medi cine iuvigorates tL tvslem, purifies lbs bloiui and is especially helpful in all forms of female we-ukuoa. 50o at Palace Drug Co's. store. 1 C. A. BARRETT & COMPANY, Wise Piano Co Received During the past 30 days 3 Carloads of Pianos All Guaranteed , It will pay yon to look this assort ment over. "Tnere's a Difference." Only Reliable Makes Sold. We have a great many satisfied customers around Athena who can testify as to the rper its of our pianos., - . ALL TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS sold by us. Come in and hear these Instruments. Any child can play them. You ore always welcome If you can't call, drop us a line or call us np at our expense and we will send a representative to see yon. Positively Fair Treatment to all. Youre for Business, C. V.BAIRD, MANAGER 15 Main Street,. :; Walla Walla Office Phone Main 20 Night, Main 70 Office, Pendleton Drug Co, J. A. DONAGHUE, V, S, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College PENDLETON - - . OREGON Dr. E. A. Vaughan-Dr. Tiros' Vaughan VAUGHAN BROS. DENTISTS Judd Building, Pendleton, Ore. Oregon hiiit him 9 UNION Pacific Through Pulliiiitn standard and sleeping cars daily toOnmha, L'hieagA; tourist sleeping car daily to Khiishs City; tlirougli Fullnian tourist sleeping oars, persoually conducted, weekly lo Chicago, with free reclining clut'.r care, seats free, to the east daily iron) Peudleton. I ARRIVB TIME 80HKDUI ES Daily. ATHENA, ORE. Walla Walla, Pay ton, Pomeroy, Lew Isum, Colfax, Full-1-10 p m man, Moscow, the 0eur d'Alene dis trict, Sppkane and all points north. Walla Walia - Pen 10:OS an dleton Special Fast Mall for Fen , dletun, LaOrande. Baker City, aud all pointseiKl via Huu lingtou. Ore., Aiw tot L'umliHa, llepp iti l m ner, Th Itailes. Fort land, Astoiia, Willamette Valley Points, California. Taeoma, $ea tl le, a 1 Sound Points. 5:') p-111. Pendleton Walla Walla Special - PEP ART Dally. 1:10 p.m. 10:08 a. m. 3: lo p. in 5: 25 p tU E. 31. Smllh AKrt, AtUena tsar OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vioe President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass'L Cashier. NATIOE't;-' L BAMIX OF ATHENA CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000 .'-SURPLUS, 25,000 -fl A General Banking Business conducted on Conservative Principles m QUELLE RESTAURANT GOOD THINGS TO EAT WELL SERVED . Pendleton, Or. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS with Or. fling' lew Discovery FDR OQUCH3 . ... ULUij Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. QUARANTE2D SAr.?ISFAOXOHY OB MONEY REFUNDED. D0l OFFICt 353 RESIDENCE 392 wt EYES TESTED GLASSES GRnUHIWITTFR C)C iCp)i i I For Gives rest to the stomach. . For indigestion; dyspepsia, sour stomach, tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puff ed stomach, iV;rvous stomach and catarrh of the stomach. . A prompt relief.. . PrpMd at lis Lib. erttry of E.C.DsiB'itt Co , Chic?o. V S.A. Digests Makes tSi THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY, ATHENA, OR IDE SUPERIOR DRILL i GAR-LOAD JUST RECEIVED ATHENA, ORE. DIRECTORS rt H. O. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. IS Le GROW! D. H. PRESTON. P. v.. H COLBERN. 49 BEWARE Ask for Inland Crackers in the Red Packages when you want the best. BEWA ofcheap crackers packed in immitation red packages bv the cracker trust Ask for INLAND CRACKERS Not made by the Trust, The Finest Line of Winter Millinery Is now on display at Campbell's Millinery Store Pendleton SPECIAL PRICES to our out-of-town trade. OPTICAL SPECIALIST imt I urin-iiaan. lirfriea-Mm 18 EAST MAIN ST. yspepssa What Yoa Eat Gro&th Sweet our rto-nirh. brlck- ir,9 cf trr..