MYOWN FAMILY USE ; -PE-RU-NA. ..- .-.'.'...V-V ' ' JO :-:S.6f. HON. GEORGE W. HONEY. Hon. George W. Honey, National Chaplain U. V. U., ex-Chaplain Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry, ex - Treasurer State of Wisconsin, and ex-Quarter master General State of Texas (r. A R., writes from 1700 First St., N. E., Washins'trm. H. C: as follows ! "I cannot too highly recommend your preparation for the relief of catarrhal troubles in their various forms. Some members of my own family have used it with most grati fying results. When other remedies failed, Peruna proved most efficacious and I cheerfuiiy certify to its curative excellence. Mr. Fred T.. Hebard, for nine years a leading photographer oi Kansas City. Mo., located at the northeast cocner of 12th and Grand Aves., cheerfully gives the following testi mony: "It is a proven fact that Pe runa will cure catarrh and la grippe, and as a tonic it has no equal. Drug gists have tried to make me take something else 'just as good,' but Pe runa is good enough for me." Pe-ru-na in Tablet Form. For two years Dr. Hartman and his assistants have incessantly la bored to create Peruna in tablet form, and their strepuous labors have just been crowned with success. People wjjp object to liquid medicines can now secure Peruna tablets, which rep resent the sojid medicinal ingredients of Peruna. "20-Mule-Team" Borax tends to stop the development of blight and mildew, and destroys parasitical insects. Stalks, young leaves and buds affected should be care fully sprinkled with Borax solution, and "20-Mule-Team" Borax should be used freely around the wainscoting and floors of buildings to protect from insects. ai,oiWTcT. n " When Johnny Hobos Jeft his home up among the New Hampshire hills to visit his grandmother In Worcester, Mass., he was cautioned by his mother that he would And things In the city strangely different from those at home. Johnny arrived In the early after- noon, and long before tea time his grandmother, who lived most simply, told him to run out to the pantry and get a bowl of milk which she had left there "for a hungry boy." - . A moment later she folloved him, and, to her amazement, beheld her grandson bravely at work on a bowl of spearmint tea which she had forgot fully put in the place where she bad told him to find the milk. "Why, child," she cried, seizing the bowl from poor Johnny, "don't you know this isn't milkr "I I knew it wasn't like Hlllbury milk," stammered Johnny, with a final gulp, "but I thought maybe it was the kind folks had in Worcester." Peppermint and Tobacco. . If you have a boy who has begun smoking too early and whom you wish to cure of the habit, feed him pepper mints. Dr. O. Clayton Jones of Silver ton, England, writing In the London Lancet, is authority for this simple cure. Dr. Jones writes : "To break the smoking habit in a youth there is noth ing better than peppermint drops. He cannot smoke with a 'bullseye In his mouth, and even for some time after It Is dissolved tobacco will not blend kind ly with the taste that remains. Social ly the cure may seem worse than the disease, but from a medical point of Tiew the sucking of peppermints is far less hurtful. A common 'bullseye' will prevent smoking for nearly an hour, so the amount ef sweets used need not be great" Unanswerable. The lion was sneering at the awkward, uncouth, and 1 generally ugly ' appearance of the elephant, "I may not be as graceful as you are,' observed the elephant, "but I'm nearer akin to the human family than you are. The knees of my hind legs bend forward, as a man's legs do, While yours bend back ward, the same as a hyena's, or a hog's, or a skunk's. You belong to a lower order of creation, and I'd rather not associate with you on terms of equality if it's all the same to you." Whereat the lion, observing that the elephant was waving his trunk threaten ingly, went back among the wolves and coyotes, where he still retained some pres tige. An Unfortunate Misunderstanding. "I had to leave my last situation be cause the missus said they were going to lead the sinful life, and they wouldn't want any servants about the place." Punch. the heai'cowbot: Wo Lonarer an Animated Battery, bnt a Broncho Banter Still. It is quite true that the cowboy of to-day is not a college man, nor one at all familiar with the manners and customs of polite- society, says Out West. Neither does he go about his dally task with a brace of six-shooters slung at his hips and a repeating rifle held In the crook of his arm. Barbed wire fences, steam railroads, police courts and penitentiaries have rendered such appurtenances superflu ous. And immediately after pay day he does cot sweep down upon the nearest town, shoot out the lights and take part in a gun fight or two. For the $30 or $40 a month which he receives a strict attention to the duties of hs lob Is expected, and in these days of strenuous competition a Job Is a pre cious thing. The life of the modern cowboy is as full of hard and monoton ous work as that of an eastern farm hand, and there is very little difference in the Intellectual and social standing of the two. . Though ihousands of cattle are graz ed on the plains of the Southwest, very few are shipped direct from the range to the market The places of Individ ual cattle kings have been taken by great stock companies which own nu merous tracts of range land in various Darts of the West A few years ago a dry season in southern Arizona meant the death of many cattle and , very frequently ine finnnclHl ruin of their owners. The old timers still tell stories of having walk ed for incredible distances on the car casses of dead steers. But all that is past they do things differently now. Let a dry year come upon the southwestern ranges and the cattle are hustled on board a train and transported to the cattle companies The BttuT mnt larrIedcroein wilds of Africa on the backs of native' porters, who think nothing of dropping their loads and deserting If the fancy happens to seize them. The worst of the hunting Is nothing to what such a homeward march may mean. I have had my men shot down by hostile tribes from ambush with poisoned arrows. I have seen them die in agony from the bites of noxious Insects. I have been attacked by bands of Dlnkas, who knew the value of ivory as well as I did and who tried to help themselves to mine. -Everybody's Magazine. VENOM OF THE MOSQUITO. THE CUHEFOH SCROFULA Aa-ency In Spreading: Dt cease Wm Discovered Many Years Ago. At the time of the discovery of the mosquito's agency in breeding disease it was not dreamed that far more than the germ of the truth had been reveal ed many years before, says the New York Sun. The truth was told in 1853 in the obscure columns of the Faceta Office, published at the port of Camana, Venezuela, and a little later in a brief note or two that the discoverer wrote to the Academy of Sciences in Paris. It was buried in those pages and for gotten, and has now been resurrected by the Havana Cronlca Medico and the British Medical Journal. In May, 1853, Louis Daniel Beauper- thuy, a native of Guadaloupe and health officer at Camana, wrote to the Gaceta Official that for fourteen years he had made a microscopic study of the blood and secretions in every type of fever and had discovered that yellow fever resulted from the stings of sev eral species of mosquitoes. "The mos quito plunges its proboscis into the skin and introduces a poison which has properties akin to that of snake venom. It softens the red blood corpuscles, Swollen glands, about the neck, weak eyes, pale, waxy complexions, running sores and ulcers, skin diseases, and general poor health, are the usual ways in which Scrofula is manifested. The disease being deeply intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling, or hip disease, and the scrofulous and tubercular matter so thoroughly destroys the healthful properties of the blood that Scrofula sometimes terminates in consumption, an incurable disease. The entire circulation being contaminated, the only way to cure the trouble is to thoroughly purify the blood and restore the circulation to a strong, healthy state. S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Scrofula ; it renovates the entire blood supply and drives out the scrofulous and tubercular deposits. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and it not only goes right down to the very bottom of the trouble and removes the cause, but it supplies the weak, diseased blood with the healthful properties it is in need of, and in this way builds uo weak, frail, scrofulous persons and makes them strong and healthy. . M . . . . S. S. S. is a gentle, sale, vegetable preparation ana is suitea lor persons oi any age. Book on the blood containing information about Scrofula and any medical advice free. THE SWITTT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA SA. causes their rupture, and facilitates the ranges in Colorado or Montana or Da- mixing of the coloring matter with the kota, where the season Is good and the serum.' No long drives of hundreds of miles the much-maligned swamp, whose repu In search of new range as In the old tatlon as a breeder of malaria and oth- davs. Simply a day or two of round ing up, then a few hours' drive to the nearest shipping point on the railroad. Then perhaps a day In town for the cowboys and back again to the nome ranch and the regular grind. er fevers was widespread. "Marshes do not communicate to the air any thing more than humidity, and the small amount of hydrogen they give off does not cause in man the slight est Indisposition In equatorial and in Thousrh the cowboy Is not a college tertroplcal regions renowned for their C. Gee Wo The well known reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR . n IIP TT111 IT M It Illf-t RLUUI IPk. .'a Pi . i i i. j t romii hiiu nnniH. huu i ii lliw f$i&i study discovered arid is giir PJu&U'i- f ul ruirediea. No Mercury. Poisons or Drugs Used He Cures Without Operation, or Without the Aid of a Kiriii Ho Ruarantees to Cure Catarrh, Aathma, Lnng, fhrrt, Hheumattftm, Nervousneaa. Nervous Debility, fetoimich. Liver, Kidney Tronbles:also Lost Manhood, female Weakness and All Private DisaHes A SURE CANCER CURE Just Received from Peking, China Safe, Sure , and Reliable. IT YOU AEE AFJiICTED. DON'T DELAY. DELAYS AKE DANGEROUS. CONSULTATION FREB tf yon oannot call, write for sympton blank and circa lar. Inclose 4 cents in atom rs. THE 0. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. K2 1-2 First Be Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Please Mention This Pacer. KASPARILLA -' This sterling household remedy is most successfully prescribed for a "world of troubles." For derangements of thedi gestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthful activity. Its beneficial influence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, con stipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla -dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening -tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. Hoyt Chemical Co. Portland, Oregon eraduate he is by no means an lgno ramus. Usually he Is American born and fairly well read, taking the same aotsva intprpst In current tonics and ru-iHHpB flint nthtr American citizens do, As a eeneral rule he has been raised to the Paris, Academy of Sciences, dat o , I - - t 10 torn Vir in the section in which he Is enipioyeu unhealthfulness. Nor is it the putres cence of the water that makes it un healthy, but the presence of mosquitoes." In one of his short communications A a Safety Valre. "Scorchley doesn't have any mtre ol those terrible epileptic fits he used to have, does he?" . "No; whenever he feels one of them coming on he goes and takes a spin in his automobile. One Reaaon. Bella What do they want to dis cover the north pole for? Stella What for? Why, for the sake of getting some picture postcard from there, of course. Pick-Me-Up, Mothers will flnfl Mm. winrtow'a Boothlng Byrup tho boat remedy to Use loi their ctu lOi a luring the teething period. Even Chan are. "Ton spent a month at the seaside. Did It pay?" "I can't say it paid, but I came out exactly even." "How?", "Paid out $G0, but gained twelve pounds. Same thing, you know." New York Jewi. The Jewish community of New York Is now the largest In history or tra dition. It represents 10 per cent of the entjre Jewish population of the world. OWAHD E. BURTOH. Aasayer ar3 Chemtst, Le&nville. Colorado. Specimen prices i Uold. Silver, L'-ad, SI ; Oold, Silver, ISc; Oold, 6gc; Zlnooj eppcr. VI. cyamiio wms. jaauingenveiop n jll price Hat sent on application. Control and IW Bire work solicited. ueiereucei iaroonat jasr onal Bank. and is of youthful appearance. tie differs very little from the average American working youth, western dla- wt stories to the contrary notwlth standing. In alh cowboy bunkhouses there. Is a pile of current magazines, the contents of which are devoured with avidity. And one is not infrequently treated to the amusing spectacle of a youthful ed from Camana, June 18, 1850, he wrote that as early as 1839 his Inves tigations in unhealthy locations In South America had convinced him that the so-called marsh fevers were due to a vegetp-aninial virus "inoculated into man b& mosquitoes." Beauperthuy's facts and deductions were so remote from all the medical teachings of the day that they were doubtless laughed at and promptly for CITC St. Vitas' Dnnce and ervous mseases psrma rilJnsntly cored by Dr. i .toe's Great Nerve Re storer. Send for FREE $1.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. B. H. Kline, Ld (Ul Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ctrcnla Ambition. Slocum Curfous fad that Boxley, the baseball pitcher, has taken up, isn't it? He's building an airship. Gofast No; it's perfectly natural, lie thinks he can make one that will de scribe a shorter curve than anybody else's machine." It Cures While You Walk. 1 11.. '.. . (- .wl ... I ........ . J i 117 11 B X Ull L l.n.1. IB nnilDUl VU1Q1U1 UUbi weating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. 8olq bv all Druirirists. rnee zm:. vnm accent any Y. substitute. Trial package Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, cowboy becoming so enamored of the gotten. - Probably the priority or nis UlSCOVery Will UOW ire acsuunicu0w, but It might have been a profound A Flavoring;. It make syrup better than Maple. Sold by grocers. BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND. OREGON BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? They are Trained for business in a buainess-Iike way. , Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of its graduates? I. M. WALKER. Pres. SEND FOR CATALOGUE O. A. BOSSKRMAN. See. kind of punchers pictured in modern fiction that he purchases a pair of ut terly useless slx-shootera, commences to walk with a swagger and to imitate '.he dialect of Red Saunders. But if marksmanship is no longer a qualification of the cowpuncher, horse manship is. The modern cattleman is as proud of his ability to ride anything on four legs as was ever (broncho buster of bygone days, and this Is the first fact Impressed upon a tenderfoot Soapolda. Do you wash? It Is a ' well-known medical fact that scrubbing the race and hands with chemical detergents is absolutely ruinous to the delicate outer faibrlc of the skin. You would not pour a can of petrol on the side of an aero plane to make it go, would you? Why, then, attempt to open the , pores of the aQ, & ute he'd spiked me in the Bhin." blessing to the world if scientific re search had been able in the middle of the last century to proceed along the lines suggested by Beauperthuy's announcement "Fighting Before Ladles." The Hon. Thomas Sharkey, refereeing a Mgutwelgnt UOUI ai me n,usiewuuu carnival, rebuked a too energetic pugi list "Remember," he said, severely, "you are fighting before ladies." The refining Influence of women upon all conflicts, from polo to politics, is a pleasant theory. A greater man than Sharkey once disputed it Telling how the wife of an opponent had been ad mltted to a famous ring side, he said : "Reflnln' Influence of woman, huh ! I'd got him good an' licked when Bhe sings if a can. Try Improve Your Baking Baking Powder will do it for your favorite It dpesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, if It isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal, v w ounces if 7 fr BAKING POWDER Pure, Wholesome, Economical it! Get J cake. If 8 cuticle and keep them working by the external application of saponaceous tablets and other inferior frauds of the kind? Beware of these as you would of a poison. Water is equally dangerous. TOiy is it that you meet so many people ev ery day in the street with gray smut stained faces and toil-begrlnied hands? Simply because they abrade and de stroy the elegant envelope with which nature has provided their bodies, in stead of treating It rationally from within. The only way to be clean is to swallow soapolds, with their wonder ful Internal operation on the fibers and nerve tissues. However dusty or grit ty you may be, one does of soapolds will set you right. The pores will spring open and shed off the unnatural accretion of foreign substances as a snake sloughs its skin. Think, too, of the time and money you will save. No more tedious ablu tions and ruinous water . rates. You can swallow your soapold as you walk to the ofllce and be as-brlght as a new pin. Our final word Is if you have been washing, stop it ; If you have not don't begin. Sare your eplrdermls, and swallow soapolds. Try nature's way and be clean. Punch Women watched the fiercest Jousts oi helmeted knights in the days of chival ry, when broken necks were not uncoiu nion. They witnessed the combats of gladiators, as they still do the bull fights in Spain and Mexico. They Joy in the hot fights of the football field, a more prolific source of injury than the prize ring. Women are the cause or most private warfare, as land Is the cause of most national warfare. New York World. The Ivory Hunter. First catch your ivory, then get it home if you can. A man's troubles have barely begun when the tusks of the fallen monsters are chopped out wrapped in sacking and taken back to camp. Each weighs 60 or even 100 pounds. I have seen specimens that are on record as tipping the scales at 250 pounds. Suppose I have got to gether $100,000 worth of fine ivory. I am perhaps a thousand miles from any where with this load of 50.000 or 00,000 pounds. There are no railroads, no wheeled vehicles, even no draft animals. Steel from the Ore. Two Australian Inventors have found a neWpTDcess for the continuous treat ment of iron ore, which Is to be exploit ed throughout the world. It Is a pro cess for directly converting the ore into malleable Iron or steel, and Is said to effect a saving of 25 per cent After the ore is concentrated it is passed tnrmieh a revolving cylinder and brought into contact with the deoxldlss ing gas; thence it falls Into a bottle of molten iron and is converted into steel or malleable Iron, the whole pro cess being automatic. All Flied. "I want to tell you, old man," said Krotchett "how thoroughly ashamed I am of the temper I displayed last night Your wife and sister must have thought me crazy." "No; they didn't," replied Brightly, "I fixed that all right" "Ah ; so good of you, old man." "Yes; I told them you were drunk." Philadelphia Press. Before a girl marries, she prays; that she may make him a good wife; after she marries, she asks the Lord it make him a tietter husband. Young blood is powerful ; but it can be too young, When the Wind Siena Right. Stranger How far is it to the stock vards? Native Right here. Uan't you tell Dj Tour nose? Strangei- No; been smelling just nice tliia ever s nee I came in sicht ot tuf town. Chicago Tribune. How's This? We offerOne Hundred Dollars Reward tor any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha l's Catarrh Cure. . . . . F. J. CHENEY &CU.,T01eaO,U W thn undersitrned. have knuwn F. J. Dionnv for the last 15 Years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bulsness transactions ana nnanciaiiy auie vu u. vungw- lon made bv ins nrm. WA1.1INLy. K1INXSAN S MAKV1M. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O Hall's Catarrah Cure is ikon internally, act ing directly upon the blood ana mucous stir fn..( of the svstem. Testlmonlalf Bent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all UrugRists, Take a family rius ior ousupauuu. Uncle Allen. "I see the government is going Into the airship business," said Uncle Allen Sparks. "Sooner or later the airship will get into politics, and then we'll have ma chine politicians and flying machine poli- iclans." Symmetry. The smoker who sat directly opposlts bad put his foot on the edga of the seat occupied by the professor. It was encassd in on of those easy going, hygienic shoes that look like a can vas covered ham. "My friend," said the professor, eying It disapprovingly, "oblige me by removing that thing from my seat. It's bad form. Chicago Tribune. The cleanest. liahtest. and V -a. most conuuriauic SLICKER at the same time cheapest in the end because it wears longest aQ0 ruprvumprp Every garment quar. anteed waterproof Catalog free TORONTO (AH CRESCENT EGG-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER A modern leavener at a moderate price) is 30 . per cent more efficient than "Trust" or Cream- of-Tartar products and ! absolutely free from the health-racking Rochelle Salts residue invariably accompanying their use. Get it from your Grocer 25c FULL POUND 25o 7r-r Hi Is jour mouth simtliir In ny wny to the aliove! It m, no need to wear a vrolihly, unusable partial plat or tll.flttlnti, ordinary brldiie work. The Dr. Wis system of "TEETH WITHOUT PLATES" The result of 21 years' eiperlenoe. the new way of replacing teeth In the mouth-teeth In fact, teeth In niipearance, teeth to chew your food upon, as yon did upon your natural ones. Our forc Issoorvan iy.ed we can do your entire crown. brldKe or plats work in a day If necessary. Positively painless ei iruoting. Only hlnh-clnss. sclentltlo work. WISE DENTAL CO., INC. nr W A. Wise. Mannmor.. 21 years In Portland. Second Floor, FallinK Hulldinu, THird and Wash. Uiru-e Hours, o ft. m. iv o r. vh. oun. davs, 8 to 1 P. M. l'Bliiless Kitraotlng, oOo; Hi up. Phones A. and Main Wat. plates, P N V NO. 40 08 w HJCN writing to advertisers please mention this paper. II AsU-.' uim. j Ms, mm The Kind You Have Always liouerht has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ajre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethinpr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. THI Of TUK eOMMMV. Tf MUMV .TUCST. MWOS CITT.