The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 06, 1908, Image 4

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Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Pubusheb.
Application for entrance a 2nd clans matter
made on July 6,
l!Ki7at tbe postofnee at, Athena, Oregon
Under an Act ol (.'ongrena of March 3, 1879
SubaorlPtlon Ratal t
p ' i ar, tn advanc . 12.00
Single copies in wrappers, 6c,
. 1 .
ATHENA. ORE,. NOV. 6 1908
For tbe third time Mr. ryaa has
teen defeated tot President aod it ia
needless to say that tbe demooratio
party oau not win with him aa its ex
ponent and leader. Bryan ia perhapa
tbe most brilliant statesman of tbe age.
bnt many of bia pronofhnoed polioies
are in direct conflict with the interests
of the money power, and when Ameri
can business interesta puts ita pressure
BRBinat the tide of any man's aapira
tioua, be goes down and out. Bryan
will never be president, but mauy
- meritorious reforms be advooates and
' stands for will eventually And their
way into the sorolls of political plat
forms, and some other leader will thus
garner tbe sheaves that sbonld have
been won by the peerless Nebraakan.
A new bulletin of the Correspon-douoe-study
department of tbe Univer
sity for Oregon has just been reoeived.
Tbe acope of the work baa beon greatly
eularged over tbe beginning made last
year, aud now covers oourses in
English Classics, Shakespeare, Peda
gogy, Botany, History Algebra, Geom
etry, Trigonometry, Analtyio Geometry
and several courses in Mathematics
for teachera. By means of this work
any student who has not time to attend
college or high sobool, can pursue,
with hardly any cost, practioally the
same work by correspondence through
the University courses, aud receive
credit for it.
had been subscribed for the coming
year 113,661, to wbioh will be added
f 1400, tbe total being more than a dol
lar and a half for every man, woman
and child in tbe city, and this will be
used ia advertising tbe resources aud
advantages of Eugene aud La fie Coon
ty. Engeue is determined to go ahead
and doesn't mind a little tbing like a
national electiou. What other town of
10,000 people in Oregon. Washington
or California can match this record?
Flora a purely local alfuir, origina
ting in the Spokane County Hor
ticultural Sooiety, tbe apple show to
be bold iu Spokane, December 7 to
12 has become international in scope.
Advices wore roooived tbe past week
tbat Japan, England, Germany and
Norway will all have nutional displuys
at tho Snokaue nlinw. Hritiah Cinlnm.
bia and the other Canadian provinces
have alroady reserved space for ap
proximately 200 exhibits, and the in
dications are that they will double
uu.a ii u in iiiDi . u till, lUI! tlUU 1UH IU-
ceived up to tbe Hist of November
nggregato (!50.
Present wastes in lumber production
are enormous. Take the case of yel
low pine, which now heads tbe list in
the volume of annual out In 1907 it
ia estimated tbat only one-half of all
tbe yellow pine out during tbe season
waa used, and tbat the other half,
amounting to 8,000,000 cords, wbb
wasted. Suoh waste ia typical. Mr.
R. A. Long, in his address on "Forest
Conservation" at the Conferenoe of
Governors last spring, pointed out tbat
20 per cent of the yellow pine was
simply left in the woods a waste
wbioh represents the timber growing
on 800,000 acres.
According to the "clean politios"
measure passed by the voters of Ore
gon last June tbe old-time electiou
practices are no longer lawf ol, 5'hese
ore 6ome of the things tbat were ob
served iu Athena last Tuesday as un
lawful: To hire vebioles to haul voters to
and from tbe polls;
To hire any one to work at the polls
exoept to challenge persons not quali
fied to vote;
To wear any political badge or in
signia at the polls;
To distribute oards or campaign lit
erature at the polls; or to work at tbe
polls in any way to influenoe voters;
To do anythiug to influence voters.
Even cold cash at times eeews to
burn ia a man's pocket
Some people are as miserly witb
truth as others are witb money.
Beauty may be a snare, but most
people are willing to take chances.
Kugono surprised tbe people of this
entire country lust year by raising a
great advertising fund and puying a
salary ot $5,000 auuually for an ex
pert. Up to last Saturday night there
The press bureau of the Alaska-Yu-
kon-Paoiflo Exposition sends out
monthly about four columns of stuff to
eaoh country paper, expecting the same
to bo published for the benoflt of
Seuttle. Tbe dear editor is told tbat
the matter is free and won't cost him
cent to publish it. If the A.-Y.-P.
E. wants to do business iu a legitimate
way and advertise their show this pa
per will send a rate card. Otherwise
do not send any more oopy for tho
waste basket.
John Henniker Heatou has been
praised iu England because of the suc
cess of bis long campaign for tbe re
duction of the rates of ocean postage
between Great Britain and the United
Eaading tbe newspaper is as inti
mate a part of our every day life as
sleeping aud eating. It is a rare per
son woo does not at least glanoe over
his daily or weekly paper, and to tbe
great majority of people it ia tbe only
avenue open to tbeir minds accessible
to those who have things to sell. The
peculiar strength whiob is all bis
own is well put by a recent writer in
the following words: "The newspaper
carries suggestion into tbe family cir
cie at leisure moments iu parlor or
library, where no salesman is ever per
mitted to enter." It ia in closer touch
witb and exerts a greater influence in
tbe borne than any other printed tbing.
To start witb ; there are in tbe older
communities a vast number of people
who have inherited the oontinnanoe of
tbe paper which their parents read
It is as real to them as "proofs of
holy writ." To praotioally all others,
it is tbeir own choice. The intelli
gence of the world's doings is gleaned
iroin its pages. Tbat wnicn many
deem their own judgment, aa related
to current topios, ia merely a reflection
of what they have read in their borne
paper. What reaches them for tbe
first time in today's issue, in a week
or a day later, has become their belief
and knowledge. And now tbat I
remind you of it, you have a friend or
neighbor, whose conversation ia largely
made up of what he has read in the
day's paper. He does not add any new
thought to it, either, or indeed any
new words, except perhaps tbe three
"They do say." Of almost equal
value to tbe advertisers, in my judg
ment, is the distributing faotor of the
oewspaper, for after all distribution
is tbe most important detail of adver
tising and tbe one wbicb sbonld com
mand your constant attention.
To most people, all other than news
paper reading is more or less of an
effort. Because suoh reading can be
deferred, it is. No other printed mat
ter except, of course, the weekly,
monthly, and other periodicals, has
the potent quality of quiok aud com
plete distribution. Tbe reading of it
can uot be put off even if we wish to
do so. Tbe newspaper in its field, has
done mentally what the electric street
car has done physically for tbe people.
Like tbe car, itis a hmry-up affair.
With tho introduction of eleotrio
power tbe people, especially those
living in smaller cities, (hurried tip,
aud took notioe. They had to. . They
fouud tbey had to catob tbe car and
be quick about it. Formerly the c&r
waited for them.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
moves tbe bowels gently. Contains do
opiates. It in nlenennr. tn take and
States, but the Englishmen do not for- j childrenlespeoially like tbe taste, so
OT Cold
Try It
The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy in the cure of bad
colds has made it one of the most popular medicines in use. It can always be
depended upon to effect a quick cure and is pleasant to take.
It contains io opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a
child as to an adult Price 25 cents. Large size 50 cents.
J. a. FKUUMfl, PROP. T
Iff .
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
la the only one thai can accommodate
commercial travelers.
"The Old Standby"
Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank
Commercial Banking
Can be lecomended for Us clean and
4 wen ventilated room 8.
. .
Cor. Maim and Third, A then a, or,
got the efforts of Elibu Burritt, the
Connecticut blacksmith, on behalf of
cheap ooeau postage.
Wheu a iuun with a wife and several
growu-up daughters has a cheerful
disposition, it's a sign that bo has a
pretty good iuoorue.
nearly like maple
Palao Drug Co.
sugar. Sold by
For Sale.
Mrs. M ay Jorgenson otters 80 acres
of fine reservation land for sale at $90
per acre. Tbe land description is N
of N W M sec. 17, tp3. 35 E W M.
Inquire of F. S. Le Grow, Athena.
Eastern Oregon's Largdt and Best Store
at Pendleton,
eager or yourf trade, offers you the largest varieties of Dependable cTVlerchandise at
the lowest price known for years. The most comprehensive showing gf Fall and
Winter styles in Ladies' and Misses Suits, Hats and Coats, Skirts, Furs, and all other
Wearables. A For Quality, variety" if Styles and Workmanship our lines surpass
l any" ever shown in this section. A Remember we are the largest dealers in Mens
and Boys Clothing, Men, Women and Children Shoes, Silks and Dress Goods. A A"
are offered you in Blankets and Comforts. d Good, clean Groceries at lowest prices.
In our Grocery Department you will find none but pure, clean wholesome eatables,
and we are the acknowledged leaders in low prices. A cTVlail orders promptly" filled.
Your patronage solicited on the score of better goods for less money let us prove it.
wnere it rays to Trade PENDLETON, OREGON
Always Save Your Coupons
That our American wrests abound In
u'diits which posies' tho r.iost valuable
im .licinal virtuos is abundantly attested
by scores of tho most eminent medical
writers and teauhers. Even the untu
tored Indians luul discovered tho useful
ness of many luitivo plants before the
advont of tho v.liito race. This informa
tion, imparted freely to the whites, led
tim latter to continue Investigations until
to-iliiy wc have a rich assortment of most
valuablo American medicinal roots.
O "O. -Cv
Dr. Pierce believes that our American for
ests arjfcjnd In most valuable medicinal roots
tot the cufjf most obstinate and fatal dis
eases. If wcwohid properly investigate them;
and IsVjiiffrBwAai of this conviction, he
DOinWwith prkiNi thn almost rnnrrpl
ffurps pfTer-t.rrl hy h "f"M" Mpf"l rip
covery." which lias noven itself to be lha
most efficient Mumarh tonic. ypr Invlgnr-
qt'Ti heart lonlr P"'5 ""''ir and blood
Cleanser known 10 mn' .Tai jyit'n- Dyspep
sl a, or;o" "oiJ IiveTTf unctlonal
and even valvular aim other affections of
the heart yield to Its curative action. The
reason why it. cures these and many other
affections. Is clearly gnowa In a little book
of extracts from the standard medical works
which is mailed .-:o any address by Dr. R.
V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., to all sending
request for tho same.
S 0 -C
Not less marvelous, In tho unparalleled
cures it is constantly making of woman's
many peculiar affections, weaknesses and
dlstrfssjnfiT derSncements. is Dr. Pierce's
FavoritePrescripUorKas is amply attested
by thousands oNtoXbiiiffeestimonlals con
tributed byVeraluful natTen who have been
cured hy jt oteatarrhiil pelTfr drains, pnlnfirr
Capital, Surplus and Profits,
We Give Savings Bank Facilities
the National Bank Security
4 per cent Interest
Paid on Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
The Old Savings Bank, the friend of the Farmer, Stockman and
Merchant, now a National Bank, continuing business under the super
vision of the U. S. Government.
us. pa'nfuT
periods irregularities, prolapsus ji
displacements- yanschy wenknrss. uW-prr
elkvj Ol runjTTTnnpMnirfc
after many other advertised medicines, and
physicians bad failed.
Both thn above mentioned mctll.-lnes are
wholly mud" up from l!n irlyccnr extracts of
native, nieuicimil roots The prut'. sues em
ployed in llieir niamita.'turo were original
with Dr. fierce, and tl.i-y are carried on by
hklllt'd chemists and pl.urmat'lsts with the
aid of apparatus and cpplianees specially
designed and Imllt fi this purpose. Both
medicines are entirely free from alcohol and
all other harmful, hr! t-fornvln dnifrs. A
full list of their hiiri-edicnts is printed on
each l'ittle-wra:ner.
flip p?psffli: dHKdlK oHUr
- 111 'lisilii'li Everythmg First
Put S. W. P. on your h,ouse
and you will get satisfaction
and save money every time.
ii rv n r n r "x n y-TTv t rtr " r
lilli and GOLDS
im u
Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that 1 was
unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." .
W. J. ATKlffS, Banner Springs, Tena.
AND $1.00