The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 06, 1908, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
Mrs. Wm. Shiimpf was a Pendleton
visitor yesterdj
, sells an Elcin watch with dust
proof oase for $5.
(J. W. Preston spent the flrst of the
week in Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Cass Cannon were in
Pendleton yesterday.
Mrs. Jaokeon visited in Pendleton
tbe flrst of the week.
S. L. Spencer went down to Pen
dleton Monday evening.
Miss Co its. of Helix, visited in tbe
city tbe first of tbe week.
Cass Cannon transacted business at
tbe county Beat yesterday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Red
ford, November 3, 1908. a son.
H. O. Wortbington and . R. Cox
were in Pendleton Wednesday.
Mrs. N. A. Miller and Mrs. Henry
Dell were in Pendleton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Withers of Weston,
were trading in tbe city Wednesday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Waters
of Adams, November 4. 1908. a boy.
..... ( -1 1
yJarman will bay at top market prioes,
work wait cone through, with study
relative to tbe subject. The guests
were served with dainty refreshments
by tbe hostess, assisted by Miss Mary
A marriage license was issued yes
terday to Francis Charles MoKenzie
and Miss Georgia Lilian O'Daniel
XJulian Hurley of Vale, was a guest
Monday at the Plamondon home in this
city. Mr. Hailey, who is a lawyer,
is also eugaged in tbe newspaper busi
ness. Mrs. Hyatt, Mrs. Brebm, Miss Case
and Miss Beamer, constituted a party
of Weston ladies who were shopping
in town yesterday, coming over on the
3:15 train.
Mis. Khetta Powell, mation at tbe
Weston Normal girls' dormitory, with
her daughter, Miss Lois, and Cecile
Boyd, were shopping in town between
trains yesterday.
A petition baa been presented tbe
county oouit asking for the appoint
ment of Lowell Rogers to administer
the affairs of tbe estate of Joseph
Woodwaid, deoeased.
House for rent, having 7 rooms and
bath, pantry etc Rents for $10 per
month. Refer to Dr. Heisley, or Mrs.
J, W. Smith. Also Dr. Heisley has 3
cords of wood and coal for sale.
Try Eodol today on our guarantee.
iTake it tor a little wbile, as that is all
I will neea to take. Kodol digests
what yon eat and makes the stomaon
Mr. Loirimer and Mr. Johnson were
visiting in the city Sunday from Pen
j i i
Mrs. Wm. Graham visited at tbe
borne of her sister, Mrs. Fred Boyd
Mrs. Masterson returned borne Sun
day from a visit with xelativee at
Walla Walla.
Mr. Walter Brown of Walla Walla
visited last week at tbe Nelson ranch
west of town.
Mrs. Garfield, of Walla Walla, was
a guest of her mother, Mrs. Jackson
TlT 1 Hi . I
A fine line of ladies' dainty ueok
wear bas just arrived at Jarman's De
partment store.
Harry Turner has finished seeding
on : tbe reservation. He expeota a
good stand of grain.1
Mrs. Lizzie Jones was in Eoho tbe
first of tbe week attending ber milli
nery business there. .
, Misses Edna Taylor and Irene Dud
ley spent Sunday at home from St.
Joseph's Academy in Pendleton.
B. C. Kidder of Pendleton spent a
nnnnla nf rluvd 4 r t ria n?fw fhfa wanlr
- f --r "
tbe guest of his son G. B. Kiddot.
rVMre.D. B. Jarman and Mrs. J. T.
King were over from Weston Wednes
day shopping with our merohants.
Misses .Eagia Fos8 and Carrie Sharp,
teachers in tbe Pendleton schools,
t r1 t , '
spent aurniaj at iueir uomes uere.
Bert McKnieht and Georce Cowl.
Milton hunters, have returned from a
successful trip, having secured six
If you like to have a good cup of
coffee or a light lunch at anv time
through tbe day stop at Miller's
jHiuara jeuey ana 10m uume will
, spend tbe winter in tbe mountains,
trapping for mink, otter,, fisher and
. martin.
Ranober "Bill" McBride, whiskers,
brogaus, and all came in from tbe
ranch Sunday, and spent tbe day with
his family.
One iron bed, springs and mattress,
one six foot extension table, and one
kitchen treasure almost new. Inquire
at Press offloe. '
A. M. Gill's and Jack Weir, after
a business visit of spvprnl Aava in
Atbeua, left Tuesday lor their homes
Use De Witt's Car bolized Witob
Hazel Salve it is healing, cooling and
cleansiugi It is especially good for
piles. Sold by Palace Drug Co.
Tbe Baptist luissionary society met
yesterday at the home of Mts. Cbas.
' Betts, and enjoyed a most pleasant
afternoon. The regular missionary
sweet. , It is sold by Palace Drug Co.
The looal auxiliary of tbe Christian
Women's Board of Missions met Wed
nesday in regular session at the Chris
tian parsonage, with a goodly number
of members and friends in attendance.
De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are unequaled in cases of weak back.
back ache, inflammation of the blad
der, rheumatic paius. Antiseptio and
aot promptly. Sold by Palace Drug Co.'
Jones & Jackson will take orders for
Cbas. A. Stevens & Bros., of Cbioago.
Anything in suits, skirts, coats, ladies
Lfarnisbings generally.. .Ladies are
solioited to call and see samples and
get prioes.
Dr. A. B. English, friend of Attor
ney Wilson, bas arrived in Oregon
from Virginia, and will take an ex
amination before the medical board.
Mr. Wilson expects a visit from the
doctor, soon.
Henry Adams was a Walla Walla
Visitor this week. Mr. Adams exper
'ieuoed an ugly fall in front of the
Bank Monday eveuing, causing bis
friends some uneasiness, bnt now , sees
nojbad results.
a Otis Wbiteman left Monday for
Spokaue, where be will visit bis sister.
Mr. Wbiteman expeots to look over tbe
northern part of tbe state of Washing
ton with tbe intention of renting or
investing in farm lands.
J. P. Neal of Freewater, law part
ner of Homer 1. ' Watts., and former
classmate of that attorney, was admit
ted to praotie on probation by tbe
supreme oourt upon presentation of his
certificate of admission to the Indiana
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk will leave
Monday for tbeir winter bpme at Los
Angeles California. Mr. Kirk's health
bas. improved somewhat and be goes
south this seasou in much better phy
sical condition tban when be left last
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoKenzie and
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes, were a
Weston party who oame over the bill
by anto yesterday Mrs. Barnes has
recently recovered from 'a very severe
surgioal operatiob performed at ber
borne in that city.
J Walter Ely was down from Boise,
Idaho, Saturday. Walter is traveling
in tbe interests of tbe Commercial
Cream Co. of that city. He is step
ping rather bigb with pride, occasion
ed by tbe reoeut arrival of a dangbtor
in bis household. ;
bTbe Woodmen,' tbe ladies of tbe lo
al Circle, and their friends to tbe
number of about 50 eujoyed a pleasant
social at tbeir ball Wednesday evening,
when speeches, mnsio and . games
whiled away tbe bonrs. After tbe
program, refreshments were served in
the dining hall. "
' Our Fail
Carpet Display
Our Carpet Department announces tbe arrival of many beautiful and
exclusive patterns, comprising a great portion of our Fall line of floor
coverings. In both Carpets and Rugs, in all sizes, a more handsome and
select stock cannot be found iu the Inland Empire. Embracing many
new designs and colorings in Oriental, floral and dumestio designs, tbis
splendid showing covers everything in tbe most reliable carpet styles.
Many of these patterns present new and novel effeots in the manufacture
of floor f aoriss. Tbe extensive liae'of tbis department offers au attractive
assortment from which to make eatisfactoiy selection. We guarantee
perfect satisfaction and finished workmanship.
The next time you are in Walla Walla we bope yoa will visit onr
Carpet Department whether needing anything oi not. for yoa are always
weloome, buying or looking.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home & House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash. - - Pasco, Wash.
Mrs. Cbas. Betts and Miss Mary
McKinnon drove to Helix Sunday to
visit Mrs. Tavnor Barger, who recent
ly underwent a severe operation at her
home near Helix. The ladies report
Mrs. Barger as in a serious condiition.
bnt hopes are entertained for her early
Now located in tbe Pioneer Drug
Store, with the largest stock of jewelry
that bas ever been in the city. Call
and inspect my stock. All kinds of
repairing done on short notice. Every
article guaranteed, when the quality
is always right Marshall O. Rose.
Jerry Gagnon; a young man who
resided on the reservation for years,
and who was well known in Athena,
died in Walla Walla. Wednesday of
last week. Tbe funeral was held in
that oity Friday. Mr. Gagnon re
cently disposed of his land on tbe res
ervation, since whioh time he made
his home in Walla Walla.
VThe Normal sohool football team
was defeated by Pendleton High school
last Saturday in a bard fought game,
by tbe score of 10 to 6. The Weston
boys were handicapped by tbe illness of
some of theft best men, one being
completely knocked out on tbe field.
It is understood that the football team
has since disbanded and tbe athletes
will turn their attention to basket ball.
YR. H. Whitehead, who has been ill
for the past two weeks with typhoid,
is getting along satisfactorily under
the care of Dr. Plamondon. A trained
nurse, Miss Reed, of Walla Walla,, ar
rived yesterday and it is hoped that
Mr. Whitehead will soon be about
again. His company hae sent Mr.
Roush to fill his position as agent at
the Northern Paoiflo depot during the
time of his illness.
H. U. Hill the ieweler. who is per
manent! v located in the Palaoe Drug
Store, where be is assembling a splen
did stook .of jewelry, has installed a
magmnoient show oase, to be used in
displaying his wares. Mr. Hill has
been in Athena for vears and knows
precisely what the looal trade demands
in watohes, clocks, jewelry, efo. and
his selection of stock is made with
conservative judgment in tbis respect.
C. A. Walker and mother arrived in
tbe city Saturday from Huntington,
accompanying his wife, who is teacher
in the primary grade here. The
Walkers will mate their home in Ath
ena, having leased the Bradley cottage
on 6th street. Mr. , Walker is recov
ering from a reoent severe illness and
is unable to be about town, bnt is very
agreeably impressed with our little
city. He was formerly editor of the
Huntintgon Herald, and has had much
experience in tbe newspaper business.
Miss Alta Sharp met with a painful
aooident while on her way to Pendle
ton Sunday evening; by the collision of
tbe vehiole in whioh she was traveling
with another. Miss Sharp was tbrown
to the ground with suoh force as to
oause a severe oontnsion on tbe back
of the head, a gash being cut which
required four stitohes, . also ber back
was injured. She was taken to Pen
dleton where medioul aid was seoured,
and was brought borne Tuesday eve
ning. Sbe is now at tbe home of her
parents, where yesterday Dr. Cropp
was called in consultation. Her
friends hope for a speedy reoovery.
At a meeting of tbe ladies aid soci
ety of tbe Christian ohuroh yesterday.
it was derided to have the annual fair
and sale of fancy .and staple articles
as usual this fall. The date will be
anuonnoed later, bnt it is tne inten
tion to have it about the middle of
the month of Deoeraber. All friends
are requested to have their donations
ready before that time. A sumptuous
dinner will be served, such as has
made these ladies famous, and the
patronaee of all will assuredly be
given this worthy objeot. Atbena is
noted for her generous response on suoh
oooasionj and tbis being tbe first for
several months, will doubtless meet
with hearty oooperation. Further !
particulars will be given later.
A Will Dobson, Fred Boyd, Millard
Kelly and Tom Uilkie had a way-op
good time on tbeir hunting trip. Tbree
deer tell before lucky . shots of tbe
hunters, wbile grouse and trout be
came a common contribution to tbe
camp lardeiy'I. John" Dobson sus
tained biarrepntation as camp cbef
with a sang froid that would pale 'be
obeek of Delmouica's Frenchman, aud
bis sour dough gods and juicy venison
steaks were classy enough for tbe
Waldorf-Astoria dining room. As a
bewer of wood and drawer of water,
Kelly's grouoby attitude mingled in
imagination in no discordant vein
with Edwin Markham's "Man With
the Hoe," wbile Boyd's capaoity for
dishwashing easily lifted that occupa
tion above the rank of camp scullion.
Gilkie is absolutely worthless for any
thing exoept to bunt , and preside at
bean banquets.
C. A. Barrett of this - city, was be
fore tbe Railway Commission in tbe
rate bearing case at Pendleton, yester
day. Mr. Barrett is President of tbe
Inland Grain Grower's Association
and it was at the instigation of tbe
Association, primarily, that tbe com
mission net in Pendleton yesterday for
tbe purpose of takine testimony and
statistics relative to a iednotion in
freight charge on wbaat transpoita-
tion. The Association contends for a
reduction on wheat that will conform
with tbe present rate on live stock
6bipments in carload lota Several
wheat raisers gave testinwiuy before
tbe commission. W. P. Tmple was
tbe star witness and presented statistics
showing that the oost of producing a
bushel of wbeat on $80 an aere wheat
land is 65 cents ner bushel. All wit
nesses were cross examined by W. W.
Cotton attorney for tbe O. R. & N.
wbile tbe farmer's evidence was intro
dnced by Attorney General Crawford-
and District Al tornpy Phelps
Can be had by asking for the
"Miller-made" at Jarman's. They
are made in the latest models
and are just what they should
be in every detail and finish.
Prices from $7.00 to $20.00
Men's Fancy Flannel Vests. They are
For Boys and Young Men
We have them in both
plain and fancy patterns
Prices from
l 3 I
The Place Where the Whole Family Can Trade
Dress Shirts
in great '
Variety and
Mosgrove Mercantile
New Line of
Just Received
Overcoats lor All
A shipment gf the very
latest models just rece-
' ived gives us an oppor
tunity to offer Special
: Styles and values in
uptodate Garments at
surprisingly low prices.
There is no sense in
' wearing an old coat,
when such Garments
as these can be had for
$5 to $15
if 1 r '"vm' u
pLL 0V I)
v i V
Vita i
Sits -I J'
Sincerity Olothm-Oopyrlslit
Overcoat lieadq'trs
We take the greatest
pride in being headquar
ters for the man who de
sires the best goods for
the least money. We
have first class clothes at
moderate prices; well tail
ored and absolutely de
pendable and honest, both
in workmanship and ma
terial. You will find qual
ity at the price you want
to pay.
S2;f f,.. 1
New Fall Clothing
Our complete showing sf new Fall styles
in Mens and Boys Clothing, Hats and
Furnishings, is now on hand. To the at
tractiveness of the new fabrics arid late
styles is added guaranteed quality and
moderate price. Compare the quality and
prices of our goods with any you have
had before. We will abide by your de
cision. But don't loose the opportunity
to save 15 or 20 per cent on your fall
and winter purchases.
Dependable Clothes