The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
, r "'.
r-jt ! is
1 ' V
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Flour ia made in Atheua, by Athena labor, m the latest
and best equipped mill iu the west, of tbe best selected
Blaestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home
industry. Your grooer sells American Beauty for
Merchant Millers
Athena, Oregon. - .
y: 'PJ Makes a Specialty of furnishing
K'y'l9 Meat in Large Quantities.
First-class stock, Reasonable price
"" Crush and mix in feed or salt. Proper dose in tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the
condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
as good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Aslcfor
and try once SKIOOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tabletsor Louse Powder,
Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.,
Incorporated; Capital stock $300,000.00! Watertown. South Dakota. U. S. A.
Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Song.
jf3! The Freshest, and
Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
Jt JjDbb. DIlUinjmO,
Milling Company
ack. I
and Grain Buyers :
Waitsburg, Wash. S
J. II. STONE, Prop
The place to get the best cTWeat that
money can buy, and at the lowest price
Fish and Oysters in season The high
est cash price paid for" poultry".
most Choice the Market affords in &
Sheepmen Will Profit Br Announce
ment Just Made By Chief of
Forestry Reserve.
Sheep-owners will pay lower ra-tes
for grazing on the Weuaba reserve for
the season of 1009. Word was
sent out last Monday that foU
lowiug out a statement made a year
ago at tbe meeting of the National
Wool Growers' Association in Salt Lake
City, Gifford Pinohot, forester, and A.
F. Potter, assistant forester in charge
of tbe branob of graziDg in tbe United
States Forest Service, have announced
a redaction of 10 to 15 per cent in the
rates for sheep grazing on tbe national
forests of the West. Ibis geueral re
duction in tbe schedule of grazing
rates will take effect for tbe coming
season of 1909.
Tbe changes in market conditions
wbioh have made tbe sheep business
less profitable this past year, especially
the greatly reduced prices offered for
wool and the depreciation iu tbe value
of mutton, make the announcement of
great interest not only to those who are
interested in tbe sheep : business, but
to the men or every allied iudustry.
Iu 1907, when tbe promises for a le
duoed schedule were made, it was with
the understanding between the stcok
men and tbe Forest Service that the
grazing rates would not be changed
for minor fluctuations in tbe market
which would naturally ooour from
year to year, but would apply only in
case of radioal or unusual changes.
Tfhe new schedule does not affect tbe
oases where the minimum charge of 5
cents per bead has-already been al
lowed or a specially low rate has been
fixed on aooonnt of some local condi
tion. In most cases the revised fees
will mean a reduction of about one
oent per head. '
Infixing the rates for grazing by
different kinds of stook, the local con
ditions, the effect of grazing by differ
ent kinds of stock on forest growth,
the demand for the use of range by
owners of different kinds of stock, the
needs of the homesteader, and the
profits of the business have been taken
into consideration.
Wins Out in Long Battle With Walla
Walla City Council.
Tbe Washington & Oregon Traotion
company has finally get
ting its franchise passed by the conn
oil of that city. Concerning the final
aotion of the Walla Walla council
which ends a long bitter fight against
tbe Washington & Oregon oompany
by tbe Northwestern Gas & Eleotrio
oompany, which owns the present
roads in the valley, the Union says:
On reoommeadat'oa of the jndioiaiy
committee the city oonnoil after an
executive session held last evening un
animously passod ordinance number
1263, granting to tbe Washington
Oregon Traction oompany the right to
ereot and maintain an electrio light
and power plent in the oity of Walla
Walla, and to build and operate ap
pliances for the transmission of elec
trioity for lighting heating and power
purposes in the city. Although this
franobise has attraoted widespread
interest, tbe passing of tbe amended
ordinance last night was devoid of
any disoussion or protest.
a ... Washington rioneer.
jxW. G. Pre3ton. tbe well known mil
ler or uayion, wasn., ana Aiuena,
tbia - county, was in the city yesterday
for several bonis on his way to the
latter city from Hot Lake. Union
county, where be has been nuder treat
ment for ill healthjr. Preston went
to Lewiston in 1&62 when- there was
nothing in all that country except its
mines. In 1866 Levi Ankeny, present
ill $ 8 dJJ.Q!
kUn fl,o
'ibUUlla, UlCgUU
United States senator from Washing
ton,? was doing a big business with a
pack traiu running from Wullula to
tbe Oro Fiuo mines and Air. Preston,
hauled goods for him iu tbe Lewiston
country. Mr. Prestou is now 80 years
old aud is tbe chief owner of tbe Day
ton and Athena mills which have a
combined daily output of 1000 barrels
of flour. Pendleton Tribune.
Mays Found Guilty.
Tbe jury in tbe case of tbe state vs.
F. W. DI Mays, charged wtth writing
a libelona article for the Garfield
County Standard, entitled "A Notor
ious Stook Rustler," wbob is said to
have been aimed at H. C. Ben bow,
returned a verdict of guilty. Tbe ds
fense tried to show that tbe sHeped
article was true, bnt tbe judge over
ruled: the couteutiou. Tbe testimony
for too- state was brief. It was shown
that the copy from which the article
was set np was in the handwritiug of
Mays and that he, Mays, was prac
tically in cbarge of the paper at tbe
time the alleged libelous artiole was
published," M.O. Fitzmaurioe, tbe
nominal editor being in Spokane at
tbe time.
Hermiston Irrigation Lake to Be Pre
served as Roosting Place for Fowl.
That tbe government has issued an
order prohibiting hunting in the vicin
ity of the' Cold Springs reservoir near
Ilermistorr was the statement of Game
Warden O. F. Tomer yesterday. The
ground around the big inland lake will
be staked off in a few days and notices
posted forbidding all hunting on tbe
The 'location of tbe reservoir makes
the place especially good as a roosting
place for geese and ducks aud if pio
teoted' properly will bo a means of in
creasing the game in this section of
the country manyfold. Tbe reservoir
is four miles from the Columbia and
about seven from the Umatilla aud if
hunting is permanently prohibited
near it the geese aud ducks, when
driven by hunters from both rivers,
will make the reservoir a permanent
roosting (lace and will come out iu all
directions in" search, of' This
faoti bfif. -Turne aud many others say,
will make the bunting-much bette fer
everybody all over this section.
In tbe past, it is said by many who
nave observed matters, that the privi
lege of hunting on tbe lake bas been
subjected to flagrant a buses. Hunters
have gone out in the water on rafts
and at night on fire boats and have
slaughtered tbe duoka and geesj merci
lessly.. If this state of affairs is allowed
to oontinue the game will be driven
completely out of tbe country.
Another point wbicb has been men
tioned In favor of tbe steps wbich are
beiug taken ty tbe government is that
many people are around the lake aud
shooting would be dangerous. Iu every
respect it is considered a splendid rnl
ing and one wbicb sbculd be enforced
to tb letter. The man ia obargo of
Ibe roservoir will be instructed to keep
continual watch.
Reservoir Being Filled.
"Water from the Umatilla was
turned into tbe big government ditoti
Friday morning and will be kept flow
ing into tbe Cold Spring reeervoir un
til tbe gigantio inland luke is filled.
It is estimated that about three
months will be required to fill tbe res
ervoir with tbe water to irrigate the
Hermistou lands duriug tbe next sum
mer season. Some tima will be con
sumed in testing tbe various sections
of the canal, j Tb faot that au esrly
start bas been jmade iu tbe filling pro
cess insures a good supply of water for
the land during the next soasou. Gov
ernment enginoers figure that they
will be able to supply water next ecu
sou to the extent of tbre feet on every
acre. But only about one third of tbe
land is nuder cultivation so au ubun
danoe and over is assured. Precautious
will be taken, however, to see that
nothing is wasted.
Football at Pendleton.
Tbe Weston Normal school is mak
ing great preparations to meet Pendle
ton's High school tomorrow on the
latter's gridiron in a grand aud ficnl
try for tbe championship. A special
oar will take the team aud their
friends from Weston and it is expected
a large number of enthusiastic Nor
malites will go down. Peddleton is
making more noise over tbe pending
game of football than over tbe coming
election, as tbe state championship ia
at stake.
Would Mortgage the Farm.
A farmer on Rural Route 3, Empire,
Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says:
"Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured tbe
two worst sores I ever saw: one on my
hand and one on my leg.. It is worth
more than its weight iu gold. I wonld
not be without it if I bad to mortgage
tbe farm to get it." Only 25c at
Palace Drug Go's, store.
Estray Notice.
Came lo my place, a light red cow,
about 3 years old, left boiu drooped,
crop and nnderbit on right ear, ctop
and slit in kf; vi'h uB'.llrfisr ltri'l
onlett jaw. Owner pay to: V i cotite.
W. P. Waliau.
Supreme Court Decision for Medford
Will Not Affect Other Towns. Lo
cal Opt ion State Criminal Law.
Unless local lawyers are completely
mistakeu, euys tbe East Oiegoniau, tbe
supreme court's deoisiou iu tbo Med
ford case will havo no effect whatever
uj.utj lue status or prouiuition or iu
at;y otner town without a charter
which, like Medford's, gives tbo town
the exclusive rigbt to reanlate tbo sa
loon business.
This is the belief of Attorney J. P.
Wiuter. Col. J. H. Raloy undtbe looiil
bar in general.
Press dispatches sent out from Salem
yesterday made tbe deduction that tbe
oourt's deoisiou moans that auy city
may amend its charter aud thereby
seoure tbe right to control tho saloon
question irrespective of tbo rest of
its county.
But it now seems certaiu that this
deductiou was wrong for tbe following
reasou :
Medford's charter was given it ty
tbe legislature tefoie tho constitu
tional amendment giving cities the
right to amend thnir charters was
passed., Iu tbe Medford charter it is
provided that tbe city of Medford
shall have exclusive power regarding
tho liquor business. Ibe ouaiter be
ing granted by tbe legislature subse
quent to the adoption of the local op
tion law is repealed as far as. Medford
is conoerned.
But under the presont constitution
the right to amoud charter rests alone
with the oities. A oity cannot change
its oharter and make it conflict with a
state criminal law wbicb tbe supreme
court nas already held tho local option
law to te. .
Tbe Medford charter, boing granted
by tho legislature, is a state law aad
so supercedes tbe local option law as
far as Medford is concerned.
W. S. Brown' Dairyman, Dies From
Injuries Received.
-"-As tbe roaultof a xnna way. accident,
Suuday afternoon tit Ilermiston, Will
iam Sommerville Brown, aged 3!),
proprietor or tbo Hermistou dairy,
died yesterduy at Hotel Williams in
that city. Mr. Browu was injurjd in
ternally as the result of beiug thrown
from bis wagon, says the E. O.
The runaway ooourred iu front of
the Newpcri-Skiunar block iu Her
miston. The two oayuses driven by
tho man bocama unmanageable and
ran a short distance, striking tbo side
walk with tho wagon, wbioh was
tadly' smashed aud throwing Browu
onto the walk. Ho was taken into tbe
R. H. Allen drug sloie, iu front of
which tbe accident occurred, und
luter removed to tbe hotel.
Brown's horses wen uuderctDod to
be "bud," and that trouble wns likely
at nny time was tbe opii hu of Iler
miston 's horsemen. lie had boon
warned against them.
Tbe remains were brought to Pon
d.Vcn last evening and nwait tho dis
posal of relatives iu Sootlaud, who
have beon cabled.
Tbe decoassed was born in ScotlanI
and had no relatives in this country.
He came to Hcnuisto'i about nix
months ngo, puiohaeing the Ilermiston
dairy of F. B. Kunpton. Ho was well
known aud very popular in the west
end city. Tbq. dairy bas uow been
taken ovor by D. Carl Browuell, wLo
will operate it. ..
Married in Walla Walla.
Miaa Ollie r'raoeanil Leo Suy lies bury
were married in Wullu Wallit Wednes
day. MitiS Brace is ouo of Umatilla
county's most sucoeHful teachtrs, and
the groom is inilroud agent at Kitz
vilie, Wash. The yomg lady wa uo
compauied lu Wulla Walla by her
couHiu, Miss Dora Bennett, who noled
iu tbe capacity of bridesmoid at the
wedding ceremony, tbe groom beiug
supported by n fiiend from llitzvillo.
After tho wedding the couplo took the
train for the cast where they will visit
relatives lor some tirno.
Newspaper People Wed.
At 1 o'clock last evening at the
home of Judge Messicls says the Baker
City Herald, Miss Mollie Proebstel and
Mr. Edward Lee were united in holy
wedlock, Judt'o Messick performing tbe
ceremony. Tho contracting parties are
well known in La Grande, tbe bride
having Leeo raised iu Union county,
aud is uow one of tbe proprietors of
tbe La Grando Star. The groom is
well and favorably known iu La
Graude, being on tbe staff of the Star.
He was formerly with one of tbe San
Francisco papers.
. mat ivti jtwo uvea ,u liiita.
nSAbout Nov. 21, Marion A. Kees, un
alumnns of Whitmau College and
present educational director iu the
Portland Y. M. C. A., will visit Walla
Walla, says the College Pioneer, This
wiuter Mr. Kce will go to China
'l:i-te no uil 2l. V. A. woxk.
IIu L-ofcs fiuriitiifeil by the Y. M. C. fT
because of bis relation to Whitman,
the college oganization has pledged a
hundred dollars toward this cause.
Tbe Walla Walla city uesooiution and
tho Whitman association together
pledged 500. The city association
bas already raised most of its part, and
tbe college-share will be raised while
Mr. Kees is hero. Elaborate plans are
beiug made for tbe reception of Mr.
Kees because bo is one of the most,
highly esteemed of tbe Whitmau
aiumni, and Leoause the college is
much interested iu tbo Work that he
has started out to do.
T. J. Watts Returned.
T. J. Watts returned Suuday from
bis nununl trip through tbe mouutains.
Mr. Watts was accompanied by Ed
Kuight, and they report a rather stren
uous trip on the homeward route.
Seveuteou days were consumed in re
turning homo nud Ed says tbo roads iu
some parts of tho county were ia a
fearful couditiou. Tno route was from
beyond Prinevillo, in Crook county,
and other places wcie explored on tbe
journey which extended over several
weeks, but uo trace of tbe "Blue
Bucket" was encountered on the trip.
Athena Merchants and Farmers Unite
in Efforts for Better Roads.
Tho good road's uioetiug bold iu
Atheua last Friday afternoon was well
attended by farmers and busiuess men
of tbia vicinity, all stores baiug closed
duiiug tbo hour und tbe merchants
aud employes attending in a body.
Judge John II. Soott arrived from
Pendleton at uoou, accompanied by
Couuty Commissioner Horace Walker,
Will M. Peterson and -Walter MoCor
ruach, Judge Scott spoke for about
au hour, netting forth his plana for the
improvement of roads in the state.
In speakiug to tbe meeting be urged
the people to join the league '.nd help
boost tbo county iu the wiiy" qf ini-
uroviug us puuuo niguways.
Au organization was effected with
the following ofiloers: President,
Henry Sohmitt; vice, prcsidout, A. B.
McEwou; secretary, B. B. Richards,
and treasurer, Homy Doll. Groat in
terest was manifested iu tbe good roads
movement and the Althuia organjW
tion promises to be of great iiiftTiouoe
iu forwarding the work. ' J: '
Public School Books Arrive.
TLrao euormous boxes of book3 were
dnlivored at tbo office- f Superintend-""
out Frank K. Wellos yesterday con
taining books for the libraries of
Umatilla county publio sohools, re
poits tho Tribune. These bocks will
be distributed among the schools of
tbo couuty at once.
La Grande Bank More Comulete
Failure Than at First Apparent.
Thero is every indication that tbo
worst lius never been told concerning
tbo failure of the Farmers & Tiaders
natiouf l bank of this city, Beys tho
La Grande Observer. Tho dcfulou-
tions aud unlawful uots of Cashier J.
W. Sciiber nro manifold aud it may
require weeks, if ever, to usoertaiu all
of his financial oonttrtious.
Those who were led .to bcliefvo that
Ibo stutcment first suut to tho comp-
tioller of tho currency wherein it was
stated that the assets wore $100. 231 .
nud tho liabilities !f213,GJJ5, would
prove under that nuionct instoud of
over, aro. doomed to disappointment.
It is reported t' t tbo shortage is now
in tho neighborhood of $135,000, and
it may exceed this a few tuomuud, or
it may roach on amount a fow tbou
fiaud les;!. It is muiored tbut tbo
Saturday niglit prior to tho closing of
the brink, Scribor Inn acknowledged
burning iraudulent paper to the amount
of $70,000, and it U feared in some
quarters that in lis tmsto to cover up
bin criminality, be may havo burned
up some good nolei.
Tho depositors may us well fuce the
nmsio one time an another. They
will be fortunate, indeed, if they rou
lize 25 cotits.on tho dollar. Iu propor
tion to tho capital involvod and thn
business transacted by this bank, it is
said to Lo ouo of tho worst failures
that bus occurred on tho Pucifio coast
iu many years.
Do not let anyone tell you that some
thing else is just as good as De Witt's
Kidney and Bladder Pills because there
isn't anything just us good. Slid by
Palace Drug Co.
Porf. J. S. Doan Two"Nights.
Don't forget that tonight and tomor
row night i'rof. J. S. Doan appears at
tbo Athena opera house. This is a side
splitting entertainment for both old
and young. Thero will ba u barrel of
fnu exploded when Pock's Bad Boy ap
pears Magnificent Jif o size illumi
nated views interspersed with a choice
peluctiou of lifo-hko Motion Pictures.
This Entertainment is radically differ
ent from anything you havo seen bo
fore. Tonight and tomorrow night.
Performance begins at 8:15. Popular
price-j. '
Da Witt's Littlo Early Risers, the)
mo us little liver pun?. Sold by
organizations of tbo uoit Invest and
Palaco Drug Co.