BIG FARM III TRACTS Pilot Rock Feeding Grounds First to Be Cut Up for Intensive and Diversified Farming:. That tbe Switt Packing oompany Lag uo intention of making Pilot Rock - 11 feeding grounds was stated fay VYm. II. Daagbtrey of Portland who repre sents tbe interests of tbat big cjucern in Umatilla oonnty says tbe East Ore Kouian. Mr. Daagbtrey thought not, bat would not say whether any other concern was desiring tnat location for snob a purpose. From the time of tbeir pnrcbase'of tbe property some years ago nulil too present season tbe Swift people have used the Umatilla ranch in the Mead ows district as a winter feeding grounds. This plan has been aban doned at present, however, and al though about 300 bead of cattle are beiug wintered at tbat place they are being bandied by individuals who bavo leased pasture from tbe oompany. Tbe Swift people who are interested iu tbe ranob, and Mr. Daugbtrey as tboir manager bave come to tbe con clusion that tbe ranob as" a district devoted to intensive cultivation un der diversified farming will be of inuob greater value to themselves as well as to the country, than in its present form and it is being now broken up into tracts of from 10 to 40 aoros tbe first big farm holding in Umatilla county to be so cat up. Aooording to Mr. Daugbtrey the showing made upon the ranob daring tbe past unfavorable season has de monstrated that it will take rank among tbe fiuit-producing seotions of tbe west end. Until tbe orchards can be developed, however, many of the settlers are going into dairying and honey for returns. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of tbe Croom Hotel, Vaughn, Miss., says: "For several J. IV. BODDY'S MEAT MARKET SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET CHOICE STEAKS, CHOPS. ROASTS, ETC IN FACT EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET. " BUY HERE AND GET THE BEST J. W. I10DDY, ATHENA, OREGON lir-iiif"-iiwtff'i)i,f--iml"-ni"-iril l i J r , r Men's Foot Sbulze shoes 3.150 to 15.00; Ladies' Maid well shoes fa. 00 to $4.00; Ladies' Tan and Patent Leather Oxfords $3.60 to $4.00; Boys' High and Low Top shoes $1.05 to $3.50. Men's Furnishings Sweater Coats - - 1.75 to 2.50 .25 to .75 .10 to .50 .05 to1" 3.50 $1.50 to $3.50 Men's Suspenders -Men's So from - Men's Soft Shirts Men's Dross Shirts - Groceries We carry the famous "Diamond VV" and "Preferred Stock" lines of canned goods, , the best on the coast. Our lines are complete iu every roBpeot having tbe M. W. Hodkins Gloves, Hand Kuit Hosiery. Western liue of Men's light and Heavy wool underwear Cauvos Back brand of shirts, and the Patterson Hat. Some of tbe best lines on the roud today. Notioe our bargain window. You will find some rare bargains. We snve you money for onsli and solicit yonr patronage on a safe basis. T. M. Taggart & Go's Cash Store Men's Furnishings and Good Things to Eat. iiiiii " i iri Hini-'i)tfcri PMa-IB-i-'"t--Mt,W4-i ii n iiiiM,J'iiMi"tM i''"iun,frr Paints, Oils, Glass House, Sign and Carriage Painting E. T. Kidder, MeArthur Building The Only Place to Buy a Heating Stove and i Hardware W. J. Clark & Co., months I suffered with a severe congb, and consumption seemed to bave its grip on me when a friend recommend ed Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking it, and three bottles effected a complete core." The fame of this life saving cough and cold lemedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. Sold at Palace Drag Co'e. store. '60o and $100.. Trial bottle free. Portland Teachers Get Raise. Tbe salaries of sobool teachers now employed in tbe public schools are to be given a boost of from 10 to 20 per cent at au early meeting of tbe board of directors. Tbe matter has been un der consideration for some time, but whether or not tbe 20 per cent raise which tbe teachers ask for or a 10 per cent raise will be granted remains lor the board to decide. Tbere are about (iOO teachers now employed in tbe pnblio schools. The raise in salaries will mean an additional expenditure of from $42,000 to 184.000 a year. The average salary to be paid will be about 170. De Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve for piles. Be sure you get De Witt's. Sold by Pal ace Ding Co. Shot Bv Son. Thomas Vickers was shot by bis son, Lenuie Viokera, 20 years of age, on tbe night of October 15, at tbe Thomas farm, near Barns, Harney county. 3 be patricide gave himself up. Aoooiding to the story told tbe sheriff the father was intoxioated. As tbe result of an altercation between him and bis son, be started toward.tbe latter witb tbe intention it is said, of doing him physical violenoe. Tbe father did not beed tbe eon's warning to keep bis distance and tbe boy fired two revolver shots, both taking effect in the ubdonieu. Following tbe shoot ing voune Vickers telephoned tbe sheriff. Do Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little liver pills. Sold by Palace Drag Co. imr" iaf" i""'imir''imi" Mufflers from - - $ .75 to $2.00 Silk Hundkerobiefs - .35 to .75 Neck Ties - - - .50 to .75 Corduroy Shirts - 1.50 to 2.50 Sweaters - 1.00 to 1.75 the very best of is at - Pendleton SOME SCHOOL NOTES. By Prof. T. D. Miner. These bracing October days are splendid school days. And all tbe sobool affairs are beginning to assume tbe customary forms of regular routine. In the high sobool grades tbe work in Amerioan Literature has now teaobed a point of real live interest. Tbe class bas jnst finished tbe study of Washington- Irving. In tbe eighth grade aiitbmetio tbe class bas been working out tbe various applications of Interest Piof. Smith realizes tbat Ibis oommeroial phase of tbe Aritbmetio work will be of far more importance than aor other part of tbe subject, in tbe after lives of tbe pupils. He is teaobing this work in tbe form wbiob bis long experience bas shown bim to be tbe most praotical plan. One need only glanoe into room four, at tbe many blackboard outlines, to be oonvinoed of tbe industry in that room. A number of tbe text books iu use at present treat tbeir sobjeots so extensively tbat it is almost impossible tor pupils in tbe sixth or seventh grades to accomplish much unless eaob lesson is outlined for them. This is what Miss Blaoobe Orswell, the teaoher, is doing. These outlines have two consequences. In tbe first place they mean a tremendous amount of work for tbe teacher. In tbe second plaoe they have resulted in numerous favorable comments by tbe patrons of the school relative to tbe progress of those pupils. Would Mortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire, Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says: "Booklen's Arnica Salve onred the two worst sores I ever saw : one on my band and one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without it if I bad to mortgage tbe farm to get it." Only 25o at Palace Drug Co'a. store. MOTHER FLED WITH HER BABE Woman Arrested at College Place Will Be Taken to Montana. In custody of Sheriff Frank MoDon aid of Benton county, Montana and accompanied by her busbund, says tbe Union, Mrs. Edward B. Thompson was taken on board tbe south bound O. R. & N. train yesterday afternoon, enroute to her home in Harvey, Mon tana, where she will be required to give up her 3-year-old child and ans wer a charge of kidnapping. For the last four or five days, Sheriff MoDouald and Mrs. Thompson's bus baud have been scouring the country adjao ent "to Walla Walla in searoh of her and tbe young child, whioh ac cording to law belongs to the care of the father. Sunday Mrs. Thompson was located at College Place where she bad been for some time undergoing treatment in the sanitarium of the Seventh Day Adventists. She was ap prebended by tbe officer of tbe law Sunday night and kept in safe quarters until yesterday afternoon when the party left for Montana. As soon as she crosses the line into Montana the ownership of tbe infant ohild will pass from tbe mother to tbe father. Mr. Thompson intends to take the little child to Helena and plaoe it iu tbe home of the Catbolio Sisters, where be has two boys at tbe present time. You tako Kodol just for a little while when you have slight attacks of Indigestion, and you take it just a little longer in order to get relief from severe attaoks of Indigestion or Ner vous Dyspepsia. Try Kodol today. Sold by Palace Drug Co. . Advocates Religious Tolerance. In his sermon Sunday on "Tbe Sa- ored Use of Sunday," Rev. Joseph L. Garvin at tbe First Christian oburob, of Seattle, deolared for tbe opening of the Alaska-Yukon-Paoifio exposition. He said that since tbe exposition is ele vating and instructive and the majority of men and women do not go to oburob on Sunday, the spirit of tolerance should impel belpfnluess from oburob people in tbe seleotiou of other places. Kennedy's , Laxative Cougb Syrup drives the oold out of tbe system through its laxative principle by as suring free and gentle aotion of tbe bowels. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co. Milton Man Buncoed. J. J. Owens, of Milton, was loser to the excent of f 37 at tbe Walla Walla raoea Saturday afternoon. This amount, however, was not lost on the races, uot by bim auy waybe being separated from bi roll by some of tbe light-fingered geutry who were circu lating in tbe crowd. Mr. Owens re ported bis loss to tbe polioe. Wanted, Suooeds Magazine requires the ser vices of a man in Athena to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special methods unusually effective; position permanent; prefer one with exper ience, but would consider any appli cant with good natural qualifloatious; salary $1.50 por day, witb commission option. Address, with references. R. C, Peaoook, Room 103, Success Maga zine Bldg., NeW4York. A Healthy Family. "Our whole family bas enjoyed good health since we besao usiue Dr. Kina'a New Life Pills, three years ago," saya I. A. Bar tie t, of Rural Route 1. Guilford. Maine. . Thev cleanse and tone the system iu a geutle way tbat does you good. 25o at Palaoe Drug Co'a store. Foley's Honey w Tar tvres colds, prevents pawaoola. 2A FAMOUS v "rrH-L. - CIIDCPIflP DRILL v1K-VS.S ' RECEIVED C. A. BARRETT & COMPANY, ATHENA,. ORE. j ' v . . ' m I i ii i i,i Wise Piano Co Received During the past 30 days 3 Carloads of Pianos All Guaranteed It will pay yon to look this assort ment over. "There's a Difference." Only Reliable Makes Sold. We have a great many satisfied oustomers around Athena who can testify as to tbe mer its of our pianos. Oil fflf PAYMENTS ALL TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS sold by us. Come in and hear these Instruments.' Any obild can play them. You are always welcome. If you oan't call, drop us a line or oall us up at our expense and we will send a representative- to see you. Positively Fair Treatment to all. Yours for Business. C. V. BAIRD, MANAGER 15 Main Street, :: Walla Walla Office Phone Main 20 Night, Main 70 Office, Pendleton Drug Co. J. A. DONAGHUE, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College PENDLETON - - OREGON Dr. E. A. Vaughan-Dr. Thos Vaughan VAUGHAN BROS. DENTISTS Judd Building, Pendleton, Ore. Oregon Shot Line sa Union Pacific fhroneh Pullman standard and sleenlnii oars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclintnn chair cars, seats free, to tbe east daily iroin Pendleton. ABRTVB Pally. TIM SCHEDULES TISPAKT Daily. ATHENA., ORE. Walla Walla. Day ton, foraeroy, rew- sura, louax. run- 1:10 p. m. man. Moscow, the 1:10 p. m. uoeur Q Aiene dis trict, eookane and au points north. Walla Walls -Pen dletonSpecial 10:08 am 10:08 a. m. ran Mail for Pen Jleton. lJrnd. Baker City, and all poimseisi via Hun tineton, Ore., Also for Umatilla. Henn- &i5 p m ner. The Dalle&J && p. m roruana, Asiona. Willamette Vallej Points. lllfbrnia. Taooma. Beatl le. at I aouna rotnts. 5c25 p- m. Pendleton - Walla 5:25 pin Walla Special . M. Smith Aten. AUten ; k3 Sr """1 OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. 8. Le GROW, Cashier, EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass't Cashier. FIRST MTTOEML OF ATHENA CAPITAL STOCK. $50.000 A General Banking Business conducted on Conservative Principles b THE QUELLE RESTAURANT GOOD THINGS TO EAT WELL SERVED GUS LAFONTAINE, PROP. Pendleton, Or. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. King ' WITH 'A Urni Discovery . ... WQI.DS Trial Bottle Fret ANDAU. THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. QTJABANTEED SATISFACTORY! OS MONEY BEFTJNDED. .Kurt UW- OFFICfc 353 RESIDENCE .592 DfE5 tested glasses CRmiNnnnm ((P)(P (5) Gives rest to the stomach. For indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, tWous stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A prompt relief. . Bemtm What Ym Eat Mmkma thm Brmmth Swimt a Kmmmm rttory a I O.IHWttt tc.,aititt,tiL THE PALACE VUVQ COMPANY, ATHENA, OR. DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. SURPLUS, 25,0007 BEWARE Ask for Inland Crackers in the Red Packages when you want the best, BEWARE of cheap crackers packed in immitation red packages by the cracker trust Ask tor INLAND CRACKERS Not made by the Trust. The Finest Line of Winter Millinery Is now on display at Campbell's Millinery Store Pendleton SPECIAL PRICES to our out-of-town - trade. o rstT in i ki e-r . IOLHJI nftlnjl. For yspepsia Wtra iadtoawioa. tag i matt, i r. te. BASM 1