Aavlce. - "Never marry i did to reform him. my dear," counseled Aunt Hephsibah. "If you do reform him he'll' hate you for it, and if you don't you'll always be pitying yourself for having married a man who wasn't good enough for, you." rescent ITlapIeinc 222807111 35CTS ATAll EKCEKS "WHJZ" A New Parlor Card Game FREE Go to your Dealer and buy a pound package of "20 Mule Team" BORAX. Cut off the top panel from packasre and mall to Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal., with 4e in stamps and the WBIZ same will be promptly tent you pre paid. WHIZ, the New Parlor Card (fame. la composed of 44 handsomely printed cards inclosed in a flap case with full and complete rules for playing. En tertaining, instructive, and can be played by all the family. Similar games coat 50c in the shops. You can B-etitFREE. , il a .Xi I 1 1 IFYOUVE TIN EVER WORN SUCKER you've yet to learn tHe boditv comfort it aives in the wettest weather MADE TOR Hard service AND GUARANTEED WATERPROOF 322 AT All GOOD STORES CATALOG FREE J TOWS CO. BOSTON. U.5JL TOWIG CANA9W4 CO UHITCOTOKMTQ,CMI The Song of the Hair There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse2. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair. Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. The chorus is sung by millions. " Before using Ayer's Hair Vltror I had very thin and 'very poor hair. But I continued to nse the Vigor until my hair grently improved In every way. I have naed It off and on for the (last ten years." A1K8. M. DKUMMOKD, Newark', N J. - by J. B. Aver Co., Lowell, Also snuuiur.r. 01 f SARSAPAB1LLA. .. li0YQ pLLS- tyWf O CHERRY PECTORAL. Apportion! ng the Yeap, Now strolls the youth beside the ..sea. No longer grimly thrifty, For just two weeks' vacation he Must save up coin for fifty. Washington Star.. Mothers wftt find Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing Byrup the best remedy to Use fox their ch.'ldra luring the teething period. Reversal of Form. "Scranley, have you abandoned the lec ture platform for good?" "I have, Horroeks. I married a gifted and eloquent woman and I'm the .audi ence now." 3 Old Favorites S 5 Casablanca. The boy stood on the burning deck, . Whence all but him had fled; The flame that lit the battle's wreck . Shone round him o'er the. dead. V - Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As bora to rule the storm ; - . ; -creature of heroic blood ' - ' . A proud though childlike form- ...'---" The flames rolled on; he would not go ' Without his father's word; -. " . That fatter, faint, in death below, . . .' His voice no longer heard. ' He called aloud, "Say," father,, say,- : "If I may yet be goner , He knew not that the chieftain lay Unconscious of his son..- Speak, father 1" once again he cried, "If I may yet be gone !" And but the booming shots replied,. And fast the flames rolled on. r Upon his brow he felt their breath. And in his waving hair, And looked from that lone post of death In still, yet brave despair; ALASKA WHEAT. And shouted but once more aloud, "My father! must I stay?" While o'er him fast through sail and -the interior to be white and powdery KASPARILLA TLis sterling household remedy is most successfully prescribed for a "world of troubles." For derangements of the di gestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthful activity. Its beneficial influence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation of food,, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, con stipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kaspa.illa dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy- we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. HOYT Chemical Co. Portland, Oregon .chilli C. Gee Wo ' The well known reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Hn made a life etudy of roots and nerbs, ana in laas study discovered and is giv ing to the world his wonder. ful renpedies. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used He Cures Without Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knife He guarantees to Cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lang, throat. Rheumatism, Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Stomach. Liver. Kidney Troubles:also Lost Manhood Female Weakness and All Private Diseases A SURE CANCER CURE Sist Received from Peking, China Safe, Sure) and Reliable. IF TOTJ ABE AFLICTEP, DON'T DELAY. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. CONSULTATION PREE If you cannot call, write forsympton blank and olroo lnr. Inolose 4 cents in s'nmtps. THE 0. GEE WO CHINESE lIUIiICINE CO. R21-2Fiist Bt., Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oregon, Please Mention This Pacer. . Shake Into Tour Shoes Allen's foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful; swollen, smarting-, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by. all DniRgists and Shoe Stares. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Koy, IN. x. Gen. Corbln Likes Old Clothe.' Ever see Gen. Corbin's old shoes? He had them made four years ago when he went to the Philippines, and he's wearing 'em yet. They're great. The general de tests a new pair of shoes or a new suit of clothes. A young fellow came along to his place near Washington recently and said : Sir, I don't want to ask for money, but I would be grateful If you would give me an old suit of clothes. "Not by a good sight," said the general, "but there is a new suit Inside you can have." New York Sun. Catarrh Cannot be Cured wun iaiuali At-rxKjA-jtujNS, as they cannov reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blnnd or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's catarrh cure Is taken internally,- and acts di- rouuy upon uie oiooa anu mucous durtaces, Hall's Catarrh Cure is .not a quack medicine, It wai prescribed, by one of the best physicians in tniscountay lor vears and Is a regular nro cription. It is composed of the best tonics Kiiuwn, comoinea witntne pest oiooa purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The pertoct combination of the two Wrflrtipnlsl what produces such wonderful results in cur ing iatarrn send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY fc CO., Props., Toledo, O. " oinu uy uruiririsis, price 700, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Tbe Land of the Free, "There's eight nations represlnted In this ward of ours," said Mr. Halloran to his wife on his return from a pollti cal meeting. .He began to count thein off on his fingers. . - "There's Irish, Frinch, Eyetallans, Poles. Germans, Roosslans," Greeks an' " Mr. Halloran stopped, and began again : "There's Irish, Frinch, Eyetallans., Poles, Germans, Booslans, Greeks an ain't It queer I dlsremlmber the other wan? There's Irish, Frinch " - "Maybe 'twas Americans," suggested Mrs. Halloran. "Sure, that's it," said her husband. "I couldn't think.'? shroud The' wreathing fires' made way. They wrapt the ship In splendor wild, They caught the flag on high : And streamed above the gallant child Like banners In the sky.' There came a burst of thunder sound ; The boy. Oh, where was he? Ask of the winds that far around With fragments strewed the sea. With shroud and mast and pennon- fair, That well had borne their part- But the noblest thing tlhat perished there Was that young, faithful heart Felicia Hemans. mm Era Pi For Infanta and Children. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT, j " AVcgelalile IVcparationforAs sirailaiin rMootf ancIRcguta ting the Stomachs awLBoweM Promotes DiestionJCkerM -nessandfestontatosiieiii Opium.Morphine nfffWiaeraL NOT W ARC OTIC. Rcopkia Sn&- uiweSenf J$CiirttatSA fcrm krd- tituiafiiatMmr. Arrirternedv forCtasRpa- Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrte Worms jConvulsumsJOTETisB; ncss andLOSS OF sleek FacSinuSe Signature of NEW YORK.J Guiiranleed under lie f s The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears -the;.4VyV Signature f Atf of VR Use For Over Thirty Years tC""J Exaa Copy of Wrapper. Idaho Experiment Station Man Writes Concerning It. By R. E. Hyslop. Agronomist. University of Idaho Aancultural Juuierunent sution, Moscow. On account of "the numerous in quiries coming into our station, we find it necessary to issue this press bulletin concerning the so-called Alaska" wheat. This wheat, when given ample field space pr conditions favorable to the individual plant, has a branching head borne- on a rather tough straw at a height $f between four and five feet. The mesh bears two and three ker nels. When grown under close field cond:tions the head tends to be much smaller," branches less, and the mesh bears from one to two kernels, very seldom three. If heads grown under these conditions alone were examined the impression would be obtained that this wheat never bears but two ker nels' to ' the mesh, ar mistake which some writers appear to have made. The beards, while not numerous, are dark in color and considerably stronger than we find on our common wheats, but not so long or stiff as those found on the durums or maca roni wheats. The normal kernel i? light in color, short and plump, with an unusually open groove, which al lows the kernel to be easily broken in threshing. A cross-section shows Seven Times Four, . Heigh-ho! daisies and buttercups. Fair yellow daffodils,- stately and tall 1 When the wind wakes how they rock in the grasses, And dance with the cuckoo-bird slender and small 1 ' - Here's two bonny boys, and here's moth er's own lasses, Eager to gather them all. Helgh-he, ! daisies and buttercups! Mother shall thread them a daisy chain ; Sing them a song of the pretty hedge- sparrow, ' That loved her brown little ones, loved them full fain; Sing, "Heart, thou art wide, though the house be but narrow" Sing once, and sing it again. Heigh-ho-1 daisies and buttercups, Sweet wagging cowslips, tihey bend and they bow; . ,' . A ship sails afar over warm ocean waters, And haply one musing doth stand at her prow.. 0, bonny brown sons, and O, sweet little daughters, Maybe he thinks on you now I Heigh-ho ! daisies and buttercups, Fair yellow daffodils, stately and tall A sunshiny world full of laughter and leisure, And fresh hearts unconscious of sorrow and thrall ! " Send down on their pleasure smiles pass ing its measure, God that is over us all ! Jean Ingelow. MAKES e A LASTING CURE There'are certain mineral medicines which will remove the external symptoms of Contagious Blood Poison, and shut the disease up in the system for awhile, but when the treatment is left off the disease will surely return. Then the loathsome symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colored spots, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc., are usually worse because the disease has made rapid progress on the internal members, and weakened the constitution and general health of the sufferer. S. S. S. is the only remedy that can be used with perfect safety in the treatment of Contagious Blood Poison, and with the assurance that a lasting cure will result. This medicine, made entirely of roots and herbs of recognized curative and tonic value, antidotes and destroys the powerful virus of the disease, and by purifying the blood of every particle of the poison and enriching and strengthening the circulation, removes every sypmptom or the trouble. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up the disease in any way, but drives it entirely out from the blood, leaving not the slightest trace for future outbreaks. Home treatment book with valuable information and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. STAGE MASCOTS AND JONAHS. Actress Chats of the Superstitions and Fancies of Her Ootid. I'There are people who will tell you that superstition Is Ucrd and that In these mater-of-fact days there is neither room nor time to pay heed to tbe strange fancies and beliefs so commonly held many years ago,'' says Grace George, "To a certain extent, perhaps, this is true, though I am inclined to think, all the same, that as far as actresses and actors are concerned superstition Is still very much alive and is thriv ing uncommonly -well, too. Indeed, 'first uight' superstitions, on the stage are plentiful. The strangest one came un der my. notice last year . In a certain play In which I was starring. A few minutes before the .'call' I happened to be standing in the wings, when I ta pled the leading man engaged in tear ing small pieces off a corner of the scenery, wearing tne wnne an air its If to say, 'I am doing a good day's work.' " That Is rather an expensive sort of amusement to the management, isn't It?' I said, as I saw scenery which had taken weeks to paint being mutilated. " 'Expensive to the management? No, I'm doing them a real good turn,' re plied the actor, 'for there Is no more In fallible way In the world of making a piece an out-and-out success than by touching up the scenery In this way believe me, I know.' Whether this mu tilating process had anything to do with it, I would not like to say, but the piece was a big success." Denver Republican. Looking for Work. . "Why don't you go to work, instead of begging and boozing?" "I will, boss, as soon as there's an openln' In my trade. An I ain't got long to wait now. nuther." "What Is your trade?" "I'm a trackwalker for aeroplane ones.- ; : Jilted. She jilted him bat be could not Forget her; no poor man; The gifts he'd made her be bad bought On the installment plan. Boston Transcript. with comparatively little horny starch. The shrunken kernels naturally are harder. Taking everything into considera tion, I am led to conclude that this is the Egyptian or Miracle wheat, a Poulard, and that it belongs to that variety of the Egyptian known as Eldorado, which is very closely re lated to the seven-headed variety, The Poulards are peculiarly adapted to dry regions, but never have been erown to any extent in America. Their yields have never proved to be of such a nature as to warrant their extensive growth, even for stock food And the inferiority of the flour pro duced from them has prevented their use to any extent for the production of bread.- - The high yields claimed for th wheat in this section of the country, in some cases 277 bushels per acre are fabulous. One of the promoters states that from one head of the wheat he obtained seven pound from these seven pounds he produced 1545 pounds, or a yield in round num bers of 220 fold. It is from these fieures that the yields noted in the various papers, and in the circular of the Adams-Hobe seed Oram com pany. of Tuliaetta, Idaho, are com puted. To show the ridiculousness of computing yields in this way, we de termined in a couple of cases, the number of grains produced from one seed of Little Club grown under ta vorable conditions in our breeding plat. One plant produced 1176; the other 1800 kernels. Mow, reasoning as this seed company has done, if we should plant one bushel of this Litti Club to the acre, we would obtain 1176 or 1800 bushels. This would be a rather high yield, even for Idaho. This year the company had 700 acres in the wheat grown on different farms in this locality. A thirty-acre tract near Moscow, which wa threshed in the middle of August went about thirty-two bushels pe acre. Mr. Adams stated at that time that his best yields had been thirty five, bushels. He supplemented this remark, however, with the statement that his stands were poor in every case. But considering the large acre age, the fact that several different farmers grew the crop, and the effect of a close stand, noted above, we must take this as .in indication, at least, of the yielding power of the wheat. This, however, would not be considered an extra large yield for this country. The analysis of the wheat upon which the company appears to base its hopes amounts to practically noth ing in determining the bread-making quality of the flour. It is true, that bluestem wheat, which analyzes higher in protein than Little Club, makes a better quality of flour, hut it is also true that macaroni wheat, which an alyzes higher in protein than Blue- stem, makes a lower class of flour, and consequently is discriminated against by the' miller. The low-grade flours turned out from our mills usu ally show a higher protein content thani the patent. Corn has consider able ; protein, but the chemist seems unable to find any gluten (that all es sential part of a good flour). .Even if the chemist had found a high gluten content in "Alaska" wheat, we would still; not be justified in concluding that 'the wheat would make a good quality of flour. The proof of the wheat is in the bread it will make, promised to have a milling test mad Upon our request the company hai soon; Until this test is made, how ever, we must assume that the wheat will make no better flour under the name of "Alaska" than it did when known as "Wheat of Miracle." v In spite of all the beautiful stories which have been written concerning the origin of this wheat, regardless of the many wonderful things which have been imagined Sbout its quality, and taking into consideration the im pression as td yield, which has so skillfully been thrown broadcast throughout the American continent by this seed company, who advertise their wheat for sale at $20 per bushel, we have yet to find any point of merit in it which would warrant the public paying more for "Alaska" wheat than the prevailing market price of out common varieties. ' Items of Interests Chattel mortgages. Bonds. Promissory notes. Pawnshops." Loans. Toledo Blade. Seeking a Fitting Environment. Mrs. Baynor Your brother Algy is going to spend the rest of the summer in a logging camp, is he? What is his idea In doing that? Mrs. Shyne The poor boy has taken a notion that he wants to wear a French beard, and he's going there to try to raise the necessary foundation for It. FITS Vitus' Dsnoe and orrons uisesnes psnaa II 1 J santlv cored by Dr. IS Une's Great Nerve Ke- ttorer. Bond for FREE $2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Or. B. II. Kline, IA., 931 Arch tit., rhlladelpnia, ra. Its Faulty Construction. "I k;is away dp in front," Mrs. Lap- sling was saying, "and yet I couldn't hear half the actors said. I tell you there's something wrong with the agnostic properties of- that theater." Chicago Tribune. HOWAHD E. ItURTON. Assnycr arl Chemist, Leudvtlle, Colormio Specimen prices: Uold, 8llver, I.ad, SI ; OolU, Silver, 7f.c j Oolu, &Oc ; Zinc or CepiMT, $1. Cyanido ti'Hts. Malilng envelopes and) full price list sent on application. Control and Um pire work solicited, ltnoruucei Carbonate Na tional .Bank. WHEN YOU GOME TO PORTLAND. ARRANGE TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS PARK AND ALDER STS. A New and Modem European Hotel, catering particularly to State people. A refined place for ladies visiting-' the city, close to the shopping center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus. H. IL CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr. One of the Essentials i of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and know ledge of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world wide acceptance through th approval of the Well-informed of the World; nst or individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtaining the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and whole some family laxative Is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Llixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the . genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. IS OUR MOTTO Said an Employer: "Stick to quality It will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality." That is the reason our graduates are so thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. Portland Business College Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. PRINCIPAL CRESCENT EGG-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER , A modern leavener at a moderate price; is 30 per cent, more efficient than Trust"or Cream-of-Tartar products and absolutely free from the health-racking Rochelle Salts residue invariably accompanying their use. Get it from your Grocer ' 25c - FULL POUND 25c Is jour month sliulliir In any y to the aboveir It so, no need to wwir a woMily, unuMiible partial plate or 111-littintf. ordinnry bridge work. The Dr. Wise system of " TEET H W1THC U T PLATES " The result of 21 year' exporionce. the new wsy at replimlnti teeth In the mouth-teeth In fot, teeth In nppoiiruni'O, teeth to chow your food upon, M you did upon your nntunil ones. Our force is so ornnn. Iced we can do your entire i-rnwn, bridge or plate work In a diiy if newwmiry. 1'odlt.Wely pnluleas t met I iiu. Only htuh-eluns. scleutlllu Work, WISE DENTAL CO., INC. Dr. W. A. Wise, Maniwnr., 21 yon rw In Portland. Rerond Floor, Fnlllna Huililliiu, Third and Wash. InKton Hindis. Ollice limim, H A. M. lo 8 I'. M. Sun. dnys, 9 to 1 P. M. l'nlnlww Kitraollnii, Ma; plates, IS up. l'hones A und Aluin attft. P N U No. 38-08 "ITT H JIN writing to ad vertlser please YV mention this paper. Soatfaern Beaten Bascule. One quart sifted flour, one-half coffee cup of lard, one-half pint milk, one level teaspoonful salt Hub flour, salt and lard together until smooth, thun add milk. Beat twenty minutes, or un til the dough blisters and pops when pulled apart Roll out about a quarter of an inch thick, cut with small bis cuit cutter and prick each with a fork. Bake twenty minutes in rather hot oven.. This quantity makes about thirty bbiculta. BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGON' BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? They are Trained for business in a business-like way. ' Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of its graduates! LM. WALKER. Pres. SEND FOR CATALOGUE O. A. BOSSERMAN, See, Cheapness vs. Quality afford t Economy UCt3 J J In the matter of food vou can't f f sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. 1 13 rierht and rood but inferior food prod are dear at any price. il -m. mm i nx ivj nnuincn KM Vl -"is MAnr c is economical not Cheap. Try it The best at any price or your money back. JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago. Guaranteed Pur and Wholesome,