AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. IS. I'UVD, i' BLM1IKH. .ipp'.iCHtion fur entrance as 2ud clues matter mndeon July 6, 19 17 al the pomoffice at Athena, Oregon U n If ran Actot foiinrts of March 3, l7tt Subscription Hatci : r ,Hr, In alvan . 2.W HIngle copies In wrappers. Sc. ATHENA. ORE.. OCT. 23 1908 Thon.eanrls of lpttrrn tn school toy in VhiU'A Slfitori arid iugluud nave been mailed by tbe lads of Australia, as a part of fostering and intensifying race pride with a view to strengthen lug i oe meudBUip between the coun tries und drawing tbe younger genera uon oiose togetoer. xnis is ouly one of the features of tbe great movement tir tbe "wbite man's PaoiOo" wbicb bas grown out of tbe visit of tbe Amerioan fleet to tbese shores. Tbe feeling that America and England must join iu gaining the supremacy of the PaoiDo for tbe wbite raoe grows stronger every day. It is boped tbat eaob school boy in Australia will build up a correspondence with a boy in Amerioa or England and tbat tbese letters will lead to a close friendship and realization bf mutual interests be tween tbe countries. The lotterg will tell of tbe advanoemout and develop ment of tbe countries and discuss the necessities of Asiatio exclusion The sweeping redaction of from oiie balf to five cents per 100 pounds on range oattlo shipments, which tbe In terstate Commerce Commission bad ordered on August 27 of this year went into effeot last week. Tbe order was tbe lesult of an investigation made by tbe commission in oousequence of a , protest of th3 Texas cattle raisers agaiust tbe Missouri, Kansus and Texas railroad and a great many other westorn and southwestern roads, which had advanced tbe rates on range cattle last spriug. Hie order, applies to flfty-niue railroads in tbe western and southwestern parts of tbo country. Thousands of cbildron are going hungry tn school in tbe great cities, all right, or all wrong; this bas been reported mote thau once beforo and never denied; but now thut it was mentioned during n campaign the managers of tbe grout prosperity-panic: .party rush to the front with douials. And tbe coal and coal-railroad trust will also half froezo thousands of ohildreu duriug the coming winter. According to offioiul predictions, tbe "inlaud empire" will market Ibis year more t bun $1 5,000,000 worth of upples. WuHhingtoufins been gaiuing some on Oregon in npplo production. having now nearly 3,000,000 bearing trees out of a total of 5,337,000. while Oregon is credited with 2,800,000 bearing trees out of a total of 5,555, 000. Both states will gain rapidly on tljuse figures, but it is believed that Oregon can aud wiii Liid her own with Washington in upple production In view of bis interest in tbe Pacific Northwest, as bis residence, and wisb ing to encourage competition between the Universities or Oregon, Washing Ion and Idaho collegiate football championship, John Darrett, director general of tbe International Careen of American republics, of Wasbiugtou. D. C. . proposes to give a handsome t, liver cap to the university which suc ceeds iu lirst getting its name iu tbe cup two times as tbe champion. For the Orst decade of tbe twentieth century ouo of Canada's greatest ac complishments will be tbe completion of the Dominion's second transconti nental railway. Tbe Grand Trunk has finished its prairie section from Winnipeg to Edmonton. From Ed monton to tbe coast, 700 miles, through the mountuins, three years more will be noded. The work is exceedingly difficult and expensive. Officers of tbe autbraoite railroads have notified sales ageuts in Eastern cities tbat indications now favor a serious shortage in tbe domestic? sizes of coal tbo coming winter, as tbe total output of tbe mines up to September 1 was 2,600,000 tons less than at the same period last year. The mines will ke operated at full capacity from this on. nent among whom are tbe genial oom mercial travelers. It is said tbat no less than 40,000 commercial travelers bave on this aooouut, lost tbeii posi tions within the past two years. Tbe saving of expense bas profited tbe consumer nothing, but on toe con tra! y. with added power to reduce prices, the trusts have steadily inflated prices until tbey are now as bigb or higher than ever known and with further expansion of trust organiza tion and operations are expected to go stm nigber. Tbe result is tbat a new influence for combating the trusts Las arisen and a big organization of com mercial mcu. oat of employment and otherwise, is fighting bard for Bryan in the belief tbat bis election would arrest a movement tbat threatens to cost hundreds of thousands of men their only means of livelihood. Port laud Journal. ENEMIES OF THE STATE. A diplomat is a mau with an ax to grind who gets another man to turn the grindstone and makes bim believe that be is being entertained. How we bate people whooatob usiu the act of doing things we ought to be ashamed of. If we all bad our way it would keep other people busy gotting out of it. NEW FOEMEN FOR TRUSTS. A new influence hns arisen to com bat the trusts, and it is apparently to be a considerable actor in tbe present campaign. l urtuor developments and expansion of trusts, if permitted iu tbe country, promises to almost entirely eliiuiuute tbe commercial traveler. Standard Oil already takes its raw material from tbe ground, manufac tures it into tbo refined prod Dot, and itself delivers it to tbe door of the re tail dealer, pooketiug every cent of profit earned or earnntlo, from na ture's origiual deposits to the lamp or stove that finally burns the oil. When all of tbe rest of tbe great combina tions complete their arrangements and apply similar methods, a small group of a few hundred meu will be almost the solo euruers, between mother eaitb nud the consumer. Employment with its moans of support for hundreds of thousauds of families will thus be denied !to numbors'of workers, promi- Outside people who read of tbe atti tude some Oregouiang take towards tbe schools of tbe state will tbink tbat Oregon is a miserable little place where tbe people are barely able to eke out an existence. Last spring terrific objection was raised to tbe appropriation for tbe University of Oregon, although the amount voted for tbat fine institution was bat one-fourth what the state of Washington bad voted for its univer sity. For years tbe state bas taken a nig gardly polioy towards its normal schools. Past appropriations for them ave been meager far lower than what Washington bas given to its nor mals yet narrow-minded men bave bjeoted to every dollar tbat bas been spent. Now these men are trying to start a movement to still further ham per tbe normal sohools. Tbey are urging tbat one, two or all of tbe present school J be abolished. Ibey promise to take the fight into tbe leg islature. If the course advooated by these men were followed to tne logical con clusion Oregon would abolish all of its schools. It would spend money for nothing. Tbe state would go baok to the period when grass and pine trees grew in tbe streets of Portland and people lived upon the game they could Kin and tbe llsb tbey could catch. Oregon is not a primitive state. Its people are not starving. The natural resources of tbe state are unsurpassed. Its people are prosperous and tbe pop ulation is growing. In a short time there will be a million people here in stead of tbe 600,000 at present. It is time for this antagonism to the schools to stop. Upon tbe good work done by tbe sohools, normal and other wise, hangs the salvation of the state. They should be given all tbe money they need and should not be hampered at every tarn. Tbe men who try to block just school appropriations are enemies of the state and of civilization. EastJOrogoniau. For Sale. Mrs. may Jorgenson otters 80 aores of fine reservation land for sale at $90 per acre. The land description is N of N W sec 17. tp. 3, 35 E W M Iuquire of F. S. Le Grow, Athena. fo)o) WSM (Ul mmZJi U Li There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for children and is the means of. saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. Price 25 cents. Large size 60 cents. THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL ! J. E. FROOME, peop. Iff Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS i It the only one tbat can accommodate commercial travelers. Iff Can beiecomended (or IU clean arid well ventilated rooms. For Rent. For a year or term of years, a body of land near town, comprising 09 and a fraotion aores. Inquire of Mrs. Jaoksou Kelson, Atbena. - Eastern Oregon's Largest and Best Store The PC opBes wareh rase at Pendleton, eager or yourf trade, offers you the largest varieties of Dependable Merchandise at the lowest price known for years. A The most comprehensive showing Fall and Winter styles in Ladies' and Misses Suits, Hats and Coats, Skirts, Furs, and all other Wearables. A For Quality, variety ef Styles and Workmanship our lines surpass any ever shown in this section. l Remember we are the largest dealers in Mens and Boys Clothing, Men, Women and Children Shoes, Silks and Dress Goods. A A THE VERY BEST WMJUES IN MANY YEARS are offered you in Blankets and Comforts. A Good, clean Groceries at lowest pnees. In our Grocery Department you will find none but pure, clean wholesome eatables, and we are the acknowledged leaders in low prices. A cTllail orders promptly filled. Your patronage solicited on the score of better goods for less mwy. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays to Trade PENDLETON, OREGON' Always Save Your Coupons Cor. Maui and Third, atheka, Or. What Do They CureT Tha abovfc inostlon Is of ten asked con cerning Dr. Pierwi's two loading medi cines, "Golden Malieiil Discovery" and "Favorito Prescription." The answer is that "Golden Medical Discovery "is a most potent alterative or blood-purilier. and tonic or invigorator and acts especially favorably in a cura tive way upon all tho mucous lining sur faces, as of the nusal passages, throat,' bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and bladders-curing a large percent, of catar rhal cases whether fie disease affects the nasal phages, the tfrsoat, larynx, bron chia, stomaciiNtas catarrhal dyspepsia), bowels ( as muouaiifeKiia4 bladder, uterus or other pelvic organ Even In affections, it Is n(tift siipppskiuI jn affect- n " r a von in "The Old Standby" THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLETON Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank Commercial Banking Capital, Surplus-and Profits, $250,000.00 We Give Savings Bank Facilities the National Bank Security 4 "per cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Safe Deoosit Boxes for Rent The Old Savings Bank, the friend of the Parmer, Stockman and Merchant, now a National Bank, continuing business under the super vision of the U. S. Government. for pucul iar weaJqieMo, lrreeiijliHLiepndde; ErfsrjlnllQnJMs advised ass of d Iseases those rireMCTts ana at tbLwojiien oiitv.TT! is a Dowerfuivet ccnCTv act nir InviuWat. rng tonic ana nervine, For weak worn out, over-worked women no matter what has caused tho break-down, "Favorite Proscription "will bo found most effective In building up tho strength, regulating the womanly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole system. A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving tho formulae of both medicines and quoting what, scores of eminent med ical authors, whoso works are consulted The words of itraisn bestowed on thn several Ingredients entering Into Doctor Pierce's medicines by such writers should have more weight than any amount of non - professional testimonials, because such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are nork-alcoholic, non secret, and contain no harmful habit forming drugs, being composed of glyceric extracts of tho roots of native, American medicinal forest plants They are both sold by dealers in mediclno. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition, any secret nostrum. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and in vigorate stomach, liver and bowels. to Cora Constipation Forever, fake Cascarets Comely Cathartic. lOe or 25a C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund mow" TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, Foley's Honey and Tsr for No opiates. Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley Graduates Am. School Osteopathy, jf Kirksvtfle, Mo., Dr A. T. Still, President, Founder. Drs. HEISLEY HEISLEY OSTEOPTHIC PHYSICIANS Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Btreet. Athena Oregor "Oregon Are you doing what you can to populate your State? Oregon Needs People Settlers, Honest farmers, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong bands and a willing heart oapital or no capital. We Oregon Railroad CS, Navigation Co o4ND Southern Pacific Co.-Lines in Oregon is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution tbiougb every available agency. Will yon not help tbe good work of building Oregon by sending us tbe names aud addresses of your friends who are likely to be interested in this state? We will be glad to tear tbe expense of sending them complete information about Oregon and its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during September and October from tbe East to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few principal cities are From Denver - - I30.DO " Omaba - - 80.00 Kansas City 80.00 St. Louis - - 85.60 Cbioago - - 88.00 From Louisville 111.70 " Cincinnati 42.20 " Cleveland " New York 44.75 55.00 Tickets Can Be Prepaid If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregoo, deposit the proper amount with any ot our agents. Tbe ttcket will then be furnished by telegraph. E. M. SMITH Looal Agent, ' Win McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ATHENA, OREGON. !- c5 : y. 7 A. J. PARKER'S BARBER SHOP Everything First Clasa - Hodsra and Up-to-data SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET . ATHOU TAW- I I I lj ING U LI Liil NO POISONS. CONFORMS JO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. Th Original Lasattv CoutfN Syrup cotUjiIiiI Honey and Tar. An Improvemant ovr aTl Cough. Lung and Bronchial Remdls. Pleasant tj tho taste and food lik for young; and eld. All coufN syrup a containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee' I ftxsttve Honey and Tar move the bowels ad ocnt&ln mo epUtes. Prepared by P!.5-VIX ivlClNE COMPANY, CHICAGO, V. 8. A.