MM MAT FAD Reports of Wonderful Yields Proves to Be Vaporings of Booming Graft Promoters. "Alaska" wheat yield reports ap parently do not bear investigation. Attbn instigation of promoters who bad bopes of realizing handsome, re torus from tbe sale of this wheat for seed, press notices have greatly inter ested wheat raisers of the PaoiOo slope. Phenomonal yields of Alaska hare been reported, bat simmered down to cold fact tbe yield has not been atove the average of other varieties of grain, and experts contend tbat Alaska wheat . is not suitable for milling purposes. It is now thought the new wheat was being exploited simply to gain fabulous prices for seed, and that tbe fad, wbiob is something on tbe Kna sion hedge fenoe order, will die out before farmers have been bilked. . At tbe instigation of tbe depart ment of agriculture, Prof. Elliott, of tbe Washington State Agricultural College, has investigated tbe so-called "Alaska" wheat, grown by Abraham Adams at Juliaetta, Idabo, wbiob was heralded through tbe press of tbe en tire country as a discovery wbiob would revolutionize wbeat growing in tbe United States. Condensed, Prof. Elliott's report says: Fields of "Alaska" wbeat ex amined will not rnn more than 35 bushels to tbe acre. Tbe highest re corded world's yield is 100 bushels for any wheat. Twenty-five per cent of that in Adam's fields is not "Alas ka" wbeat, it being badly mixed with other varieties. Tbe head droops ,v heavily and will lodge badly. Heads are not of uniform size. Wbeat is 'never found growing wild, even in re iunte Alaska. In three years "Alaska" wheat will be but a memory. Farther evidence that Alaska wbeat is a boomerang is found in tbe Spokesman-Review. That paper sent one of its men to Potlatob ridge, above Kend riok Idaho, and tbe Review man found that last year Abraham Adams of Jnliaetta rented a pieoe of land from Mr. Lange, a prominent farmer, whose home is between Leland and Camerou. There were abont 80 acres in this piece of land. About four aores were seeded to barlev, leaving about 32 acres for tbe "Alaska" wbeat. To ascertain tbe amount of wheat raised on these 33 aores a successful search was made for the tbreshermuu to select from. Price 10c per roll up to $1 grades, complete stock Knows the hang of it too House, Sign and Carriage Painting E. T. Kidder, McArthur Building who threshed the grain. His memo randum book gave the amount at 411 sacks. A visit was alto made to the flouring mill at Leland where this grain was cleaned. Tbe books of Vanpelt & Siegler, tbe proprietors of tbe mill, show that they cleaned 873 bushels of wbeat for Abraham Aflame. Both Mr. Vanpelt and Mr. Siegler say that Mr. Adams intently watohed the operation of oleaning. After tbe grain was cleaned tbe millmen proposed that a m illing test be made of a few bushels, wbiob would be done without any ad ditional cost to Mr. Adams. Tbe millmen claim tbat Mr. Adams atouoe protested against any such test being made, declaring himself fully satisfied with a chemical analysis of tbe grain made at tbe Idabo experiment station. Taking tbe 873 bushels of cleaned grain and dividing it by 82, tbe num ber of aqres upon which it was grown, the result is obtained of a little mora than 26 bushels to tbe acre. Those who wish to check up on this amount have tbe basis of 111 sacks of th'resned grain to be divided by tbe 82 aores. It is interesting to' compare tbese figures witb tbe estimate of 85 bushels to tbe acre for this year's crop made by Professor Elliott. Experienced wbeat growers in tbat section have been interested in exam ining this wheat. Some are reported to have found no "wax" after obew iog up mootbf uls of it. Another cur rent report is tbat this wbeat oraoks badly in threshing. There is not a great demand for "Alaska" wbeat among tbe leading farmers of Potlatoh ridge. They do not wish to be quoted against it, pre ferring, tbey say, to let tbe people find out for themselves. Drying Milton Cherries. Drying oberries instead of canning tbem is an experiment being made ex tensively this season on aooount of the dull matket and tbe heavy loss to growers beoause nothing could be done witb tbe fruit in season. On many of tbe trees tbe fruit still cilngs, while in some orobards tbe late varieties are just at tbeir best. Growers sold all tbe obeiries tbey could and then offer ed tbe looal cannery more than could be tinned during tbe season. Witb cherries still going to waste growers tried tbe experiment of drying tbe fruit, and it was found feasible. After the oberries are seeded and spread out in a bot sun tbe process is simple and quick, and some varieties have a flavor quite like resins when the cut ing process is complete. 1 I rap MOISTURE 15 BADLY HEEDED Streams of Walla Walla Valley Lowest in Many Yean. Unless fall rains visit tbe irrigated sections cf Walla Walla Valley, tbe surrounding country will suffer ma teriel damage from tbe water shortage wbicb the dry season has caused. Ac cording to those wbn have made an investigation of tbe present situatiou there was never a time in, tbe history of tbe valley when tbe water supply was so depleted as now. ' . Tbe late fall of last year prevented any rains tbat were of sufficient quan tity to soak the foothills and water sheds of tbe streams which flow through this valley. When fall did come it came quickly and instead of rain, snow felL This lay on until late spring melting and running off in streams when tbe sun shone upon it. If tbe season bad been a . wet one as has been experienced here some years, there would have been no notice taken of tbe fact tbat the waterebed was practically dry. But since the sum mer has been hot and dry tbe short age is being felt at tbe present time in a disagreeable manner. . Frnit growers and gardeners claim tbey are suffering losses every day through tbe laok of sufficient water for irrigating purposes, and unless the situation is brightened by heavy rain falls soon there will likely be a serions impairment of tbe late varieties of fruits. f .1 SENATOR FULTON'S REASONS. "There are 50 reasons," Senator Fulton says, "why members of tbe leg islature do not have to regard that Statement No. 1 pledge." ; But. the only one that he mentions is tbat "Oregon is a Beputlioan state and Cbamberlais is a Demoorat" Party, party ; Bepublioan, Demoorat. Can't Republicans vote for a Demoorat or Demooratsfor a Bepublioan, if tbey want to, and have their votes counted? Is it party tbat elects, tbat chooses public servants, or the people? By what authority or right or on what prinoiple are a few members of tbe legislature not only to forswear themselves but to disfranchise tbe 20,000 Republicans who purposely, in telligently and conscientiously voted for Chamberlain? I .' ' "I do not believe in Statement No.' 1," says Senator Fulton. So he said before tbe primaries last spring, and be knows wbat happened to him in tbe primaries. Cake, who announced tbat be did believe in Statement No. 1, was nominated. . Fulton does not believe in Statement No. 1, but the people do, Republicans as well as Democrats. On tbat issue tbey rejected Fulton. On tbat issue they later rejeoted Cake, who went back on Statement No. 1 atfer his nomination. On that issue, largely, Chamberlain was elected. And in tbe same eleotion tbe Statement No 1. law was adopted by an overwhelming plurality. Therefore Senator Fulton's state ment that be does not believe in State ment No. 1 is tantamount to saying that he does not beileve in the people; he does not believe tbat they should elect tbeir senators; be does not believe that tbeir will expressed at tbe ballot box should be observed ; be does not believe that tbey should rule; be be lieves tbat a party organization or ma chine, nay, a mere faotional maohine, should at its pleasure set aside and hold for nangbt the people's recorded will. A party, a faotion, a factional toss or leader, assumes to say that tbe people's oboioe shall fce null aud void unless they choose to suit him. To this shape and measure dwindle Senator Fulton's 60 reasons; but if be really had 60 reasons, each 60 times tetter than this one, all combiued would not weigh one fiftieth part' the reason why Statement No. 1 members should keep their pledge tbe simple, sufficient reason tbat not to do so would be dishonest, disbonoiable, dis graceful ; would be a base betrayal of a sacred trust ; would properly consign every man who violated his pledge to lifelong infamy among his fellow men. Portland Journal. Whv James Lee Got Well, i ' Everybody in Zanesville, O., knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of raral ronle 8. ? Sbe writes: "My husband, James Lee, firmly believes he owes his life to the nse ot Dr. King's New DisooisSry.' His lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New JPiscovery. We tried it, and its nse . has restored him to perfect health." - Dr. King's New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies. . For oongbe and colds it has no equal. Tbe first dose gives relief. Try it I Sold under guarantee at Palace Drug (Jo's, store.9 50o. and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Excellent Health Advice. . - Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 379 Clif ford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: .".The worth of Eleotrio Bitters as a gen eral family remedy, for headache, bil iousness and torpor of liver and bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor, Jfrthe benefit of those seeking relief from snob afflictions. There is more health, for the digestive organs in a bottle of Eleo trie Bitters than in any other remedy I kuow of." Sold under guarantee at Palace Drug Go's, store, sOo. For Sore Feet. "I have found Buoklen's Arnioa Salve to be tbe proper thing to nse for sole feet, as well as for healing barns, sores, outs, and all maimer of abra sions," writea Mr. W. Stone, of East Polaud, Maine. It is tbe proper thing too for piles. Try it I Sold under guarantee at Palace Drug Go's, 'store. S5e. ' . Wise Piano Co Received During the past 30 days 3 Carloads of Pianos AU.Guaranteed It will pay you to look this aesort meut over. "There's a Difference." Only Reliable Makes Sold. We have a great many satisfied customers around Athena who can testify as to the mer its of our pianos. QH EASY PAYMENTS ALL TALKING MACBINES AND RECORDS sold by ns. Come in and bear these Instruments. Any obild can 'play tbem. Yon are always welcome.' If you can't call, drop ns a line or call ns up at our expense and we will send a representative to see you. Positively Fair Treatment to all. Yours for Business. Mis WSMMPMBBSBHSn sMMbJkikMikX C. Y.BAIRD, MANAGER 15 Main Street, :: Walla Walla Office Phone Main 20 Night, Main 70 Office, Pendleton Drug Co. J. A. DONAGHUE, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College PENDLETON - - OREGON FEMALE WEAKNESS 642 1-3 Congress St. Portland, Mains, Oct. 17, 1901. I consider Wine of Csrdui superior to any doctor's medicine I ever need and I know whereof I speak. I suf fered for nine months witb suppressed menstruation wbicb completely pros tratad ms. Pains wonld shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell up and I would feel so weak I oonld not stand op. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wins of Cardui came as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all enfforiug women knew ot its good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. OREGON jsa Uaum Pacific Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha. Chicago; tourist sleeping ear dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping; cant, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats fre;i, to tbe east daily trom Pendleton. ARBIVB Daily. TIM 4CHKDUXKS ATHKNA, ORE, REP ART Dally. Walls Walla. Day ton, Poraeroy. Lew- lston. oirai. run- 1:10 p. ni. man, Moscow, the MOp.m. uoeur a'Aiene ais triot, Spokane and ail points north. Walla Walia - Peu- 10:08 am dieton Special 10:08 Fast Mail for Pen Bauer Lily, ana all points eisi via nun tlngton, Ore., Also &I5 p m for umauila, Hepp- ner, Tbe Dalles. Portland, Astoria, 8:45 p. m Willamette valiej Points. California. Tacoma, Seattle, all souna roinis. 5:25 p- m. Pendleton - Walla Walla Special 5:2pm . M. SinitU Agent. Athena lieu 30 W , ."Tl V--' 1 -rsJ Vs0 sW.0 ci Ic days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction: guaranteed or money refunded. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware gps BENT'S WALTHAM WATCH, IN HEAVY NICKLE CASE, $6.00 15rjewel, $8.00; all higher grades at a big discount; 1847 Rogers Knives and Forks, $3.90 per set; 1847 Rogers Table Spoons, $3.00 per set; Seth Thomas 8-day Clocks, $3.50 to $7.00; good Alarm Clocks, 90 cents each. Sale closes August 29th. A A A A A r. H Coolldge, THE JEWELER, OFFICERS H. O. ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass't Cashier. i FIRST -i NATIONA CAPITAL STOCK. $50.000. . ... .SURPLUS, 25,000 A General Banking Business conducted on Conservative Principles DOVOUKNOW RFlARF "ATTMTARAW ui-iirim. 1 -I" Ask for Inland Crackers in A New England Mother thg Red packages whe Get acquainted at once by t you Want lhe best, reading Co book Roosevelt said, " One person in E ARE this country ranks ahead of the , ' , , , ,,. Cl .i ii j ofcheap crackers packed in soldier. She is the really good . ,f , , j i i i i immitation red packages woman and mother who has done . . 7 her Ml duty." by the cracker trust . !2mo. cloth bouiuUl.50 - Ask tor ; , Mon dan .e-d . INLAND CRACKERS Not made by the Trust. Richard G. Badger : Publisher, Boston . jP Foley's Kidney Cure - makes kidneys and bladder rlzhU 'tT For Sale by Gives rest to the stomach. For indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, rVsrvous stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A prompt relief. rnn4 at tin lb raurr I.O.DWtts O., CM;g. VIA. Digit Mmkmm A m THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY, ATHENA. OR. case before BACK-AC SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER Athena, Oregon DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. -V OF ATHENA . J iVpminen a r b'dcU' AT: Vt liUAEANTEED ' ' . NON-lNTOXICATma "I Tisedtotliink a good non-intoxicating beer could not be made but M ALTON A certainly is IT" INAPPY! DEUBHTFUU For sale at all leading temperance drink stands NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ASTORIA, OREGON if i - ra For yspepsia What Tom Emt aUTM i4fMiaa, w attnek, btlck t f rt. wic. Bemmtb , JttMf ( CY) A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe morninsf. m m DRUG STORE,