AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.. F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July 5, 1907 at tbe poitofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879 Subscription Rata: p rar, in advance Hlngle copies in wrappers, Sc. ATHENA. ORE.. AUGUST 28... 1908 Tbe story that tbe democrats bad practically abandoned tbe east before tbe beginning of tbe fight and tbat tbeir efforts would be centered in the west was, of conrse, without founda tion. Tbe democratic campaign will inolude every state in tbe union, and tbe figbt will be as bot and as deter mined in New York, New Jersey and Counectiout as in Obio, Indiana and Illinois, every one of wbiob is a doubt ful state and all of wbiob are, there fore, fighting ground. Tbe straggle is going to be historic. Tbe demooratio party has never teen in better spirit. It is entering into tbe battle with magnificent courage and in full confidence of tbe justioe of its cause. It is more nearly united than it has been at any time before since tbe rebellion. Mr. Bryan is stronger in the affections of tbe people than be was 12 years ago. He has a wider acquaintance. Even those op posed to bim bave come to respeot and admire bim, and many thousands who distrusted bim in previous campaigns will give bim their loyal support in 1008. Tbat be will win is tbe pro found beliof of many of tbe keenest politioal observers of tbe day. Tbe Hearst defection meaus less than many at first blush will estimate. Mr. Hearst's following has always been largely composed of organized labor, and organized labor baa always been largely republican in sentiment. His independence party is, therefore, likely to .hurt Taft much more than it will hurt Mr. Bryuu. It may, indeed, belp tbe demooratio nominee, it will, at least, not seriously impair Mr. Bryan's chances, Iu faot.'all things tend to enbanoe. Tho republicans bave a tre mendous burden to carry ns a result of tbe industrial breakdown and tbe ex posure of tbeir false and impious "pros perity" pretensions. ' Among tbe bopeful signs of tbe bet terment of society is tbe ban .that is everywhere being put upon profanity. Aside from all religious considerations no man laying claim to common de cency wi'l larder bis speech with pro fanity. Tbe man who in season and out of season uniformly curses and damns bis employes upon tbe cheap pretext that this is tbe only way in which to get work out of them and keep them in wholesome fear of bim, is not only lacking iu theiustinotsof a gentleman, but is utterly unfit to gov ern men. He advertises the poverty of bis speeoh and the shallowness of bia brain. Tima was when this kind of treatment might bave bad some standing' iu society, but tbat day is happily gone by, and tbe man who would have footing now in society must oleau bis mouth, or take a plaoe with the ignoraut lout who considers tbe vehemence and volume of bis oaths a sign of actual alertness. The Committee on Ways and Moaus appointed by the Oregon Good Roads Conference bave arranged for a Mood Roads Convention at Tillamook Sep tember -1 tli . aud another at Rosoburg September li2ud. Other meetings are uuder oousideratiou aud defiuite dates will be decided witbiu a few days. There is uuiversal determination to luase this campaign tbe most effective the state has evot experienced. Tbe republican campaign chest can't be as empty as all this talk about re fusing contributions with a corporation taint would indicate. Tbe aunouuee in e tit is made that the national com mittee is goiux to send money into Vermout for use iu tbe state eleotiou there, which is just a month away. Wooever is elected presideut, or auybiug else, Oiegon is goiug to euter right soou upon a period of railroad building, and other development such as has ttevor beeu witnessed in this state before. So we need not worry much about politics. Tbe people of Oregon will be duly appreciative of Mr. Harriniau's prom ised activity iu railroad building in Oregon, but a good many of tbem will believe tbat tbe man tbat f owed bim icto tbiaaotivity, olorVthau all others, ia Mr. J. J. Hill. Tbe prohibition , candidate for tbe pteaidotioj was aiuiot IjWboJ ftt Lincoln and 'bit on tbe bead witb a brick at Springfield. Biding on tbe waterwagon seems to invite some dangers. This is a dull year in business, and 300,000 freight cars are still idle in consequence of tbe republican panic, and as a result tbe politicians find it difficult to create enthusiasm. be eats pie should be less important to tbe boys than bow be passes it around. New York is going to bave a wo man's balloon race. Perhaps that's why they were wearing balloon sleeves a few years ago just for practice. Standard Oil trust shares bave ap preciated $370,000,000 since tbe panio, so it will be no great strain on Brother Rockefeller to contribute a million or so to tbe republican campaign fund. There would seem to be some fric tion between Chairman Hitchcock and Seoretarv Dover of tbe republican na tional committee, wbiob indicates tbat tbe old Hauna machine is hanging back in tbe traces. , An ideal citizenship makes an ideal nation, state, county, city, town, vil lage, bamlet or community, iu a coun try governed as this is. It is always up to tbe voters to deoide the destiny of the country. - An American has succeeded in navi gating an airship several hundred feet up iu tbe air in Paris. But the average visitor in Paris doesn't want to get tbat far away trom tbe cafes and tbeir sights. An eastern girl who has $500 in tbe Lank says sbe ia tired, of working in a pickle factory. A single girl with tbat much money must bave an awful vinegary disposition. Turkish women are to be allowed greater freedom. Inasmuch as tbey already wear the trousers, tbe next thing they'll be wanting to carry tbe latchkey. It now looks as if the republican maobine lea dors of New York would lack tbe courage of tbeir couviotions aud not dare aggressively to oppose tbe renomination of Governor Hughes. George Bernard Shaw has written a new play entitled "Getting Married" and tbe newspapers call it a oomedy. Ask tbe average married man what be thinks. Last week'e rainfall is said to bave been worth a million dollars an hour. And yet the prohibitionists declare tbe country will be better off when it ia dry. By tbe way, while discussing tbe other important issues of tbe day, neit her Bryan nor Taft has said a word about tbe sheath gown. A Chicago man has written a book in wbiob be says tbe stage aud all so ciety are bad. He knows what will be good for bis book. Tbe announcement that Taft waltzes is not surprising; a man of bis shape, is of course, a round danoer. There are manv imitations of De Witt's Caibolized Witch Hazel Salve but just one original. Sold by Palace Drug Co. Taooma reports a race war. What Washington needs is a governor like Hughes, who will put a stop to all races. A Minnesota candidate for governor is said to eat pie witb bis knife. How ' V r r:'s Weaknesses. r .r f boon to weak, nervous, tit; i"-; won' n l;nown as Dr. Pierce's Fuvoii' !':' M'i-iitum. Dr. .iuhu ivfo one of tho Editorial Staff of Tim liouxTic Meuicai. Review says of Unicorn root (HcUmias Dioteu) which Is one of tho chief ingredients of the "Fa vorite Prescription " : "A remedy whlcli Invariably acts as a uter ine invltrorn tor makes for normal ac tivity of tli onttro reproductive system." lie continues "in Helomas wo liarcamedica ment which moro fully answers the above purposes than any other ciniy with which I am acquainted. ' Ir. tho treatment of diseases pe culiar to women it is seldom that a case Is seen which doi.s not present some indication for this remedial agent." Dr. Fyfe further says: "The following are anion? the leading Indications for Uelonias (Unicorn root). . Pain or achlne in the back, with leucorrho?a : atonic (weak) condition of the reproductive organs of Isomcn. men tfll depression ana Ir-' rltablllty. r'oclatcd wlttfchronic diseases of the reproductive ogans of women; constant sensation A heat In the region of the kid; neys; menprrhaelii (flooding), due to a weak ened condition ofthe reproductive system: amenoMceylsKIpressed or absent monthly perlod,aTin1r'from or accompanying an atmoaSull condition of the digestive organ and Ajfamlc ( thin blood ) habit: dragging sensfinons in the extreme lower part of tbe. abdomen." .... . ' If more or less of the above symptoms arffThrTnt. rto Invalid" womn. fnn"7nT ftp(.Kr'tH;n take. i)T. Fierce Tavoritef FlBcWunCdn66TlTO teftding Ingredt entsorwnicll is Unicorn root, or Helonlas,, and tho medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It is an important remedy In disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions . and general enfeebloment. It is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to Its general effects on the system, there 1 no medicine in use ahmit which then Ut inch general unanimity of opinion. It Is univermillu regarded as the tonic useful in all debilitated states." . Prof. It. Jiartholow, M. D., of Jefferson Medical College, says of Gplden Seal : "Valuable in uterine hemorrhage, monor rhagia (flooding) and congestive dysmenor rhea (painful menstruation)." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription faith fully represents all tho above named In gredients and cures the diseases for which they are recommended. M2a000) fon w v u Takes one of the Best Ranches In Umatilla county 9 down, balance payment on easy terms. Call at this office for particulars. 4(0) km and all but six acres of plow land in cultivation. There is now 330 acres in summeriallow ready to sow in fall wheat 1 B FT f Hills Pesii will be open only for a short time. Take advantage of it and get in on A Ml my M 0) 0) in Lfulni "i n rrs U n u y There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea flemody In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient It never foils and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. Price 25 cents. Large size 60 cents. 1 THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY. THE , ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, pbop. I 1!? v Only First-class Hotel in J the City. 5 w THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one tbat can accommodate commercial travelers. w J Can tmiecomended for Its clean and T well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main and Third, atbena, or. RATES Will be Made by the This Season as Follows: ... ROUND TRIP TO DIRECT Chicago...... ...... ....$72.50 St Louis ......... 67.50 St Paul 63.15 Omaha. .:. ...... ... 60.00 Kansas City ...... ..V., 60.00 Tickott Will bo on Sale May 18 June 5, 6, 19. 20 July 6, 7, 22. 23 August 6, 7, 21, 22 Good for return in 90 days with stopover - privileges at pleasure within limits. DON'T FORGET The DATES For any Further Information Call on , E. M. Smith, Loci Aent Or write to WM, McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. "The Old Standby" THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Commercial Banking Capital, Surplus and Profits, 8250,000.00 4 per cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits, Safe'Deoosit Boxes for Rent The Friend of the Farmer, the Stockman, and the Merchant TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent. Foley's Honey and Tar No opiates. Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr, S, Etta Heisley Graduates Am. School ff Osteopathy, gf Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still, President, Founder. Drs. HEISLEY & HEISLEY OSTEOPTHIC PHYSICIANS Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all . calls, both night and day. Utile promptly answered. Office on Tblrd Street, Atbena Oregtr It's easy to reach North Beach Take Steamer POTTER From Portland Passengers are now transferred to tbe raiload at MEGLER fourteen miles op the Colombia River from Ilwaoo. This eliminates the necessity of steamers waiting for tbe tide, and insures a prompt and regular Sum mer Sohedule. The Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Portland every morning except Sator day and Sunday at 8;3Q o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clock P. M. Re member tha Summer rate on tbe , v ' is 113.90 from Athena to all .North Beach points and return; good until September 30tb. ' , j' ,: "( , -V North Beaob is a lamous, beautiful plaoe tbe most perfect beaob on tbe whole North Coast. There are accommodations galore at prices to suit all tastes; camping facilities without equal per feet batbing conditions; all sorts of amusements and diversions. Come, have a good rest and a jolly time. Let us send you our new summer book, and tell yofl all about NORTH BEACH. E. M. SMITH Local Agent, ! Wm McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ATHENA, OREGON. I 1 ... ic: A. J. PARKER'S ill Kvarjrthint Flret Claea '- Mo(d era ad tTpt-data SOOTH SICE MAM STREET ATKEXA i i U3 I ' s L3L3 3 u NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL. PURS roOO AND DRUO LAW. Tb OrlStnal Lxatv Ceuh Syrwp eentainlnd Hone and Tar. An hwiewawil rvr all Cewtfh. Lunt and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to tbe tesae and Coed alike for irem and eld. All eeusrt yraea oontainlnd eeJatea ecmatteato the bowels. Bee'a Lamttv Hemy and Tar nevet th fcewela and centataa ce ogittt. rrepared br rU-VC MCDICIKS CO.PAMT GZUv&U V.