This Edition con tains Six Pages Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Hosne Grocer VOLUME XX. ATITEtfA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 28, 1908. NUMBER 35 THE TUP1-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL ' PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager . Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Company AMEUGAN Float Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Blnestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grooer sells Amerioan Beauty for 130 Per Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. -mm y ill J i a,. 8 MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets , Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the coedenaed essence of the drag. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just as good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin Core or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated; Capital Sfock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons- ti TRUE! rmiRAI 3 Jh i M prodeuveby WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT P8HLn83 ( - .. - The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in Vge Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here DELL BROTHERS, tCJ r tm4 i Si BEAUTY Sack and Grain Buyers: Waitsburg, Wash. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET., STONE & BODDY, Prop's The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry. R. J. BODDY WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price ITH pnnAriW 'CT VEGETABL . SS'8 TKincn .Both Passenger and Freight Business Growth Ovej Returns. v Shows Healthy - Last Year's The balance sheets of both the O. R. & N. and Nottheru PaaiUo lines of railway entering this oity show a sat isfactory increase of passenger and freight business this year over that of 1907. The business of several months in this year almost double to at of corres ponding months in last year. - Especi ally is the increase in freight traffic noticed, although there are some months in which the passenger busi ness has inoreased by large margins. Tbe flour milling industry iu Athena has been oonduoive largely to (be gain made in the freight business, while the local passenger service between Pendleton and Walla Walla, accounts for inoreased passenger traffic The Northern Paoiflo caters little If any, to local passenger business, and that company is apparently content with the large volume of freight busi ness It handles here. The Northern Paoiflo oommands freight tiaffio to Sound markets, wbioh from this point as inoreased in proportion to that handled by tbe O. JR. & N. to and from tidewater. . ... ,, READ YOUR HOME MAGAZINE -: . y Pacific Monthly for September Begins Jack London's "Martin Eden." Of all the magazines which will be read by Paoiflo Coast people in Sep tember, the leaves of the Paciflo Monthly, that great .Oregon publica tion, -should be tbe first of all to te out with the paper knife. -, Thousands of dollars are being spent eaoh month by the publishers to make this . splendid magazine tbe peer of any this side of tbe Mississippi and tbe equal of any in America. The Paoiflo Monthly is a home production ana not only Ureeoulaos but every home in Washington, Idaho and Mon - tana should be proud of the opporto nity of having a copy eaoh month, On tbe reading table. The Paoiflo Monthly for September will be found of espeoial interest. It contains the opening chapters of Jack London's thrilling story "Martin Eden" for wbioh the publishers pay tbe great author of "The Call of tbe Wild" and "Sea Wolf," $7,000 for exclusive rights. Tbe gifted pens of Charles Erskiue Scott Wood and other writers of national and international note trickle tbrougb tbe pages of the September number, iu all comprising tbe cream of thought, fact and fiotiou ; a grand collaboration of all that is best in current literature. Kentucky Foxhounds. Bob Chapman and John Boss re ceived two thoroughbred Kentucky foxhounds direct from tbe bluegrass state last week, says tbe Milton Eagle. Tbey already have three North Caro lina foxhounds and tbe new arrivals will give them a pack that will strike terror to tbe coyotes that are beooming numerous and troublesome on the.up per tiver. ""fsj - The Biggest Crop. j ' 'X Sam Bannister had tbe champion yield of the season at his place near Weston, says the Leader. Thirty-four acres of rod chaff wbeat averaged 49 bushels per acre, counting two ana a quarter bushels to the sack. His en tire crop of 110 acres averaged . 40 bushels, and Sam doesn't feel at all displeased over tbe harvest of 1908. Fencing Out Coyotes. Fenoiug tbe range to proteot sheep from tbe attaoks of predatory animals has met with excellent results in the Wallowa National Forest, Oregon. Tbe problem was to And a strong fence p ,ry Athena, Oregon EE? that would make the sheep cceure, even without tbe care of a berder. Tbe ohosen fenoe, which is built of woven wire with barbed wire on tbe top, has kept out all the minor animals such as wild oats, lynxes and coyotes, but has not withstood the attaoks of tbe griz zlies, wbioh are apparently able to pass through it with little trouble. A Nine-foot Cougar. Lou Williams of Miltou has return-, ed from tbe mountains, going as far as tbe breaks of tbe Umatilla, where he shot a monster cougar after an ex citing chase. Tbe animal measured nine feet from tip to tip and was in prime condition. Mr. Williams will have tbe animal stuffed. As tbe haunts of this rinimal wore in tbe neighborhood of the place of the dis appearance ol little Jeou ttrittau many people in the mountain section believe that the little fellow met deaih from the olaws of tbe cougar. Many of tbe smaller domestio animals be longing to tbe ranchers of Linkton mountain have been killed and carried off by cougars. BREEN FAILED TO MAKE GOOD Father of Brittan Boy Still Believes That Convict Can Produce Child. James Breen signally failed to "make good" his word and return to Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brittan their l"st son, Cecil, in aooordanoe with his promise that if given one more opportunity be would flud the boy, says tbe Walla Walla Union. When the party reaobed Toll Gate Sunday afternoon, Breen directed them to a cabin some three miles dis tant where be said they would flud tbe boy. But on investigation of tbe oabin revealed the faot that tbere had been no one around tbe place for years, and after Breen had surmised that bis friends "had moved down to the river where they could get better feed aud water for their horses," the searohing party returned. A Breen appeared to be uervous throughout the day, and gave the of ficers belief long before Toll Gate was reached, that he would be unable to maka - good his promise and assist in the reoovery of the lad. But tbe uer vousuess' ,vPrrch he'displayed on the way up, iu a measure disappeared ou the way to tbe looatiou of t.he lonely cabin with the air of a man who was sure of his ground, and had uo douots but that the missing child would be where he said it would. Warden Reed, of the prison said that tbe ex-oonvict, made a total fail ure of his opportunity to gain his free dom, and that, as far as the man was concerned, the inoideut is a closed book, and the remainder of bis days will probably be spent in tbe peniten tiary. He is now serving his sentence of five years for passing a worthless obeck, and it is likely that as soon as be baa completed that term, he will be tried under tbe habitual criminal law. Mr. Brittan said in regard to Breeu, "I realize that tbe offloers have lost faith in the stories of Breen but I have eveiy reason to believe that be was telling tbe truth. I personally have never caught bim iu a falsehood. "Every story which be has told me and which I have investigated has proven to bold. I do not know what tbe offioers intend to do with him, but I am confident that Breeu knows where Cecil is and that bad be not been ar rested he would likely bavo produced the child." The Sheepmen's Case. East Oregouiau: When Circuit Judge Bean returns to tbe oity be will be aeked to resoiud the Washington sheepmen's iujuuoliou which Judge Gillilund recently grauted, so it is in timated. That tbere was no proper basis for en injunction is freely de olaied by Dan P. Smytbe, secretary of the sheep commission, for be holds that Dr. Lytle, state sheep inspector, bad done nothing to warrant the order made by Judge Gilliland. - Horses Died from Thirst. W. J. L. Anderson met with an rn pleasant surprise when he went out to his ranch a few days ago, says a Med ford item. He left four bead of horses in a Meld on the ranob when he left there, four weeks ago, and at tbat time tbere was ample water running in a creek in the field, but when be returned this week be found tbe creek dry and three of tbe four horses dead from thirst. f. ''Peach Day" at Freewater. "Peach day" will be celebrated at Freewatei on Wednesday, September 2. when speakers from Umatilla and Walla Walla counties will be present and a general pionio will be held. Ibis event has now become a fixed holiday, and will be celebrated each year in tbe midst of the peaob harvest. Five hundred visitors from Umatilla and Walla Walla oounties are expected. Pioneer of '52. Natbau Keith, a pioneer of 1852, and one of tbe best koown men in the country, died at tbe home of bis grand daughter, Mrs. Dick Abraham on Willow creek, Dear Dayton, Wash. The immediate cause of bis death was dysentery, coupled with the iu Ormities of old age. OGLE SELLS Li M. M. Johns Purchases 43 Acres Ad jacent to Athena and May Build Residence Thereon. The most important teal estate transfer to take place in Athena for some time was the purobaae of 43 aores of Ben Ogle' The price paid was f 4,000. v The land is looated just west of the ci y limits and is a portion of tbe old Rio hard's estate, it corners just west of David Taylor's warehouse at the foot of Main street, and was iu crop this year, yielding a fairly good yield of wheat Mr. Johns, who left Atheua Wed nesday for his home in Los Angeles, California, would not commit himself for publication, as to what his inten tions were regarding his investment, but intimated that eventually be may build a residence on tbe land and with his family, make a home there. Mr. Johns is owner of a considerable acre age of wheat land iu this section and now that bisson'8 health is greatly improved, the family may come north to teside. . Land Slide Puts Out Light As a result of a land slide ou tbe Walla Walla river, below the power plant, Sunday night, Athena, Westou and Pendletou were without electrio lights and power. A heavy rain caused tbe land slide which filled tbe tail race with rook and debt is, wbioh caused tbe water to back into the pow er house, flooding it. The Preston-Mill in this oity was closed down. The Press type setting machine was pro pelled by a gasoline engiue and tbe shut down interfered only with the job department. "John L." May Appear. Iu case satisfactory ariangements can be made, John L. Sullivan, one time champion of tne prize ting, may be secured to entertain people at Walla Walla during fair week. Sullivan, who has been on the road for some time aB an attraction at like events, gives a speeob of a few minutes, which is followed with a 10 minute sparring bou't-vwitb tbe , trainer who welded hiru into 'suuh a formidable opponent ou tbe mat. - i- round Ancient Keiic d and Will Pinkerton, "Vest" King and ' tbe editor fished ou the Umatilla Saturday and Sunday with fairly good success. "Billy" found an antiquated fire arm which uo doubt found its way across the plains in au early day. It is now ou exhibition at the Palaoe Drug store. Club Party. sChe Athena Harmony olub will give h farewell party next Tuesday after noon at tbe home of Miss Beta Koth rouk, in bouor of tbe members of tbe club who will soon leave Atbena to at tend sohool. The weather permitting, tbe party will be given on the lawn, aud tbe olub from Westou is expeoted to attend en massd. Appointed as Delegate. Governor Cbamberlaiu has appoint ed C. A. Barrett delegate to tbe Na tional Irrigation Congress wbioh con venes, September 29 to October 8 at Albuquerque, New Moxioo. Iuasmuoh as the governor did not enclose trans portation with Mr. Barrett's commis sion, a pioxy may be named. Visit Near LaGrande. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Colbern went over to La Grande Wednesday, where tbey will be guests at the home of tbe Misses Monta and Vada Smith, ncioes of Mr. Colbern. Tbey will be ac companied home by Miss Jesnie Smith, who will enter the Normal sVhool at Westou. Lands His Man. A postoffloe inspector dropped into Freewater Saturday aud arrested John Jenson, who bad formerly boen a Spo kane mail carrier. Jenson, who went by tbe name of Kleamor at Freewater, bad purchased a home tbere and fol lowed tbe carpenter's trado. Baker City Leads. In point of number of people going on Friday evening's excursion to the coast, Baker City leads. Baker City, 165; Union, 10; Elgin, 52; Imbler.10; La Grande, 115. VI.. Ill u una. IT ! IUBU IX Grandma Waterman is reported very rill with dropsy, at the borne of her son in Spokane. Mr. aud Mrs. Eben Wat erman went up ftotn Walla Walla this week to attend her. Will Resume Operations. Tbe Weston Briokyard company is making preparations to start up for a short season's run. Intentions are to begin active woik next Monday. A Bad Check Man. James Letbridge, a farm hand work ing near Helix, passed three forged checks ut Pendletou aggregating 9100 ou Bond Biothers, Max Baei and Liv ingood, local tuerobanta. Letbridge signed the name of W. E. Rathers, a Helix wheat farmer for whom he had worked, and succeeded in passing all three oheoks before tbe fraud was dis covered. He lingered in soft drink resorts, where he was arrested by Sheriff Taylor while partly intoxicat ed. When searched still another oheok. for 139. with Rathers name forged was found iu his possessiou. Irrigate 20,000 Acres. That tbe Grande Ronde valley will be, in the course of a few iyears, one solid mass of flourishing fruit orchards and will be frequently dotted with farmhouses where wbeat fields now run up to 2000 aores each, became no assured faot at a massmeetingof farm ers at La Grande, when almost a third of the entire amount demanded to finance the proposed irrigation sohetue was subscribed. The semi-arid lands of tbe valley will be supplied with water from Meadow brook, 20 miles away. Tbe water at that plaoe will be dammed by a oemout structure 70 feet wide and 105 feet higb, whioh will harness sufficient water to irrigate 85,000 aores, though the project as it stands calls only for 20,000. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Old Pendleton Savings Bank Makes a Progressive Forward Step, " Just before going to press this morn ing news was received over the tele ...(11.,. r 1 1 i o ! i i had been oonverted into a national bank, and in future .would be kuown ' as tbe Amerioan National Bank of Pendleton. The aunounoement was made upou the reoeipt of tbe following telegram from the comptroller of the ourrenoy at Washington, addressed to J, W. Malodey, cashier: Washington, D. C, Aug. 28. "J. W. Malooey, Cashier, Pendletou, Oregou: Tbe Amerioan National Bank of Pendleton, No. 0228 is today au thorized to begin business; obarter is mailed. "T. P. LANE, "Acting Comptroller." Tbe old Pendletou Savings bank was tbe largest and best known financial institution iu Oregon outside of Port land, and was successful ou account of its liberal treatment of its patrons,' at the same time being conservative iu its m management decided to convert it into a national bank, under tbe direot supervision of tbe United States gov ernment Tbe obaugo will add much to tbe popularity of tbe institution, especially iu this part of Umatilla oouuty. The new bank retains tbe same officers as tbe Savings bank, Jim Malouey, who was raised iu Athena, being cashier, aud tbe same liberal 1 polioy toward all deserving enterprises will be continued. Soldiers Get More Pay. Bulletins announcing tbe inoronso in pay granted by the last congress to United States soldiers have been re oeived at tbe government recruiting stutiou, says a Spokane item. Ad vauoes are made all along tbe linn, the best increase of course being for tbe men in the higher grades of the service. Tbe inorouse at the time of enlistment varies from 92 per mouth for tbe or dinary private, who now gets $15 per month, to a much more substantial raise for master electrioiaus and other skilled lines of service drawing from f 45 to fT5 per month. Harvest Is Over. Harvest is practically over in thin section of, Umatilla county and about all that remains to bo done is for tbe farmers to get their grain to tbe ware houses. Most of the threshers have completed their runs aud are now in tbe sheds. While tbey, had not ex pected much of a run this year, most of tbe threshing men bad figured on a longer run tban tbey were able to. get.' Many of the farmers are busy hauling grain and ate making every eSort to get it to tbe warehouses in as short a I.I II I M MM T1MMN I I I IM. Girl High Diver. Ethel Chapman a 10-year-old Peu dletou girl won tbe 910 prize giveu at tbe Lehman springs summer re Eo:t tbis year, for tte higb diving record iu tbe swimming pool main tained at tbe resort Miss Chapman dived from a beigbt of 12 feet into tbe lake. Soores of men aud boys engaged iu the contest during tbe summer. Lawyer Turns Waiter. W. C. E. Pruitt, tbe Pendleton law yer, who left tbat town recently with out giving bia designation to relatives and friends has. been located at Sheri dan, Wyoming, where he is employed in a hotel dining room as waiter. Pruitt informed a Pendleton man who met bim tbat Cbioago was bis objec tive point Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is especially reoommeuded for children. It tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by Palace Drug Co. For Sale. Mrs. May Jorgeuson offers 80 acre of floe reservation land for sale at I'.'O per acre. Tbe land description is N of N W M seo. 17. tp. 3. 85 E V M. Inquire of F. S. Le Grow, Atbena. -