The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 21, 1908, Image 4

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he "
Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Publisher.
Application for entrance aniind class matter
madeou July 6,
ISt7ai tbe postofflce at AtbeDa. Oregon
Uuderan Actot Congres of Marcb 8, 1879
Subscription ftatat I
p i'-ar. In advanot W.Ofl
Hlngle copies In wrappers, 5c.
ATHENA. ORE.. AUGUST 21... 1908
Kaoe prejudice knows uo North, do
Sootb. From SpringBeld Illinois, toe
bonus of tbe great eraanoipator, ia re
fleeted pioture of tbe horrible
atrocities of mob violenoe, that vies
with tbe thoroughness of execution
aud rampant vengeanoe the negro riots
of tbe Southern states, with few ex
oeptiooa. It takes bat the perpetra
Uod of the devilish act on tbe patt of
a uegro rape fiend to set boiling tbe
blood in the veins of tbe Northern
man who fongbt to free tbe black man
from the shuckles of slavery. Tbe same
Llood which 45 years ago wet tbe sands
of Shiloh field in defease of tbe negro
in oivll war conflict with the South
eru brother, last week trickled in
SpringQeld gutters bot aud clamorous
.; for tbe lives of tbe bjack race. ' Thus
with tbe coming of tbe black man to
the North, is shifted scenes Ibat fo
years tbe Southern states have repeat
edly euaoted in loyalty to mothers an
daughters. The oojor line is pushing
Northward, and in defense of woman
mob violenoe will be found to act as
quickly and be as bard to control as it
"is in tbe South. Wherever tbe two
"I races meet, aud a Hack, treacherous
. wretob despoils a white woman, ven
- geauoe will be found too swift for law
and court to intercept, save to protect
i innooeut blucks from annihilation.
Down in Yoakum, Texas, a new
paper was launched upon tbe publio a
i short time ago. Tbe publisher was an
original fellow and in tbe first issue
directed tbe following bit of humor to
his readers: "I have no earthly excuse
to offer for foisting this paper upon
an aususpeoting and outraged publio
but a fiendish delight iu witnessing
human Buttering. It is malice preme
ditated. Iu fact I've been hoping,
trusting, waiting, praying and laving
for a a opportunity to vent my spleen,
Whether yoa do or do not like che pa
per doesn't ooaoern me iu tbe least,
That's your business, not mine. All I
want you to do is to suhsoribe for it,
'lhe price one dollar per annual, pay
able at tbe front eud of tbe per an
uum, wbioh is about ton times more
., than tbe thing is worth hut if after
" reading it you decide you do not want
it, mail it back to me postpaid, and
I'll keep tbe dollar and sell tbe paper
to someone else. This may uot look
like business to you, but it is to me
aud about tbe best I have to otler.
This ia tbe truuk of a young girl. It
contains the poor, but "honest garb she
wore when she ran away from . home;
also the gay clothes she bought after a
wicked ambition had poisoned ber
simple dealt. It is tbe gaudy raiment
and llasby trapping for wbioh she ex
changed ber honest laugh aud bright
aud beautiful youth. Handle this
truuk gently, as you would touch her
sad little history, for her father is in
the seoond-clnss coaoh weeping softly
iu a course cotton buudkerobief, aud
she is goiug homo on tbe same tiaiu
iu ber cheap little cofiiu iu the bug
gage car to moot her sonowmg mother
who will go up iuto the attio many a
rainy afternoon iu the days to come,
and cry over tbe contents of this poor
little tin uk aud it will bo a secret
kuown only to her sorrowing heart,
uud Uod. Edgar Wilson Nye.
Dhu Hen-en, who died a few days
ago at, bis home iu Washington, was
ouo oft ho party that fouud the Blue
Bucket mine. It was during tbo jour-,
uey from Missouri to Oregon iu 18-15,
when the emigrant train had lost its
way aud was wandering among the
beadwateis of the Malheur river that
l)uu Ilerreu pioked up tbe pieces of
yellow metal that gave rise to all of
tbo goldeu stories of tbe Blue Bucket
mines. He himself later searched for
the spot, and hundreds of otbors have
devoted much time to (be quest, but
the location has never agaiu beeu discovered.
Iu Pennsylvania tbe food commis
sioner says foods are beoonuug much
put or. He snys that eight years ago
SO per cent of the foods purohaaed by
tbe department on tbe market were
adulterated. Today but 3 to 5 per cent
are adulterated. Pennsylvania bag a
strict food iaupoction law aud it is en
forced probuily rigidly as in any
star iu the union.
Even the "unspeakable Turk" bas
determined at last on a constitutional
government Tbe world certainly does
move towards demooraoy.
You may be sure tbe independent
party is not expecting to out muoh ioe,
or Mr. Hearst would bnve bad himself
nominated for president
Hundreds of men in Umatilla county
voted prohibition last June for the
first time. They did not do so with
tbe expectation that "prohibition
would prohibit." It doesn't. Liquor
will be consumed just tbe same, but
not in snob large quantities and
not with the open countenance and
encouragement of tbe law.
Hugo Munstreiug, student and writ
er along psychological lines, admits
the evils resulting from legalized liquor
traffic, but fears the inoroase of "soli
tary drinking" uoder prohibition. He,
regards tbe solitary drinker as more
dangerous to sooiety and less ameuable
to reform tban tbe gregarious and so
ciable individual who wants to drink
with the orowd and "set 'em up"
when bis turn comes.
This is only true in part. The soli
tary diinker is an enemy only to him
self and to bis immediate domestio
circle. If be chooses to drink himself
to death, his passiug will not be re
garded by tbe general publio as an un
mitigated calamity. Moreover, be is
apt to be frowned upon by sooiety, and
also walued upon, figuratively, with
spikes iu its shoes. His vice is not a
populai one. When be appears on the
street in an inebriated condition, tbe
tendenoy will be to regard bim as a
pubilo nuisanoe.
Not so with the "good fellow" un
der tbe saloon regime. Intending no
barm, be iu faot does a great deal by
influencing others through bis convi
vial instinct for treating. He wants
everybody to drink with bim and have
a good time. Deprived of tbe licensed
saloon as an iucentivo to good fellow
ship; compelled if he wauts a drink to
gum-shoe his silent way into a "speak
easy" or slily remove tbe blinkers
from a "blind pig," drinking loses its
attraction for bim and be becomes a
useful member of sooiety.
Iu this county prohibition is enti
tled to a fair trial and a square deal.
Tbeu, if it proves a failure in lessening
tbe drink evil to an appreciable de
gree, many men who voted for it tbe
first time will again give their support
to the licensed saloon system. The
sale of "near beer" so near to real
beer that tbe need of tbe distinctive
adjective is uot apparent, should be
disoooraged by tbe strong arm of tbe
law. So-called "clubs" where liquor
is dispensed one of which is said to
flourish at Pendleton should be raid
ed aud put. out of business. This work
is tbe plain duty of tbe law's represen
tatives. If tbey are unable or unwill
ing to perform it, others should be
elected who will. Also, for tbe sake i
of tbeii cause, it is manifestly tbe part I
Takes one of the Best Ranches
In Umatilla county
down, balance payment on easy
terms. Call at this office for
and all but six acres of plow
land in cultivation. There is
now 330 acres in summeriallow
ready to sow in fall wheat
lis Pea
will be open only for a short time.
Take advantage of it and get in on
ft (a
of wisdom for sincere prohibitionist
leaders to aid tbe offloers in securing
evidenoe of law evasion.
So far In Umatilla county there bas
been muob less drunkenness and fewer
en est s than under tbe saloon system.
Munioipal taxation will be higher
for a time, of course. This must be
expected- Meanwhile publio welfare
demands that boys should not be per
mitted to frequent "near beer" resorts
and tbat no "near beer" should be
tolerated wbiob tests more tban one
per oent alooboL As a beverage, it is
permissible; as an intoxicant, unlaw
ful. Those who sell intoxicants under
tbe guise of "near beer" are malefac
tors, pure and simple, and are entitled
to no countenance from tbe community.
No law prevents crime, but fear of
tbe law is a great deterrent. It now
remains to te demonstrated whether
tbe prohibition law is a genuine club
or a stuffed stocking, wnetber it is to
be feared or ridiculed and despised.
Weston Leader.
There are many imitations of De
Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve
but just one original. Sold by Palace
Drug Co.
Cnrv '. ''--mart's Weaknesses. '
'.'e rciv-r to that boon to weak, nervous, women known as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
Dr. John Fyfc one of the Editorial Staff
of Thk Eclkctio Medical Rkview says
of Unicorn root (UcUmUis Kioto) which
is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa
vorite Prescription " :
"A remodv which Invariably acts as a uter
ine lnvlgorator makes for normal ac
tivity of Ilio entire reproductive system."
He continues "In llelonias we have a medica
ment which moro fully answers the above
purposes than any other ttruy with which I am
acquainted. In tho treatnu-nt of diseases pe
culiar to women it is seldom that a case ia
seen which docs not present some Indication
for this remedial agent." Dr. Fyfe further
savs: "The following are among tho leading
indications for lielonlas (Unicorn root). . Pain
or aching In the back, with jleucorrhora i
atonic (wc.k)condltioflof the reproductive
organs of omen, mental depression and Ir
ritability, alsoclated wittt chronic disease, of
the reproductive ofg.ns of women: constant
sensation fi heat In the region of the kid;
neys; menrrhagld (flooding), due to a weak
ened conjfltlon ofthe reproductive system:
amenortjpyVairresscd or absent monthly
perlody.alfclnV'from or accompanying aa
abnotfiyO condition of the digestive organa
and Aifirmlc ( thin blood habit; dragging
sen.Anons In the extreme lower part of tbe
abddroen." . ... . ."
If more or lew of the above symptoms
trTWc&ni. no invajifi woman jpan tiif
Dctter thiui tnko nr. fierce 8 Favorite
FrcScyitAiotCol'" oVth8 leading Ingredi
ents of wincii Is Unicorn root, or Helonlas.
and the medical properties of which it
most faithfully represents.
Of Golden Seal root, another prominent
inptrodioitt of "Favorite Prescription,"
Prof. Finley Elllrigwood. M. D.. of Ben
nett Medical College, Chicago, says:
"It Is an important remedy in disorders of
the womb. In all catarrhal conditions
and general cnfeoblement. It Is useful."
Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of
Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root :
"In relation to its general effects on the
system, there is nn metlicine in tme ahout-which
there i nucfr general unanimity of opinion. It
Is unlvernilly regarded an the tonic useful In
all debilitated states.''
Prof. It. liartholow, M. D., of Jefferson
Medical College, says ef Glda Kel i-
"Valuable in uterino hemorrhage, mcnor
rhagia (flooding) and congestive, dysmenor
rhopa (painful menstruation)." .
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith
fully represents all tho above named In
grodlento ami cure thadimtaaes for which
they are recommended.
There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to
, effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses of
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy
In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient It never fails and can be
relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally
valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many
children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met
with greater success. Price 25 cents. Largo size 60 cents.
J. E. FROOMK, pkop.
Only First-class-Hotel in
the City.
It? I
la the only one that can accommodat e
commercial travelers.'
Can be i
eoomended for lis clean and
well ventilated rooms.
a Cob. Main and Thibd, ATBSiiA.or.
Will be Made by the
This Season as Follows:
Chicago ....$72.50
St Louis 67.50
St Paul 63.15
Omaha- .... 60.00
Kansas City. 60.00
Tickets Will be on Sale
May 4, 18
June 5, 6, 19. 20
July 6, 7, 22. 23
August 6, 7, 21, 22
Good for return in 90 days with stopover
privileges at pleasure within limits.
For any Further Information Call on
E. M. Smith, Loci Aent
Or write to
General Passenger Agent,
Foley's Honey Tar
for chttttreihaamNo opiates.
Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley
Graduates Am. School gr Osteopathy,
Kirksviue, mo., ur A. T. Still,
President. Founder.
Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad
ami St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days
in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Special attention given to all
calls, both night and day.
CaJ I promptly answarad. Office on Third
etreet, Athena Oregor
miw in ' -
"The Old Standby"
Commercial Banking
Capital, Surplus and Profits,
4 per cent Interest
Paid on Time Deposits. Safe DeDOsit Boxes for Rent
The Friend of the Farmer, the Stockman, and the Merchant
It's easy to reach North Beach
Take Steamer POTTER From Portland
Passengers are now transferred to tbe raiload at MEJULER fourteen
miles up tbe' Columbia Eiver from llwaoo. This eliminates the necessity
of steamers waiting for tbe tide, and insures a prompt and regular Sam
mer Sohedule.
Tbe Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Portland every morning except Satur
day and Sunday at 8 s3Q o'ofook. Saturday only at 2 o'olook P. . M. Re
member tbe Summer, rate on tbe
is 1 13.110 from Atbena to all North
September 30th.
North Beaoh ia a famous, beautiful place tbe
most perfect beaob on tbe whole North Coast.
There are accommodations galore at prices fo
suit all tastes; campiug facilities without equal per
fect bathing conditions; all sorts of amusements and
diversions. Gome, have a good rest and a jolly time.
Let us send you our new summer book, and tell
you all about NORTH BEACH.
Win McMurray,
General Passenger Ageut, Portland, Oregon.
lr,,-!"S, k" C?H Syri? cnHnlnt H .- J S. An !mrovomnt error all CoumK.
Lun ad BfMtoaaal Romadlos. Peasant to th taste r.d gl xUh for VurT Md eld. AOcou
Tfwa conin4og XUti conMiiMta tfe bowots. Boo s lixt.v Honor 7t WU
aad conutna do opiates. Prepared by PISE-VLE MEDICINE COMPANY. CtUCACOTV. sTk!
f 6
Beaob points and return ; good until
Everything Plrsl
Cla Ho(l era
and Vp-U.dite
ronn nn nana i .
, j i,-- m -