The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 10, 1908, Image 1

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    . 1
This. Edition con
Ntains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of -
"-'. . ." Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Flour is made in Athena, by Atbena labor, in tbe latest
and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected
Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize borne
industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for t
: Merchant Millers
Athena, Oregon.
V,-( I!.; 4 1 h
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Makes Your .Stock Look Like the Top Price
F or Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls, They are made from the active principle or the
condensed essence of the dm. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
as good when 10 year old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for
and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Louse Powder,
Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO..
Incorporated! Capital stock $300,ooo.o0i Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A.
, Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons.
Hi? mtr
m mm
delivery VH E R
M -
$ The Freshest and most Choice the
Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
IS Ji J i it it J
- .-
Milling Company
and Grain Buyers :
Waitsburg, Wash. 2
The place to get the best cTWeat that
money can buy, and at the lowest price
Fish and Oysters in season The high
est cash price paid for poultry.
Makes a Specialty of furnishing
Meat in Large Quantities.
First-class stock, Reasonable price
v- .-. v " 'W w v
Preston-Parton Milling Company Will
Add Pacific Coast Building
to Its Plant.
The Preston-Parton Milling com
pany has purohased tbe Pacific Coast
Elevator building, sitnatod in tbe
north part of tbe city on tbe O. R. &
N. tracks
. It is tbe purpose of the Milling com
pany to move the elevator bnilding to
its pk in tbe west part of town and
utilize it in elevating grain and for
storage purposes. On its new site, the
bnilding will rest on a concrete base
ment for a foundation.
. It will be looated at tbe south end of
tbe mill, and a grain conveyor will
connect with tbe milling department.
A separate motor will be installed to
furnish power. The elevator will serve
to conveniently handle wheat to be
milled in transit. I
Will Be Named Umatilla and Will
Contain 550,176 Acres.
A new forest reserve to be known as
tbe Umatilla will coutain 550,176
acres and will consist of all of the
Heppner and of tbe northwestern por
tion of the Blue Mountains forest is to
be set aside. It is looated in Morrow,
Umatilla, Grant and Wheeler counties.
This forest will continue to be admin
istered by Supervisor Thomas E. Chid
sey with headquarters at Heppner,
The forest to be known as tbeWbit-
man will have an area of 1,261,739
acres and will consist of the northeast
portion of tbe Blue Mountains forest
whioh is in general tbe area formerly
known as the "Blue Monntaius( W)
National forest." It is looated in
Umatilla, Union, Baker, and Graut
counties and will be under tbe admin
istration of Supervisor Henry Ireland
with headquarters at Surapter, Oregon.
Tbe new Malheur National forest is
what has been formerly known as tbe
"Malheur Division of tbe Blue Moun
tains" and will embrace 1,183,158
acres. It consists of the southeastern
portion of tbe "Blue Mountain (W)
forest" and is looated in Umatilla,
Union, Baker and Graut counties.
This forest will continue nnder the
administration of Supervisor Cy J.
Bingham with headquarters at Jobu
Dav. Oreuon.
P,.p.r.t..M ,.r b.,,,,, well
f under way. Several new combines
have teen added to tbe stock of har
vesting machinery, and a abort orop
will make tbe 'season a short one;
Work will begin next week but it will
be a week more before harvesting is in
full hlast.
J. E. FROOME, prop.
t Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
Is the only one that can accommodat e
commercial travelers.
Can boieeomended for 1U clean and
well ventilated rooms. '
Cob. Main andThihd, ATHiNA.Or.
Market affords in
' PI
Athena, Oregon
x. v. v v. v.
Mid Wild Scenes,
nated On
Tbe demooratio convention proceed
ed last nigbt to tbe nomination of a
candidate for president of tbe United
States, tbe nominating and seconding
speeches being made amid scenes of
tnmnltnons enthusiasm. Tbe speech
plaoing William Jennings Bryan in
nomination awakened a whirlpool of
demonstration rivaling in intensity
and duration tbe record breaking trib
ute of yesterday.
At 10:20 p. m. when tbe demonstra
tion's last cry bad died away, Chair
man Clayton direoted the secretary to
continue tbe call of tbe roll of states.
Arkausas, passed and California yield
ed to Oregon. , Ex-Senator Gearin of
that state, then was introduced to sec
ond the nomination of Mr. Bryan. Tbe
senator spoke bnt a few minutes and
left tbe stand with liberal applause.
George Gray of Deleware, and
Governor Johnson of Minnesota, were
They Are Large, Five End to End
Measure One Foot.
Peanuts are growing in Oregon 1
Not tbe shrivelled up product such
as Sencr Macaroni sells to tbe children
from bis stand on the street corner in
some swelteiing eastern city, but big
fat ones enolosed in golden oases and
running in size to a point where Ave
of them laid end to end against a foot
rule will reaob its entire leifgtb, says
the Journal. Eoho is tbe center of
production and you can see a half aoro
of them, if you desire to investigate it,
on the farm of W. W. Wolfe, three
miles north of tbe city.
One would suppose that with the
long list of products already under cul
tivation in the Seotion adjaoent to the
towu the enterprising husbandman
would be satisfied, bnt tbe contrary
seems to be tbe case and so this latest
factor in agricultural development has
been introduced. In enthusiasm over
so radical a departure from tbe beaten
track, as peanut growing in the north
west one is inolined to exclaim in be
wilderment what next?
At first it wonld seem to tbe visitor
that tbe people of Echo and its tribu
tary zone wonld be mildly excited over
tbe transplanting of a distinctly south
ern industry in their northern dime,
and no doubt tbey would be, were it
not for improvement along all lines is
now centering with cumulative rapid
ity around tbe little city in which tbey
are the aotive units.
Sacks Made at Walla Walla Peniten
tiary Offered for $6.90 per 100.
The Press has just reoeived a letter
from Superintendent C. S. Reed of the
Walla Walla penitentiary, saying that
that institution now has 850,000 graiu
saoks for sale wbiob may be purchased
by the general public either in or out
side of the state of Washington!
The time for private sales of bags to
residents of Washington expired on
July 1, and this large number may
now be sold to any purchaser whether
consumer, merobant or shipper and
Umatilla county armers have an op
portunity to buy a supply of tbe Walla
Walla bags.
The price at which these bags will
be sold is 16.90 per 100 f. o. b. Walla
Walla, which is somewhat lower than
tbe regular quotation for grain bags at
tbii time.
The Washington law requires tbe
state board of oontrol to sell all bags
made by tbe penitentiary to residents
of tbe state of Washington from tbe
openiDg of tbe season nutil July 1, but
all those remaining on baud after that
date may be sold to tbe pubilo in any
quantity at prices fixed ty tbe board.
Harmony Club.
The club met with Miss Elliott
Tuesday evening at the borne, of Mrs.
Foss where an enjoyable time was
spent. Maurioe Hill, Lind and Ralpb
Kidder, Clyde Brotberton, Boss Payne,
Mattie Jarman, Vernita Watts, Lula
Tbarp, Bessie Parker, Katie MoEwen,
Norma Smith, Delia Danner, aud
Zeliua DePeatt were given membership
in the clnb wbiob adds much to its
value, Tbe club will meet with Miss
Lula Tbarp next Tuesday evening.
Quite an interresting program has teen
. Key Artist In Toils. .
The skeleton-key artist, who iobbed
the Pioneer drug store and McEwen's
hardware store in this city several
weeks ago, was captured in North Ya
kima last Friday on description sent
out by Sheriff Taylor, and is now in
tbo couuty jail. He gives tbe name of
George Graut ,
W. J. Bryan Nomi-
First Ballot.
also plaoed in nomination with dem
onstrations of approval among tbeir
ilmited lollowings.
Tbe speech plaoiug William Jen
nings Bryan in nomination was made
by I. J. Dunn, cf Nebrnska, a youthful
orator of fire aud eloquence, whose
closing phrase stirred tbe vast assem
blage into wild demonstration :
"I nominate," be exclaimed, "as
tbe standard bearer of our party tbe
man who in tbe tbiilling days of '96
and 1900 tore tbe battle scarred ban
ner of democracy with fame as untar
nished as tbe crusaders of old-America's
great commoner, Nebraska's
gifted son, William Jennings Biyan, "
On tbe first ballot Bryan was nom
inated receiving 892 ) votes. Tbe con
vention adjonrned to meet at 1 p. ni.
today, when a vioe-president will be
Causes Death of Nearly Sixty Horses
Near Walla Walla.
A disease, tbe name of wbiob is as
yet unknown, is causing many fatali
ties among tbe horses used for farming
purposes in tbe northern part of tbe
oounty, says tbe Walla Walla Bulletin.
Within a radius of 15 miles of this
city, between 50 and 60 bead have
succumbed to its ravages witbiu the
last three or four months.
Dr. S. B. Nelson, state veterinarian
residing at Pnllmau, who is there for
tbe purpose of asoertainirg tbe exaot
natuie and cause of the disease, says
that as far as be has been able to de
termine tbe infeotion is an intestinal
trouble and in all probability of an in
fectious character. According to bis
statements vory few horses survive an
attack of this disorder, some of tbem
expiring within three days from tbe
time that its presence is discovered by
the owner of tbe animal, while others
have survived for two months before
Dr. Nelson expects to remain here
for several days yet, hoping within
that time to succeed in positively di
agnosing the disease and prescribing a
cure for it.
To Cut Off DralnT
Tbe board of regents of Oregon nor
mal schools have voted to recommend
to the Legislature that Drain Normal
Sobool be abandoned and that appor
priations be made for Monmouth, Ash
land and Weston only. This action
was taken by a vote of five to four, tbe
four favoring tbe reduction of cbe
number to two. Secretary of State
Benson aud Colonel Hofer advocated
tbe maintenance of four normals. W.
B. Ayer, Governor Chamberlain, E.
C. Spenoer and H. J. Maier stood for
reducing the'number to two. Super
intendent Aokerman led the fight for
tbe reduction to three, and was aided
by E. E. Bragg aud Stephen Jewell
and also ty Benson and Hofer after
tbe motion to maintain all four bad
been lost. Mr. Ayer indioated his in
tention to 'make a minority report still
advocating reduotion to two.
Metropoliton Lights Extinguished.
The following, from tbe Weston
Leader, would indicate that tbe belat
ed suburbanite will hereafter need a
candle to find tbe metropolis. Of tbe
Weston city oounoil's retrenchment
plan, tbe Leader says: '
"Realizing that tbe council serves
without pay or muoh appreciation, the
Leader is not disposed to oritioise that
body. It merely submits that it differs
from tbe council iu judgment. It con
siders that cutting off street lights is
an humiliating confession of penury,
and tbe very worst of town advertise
ments. To save $17.50 a mouth tbe
town would become a darkling cross
roads bamlet, to its own shame and
its neighbors' scorn. Bather let it pay
more tax."
Inspector Makes a Find,
E. A. McDonald a government pure
food and drug inspector, swooped down
on a consignment of grooeiies being
unloaded here by a Kansas City gro
cery firm, and seized numerous pack
ages, which be sealed and forwarded
to the government department of food
inspection, where tbe goods will Le
analyzed. Tbe test of this class of
groceries will be awaited with interest
here and if possible tbe Press will se
cure for publication tbe result of the
Outdoor Meetings.
Several of the churches of Milton
have joined together and are holding
a series of meetings on tbe Columbia
college campus. Comfortatle seats
have been arranged aud electric lights
have been strnng. The first meeting
was held Sunday evening, June 5.
Rev. J. N. Hadley lias been preaobing
and different ministers will a&bist.
Ten Days Work for Men on Rock
at the City Rock Quarry
Has Commenced.
Under supervision of Marshal Ghol
son, tbe street committee of tbe city
oounoil has set men to work crushing
rook for more macadamized street im
provement. Tbe big crusher is hammering away
on rook at the city quarry, and the job
as estimated by Mr. Gholson, will re
quire about teu days to complete.
The lower end of Main street, be
tween tbe traoks of the O. R. &N.,
aud Northern Paoifio. and continuing
west, iu all about 150 feet, will be
graded and macadamized. Tnis por
tion of the street baa long teeu next
to impassable during wet weather, aud
the improvement has been needod for
some time,
A sufficient quantity of rock will bo
crushed for this work aud also for re
pairing streets macadamized in tbe
Socialists' Candidate for Presidency
Serving 5 Year Sentence.
Candidates for president and vioo
president of tbe United States were
named and a platform was adopted
by the national convention of the
socialist labor parly in New York Mon
day. 1 be ticket named is as follows:
For president Maitih R. Preston of
Nevada. '
For vice president Donald Mouroo
of Yirginia.
The nomination of Preston for pres
ident was unanimous. The candidate
was placed iu Domination by Daniel
DeLeou who characterized the man be
was naming "as an honest working
man, not a professional workingman,"
and added:
"The name of that man is Maitiu
R. Preston and be is now in jail at
Goldfield, Nev. Preston is in jail to
day for conduct that is honorable and
wbiob no workingman should be
ashamed of."
DeLeon explained that Preston had
been sentenced to 5 years imprison-1
meut for shootinga restaurant keeper
in Goldfield three years ago during a
strike. Preston, DeLeou asserted, bad
acted as the protector of ' defenseless
girls and by so doing his aotion en
raged a restauraut keeper named Sil
ver. Silver, Mr. DeLeon said, was
shot by Preston while threatening to
kill tbe latter.
Tbe platform is identioal with one
adopted by tbe party four years ago
and deolares for the substitution of tbe
co-operative commonwealth "for the
present state of plantless production,
industrial war and social disorder."
Dr. Joe Baddelcy Graduates From
Washington State College.
Dr. Joe Baddeley has arrived at bis
home near Weston, atfor two weeks of
hospital treatment at Spokane, says
tbe Loader. Ho bus been much reduced
in health for several mouths, bnt hopes
now that he is progressing toward re
covery. After four years of study, Dr. Bad
aley was graduated this year from the
Veteiinaiy Deputtinout of tbe Wash
ington State College at Spokane. He
has passed with a very creditable
grade aud reoeived his sheepskin. He
has also passed the civil service ex
amination wbiob entitles him to a
government pobi'iou as veterinary meut
inspector, aud tbe Washington state
examination, which entitles him to
praotioe in Washington.
Dr. Joe" will remain at home for
a time, "rest up" uud recruit bis
strength before deciding upon a loca
tion for practice. He may decide to
enroll himself iu Uncle Sam's large
army of publio servants.
Purchased Blooded Hogs.
Col. J. F. McNaught of Hermislon,
came down from Atbena this morning,
where be bad been fcr a couple of days
for the purpose of purchasing some
blooded bogs from A. L. Swaggart. He
will return to Atbena this evening to
close a deal for some ot tho stock. Her
mistou is a good section for bog rais
ing, and Mr. McNaught will probably
raise a great many of tbern ou bis
place in the luture. East Orcgonian.
It Can't Be Beat.
The best of all teucbers is experi
ence. C. M. Harden, of Silver City,
North Carolina, asys: "I find Electric
Bitters does all that's claimed for it.
For Stomach, Liver and Kidney troub
les it can't bo beat. I have tried it
and find it a most exoelleut medicine."
Mr. Hurdeil is right; it 's tbe bost of
all modioiues also for weakuea. lame
buck, aud all run down conditions.
Best too for obi 11a and malaria. Sold
uudor guarantee at Palace Drug Co'i,
store. 50c.