AN INTERESTING SERMON. By Rey. Isreal Putnam. Text: St. John 1, 4: "In Him was life, and tbe life was the light of men." Light is tbe first born of creation, tbe crown and glory of tbe visible world; and so far as is known, tbe most beautiful and glorious of all tbe material things in tbe universe of God : And what tbis light is to tbe material world, Jesus Christ, tbe light of men, is to tbe social, industrial, political and religions world. When we wonld describe an awfal . A 1 i : s j 1 1 BUPUO Ul UOBU1B11UU HUU UUUIU WS BO .there is no light there. When we wonld desoribe an awful soone of re ligions desolation and death we say there is no Christ there. Tbe life of Jesus Christ is, and mnst over remain, tbe loftiest and most frnitf nl study of men. It is admitted, by other religions, that He was a great Teaoher, and nest of all, a living and active example of what He taught. Tbe Moslems give Him tbe high title of Messiah and Joseph ns thought it not lawful to call Him a man, while tbe Rat bis confess admiration of His character and words: JNor is there any hesitation among the great intel lects of different Bges whatever their special relations to Christianity; whether its humble disoiples, or open opponent, or the carelessly indifferent, or vaguely latitndinarian. Lowly reverence is paid to Him in passage after passage by Shakespeare, Bacon, Gallileo, Kepler, Milton, New ton and may others of the same type ot meu, sot tbe name of Jesus Christ above every other. Jean Paul Bichter said: "Tbe life of Jesus Christ oou oerns me because He was tbe holiest among tbe mighty and tbe mightiest among the holy: And that with bis pieroed hands He had lifted Empires off their binges and turned tbe stream of centuries out of its ohannel, and still rules the world." Spinoza tbe brilliant metaphysician of tbe Israel ites, called Him "The symbol of Di vine wisdom." Jacob! and Kant hold Him np as tbe ideal of perfection. And Sohilling and Hegol as that of tbe union of tbe Divine and tbe human. Goethe said: "I esteem tbe Gospels genniue for there shines from tbem tbe refleoted splendor of a sutlimity pro ceeding from the Person of Jesus Christ of so Divine a Kind as only tbe Divine could ever have manifested on earth." Rousseau said: "How petty are the books of tbe philosophers with all their pomp whon compared with the Giwpels. IMPORTANT To Everyone Who , TheirJEyes or Eyesight. READ EVERY WORD Don't Neglect Your Eyes. F. A. Clise of tbe Clise Optical Company of Walla Walla, is now stop ping at tbo St. Niohols Hotel iu Atheua. He baa had over !J0 years practice, examining eyes and prescrib ing louses to correct tbe different errors of refraction. During a great portion of tbis time he has spent iu tenoning the soienoe of optics, boiug the founder and late Professor of the Clise Optical Institute of San Frauoisoo, California. Three years ago he, with his two sous, formed tbe Clise Optioal Company of Walla Walla, Wash. They have installed a complete outfit for grinding their owu leu.res, have a complete dark room and the latest instruments for thoroughly examiniug the human eye. Parties desiring to have tbeir eyes examiued while the Professor is iu Athena, cart rest assured that they can find out the exact condition of their eyes, without eyeu being asked to buy glasses. We can duplicate any broken lense, no matter where it was made, on short notice. Yo-xi take no ohanoes if you get your gl asses from ns, as we guar antee every pair of glasses we make. Yours truly, F. A. Clise. Writings so lofty, so deep, and at once, so simple and sntlime cannot be tbe work ot beings so weak and nnboly as tbe best of men are. Can He whose life they tell be Himself no more than they wbo tell it? Is there anything in bis cbaraoter that tells of ambition as set forth in the lives of men? What firm sweetness in bis disposition? What purpose and purity in bis ways! What touobing authority and graoe In bis teachings I What loftiness and loveliness in bis maxims! What pro found wisdom and knowledge in bis words 1 How appropriate and noble bis rebnkesl What presence of mind, what delioaoy and aptness ib all bis replies 1 What au empire over his passions! His bitterest enemies never cast a stone at bis character, for He was holy. Wbere is tbe man wbo knows how to live and suffer and die for those wbo hate him without weak ness or desplay? Tbe Jews oould never bave struck so high a tone of morality and the Gospel has characteristics of truthful ness and Spirituality, so grand, so strikiog and so completely inimitable, that tbeir inventors wonld be even more wonderful than He whom they attempted to portray. If the life and death of Socrates, or any other, be that of a sage, tho life and death of Jesus Christ is that of God manifest in tbe flesh. Thomas Carlyle said: "Jesus of Nazareth our divinest symbol ! Higher has tbe human thought not yet as cended." Matbiaa Claudius wrote to a friend concerning Jesus: "It is a holy form which rises before tbe poor pilgrim like a star in the night, and satisfies bis innermost cravings, bis most secret yearnings and hopes." Nepoleon strode tbe earth like a Co lossus a gigantio intellect. At St. Helena be said, one day: Alexan der, Ceasar, Charlemagne anl myself bave founded Empires, but by what? By force, but Jesus Christ founded bis ty love and today millions would die for Him. Men wonder at tbe con quests of Alexander, bnt there is a Conqueror Who draws men to Himself for tbeir highest good, Who unites to Himself, incorporates into Himself, not a nation, but the, whole human race." DeWette wrote in bis com mentary: "Tbis only do I know that there is salvation in no other name but tbe name of Jesns Christ." Thus we see that from bis oritios and enemies come words of high re spect and revereuoe: But what is it when we tnru to those wbo believed in Him? What, religion ever saw a vast army of martyrs willingly dying for personal love for the founder of their faith? Yet tbis has always been true Has Difficulties with of Christianity. It is said when Peter j was led to cruoiflxion be continued for considerable time to exolaim; "None but Cbrist! None but Christ:" Also that tbe aged and saintly Poly carp about to be burned to death in tbe amphitheater at Smyrna, ans wered tbe Governor, wbo sought to make him revile Cbrist; "Eighty and six vears bave I served Him and He never did me wrong, and how .can I now blaspheme mr King Wbo has saved me?" Thousands of suoh illus trations could easily be produced. Why tbe religion of Cbrist attracted snob permanent admiration is not very bard to be understood. Principally religions teaobing of that day was set forth in tbe doings of John tbe Baptist. He was confined largely to the asoetio solitudes of tbe desert. Cbrist brought religion into the homes and everyday life of the people. For tbe mortifica tions of tbe hermit He substituted tbe labors of aotive benevolence. For tbe fears and gloom whiob shrank from men He brought tbe light and example of piety which made eaob aot of every day life religions. He found tbe do main of religion fenced off as some thing distinct from common duties: And He threw down the wall of sepa ration and threw open tbe whole world to the true light from Heaven. He lived a man among men, sharing their joys and sorrows, dignifying the bum blest details of life to be need to give glory to tbe Father. Henceforth tbe grand revolution was inaugurated which taught that true religion does not lie in selfish, or morbid devotion to personal interests, whether in tbe temple, or in tbe des ert; but in loving deeds of self-sacrifice for tbe good of others. The absolute unselfishness of Christ's oharaoter, is, indeed, ita most lofty and inspiring oharm. His own life was self-denial throughout, and He makes the same dootrine the test of all truly Godly lives. It was He Who said these very uncommon and most remarkable words; "It is more blessed to give than to receive." It was He Who tangbt us that life, like the corn, pro duced fruit only by its own death Who gave us tbe ideal of life in bis own ab solute self-oblivion. We feel instinctively that tbis Gos pel of love alone is Divine, and that we cannot withhold onr homage from tbe only perfectly unselfish life ever lived on earth. He demands repen tauoe from all, but hints at no need of it for Himself. In his matchless low liness He set forth personal claims wbioh io a mere man would be the very delirium of religious pride. He was divinely patient nnder every form of suffering He met. He was a home less wanderer without a pillow:, Yet all things were his. He was hungry and thirsty, worn and weary. He en dared craft and violence, pride and poverty, the taunts and jeers of ene mies, and betrayal of friends, and at last died au ignominious death. Conolded next week. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, j (Publisher.) Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Laud Office at La Grande, Ore. June 22, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Catha rine Brown, of Dunoan, Oregon, who, on Jane 13, 1901, made Homestead en try, No. 10.821, for SW SEJ Sec. 80, W NE, SE NE Seo. 81, Tp 2 N, R 36 E., W M ., has filed no tice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to Jthe land above described, before Frank Saling, County Clerk at his office, at Pendle ton, Oregon, on the 12th day of Aug ust, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Epbriam S. Wilkie, Ben F. Brown, William A. Brown, Carl E. Strom, all of Dunoan, Oregon. F. a BRAMWELL, Register. Proposals Wanted. Proposals for painting the roof of the Athena publio school building are invited by the board of direotors of Distriot No. 29. Bids will be opened at 8 p. m. July 6, 1908, the right being reserved to reject any and all bids. Speoifioatioas of the work to be done, may be had by application to tbe clerk of School Distriot No. 29. School Board Disk No. 29 By B, B. Richards, clerk, Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be reoeived by olerk of school distriot No. 29 for 25 oords of dry, split fir and tamarack wood, to be delivered at school house grounds, Athena Oregon, on or before Septem ber 10, 190S. Bids to te opened at 8 p. m. July 6, 1908. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. School Board Dist. No. 29 By B. B. Richards, clerk. De Witt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous little liver pills, are sold by Pal ace Drug Co. A Grand Family Medicine. "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for El eo trio Bitters," writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 436 Houston Sf., New York. "It's a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liver com plications; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommended." Eleotrio Bitters reg ulate the digestive f unotions, purify tbe blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debili tated of both sexes. Sold under guar antee at Palace Drng Co's. store. 50o. Kodol is the best knowu preparation that is offered to tbe people today for dyspepsia or indigestiou or any stomach troutle. Kodol digests all foods. It is pleasant to take. It ia sold here by Palace Drug Co. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It ia especially good for pile. Be surd to get DeWitt'i. Sold by I'ilaote Ding Co. All the Gold IN GEORGIA Could not Buy- Rodlnf. Qa. Aurutt 97, 1906. Missus. B. C. DaWirr A Co, Chicago, Ills. GnUmin: In i 897 1 had discus of the stomach and bowels. Some physicians told ma it was Dyspepsia, soma Consumption of th Lungs, others said consumption ot th Bowels. On physician said I -would not lire until Spring, and for four long years 1 xisted on a Male boiled milk, soda biscuits, doctors' prescrip tions and Dyspepsia remedies that flooded the market I could not digest anything I ate, and in the Spring 1902 I picked up one of your Almanac as a poor emaciated Dyspepsia wreck will grasp at anything, and that Almanac happened to be my life sarer. I bought a fifty cent bottle of KODOL DYS PEPSIA CURS and the benefit I receired from that bottle ALL THB OOLD IN OHORQ1A COULD NOT BUY. I kept on taking K and in two month I want back to my work, as a machinist, and In three month 1 was well and hearty. I still use a little oc casionally as I find it a fin blood purifier and a good tonic May you lire long and prosper. Your very truly, C. N. CORNELL, CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW This is only a sample of the great good that is daily done everywhere by Kodol for Dyspepsia. Sold by Palace Drug Company. Office Phone Main 20 Night, Main 70 Office, Pendleton Drug Co. J. A. DONAGHUE, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College PENDLETON. - - OREGON When you need to take something take it promptly for the stomach, bnt take something you know is reliable something like Kodol For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Kodol is pleasant to take, it is reliable and is guaranteed to give relief. It is sold by Palaoe Ding Company. F. H. Coolidge Jeweler Watch Repairing a Speciality. JUST RECEIVED a new line of Jewelry, Consisting of Jade Rings, and Brooches, Bracelets, Hat Pins, Teddy Bear Bracelets, Col lar Pins, Mantel Clocks and Silver ware. 355 Shop in Pioneer Drug Store Oregon Showtime isa Union Pacific Through Pullman standard and sleeping cans dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to tbe east dally from Pendleton. ARRIVE TIMI SCHEDULES 5 PKPART j Daily. ATHENA, ORE. Pally. Walla Walla, Day ton, Fomeroy, Lew Iston, Colfax, Full- ...n 1:10 p.m. mn, Moscow, the i-'up.m. Coeur d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. " . , Walla Walla - Pen- 10.08 a to dietou'Speetal 10:08 a. m. " Fast Mall for Pen- dleton, LaQrande, Baker City, and all polntsewt viaHun lington, Ore., Also p m ner. The Dalles, 8:15 p. m Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, tttllforoia, Taooma, Sea tt le, a 1 1 Sound Points. 5:25 p' ru. Pendleton WUa &3S p m Walla Special . 1 K. M. Smith Agent, . Athena P 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ; - SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER OFFICERS H. a ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass't Cashier. FIRST EMTIOfiML CAPITAL STOCK. $50.000 SURPLUS, 25,000 A General Banking Business conducted on Conservative Principles DO YOU KNOW "AUNT SARAH" A New England Mother Get acquainted tt ence by reading the book Roosevelt said, "One person in this country ranks ahead of the soldier. She is the really good woman and mother who has done her full duty." !2mo, clolh bound, $1.50 Mention this refer and we will send it postpaid for $1.00 Richard G. Badger s Publisher, Boston Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right House, Sign and Carriage Painting E. T. Kidder, McArthur Building A Large Stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, s Wall Paper and Decorative Materials will be soon placed on display for public inspection. We make House Painting a Specialty The Dominion Exhibition Calgary, Alberta, June 29 to July 9 1908. Only $30.65 from Spokane to to Calgary and return. Tickets on sale June 26, Good for re turn until Monday, July 13. For further information write to JONATHAN JOHNSTON, Walla Walla. An ounce of Pre venHion is worth a pound of Cure. is worth more to ones health than any other medicine kno- Do not fill your stomach with arsenic, calomel, quinine v . t debilitate the system, leaving symptoms that it takes years obliterate. Herblne is purely vegetable containing lioihii injurious, and is a gentle harmless purgative. fTTPP CONSTIPATION, CHILLS AND VsUKCO FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, MALA RIA AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. Does More Than We Claim. Don C. Morrison, Kissimmee, Pla. writes: "I have v used several bottles of Uerbine myself and have advised " several of my friends to use same. I have found it to be the best medicine for the liver I ever used. It acts gent ly at the same time thoroughly." PLEASING PRICE 5oc. HARMLESS Ballard Snow 5OO-502 North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, 0. Sold and Recommended by THE PALACE DRUG COMPANY, ATHENA, OR. case before '1 DIRECTORS H. O. ADAMS. T. J. KIKK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. .4 OF ATHENA 1 BEWARE Ask for Inland Crackers in the Red Packages when you want the best. BEWARE of cheap crackers packed in immitation red packages bv the cracker trust N Ask tor INLAND CRACKERS Not made by the Trust. Liniment-Co. A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe morning. ACK-ACHE DRUG STORE.