4 " arrli la v 'utional disease originating In impure blood and requiring constitutional treatment acting through and purifying the blood for Its radical and permanent care. The greatest tonstltutlonal remedy is Hood'3 Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 1 00 doses $1. Nasal and other local forms of catarrh are relieved by Catarrlets, which allay in flammation and deodorize discharge. 50c. TJameeeaaary. Tea," growled old Roxlry, "Mabel'i loer Interviewed ma last night StupK fellow; no sense tt J." ' "Ah! exclaimed Ascum, "then tot won't hare him for a son-in-law 7 "I? What hare I to do with it? Tht idea of his coming to aslt me when the girl and her mother are satisfied. '11 he had any sense he'd know that et tled If Philadelphia Press. "Lil, TBS DAISY M XIIAIg destroys all the flies and afford comfort to every home In dining room, sleeping room and every place where fliea are troublesome. Clean, neat and will not anil or Try thorn once and yon will never be without them! It not kep' by aealera. sent prepaid for 20o. HAS0J.D SOlUJtS, 111 DsKalb An., Brooklyn, . T. Reflaed Torture. mil iiiot U . k.n, t, 1 j jus, vugui iv uaig urn 1 n ' 1 n . ...... cow aii sa uapsicum talked toe other day when she was real mad. You don't know what you missed." "What did he say. Jen?" "Gracious ! You don't expect me to sa the dreadful things she said, do you?" The colonies of Great Britain hart nearly 100 times more area than the mother country, France eighteen times and Germany five times. Foreign and Domestic. His Wife (reading) I see they had a bread riot in Spain recently. Her Husband Yes : and . we'll hare one at home soon if there isn't an Im provement In your biscuits. Gives Ulna No Trouble. "Uncle Heary, don't you find it hari work being a vegetarian?" "Not at all,, my boy. It's only neces sary to be conservative about it. When I feel an insatiable craving for a big, plate of bacon and eggs I always yield to it." Chicago Tribune. Orthographical Romance. They were returning from the spelling bee. "Mr. Spoonamore," she said, "why did you miss that easy word? You spelled 'honor' with a 'u.' " "I know it," he answered.-' "The feel ing came over me all at once that I Just couldn't get along without 'u, Miss Daisy." With which old, old story he won her. Entering; a Demurrer. "Talk about the superiority of mina over matter !" said the argumentative boarder. "It's just the other way. If you want to be sure not to forget a thing you don't trust it to your memory. You take a pencil and a slip of paper and make a memorandum of it." Bt. Vitas' Dure and all Nervons Diabase nermanentlr cured h Dr. Kllna'a Hn-nA Nerve Restorer. Bond for FRRE i2trinl bottle -i :rae.Ur.ll.lLK;in.-,IxL,21ArcQbtMrhlla..l'a. Neutrality. The voter in Drearyhurst reflected. "If I vote the 'citizens' ticket,'" he said, "I'm agin the people, and if I vote the 'people's ticket I ain't a good citi zen. Blamed if I'm goin' to vote at all !" Pulling his hat down over his eyes, h turned on his heel and strode away in disgust. The intricacies of village politic were? too deep for him. ' UoWo t2)o SUM BISEISES There is an evaporation from the body going on continually, day and night, through the pores and glands of the skin. This is nature's way of maintaining the proper temperature of our systems and preserving the soft ness and flexibility of the skin, and sn 1 lties no trouble will result. When, however, the blood from any cause becomes infected with humors and acids, these too must be expelled, and coming in contact with the delicate fibres and tissues with which the skin is 1 so abundantly supplied they produce irritation and inflammation, and the ; effect is shown by Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and skin affections 6f various kinds. I These impurities and humors get into the blood through a deranged orj inactive condition of the system ; the members whose duty it is to carry off .the waste and refuse matter of the body fail to properly perform their work, j and this impure, fermenting matter is left in the system to be absorbed by j the blood. The skin is not only affected by poisons generated within the 1 such as Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Nettle Rash, etc., enter through the open pores and glands, and so thor oughly do they become rooted in the blood that they are ever present, or return at certain seasons of each year to torment the sufferer. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure skin diseases. True, such treatment re lieves some of the itching and dis comfort, and aids in keeping the skin clean, but it does not reach the real cause, and at best can be only palli ating and snot riino- A tVinrnno-Ti . O O nfe cleansing of the blood is the only certain cure for skin diseases. S. S. S., a gentle acting, safe blood purifier, made entirely of vegetable ingredients of the forest and field, is the proper treatment. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroughly cleansing and purifying the blood, and curing skin affections of every kind. It supplies to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin and all other parts of the body, and rids the blood oi any and all poisons.' S. S. S. cures Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash," and all other skin troubles, and cures them permanently by removing, every trace of the cause from the blood. Special book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired furnished free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. 1 nave used your S. S. S., spring and fall, for the past two years, with the result that it entirely relieved me of a form of Eczema which my doctor was unable to cure. My arms, lower limbs, and, in fact, the biggest portion of my whole body was affected, and when I erst began S. S. S. the itching, etc., was worse, but I continued the remedy with the result that the dry, itching eruption en tirely disappeared. I think a great deal of your medicine, and have recommended it to others with good results. It is the best blood medicine made, and I can conscientiously recommend it for the cure of all blood and skin affections. CHAS. HORSTMAH. Wheeling, W. Va. Teeth With or out Plates Out-of-Town People We can do your entire Crown, Bridge and Plate Work in a day, if necessary. Positively Painless Extracting Free when Plates or Bridges are ordered. Sensitive Teeth and Roots re moved without the least pain. Ten chairs. Only the most sci entific and careful work. 20 Years in Portland WA 1 T T H1 And Associates sdi W IDHi Painless Dentists Failing Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays 9 to 12. Painless Extraction 50c; Plates, $5.00. Both Phones, A and Main 2029. When the Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment ! You want to save vour hair, and save it quickly, tools bo make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. Th best kind of a testimonial "Cold for over sixty year." A KsjaaauJUaJ otaoe or Am v., Lowell, luu. o auuMiunr, or 7. SAISAPABILUL PILLS. CUESSY PCCTOCAL, yers Tnraiaeaa Gowns. "Trousseau' gowns are lovelier than ever," says the fashion editor of the Woman's Home Companion, "but aa they have tncreased In beauty, they have lessened in number. Very few brides of to-day, no matter how fash ionable they may be, order a trousseuu consisting of a great number of cos tumes. The reason for this is that fash Ions change so that It Is necessary every little TMle to have a new-style gown If one is to keep pace with the capri cious modes. "The bridal princess gown is a style which will be in ftishlowfqr a long time to come. One can wear It as long .is the material lasts by merely changing the sleeves to meet the requirements of the prevailing fashion." Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Soothing1 Byru; the best remedy to use lor their children during the teething period. Work (or Lire Improvement Society. In small centers of population where none but the most general laws gotern It Is necessary to form an improve ment society to look after the health and well being of the people as a whole, says the Los Angeles Times." The laws of hygiene must be observed. Both sew ers and surface drainage should be pro vided by the people as a whole, and where no city government exists this is a splendid work for a live society for civic betterment. Snake Into Tour Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cores painful, swollen, smarting;, sweating; feet. Makes new shoes eaay. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Beautify School Grounds. Just at present is a good time for all interested to look over the local school yard and consider if It meets their Ideas regarding beauty, shade, protec tion, educational value, etc. If it does not, the time is ripe to "get busy" with others whose Interest Is equal tq yours and try to ameliorate present condi tions so that this piece of public prop erty will no longer be a reproach to those In control. In Brooklyn. Third-Floor Tenant See here! I'm one of a committee of men in this build ing, and I've called to ask you to sell your flute. Second-Floor Tenant Delighted to see you. I'm one of another commit tee, and was about to come up and a sir if you'd sell your baby. Tid-Blts. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tnat there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the onlv positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ng a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly uwn thebloodand mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the f o i n dation of the disease, and giving ti e pat ent strength by building op the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in itscurative pow ers hat they offer One Hundred Dollarsforany case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. arses, When our stiff and stubborn Congress isn't balking, isn't balking, Or a-srpuoking up and getting on its ' ear, on its ear, How it loves to hear itself serenely talk' ing, 'renely talking, ' t And exuding gobs of heated atmosphere, . atmosphere ! -Chicago Tribi ne. More Trouble. "My husband bad an awful time col lecting that debt," Mrs. Lapsling was saying. "I don't pretend to understand law terms, but I heard him say that be fore he could get the money he bad to Barney Shea the man's wages." ;.. i Don't Poison Baby; pORTY YEAES AGO almost every mother thought her chiM must have 1 PAEEGORIO or laudanum to make it sleep. -These drugs will produca sleepj and A IEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP PEOM WHICH : THERE IS 1T0 WAKHTG. Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has heen ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them "poison." The definition of "narcotic" is: "A medicine wJtich relieves pain and produces sleep,but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul sions and death. " The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. Yon should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON- T1 A TNT TT A T) fl AHTTnO iP !. V . a. : o m tt tti v x&jsi xxiixiuuxxvjo, u ib ueoia mo signature oi unas. n. xictcner. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas, II. Fletcher. Dr. J. W. Dinsdale, of Chicago, III., eaya: "I use your Castorla and advise its use in all families whero there are children." Dr. Alexander E. Jlintieof Cleveland. Ohio, says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castorla and have found it a reliable and pleasant rem edy for children." . Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., says: "A medicine bo valuable and beneCcial for children as your Castorla Is deserves the hlshest praise. I find it ia use everywhere." Dr. J. A. ITcClcllan, of Buffalo, N. eays: "I have frequently prescribed your Castorla for children and always got good results. In fact I usa Castorla for my own children." Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., eays: "I heartily endorse your Ca toria. I hrve frequently prescribed It in my medical practice, and hav always fouifd it to do all that is claimed for it" Dr. C. H. Gliddcn, of St Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as h prao tltioner with your Castorla has been highly satisfactory, and I consider It aa excellent remedy for the young." Dr. H. D. Bcnner, of Philadelphia, Pa,, eays: "I have used your Cas toria as a purgative In the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect, and fully endorse it a3 a safe remedy." Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castorla is a splen did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in my practice and have no hesitancy Ju recommending It for the complaints of Infanta and children." Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says: "I consider your Castorla aa excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of tht digestive organs." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS'' uoara tno Signature Pj ml b mi m I WW mm m ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVcgclaWe PreparKionforAs similaiutgtheFoodanilReguia tuigtlie SionrachsanrLBowdsof v VI Promotes Dfceslion.CWu! ness and Rest.Contains neiiter upunu.Morp!tme nor Mineral Not Narcotic. faipeatOUIkSMlEUmjm. Flmpkin Seed" Jlx.Smna fyipermint 111 Carkmutt Stoat Mm Sent CtariTied Sugrr AnprfiTi Remeiiv far Ptmsffn. Hon . Snur Stnmarh.IliarrliflEJ Worms,Couvulstons.Fcvcrish ncssandLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Sifjnature of NEW YORK. m 'Guaranteed under the t'oJJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. I He Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. " " rilT, TT UHIUT ITItllT, HEW TOHH CITT. MADE FOR C SERVICE and guaranteed ; absolutely WATERPROOF OILED SUITS. SLICKERS AND n Aid Every garment guaranteed Clean Light Durable Sult3 Slickers 39S joto twsr ouim mtrwttite CAfALot mt ro rntAsmtit A jTOWfd CO BOSTOH W3 No Swearing Permitted. The Pennsylvania railroad has recently posted notices in its various workshop, forbidding profanity. In view of the pres ent railroad situation, why not put xuch notices in the executive offices and mail one to every stockholder? Wall Street Journal. s Another Backset tor Refarm. The editor looked over the manuscript and handed it back. "I don't like your dialect," he said. "But, sir," said the literary aspirant, tartled and indignant, "that isn't dia lect ! That's written in the reformed spelling!" WANTED -. SHOES AT Lt itCSlr' i -taajiff PRICES. TOR EVERY . tf j SHOES AT ALL PRICES. TOR EVERT MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. MEN, BOYS. WOMEN. MISSES AND CHILDREN. Spa. W. L. Doagt ntmfruB mnd Bella mormTA aroWif, 6C(tfM ihmy hold Ihmlr tt$l mhapm. fit bmttoe, mmmr fewa v nd V. L Oouclas $4 and $5 Gilt Efrs Shoes Cannot B Eoaalled At Art Prit r-"A l XIOW. W. L. DtvrlM ua and price K mted OB bottom. Tk Tt RftbatthHo. 8olt br th hrtt ahoe dmim nu-TWOfra. Hbom nuulrl trota faorr to any part t tb world. IUa ft A ' n a 9W-y lied Mlruutrtlff. INfOKMAtiCN REGAMDINO Farm or Business for sate. Not particular about location. Wish to hear from OWNER only who will sell direct to buyer. Give price, descrip tion and state when poneesion can be had. Addresa, L 0AKBYSH1XE, la 228. Uinler, It T. OTEL MOORE open all the year Clatjqp beach Seaside, Ckeeoi TUP IHreetlr the besek reriooklor ins. a,m. lint ula h.lk CLIFF HCUSE lll.r. Beere. nr Bbb parlor. Eleetrie llfkta. Fire. place M tti-aaa beau Flae walk. UfttUu.a ijaltr. Bate. 12.40 a.4 AXOO per tar- ST kpeclai rate, br tka week. aaaDAJV. i. ktoOBJE, Freprfcatori Truth and Quality ippeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to per manent success and creditable stand ing. Accordingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Lenna is the only remedy of Itnown value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is tbe fact that It cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity' from time to time. It acts'' pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and Its component parts are known to and .approved by physicians, as it is free from all objectionable substances. To get Its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine-manufacturcd fcy the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for ale by all leading druggists. What the Dor Were For. Observing several $5,000 bulldogs on the multimillionaire's estate, the witty visitor remarked: "Are those doss here to eat up sub-, poenas?" v And the multimillionaire chuckled craftily. I "Ah, no, my friend," he whispered, "they are here to eat up subpoena serv ers." Oat of It. you feel well?" asked "Don't friend. "Not very," answered Cumrox. "Why don't you go home?" "I can't. Mother and tbe girls are giving a tea and I'm not invited." Washington Star. Leap-Yeur YVorrlea. L Jack What's the matter, old man? You look worried. Tom Oh, Miss Faintheart keeps me guessing. She hasn't proposed yet. Jack But you told me you didn't In tend to nmrry her. Tom And 1 don't, nut, after all the time I've wasted on her, I think she might at least give me a chance to re fuse her. The Straightforward Sex. ,' Tlcase give ma two bills for toy hnt, one for $10 for my husband and for $20 to show iiirr lady friends.". Meggendorfer Uluetter. " The Free Premiums Given IN EXCHANGE FOR CARTON TOPS AHO SOAP WRAPPERS FROM "20 Mule Team" Borax, Boraxo Bath Powder, Violet Boric Talcum Powder, Boric Spangles, Boric Acid, Boraxaid Soap Powder, "20 Mule Team" Soap, Queen of Br rax Soap, Boraxaid Laundry Soap and "20 Mule Team" Soap Chips have been carefully selected as being those MOST QUICKLY OBTAINED, oflerinir the GREATEST VARIETY and showing- the LARGEST VALUE for the number of Carton Tops or Soap Wrappers required. Send for 40 page illustrated catalogue showing over 1000 article, we give away free. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cel. B 'Jif C. Gee Wo Tim woll known reUnble CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Itnt made a life study el trim, and In thai rla uuri hurl' rTVVi lnalotlio ma, ovfsrcd nud la .if world bis woadet. No Mercury, Poison, or Drugs Used He Cures Without Operation, nr Without the Aid of a Knil H KunrantfHfi to C'urw t'niHrrh, Asthma. Luna, xhront. Khttuinntl4in. NtrvniiRneui. Nurvom Debility! flromnch, l.ivar, Kutney '1 rnuMi:ftl4o I.ont Manhood! Feinalo WijiiktifHH unil All Privuia iitwHM9M - A SURE CANCER CURE Just Received from Peking, China Safe, Start and Reliable. IF TOT7 A EE AFMCTKI), DON'T DELAY. WXAyn AKE DANUhKOUH. COINSUUTATIOtN PWEB U you cannot mil, writs fornympton blank and oiroav 'r Iii'l" 4oni in Ktnmtxi. ..VJ'- HEE ww ' "INI-SK WKuiolNKOO. 162 1-2 If lnt St., Cor. Morrion, Fortlund, Oreooa, risana Went Ion This Paper. No. 22-Ot w tlX writing to ad vertisert pleiua mem Ion this paper. Highest Quality More Converts Every Year Every day in every year that comes, more house wives are giving up their exorbitant priced Baking Powders and turning to K C, the honest and reliable, which has stood so well the test of years. They are finding out that U OUNCES A' mi BAKING POWDER costs one third the price of powder any where near K C quality, and makes better, purer, more healthful baking. 23 Ounces for 23 Cents 'Perfect Results 'Y3