The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 03, 1908, Image 4

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Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Publisher.
Application for entrance ah 2nd class matt er
made on July 6,
llMi" at the poBtofflce at Athena, Oregon
Under an Actot Connress of March 8, 1879
Subscription ftetet !
p -r year, In advanct 12.00
Single copies In wrappers, 6c,
In the July McClure'B we find ail
article by Judge MoKenzie Gleland of
Chioago, who believes io fewer prison
sentences and a greater effort toward
reforming tbe individual tbroogh the
means of a suspended maximum sen
tence. There may be oases where this
would be the proper treatment, says an
exchange, but men who have been
handling prisoners for years and know
every point in connection with euch
work, are generally of the opinion that
tbe man who proposes to handle priso
ners along sympathetic Hues will iu
nine oases out of ten, make a mistake.
Placing tbe average criminal on his
honor too often, offers the very loop
nole be is looking for and wbicb he is
not slow to take advantage of. Cer
tainly, there may be exceptions to this
rule, but in the majority of cases, the
proper treatment for the man who has
ran the gauntlet of the courts and
landed in prison, is to allow bim to
ojompleto tbe sentence imposed. Tbe
absolute knowledgo that there is no
parole or pardon and tbat the law
means just what it says, will do much
to prevent crime, while the possibility
of a loop-hole of escape will decide
many a man wbo is a criminal at heart
to take tbe chance iu carrying out his
natural inclination.
The seoond step in the oomprebensive
plan of redistrioting the National For
ests in tbe Western state has just been
nubo by the President in signing ex
ecutive orders whioh will change tbe
names aud boundaries of tbe Forests
iu Oregon. The only other state in
wbicb these plans have been completed
is Idaho, but it is expected tbat the
work of redisricting in all the National
Forest states will bo finished and the
changes aunounoed in tbe next few
days. No addition to forest area is in
volved iu the plans for redistrioting in
any of the states of tbe Northwest.
The object of :tba work' Is to equalize
tbe areas of administrative units and
to arrange tbair boundaries in suob a
manner as to prbinote the most effi
cient and practical administration of
the Forests.
Bad tbe people voted dowu the reso
lution that members of the legislature
vote for the popular ,ohoioe for United
States souator tbe oli'uiui would have
feepn oartQu Vuut Ma(!eruuiit No. 1 men
were released by tbe voioe of the people;
but as t!i is resolution curried in nearly
every county in tbe state aud rooeived
tbe smallest negative vote of any pro
position ou the ballot, it would appear
as if it was the duty of every member
of tbe legislature to vote according to
the will of the people aud give Cbara
beilaiu a unuuiuious voto ou the Qrst
ballot. Why not, asks tbe Portland
A writer iu MoClure's muguziue
oeusures tbe boards of health iu tbe
majority of states for neglect in eu
foroiug regulations relating to vital
statistics. Looking upon such statis
tics as tbe very basis aud foundation
of suooessf ul attempts to hotter publio
health, the lack of interest shown by
officials and physicians is deolarod to
bo little less thau criminal. It is
claimed tbat probably not more than
CO per cent of the deaths are reported.
With a light crop of straw borries,
Milton fruit raisers oxpeoted oberries
to bring big prices. This however, is
not the case, Tbe cherry crop this
year is excessively large aud Milton
cherries by no menus leads iu quality
or quantity tbe fruit grown in the
couutry tributary to Athena this sea
son. 1 here is enough of this fruit uear
Athena to more than supply tbe local
demand, and prices will be lower thau
for several years past. ,
With iudicatious tbat tbe sum may
be doubled before the year euds, nearly
180,000 is beiug spent by private own
ers in building residences in Corvallis,
that sum having either been spent or
coutraoted to be spent ou structures
completed sinoe January 1, now in
course of construction, says the Times.
Albert Swisher, wbo died at Albany,
Tuesduy, was the oldest mail earlier
in tbe United States, says tbe Herald,
lie graduated from Brown university
iu 1S&13. aud was a classmate with
Seorataiiea of State Oluey and Hay.
One of tbe greatest dangers incurred
when traveling lurks iu tbe . innocent
looking cup wbicb stands at tbe
water cooler at one end of every car.
People wbo are overly fastidious in
other ways will drink out of this glass
and will not give tbe matter a second
thought. In every car full of passen
gers there are probably one or two,
and sometimes moro, people who are
suffering cr just sickening with some
fearful and contagious disease.
There will be no celebration in
Athena tbis year but Athena people
will celebrate, just tbe same. On the
Umatilla river, parties will picnic. At
Helix, Pilot Rook and Walla Walla,
Eaale pin feathers will be used in
stead of confetti. Weston, Athena,
Adams and Pendleton, tbe big towns
of tbe county have turned tbe festivi
ties of tbe National holiday over to
tbe small towns and will stand back
and look on.
James Sobooloraft Sherman, candi
date for vice-president on the repub
lican ticket, was born in Utioa, New
York, where be still resides. He has
been a member of tbe National House
of representatives sinoe 1886, with tbe
exception of one term. He was chair
man of tbe Republican National Con
gressional committee in tbe campaign
of 1906. He is a lawyer, banker and
Tbe Canadian parliament is dealing
radically with . tbe cigarette evil.. ; A
government bill not only makes it an
offense to sell oigarettes to young per
sons, but imposes punishment on young
pereons purchasing cigarettes or to
bacco in any form, and gives police
men power to take tobacoo away from
young people when they are smoking
on the streets.
Governor Hanly of Indiana may live
to forget the derision of tbe galleries.
Time may wear away tbe memory of
those mocking delogates. But be as
sured, nothing through the flight' of
years will ever make bim forget or
forgive Senator Henry Cabot Lodge,
wbo, before 10,000 people, asked him
who be was.
Wbiletbe different counties in tbe
state are holdiug their rose carnivals,
strawbeirv festivals, fruit and borse
shows tbe Blue Mountain Eagle pro
poses that Grant county fall in line
and hold a uugget day. Suob an ex
hibition of tbe real substance of all
things, would oertaiuly be unique if
nothing more.
The prime requisite for a national
delegate these days is lnng power.
He must be able to yell like an in
ebriated Comanche every time tbat
a oommittee reports and outside of tbe
exorcise of his vooal organs be seems
to have no other particular funotion.
Governor Chamberlain promised to
pardon a oouviot with the proviso tbat
tbe man come to Albany and spend ten
days riding on our street oar, says the
Herald. The "con" deolined the offer.
Our George thinks the prisoner insane,
but we of Albany know better.
Senator Aldriub is said to regard
Governor Cummins as a Populist, and
Senator La Follette as a Sooialist or
perhaps au auarohist; but Senator
Aldrioh has helped to make a good
many people move toward Populism
aud Socialism.
Lane county oomprises a territory 50
by 150 miles iu extent, has 31,000,
000,000 feet of standing timber, the
finest water powers iu tbe state, and
room for 500,000 population, says the
Tbat 80 tons of thornless cactus for
age cau be grown upon eaohiaore of
arid land iu Umatilla couuty is tbe
statement of a man from Los Augeles
aud Spokane wbo claims to know.
New berg will probably build more
cemeut walks this year than any other
oity of its size in the state, and most
of them are 12 foot wide, says the
Bend about the heat prostrations
aud other discomforts back east and
keep thankful that you live in Oregon.
It is believed that the Bryan steam
roller is quite equal to the task of run
ning ovei Tammany also, if need do.
Appareutly there won't be any "al
lies" at Deu ver ; tbo Bryan steam roller
will only have Johusou to run ever,
When the Teddv bear goes out of
fashion, what sort of a Billy beast will
take its place? Not a goat?
Clark Wood, Cbas. Williamson and
S. J. Culley have appraised tbe mer
chandise stock of B. F. Dupuis, bank
rupt at Weston at $1,668.43 and ac
counts at IS98.44. Liabilities are
about fi.000. B. B. Richards of tbis
oity baa been appointed trustee.
Leaders and bosses.
A recent issue of Mr. Bryan's paper,
tbe Commoner, disousses the differenoe
between a leader and a boss, in part
as follows:
Tbe leader is not a man wbo thinks
for the people, but a man who thinks
with the people. Tbe leader is going
in tbe same direction that tbe people
are going far enough ahead to be in
advence but not far enough to be out
of sight.
Tlie leader is not only in sympathy
with tbe people, but be relies upon
persuasion to influence them. He pre
sents bis arguments to them tut recog
nizes the right of the people to reject
any proposition submitted by bim.
The leader's title to leadership rests
upon bis ability to propose the test
thing at the right time and, as those
wbo follow the leader follow bim vol
untarily, be must appeal to tbeir con
soienoe and their judgment. Tbe
leader is a molder of opinion, and a
molder of opinion does not create pub
lio opinion he merely expresses it in
effective language.
Tbe boss has no sympathy with tbe
people; be has bis own interests to
serve and whatever authority be can
seoure be turns to bis private advan
tage. Tbe bow is an embezzler of
power, and measured by every moral
standard, he is in tbe same criminal
class with the embezzler of money.
The boss has intimidation into politics
and be will go out when these are
eliminated. "Let the people rule" is
as muob a terror to the boss as tbe
commandment, "Thou sbalt not steal,"
is to tbe thief. Tbe spread of tbe pri
mary is only a roaotion from boss rule,
and like every other plan for the bring
ing of the government nearer to tbe
people, tbe system increases tbe rela
tive influence of tbe real leader and
lessens tbe influence of tbe boss.
There are those wbo will say that
Mr. Bryan shows some symptoms of
bossism as well as exhibiting qualities
of leadership, but if so he is not a boss
in tbe bad sense tbat be has desoribed,
only because of a high degree of self
esteem, and a complete confidence in
himself as the man best fitted for true
leadership. And in tbis tbe masses of
bis own party seem to agree with bim
Wbat be says about bosses and leaders
is true, and one reason for tbe some
what chaotic oondition of politics in
Oregon is that the bosses of tbe domi
nant party have passed away or been
knocked down and out by tbe people,
and leaders bave not risen to take tbeir
places. Fulton bad a fine ohanoe to
become a real leader, but lost it be
cause be could not move forward out
of the old ruts and abandon tbe old
methods and motives. And none of
those who have taken an advanced
position and joined in the progressive
movement are eminently conspiouous
or peculiarly fitted for leadership. But
tbe people of Oregon seem to be doing
pretty well without especial leader
ship. Portland Journal.
Tbe marvelous instinot of an animal
is said to sometimes be a sure warning
of impending danger. It seems to be
the case of tbe pet cat of the steamer
City of Kingston. This animal, a
large yellow one of no particular rec
ommendation except its purring pro
clivities, has long been aftaobed to
tbat vessel, and not even tbe most per
suasive ooaxing oould induce it to
leave tbe conflnes of the ship. It has
never been known to miss a trip.
When the Kingston arrived in Seat
tle from Victoria early Sunday morn
ing, for some mysterious reason tbe
feline weut ashore, and when the time
came for tbe departure lor Taooma,
wbiob resulted in the disaster of the
Kingston, tbo animal refused .to be
coaxed aboaid. Finally a saucer of
milk proving unavailing one of the
ship's crew took tbe oat in bis arms
and carried it aboard the vessel, but
just as tbe lines were hauled in and
the steamer was leaving tbe dock the
sagacious puss sprang from tbeKings
ton to the wharf and disappeared in a
pile of bags. It is now alive and the
admiration of all hands at Yesler
wharf. Seattle Fost-Intellgencer.
A Woman's Back
lias many actios and pains caused by
weaknesses and falling, or other displace
ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symp
toms of female weakness are frequent
headache, dizziness, imaginary specks or
dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw
ing sensation In stomach, dragging or
bearing down In lower abdominal or pelvic
region, disasreeahlo drains from pelvic
organs, faint spells with general weakness.
If any considerable number of the above
tymptoms are present there is no remedy
that wlHjsl ve quicker relief or a more per
manent than Dr. Pierce's Favorite
PrcJtfbi5SU has a record of over forty
years of curo It 1? the. most poten
Invigorating tonic and strengtheninir'nef
vino known to medlcaUcienpe. Ills made
ofthc "glyceric extracts of native medici
nal roots found in our forests and con
tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or
habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are
all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at
tested under oath as correct.
Every ingredient entering into Fa
vorite Prescription" has the written en
dorsement of the most eminent medical
writers of all the several schools of prac
ticemore valuable than any amount of
non-professional testimonials though the
latter are not lacking, having been con
tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In numbers to exceed the endorsements
given to any other medicine extant for
the cure of woman's ills.
You ca nnot a fford to accept any medicine
it unknown composition as a substitute
for this well proven remedy or know
composition, even though the dealer may
make a littlo more profit thereby. Your
interest in regaining health Is paramount
to any selfish Interest of hi and it is an
Insult to your intelligence for him to try
to palm oil upon you a substitute. You
know what you want and it Is his bust
ness to supply the article called for.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant rellets are the
original "Little Liver pills" first put up
by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago
much Imitated but never equaled. Little
ugar-coataJ granules easy to take as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve Wins. ,
' Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch
ran, Ga.. writes: . "I bad a bad sore
come on the instep of my loot and
oould find nothing that would heal it
until I applied Buoklen'a A rnioa SalveJ
Less than half of a 25 cent box won
tbe day . for me by affecting a perfect
cure." Sold under guarantee at Pal
ace Drug Co's. store.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is
tbe one tbat, children like so well to
take as it tastes nearly as good as ma
ple sugar. It acta gently yet freely
or? tbe bowels and thereby it drives
tbe cold out of the system. It is sold
by Palaoe Drug Co.
The Best ; Pills Ever Sold. .
"After doctoring 15 years for chronic
indigestion, and spending over two
hundred dollars nothing has done me
as much, good as Dr. King's New Life
Pills. I consider them the best pills
ever sold:" writes B. F. Ayscue, of
Ingleside, N. C Soldunder guarantee
at Palace Drug Co's. store. . 25c.
Will be Made by the
: r:
This Se8on as Follows:
Chicago,,, $72.50
St Louis 67.50
St Paul 63.15
Omaha. 60.00
Kansas City 60.00
Tickets Will be on Sale
" May 4, 18
June 5, 6, 19. 20
July ,6, 7, 22. 23
August 6, 7, 21, 22
Good for return in 90 days with stopover
privileges, at pleasure within limits.
For any Further Information Call on
E. M. Smith,. Local Aent
Or write to
General Passenger Agent,
Foley's Honey and Tar
for .No opiates.
Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley
Graduates. Am. School sf Osteopathy, sf
Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still,
President. Founder.
Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad
ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days
in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday".
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls, both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Tblrd
Street, Athena Oregor
There is no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it is only necessary, to take a few doses of
Chamberlain's CoKg, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy;
In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient It never fails and can be
relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally
valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many
children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met
with greater success. Price 25 cents. , Large size 50 cents.
end eeauia ae
There cAre
In judging a Bank, always remember tbat the Capital, , Surplus .
and Undivided Profits, together with the personnel of the Stock
holders of tbe Institution whioh give confidence tbat your funds
on deposit are in safe hands. ,
Is essentially a "Home" institution. Its Stockholders are. well
known Umatilla county and Oregon citizens. Its enormous
growth is tbe result of careful and conservative management,
with tbe most liberal enoourgement for all deserving enterprises.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - $250,000.00
T. J. Morris.
Herbert Boyien.
J. A. Devlin.
J. W. Maloney.
A. E. Lambert.
J. H. Raley.
R. Alexander.
T. G. Montgomery.
W. J. Furnish.
R. T Cox.
Joseph Basler.
E. Boettcher.
L, Dusenberry.
E. W. McComas.
A. C. Koeppen.
J.N. Teal.
Frank S. Curl.
Estate D.
e Men and the Capital' to Care for Your
n ''Business
PARENTS lent on securing the
finest 'tbe market affords or 'their money
will derive great - pleasure and positive
satisfaction in choosing while the splendid
"Viking line is complete;diatinctiye
fabnos - and - individualizing touches in
every garment. .
Maaaand Guaranteed by
& CO,,
U7u Jii ill JL 1J Ja ifu
5 Th Origin! Laxative Couth Syrv containing Honey nd Tt. Xr Improvement ever all Cauh. t.
Lung end BranchUl Remedies. Pioasent o the una end gooclike for young end old.
opiates. Propped iy FIXS-VLS MCD1CUS COMPANY. CKICakh ir c
Two Elements .
Montie B. Gwinn.
F. W. Vincent.
E. L. Smith.
C. E. Roosevelt. .
R. N. Stanfield.
Clementine F. Lewis.
Marion Jack.
Al Page. .
P. Thompson.
. Everything First
, Clam - Mod am
and rjp-to-dnte