The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 03, 1908, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Boy Beck is down from Franklin
Bawl Miller visited in Pendleton
S. F. Wilson bad business in Walla
Walla this week.
Athena merchants will close their
stores at noon, July 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Arohie Bostwiok are
visiting relatives in this vioinlty.
Lee Boober is borne from Kitzville,
where be has been for some time.
Miss Maggie Price returned last
week to her borne in Pullman, Wash.
Mrs. Claude Ea'es returned Saturday
from a visit with friends in Pendleton.
Miss Buth Kidder is visiting her
parents here fiotn her home near Pen
dleton. Z. P. Lookwood returned borne Fri
day from- a visit to Seattle and other
Walter Judy, Hugh Lieualien and
others are celebrating at Wenaha
Mrs. M. Gagnon and children are
attending the oelebration ' in Walla
Quite a number
will oelebrate at
Walla tomorrow.
of Athena people
Helix and Walla
A. G. Gilliland, operator at the O.
R. & N. depot, returned Friday from a
visit to Portland. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson are
moving into tbe Arthur Shiok cottage
near Hunt avenue.
t ...
Mrs. Ada Groves will visit a few
days at tbe home of her sister, Mrs.
Wm. Pinkeiton, Jr.
G. W. Gross and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Douglas are spending
tbe 4th at the Springs.
W H. Reeder arrived from laooma
weanesaay, ana wiu visit bis son
Otha, and wife, here.
B. W. Myers left yesterday via
Walla Walla, for a visit .in Portland
and other valley cities. :
Mrs. Louise Glass, of Eliokitat,
Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Wilkinson, in this city.
Mrs. Frank Rogers, of Pendleton
will spend tbe 4th with her mother,
Mrs. Hill north of town.
Mrs. James Boddy returned Sunday
to her home in Walla Walla, after a
visit with her husband here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swaggart came
up from their Birch creek ranch Tues
day and returned Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell, will spend
July 4th on the Umatilla river.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kidder returned
Tuesday evening from a week's visit
at Portland and the Sound oities.
Mrs. L. L. Montague, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
C. Slanton, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Harden and Miss L'dua
Harden are visiting their sister, Mrs.
Chester McCollough iu Walla Walla.
Mrs. A. A. Foss and Misses Kittie
'Gholson and Ceoile Boyd are spending
tbe week with friends in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coolidge will
visit relatives and friends at Hood
River aud Moro for a couple of weeks.
Fire destroyed IS aores of wheat
near Ceyuse, Tuesday evening. Tbe
grain was owned by Bobt. Kirkpatriok,
Misses Nellie and Essie Foss arrived f
home Wednesday evening from a visit
with relatives at Moro, Sherman coun
ty. Mrs. Matheson returned this week
to her home in La Grande, after a vis
it with her mother, Mrs. Jackson Nel
son. Ellis B. Harris of Dayton, Wash.,
will preach Sunday morning and even
ing at tbe Christian church, in this
George Sorimpsber well known to
Athena people was in town from his
Milton ranch Monday with a wagon
h row
We are proud of uur furniture stock as we have by far tbe best assort
ment in tbe Walla Walla Valley. If you are thinking of fittng up a home
or even getting a few odd pieces for your home, an inspection of our stock
will fully demonstrate the fact that rare descrimination has been exercised
in tbe selection of our stock. We have assembled a collection of fine fur
niture and interior decorations unequaled in beauty, elegance and distinc
tiveness a collection from which tbe most elaborate schemes of Home
decorations may be evolved.
If you can not conveniently visit either oor store at Walla Walla
or Pasco write us for descriptions nd prioes of any articles needed. Did
you get one of our "1908 Summer Goods" Catalogue? If not write for
one today.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home k House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash. - i. .. ., Pasco, Wash.
load of fine obeirier. George is "mak
ing good" as a fruit raiser and says the
business suits him.
Nib Ying, the petite Chinese cook,
wBo returned from China last week
has resumed work at the St Niohols
C. L. Roderick of Portland and
daughter of Clarkston Wash, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead,
this week..
SMr. and Mrs. John Harris of Weston
1. a i. j m .a 1 1
eyom iuo ubj xuesuuy wiin xurs.
Frank MansSeld, the oooasion being
ber birthday.
' Hugh Worthington and son, Emery,
speDt the Arse of the week on the
Umatilla river, where they angled
for the finny tribe. v
H. H. Hill returned Wednesday from
Toppenish Wash. Mr. Hill disposed
of his real estate holdings in Toppenish
before returning home.
' -
Mrs. A. L. Douglas and daughter,
Miss Buby, were over from Weston
and attended tbe Beed-Gross wedding
Wednesday afternoon.
VCraigWilkinson arrived home Wed
nesday from Cambridge. Idaho, where
he ; has spent tbe past winter with his
uncle, 0. GLi Chamberlain. .."
A party consisting of H. A. Barrett,
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamondon and
Miss Margaret Bankin will attend tbe
oelebration in Walla Walla.
Mrs: Jessa Moore ana nttJe daughter
left Monday for their home near
Weiser, Idaho, after a several weeks';
stay with her mother in this city.
Walter Judy has resigned his posi
tion with 1. M. Taggart & Company
and will go to Seattle. Ed. Foster is
employed as salesman at Taggarts..:
Montie B. Gwinn, president of the
Peudletou Savings Bank, was eleoted
President of the Oregon State Banker's
association which convened at Salem.
r fu the grocery department of the Mos-
grove Mercantile company, taking the
place of Arthur Douglas, who has re
signed. XMr. and Mrs. B.. A. Thompson of
this city will chaperonn a party of
Weston young ladies who will spend
the 4th at Cold Springs, on the Weston
Mountain. J . . .
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Charley
McLain left tbe first of the week for
the mountains, where they will spend
tbe hot weather, for the benefit of
their son, Hugh.
Mrs. Bowles aud Miss Laura Bowles,
of Walla Walla, spent tbe week at the
home of Mrs. F. S. Le Grow in this
city, and were accompanied borne by lasjtevening tr'. " -
Mrs. Frankie Simpson is visiting her
father, Postmaster Githens. Word has
been received from Mrs. Githens, who
is near the coast, that her "condition
is not improving.
Aftrandma Mansfield has been con
fined to ber bed with siokness tbe past
week. Owing to her advanced age,
the warm weather does not tend to
make her condition better.
The Bebeoca Lodge have decided to
have joint installation with the Odd
Fellows Saturday evening July 11th.
All members are requested to be
ent ., B.r order of Noble Grand.
xuesaay evening duage iseau gave
bis decision in the Nolte case. By the
terma of the decision the in junction
prayed for by tbe attorneys for, Nolte
was denied and tbe prohibition elec
tion is sustained.
' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roberts will
leave Monday for Kansas and Missouri
where they will visit relatives and
may oonolude to make their home.
Mr. Roberts was section . foreman on
tbe N. P. at this station.
The families of Jerry Stone and A.
J. Willaby, accompanied, by .Mrs.
Minnie Depeatt, Miss Elna Kimbeok
sun en
ana Miss Myrtle DeFreece, left Wed
nesday evening, driving in tbe cool of
the night to Wenaha Springs.
Mrs. John Duffy and children went
to Walla Walla yesterday to see her
husband, who recently sustained an
operation in a hospital there for vari
cose ulcer. Mr. Duffy has been in the
hospital for about ten days. '
V A carload of sacks, 40,000, arrived
u Athena from Portland this week for
tbe members of tbe Inland Grain
Growers association. This year the
association contracted for 100,000
saoks. The price paid was $7.15 per
100, delivered.
JA man who is believed to be the
cracksman who entered the McEwen
hardware store and the Pioneer drug
store some time ago in Athena, has
been arrested by the offioials in North
Yakima and is being held awaiting
advices from Sheriff Taylor.
D. B. Jarman, the merchant, re
turned home Wednesday from Port
land, where be purohased a stook of
groceries for his Weston store. Mr.
Jarman disposed of ten carloads of po
tatoes and one oarload of hay in Seat
tle. N The families of E. A. Dudley and
I Aw R. Taylor, with Misses Laura Mo-
Intyre and Zelma DePeatt, left early
yesterday morning for Wenaha
Springs, where they will enjoy the
cool shade and splendid bathing for a
few days. "
j J. H. Bryant, uounty stock inspeot
j or, was in the oity yesterday and in
i speoted a horse owned by Ed. Knight,
i Mr. Bryant pronounoed the animal
to be amioted with the worst case of
soab he had ever seen, and gave in
structions for care and cure of tbe an
imal. . .
S(Fire destroyed the barn on W. Ct
Russell's farm Wednesday afternoon.
The blaze is supposed to have started
from matches ignited by the sun's rays.
Eight set pf harness, a fanning mill
and hay was burned. Tbe loss is
placed at $900 by Mr. Russell, with no
insurance. -
Miss Genevieve Dick sou left this
week for Walla Walla, where she will
spend the 4th, before proceeding to
Dixie, Wash., where she will visit
some time with her mother. Miss
Dickson will then return and spend
the summer with her graudinother,
Mrs. Nelson. ;
Fay Le Grow, Jinks Taylor and
Chas. Norris will assist the Walla
Walla Fourth of July committee in the
race track events tomorrow. Fay and
'Jinks have horses entered in tbe races
and have also furnished stock for the
buoking contests, and will have charge
of portions of the program. Mr. Nor
ris has been selected to act in capacity
of judge of the raoes.
The G. W. B. M. auxiliary met at
tba-home of Mrs. P. E."Colbern Wed
nesday afternoon, with 16 members
present. A most pleasant and profitable
hour of study was passed, and the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Minnie Baker,
seated her guests at a daintily appoint
ed table, where cake and lemonade was
served. The August meeting will be
in tbe basement of the oburob.
' A. L. Swaggart received by express,
from Trantham & Son of Montioello,
Ark., a Poland China male pig, Tues
day evening. The little fellow stood
the trip of over 2,000 miles well and
seemed contented to remain in tbe
narrow orate in wfaioh it was shipped.
His pigletts comes of the world's
champion breed of porkers, his sire
being Meddler, 2nd, son of tbe oham-
1 pion Poland China bog of the world.
i .... .
Ira Kemp was principle actor in an
exciting runaway . Tuesday evening,
between this city and Adams. He
came out of the fraoas with a oraoked
collar bone. He was driving a Wes
ton livery team, which scared at a
passing train. Three tugs came down
and one of the necR-yoke straps broke.
In tnis condition Mr. Kemp kept tbe
team in the road for a mile or more,
when the tongue broke and Ira was
tumbled out. The team was caught
in Adams near where the ruuaway end
ed. . . i
The members of tbe Methodist Epis
oopal Sunday sobool, under the au
spices of tbe superintendent and assis
tants, will hold a picnic Saturday, tbe
4tb, on Pine creek, about three miles
south of Weston. The children and
their friends will gather at tbe church
at act early hour, where conveyances
will, be provided for all who wish to
go, i and the start will be made about
8 a. m. A jolly time is anticipated by
young and old, a bounteous lunch ber
iug no small factor in the day's enjoy
ment. The passenger department of tbe O.
R. & N. Co., has just issued its Sum
mer Outing book. Tbe title of the
book, "Outings in Oregon," is appro
priate and in keeping with the well
written articles on Oregon's famous
summer resorts and camping plaoes.
It coven i the pleasure grounds of Ore
gon more completely tnau Das ever
been attempted heretofore, and will
undoubtedly prove a useful guide and
help to anyone seeking an attractive
place to spend tbe summer vaoation.
Tbe local agent will supply you with
a copv of ''Ontinira in Orecon."
IA A stunning game of ball was enjoy
f ed by Athena fans Sunday afternoon.
The Milton-Freewater aggregation put
up a good artiole of the National game.
hut the Shamrocks frazzled tbem out
with the close score 8 to 2. Clever,
inside features of the game were in
evidence, and a surprise was sprung
on tbe crowd bv Byron Hawks, who
caught superbly for tn Shamrocks.
His work betiiud tbe bat was of such
quality that La Braaobe and Stone were
safe in banding out all they have in
tbe twirling art. A fair sized crowd
witnessed the game, which is pro
ounced oce of the boat oi the seaaou.
1 euntiiBtoun
With BIS With
Blanche J: jt Blanche
Baking --' - f Baking
Powder vb Powder
) lll.UOgJ.UVU
Boom it
we. Boom our business
uster BRovty
RIED nothing but good good,5. we know
LAT LONG BUT CLoTHE-5 Do if you get them
)?Uck to 8o,te loqe
Jarman's Big Fair
Good ismle