The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 29, 1908, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest
and best equipped mill iu the west, of the best seleoted
Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home
industry, Yonr grooer eells American Beauty for
Merchant Millers
Athena, Oregon.
jrrfWff I R- J- BODDY
Makes a Specialty of furnishing
VV Meat in Large Quantities.
First-class stock, Reasonable price
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
For Horm, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowl They arc made from the active principle or the
condensed estenct of the dru. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just
a good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pore drug laws. Ask for
and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or tonse Powder,
Sparia Core or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO..
Incorporated! Capital stock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A,
Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons.
U I 113 II 17 R M J
The Freshest and
H Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
ftlTT TT" AKlTTTiiv n
1 JJMdj MlUrUMtB,
Milling Company
and Grain Buyers
Waitsburg, Wash.
The place to get the best cTWeat that
money can buy, and at the lowest price
Fish and Oysters in season The high
est cash price paid for poultry.
H H W M f ti Kl M P- V
most Choice the Market affords in
niTtrtJinja Tn wav TjrrtT.Tr tv
Everything Conspired to Make the
Caledonian Picnie the Best
Ever Held in Thla Citv
-A '
'lbe ninth annual gathering of tho
Umatilla County Caledonian passed
into history Saturday, as boing one of
the most suooessful events of the kind
ever held In Athenay"
Perfect weatheraided materially to
the success of the occasion, and tho
. . .. .
result Was that larcn nrnwria warn in
attendanoe both days of the pionio.
lbe details of oonduoting the pionio
fell prinaipally on the shoulders of four
men, J. D. Plamondou, president of
the society ; H. A. Barrett, soretarv:
A. B. MoEwen and W. E. Pnttal Tn
the undivided attention and bard work
on the part of these men, nothing was
left undone that would add to the con
venience and entertainment of all who
atteuded the big pionio.
The urogram was renlete with nhnr.
aoteristics dear to the Scottish hnnrt.
Song and lore of old Sootland, blended
wito tne 'Drilling notes of the bagpipe,
brought to memory many an incident
of Highland deed and glory. The
Poitland participants in the program
acquitted themsalvs with their nsnal
cleverness and were enoored to the
Miss Stanton, Miss Lytle and Prof.
Epping, aooomplisbed vocalists, pleas
ingly renedered old Sootoh ballads; the
Pottage sisters, Miss Best and Masters
D'Aroy and King, were splendid in
their Scotch dances. Mr. Jook dole
man, monologne and oharaoter artist,
was suberb and Frank Hennessy proved
himself to be a olever entertainer.
Weston and looal talent appeared in
several numbers on the program. Pi
pers MoOonald and McKinley, in their
bagpipe selections captivated the
The concert given at the opera
bouse Friday evening, was one of the
leading features of entertainment and
was largely attended. Saturday after-
On Savings
We Pay
On the Quarterly Balance or
On the c7VIonthly Balance
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
Is tbe only one that can accommodate
J commercial travelers.
X an bvieoomended for Its clean and
well ventilated room.
AtilOIlcl, OrGgOIl
noon was given over to spcrts, games
ana political speaking Both parties
were represented by speakers and tbe
politioal pot was boiling hot. The
sports and games were interestinc and
held tbe attention of a large crowd of
spectators. The winners of the differ
ent events, follows
Best dressed -ladv in Hiohland
tunie, Miss Jessie Pottage, first: Miss
Agnes rottage and Miss Jennie Best of
Portland tied for second prize.
Best lady dancer, Miss Jeame Best
won nrst prize, and Misses Agnes and
uessie rottage tied lor second.
Best dressed gentleman in Highland
costume. Piper McDonald first; Piper
jucn.iniey, seoond.
Best dancer, Highland fling, Frank
u Arcy, nrst; James King, second.
Potting tbe shot. Ed Potts, first: D
C. Molntyre, seoond.
Tossing the caber, Ed. Potts first j
samora btone, second.
Horse raoe. running. Durse i;2S
"Joe," owned by Fay LeGrow. won.
Horse raoe. trotting, nurse $15. Les
ter U'tfarra's "Sadie Best" won.
Bioyole raoe. Soott Bannister first:
ooeiaoo Taylor, seoond.
Hnrdle raoe, Taylor first: Rugg seo
Foot raoe. 60 yards. Rum first:
lay lor second.
Foot race. 100 yards. Taylor and
xtngg tie.
High jump, Fruin first; lay lor seo
ond. Standing jump, Taylor first; Kirk
Three standing jumps, Taylor fiist;
Hill seoond.
Hop, step and jump, Rugg first ; Hill
Pole vault, Rugg first; Taylor seo
Exercises Held at the Christian Church
Monday Evening, Attended
By Large Audience.
In the auditorium of tbe Christian
ohuroh, midst profuse floral decora
tions in class oolors, red and white,
the graduating class of tbe Athena
High Sobool, held its exercises Monday
The exercises commenoed at 8:30
and a large audience was present to
witness tbe program. Homer I. Watts.
prinoipal of the Athena Sohool read an
& .ress. and later in a few remarks
addressed to the class, spoke in strong
praise of the excellent sohool work ac
complished by the students during the
past year. The oration of Mr. Maurice
Hill who took for his subject, "In
ternational Arbitration." and Miss
Cecile Boyd's essay on Edgar Allen
.Foe, were well rendered, and displayed
profound t nought and excellent com
position. Tbe Pinkerton orchestra, pnitinnsnd
of two young ladies, violin and guitar
and two young men, piano and mando
lin, greatly pleased tho audience with
several selections. Tbe piano numbers
by Miss Kitty Gholson and tbe Misses
Molntyre were among the best on the
evening's program, wbioh follows in
Song - t' . "Amerioa."
Invocation - - Rev. Geo. T. Ellis.
Musio - - Pinkerton Orobestra.
Dnett -' - "Village Chimes."
Tbe Misses Molntvre.
Musio - . Pinkerton Orchestra.
Oration - International Arbitration.
Maurice B. Hill.
Instrumental Solo "Vienna Waltz,"
Kittv Gholson.
Musio - Pinkerton Orchestra.
Essay - "Life of Edgar Allen Poe."
... Ceoile A. Bovd.
Address - - - H. I. Watta!
Musio - - Pinkerton Oicbestra.
Remarks - Jerry Sione.
Presentation of Diplomas.
Adams Took Home a Score of 7 to 5
Eleven Innings With Normal.
Picnio orowds saw the Shamrocks
lose a game and win one during tbe
Sootoh reunion here last week. In
Friday's session tbe Adams bnnob
caught the Irishmen a comin' and
a'gwine, and tucked away the game by
a score of 7 to. 5.
Saturday's game with the strong
Weston .Normal Sohool team, was
sparkling and spectacular. "Lefty"
O'Smith bad everything known to tbe
twirling fraternity and won bis game
with a spanking bingle wbioh broke
the tie by sending in the winning run
in the eleventh.
Tbe matinee was tied np 4-and in the
tbe sixth, and errorless ball, together
with fine inside work by both teams
held it there until "Lefty" swathed
out the leather for a two base bit and
ended tbe agony.
Hail Clerk and Messenger.
A mail clerk and express messenger
servioe is now a convenience Installed
by tbe O. R. & N. company on its
Pendleton-Walla Walla looal passen
ger train. The new departure went
into effect Sunday. Mail ia now
bandied between intermediate points
on tbe branob line, and these towns
have four daily mails. Express sent
out from Portland ou morning trains
now arrives at Athena on the evening
After Oregon Frauds.
Distriot 'Attorney MoCourt has filed
three suits to reoover 9280 acres of
Linn oounty land. Cbarles A. Smith
of Minneapolis, is tbe prinoipal defen
dant. Tbe land is valued at $1,000,000.
Tbe statute of limitations prevents
criminal proceedings. MoConrt is
making all necessary preliminary ar
rangements for expediting tbe work of
ti e federal grand jury, wbioh was
called Monday afternoon. An inves
tigation of the alleged Umatilla land
frauds was tbe speciflo purpose for
wbioh the jury was requested, and tbe
distriot attorney will lose no time in
submitting to the jury suob evidenoe
as be bas on tbe subject.
Took Malheur Land.
Prof. W. S. Mayberrv. formerly of
Milton, but now Drinoinal of the Val
sonooi, ana r ror. K. J. Davis, formerly
of Milton, tut now prinoipal of the
yssa pucno sobool, bave located on
quarter sections of land in Mnlhnnr
oounty, near Vale, and will become
permanent residents of that oounty.
Fifteen teachers of Malheur oounty
bave just filed on land and will htnnmn
M .. .
rarmers unaer tneirriagtion projects of
mat section.
Snow at Briggson.
F. J. Luoas oame down from E ri pe
so Monday morning and says that at
that place and in that vioinity on tbe
Blue mountains about two inches of
snow fell Sunday night and Monday
Oregon Hatcheries Compelled to Close
for Want of Spawn Caused By
' Fresh Water Fishing.
The state of Oregon has thousands
of dollars invested in fish batoberies,
some of wbioh are now olosed down
for want of salmon from wbioh to
obtain spawn. It is evident that fish
wheels, operated by greedy oannery
men, in- too close proximity to the
fresh water spawning beds in tbe Co
lumbia river, is the direot cause of
this. Therefore, it would seem that
tbe state should bave more stringent
laws to mgnlate Ihe taking of salmon
oy tne nsn-wheel prooess, or better
still, abolish tbe fish wheel altogether.
Tbe borne of tbe ealmon is in tbe
ooean. There be is found in prime
condition for food. He enters fresh
water only for nature's purpose of
spawning and propogating his species,
Alter dodging (be meshes of the gill
net in the lower river, to reaoh bis
spawning grounds be most run tbe
gauntlet of fisu wheels, which are lo
cated in the narrow ohannels of the
upper Columbia among tbe cascades
in the river.
By the time be bas reached here he
is sluggish and as a maiketable food
produot be is vastly inferior to bis
standard when be left salt water, and
be is easily taken prisoner in tbe te-
volving shelves of tbe fish wheel,
wbioh are directly in bis path to the
spawning beds.
Oregon protects water fowl on its
breeding gronnd. Wby not give tbe
same protection to the fish industry?
It would appear that tbe proper and
only legitimate field for commercial
Qsbing is within tbe vast domain of
tide water and not in the narrow oon-
fines cf a river, a narrow and torturous
trail that nature alone prompts tbe
Bsb to asoend.
Aside from a commercial point cf the
salmon iudastry wbioh should be of
vital interest to those engaged in it.
every lover of the rod should stop and
consider tbat a large run of salmon in
fresh water streams means an abund-
anoe of trout To protect fish, vote
for bill 833 and against bill 319.
Has Failing Health.
Weston regrets to learn tbat Prof.
Geo. A. Peebles of Salem, Oregon, bas
been obliged to resign from school
work on account of failing health.
For 30 years Prof. Peebles bas held
prominent positions in the edncational
field of Oregon and his loss fiom the
force will be keenly felt During tbe
years be was connected with tbe nor
mal as vice president and teacher, tbe
town looked upon him as an influen
tial, estimable citizen.
Helix Will Cerebrate.
Arrangements are being made to
celebrate the Fonrtb of July at Helix
this year. The matter is now being
disoused by tbe citizens, and in a short
time committees will be appointed and
tbe arrangements will be well under
way. It will be one of tbe biggest
celebrations of tbe kind ever held
Made a Hit
Grangeville will ea to the cnrjtmt
with a bnnob of clever ball tossers.
Henry La Brascbe, tbe star twirler, ar
rived Saturday evening from Athena,
Oregon, and warmed np with the local
boys at tbe ball grounds Sunday. He
made a decided bit with local fans.
Gtangeville Globe.
Statement No, 1 Legislature Means
More to the People Than Issues
of Recent Years.
Of supreme importance to the peo
ple of Oregon is their action Monday,
Jnne 1, at tbe polls wbioh will result
in tne election of legislators.
Tbe greatest and most vital issue of
the present campaign, with tbe excep
tion of tbe United States senatorship,
is the suocess of the prinoiple of State
ment No. 1.
Tbe eleotiou of a Statement No 1.
legislature means more to the people
than any other one issue tbat has come
before them in recent years.
The election of a Statement No. 1
leislature means that the people will
bave pledged tbe men elected to repre
sent them in the leigslature to carry out
the wishes and. desires of the people,
expressed at tbe polls.
It will mean that the people will
have kept in their hands the right and
power of tbe direct election of United
States senators.
Failure to eleot a Statement No 1.
legislature will mean tbat tbe un
pledged membeis of tbe assembly will
have it in their power to disregard
tbe voioe of tbe people, expressed at
tbe polls June 1, and throw the sena
torial seleotion back into tbe hands nf
the old-time politicians with all the
accompanying corruption, trading and
disregard of tbe best interests of the
Dusiness or tbe state.
This issue is before the nnnnln:
whether they desire to retain la their
bands tbe Dower to say whn ahull
represent them in the United Srntfis
senate or whether by tbe election of a
legislature unpledged they care to trust
to tne politicians of tbe state tbe se
leotion of the United States senator.
Throughout the state in every Wis.
lative district there are candidates be
fore tbe peonle who have nledcnrl
themselves to Statement No. 1 as well
as those who have refused fo taka nnv
such pledge and who for tbe most part
are members of the old-time faotions
now seeking to onoe more secure con
trol of tbe politics of lbe state thronirh
the discrediting of tbe direct primary
law ana statement JNo. 1.
In order tbat there may be no mis-
take tbe list of candidates for tbe leg
islature from this oounty who are
pledged to Statement No. 1 should be
voted for next Monday. They are
Joseph N. Soott, demoorat; C. A. Bar
ett, republican; W. M. Blakeley. dem
Milton Will Celebrate Annual Event
Next Month.
The Milton Eagle says of tbe cele
bration of "Strawborry Day" in that
town on June 4:
June 4 will be "Strawberry Day"
in Milton this year, and the regularly
appointed committee should see that
it is made a brilliant suocess. As
many non-residents as possible should attend, as all Milton
needs is to get people to cone and see, -
and tbe exoellenoe of our products
will do tbe rest.
Already the berries are red on tbe
vines, some completely matured hav
ing been exhibited, and with a few
warm days an army of piokers will be
gathering tbe crop from 500 acres in
tbe Milton Freewater distriot, to 'be
shipped to people less favored by the
gods with soil and climate.
Tbe strawberry Eeason means busy
and prosperous times in Milton and it
is proper that one day should be de
voted to a glorious oelebration.
Strawberry Day" in Milton this year
will be worth coming far to' enjoy.
It's the Milton way.
Oil at Coos Bay.
Oil bas been discovered on Coos Bay,
large options are being taken. Ma
chinery for development baa tieen
shipped from 'Frisoo. Gas has' been
found in many plaoes, the strongest on
South inlet four miles from Marsbfleld,
where maobinery will be installed.
Tbe- first gusher was opened near
Bnndon. .
Shipping Strawberries.
Strawberries are now being shipped
out. in great quantities from tbe Free-water-Miiton
country, and in a few
days' time tbe berry picking season
will be at its height A great many
have been shipped to Spokane, Seattle
and different points, and good prices
are being received for them.
- Pilot Rock WooL
At the wool sale held at Pilot Rock
Tuesday morning, nine clips, aggre
gating over 200,000 pounds of wool,
were sold at prices ranging from 10 1-4
cents to 13 8-8.
For Sale.
One five room house, furniture aud
three lots. For terms, inquire of J.
W. Kirk, Athena, Oregor.
De Witt's Little Early Risers are
small, safe, sure and gentle little pills.
Sold by Palace Drug Co.