The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 08, 1908, Image 6

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An Interesting Story, Telling tf the Beginning tf the First
Osteopathic College, Told by Wm. Smith, Graduate
if a Seven Year Course at Edinburg.
"But damn It he cures them!" r-
These were the words that first Interested me In osteopathy, that led me to
meet Dr. Still, and that laid the foundation for ten years of hard work In the
Interests of the science.
I WaH tn KlrlCJlvlllf Mrt In (ha mr.nfth "f 1CQO f a-.
... , ... ..,, t uiic, u, in an uimo va in
south side of the square I met Dr. McCarthy, who was bitterly expressing
his feelings at the decline of medical practice in the town, stating that "an
old quack had killed business." I remarked that nothing would please me
more were I In practice, than the presence of a quack; he would make busi
ness. To that McCarthy replied in the words with which I begin this article.
I told him that, in that case, if he cured the people, he was, in my opinion,
no quack, but simply a man of greater experience. I backed up my opinion
by going over to see the so-called quack. '
I found an office In an old log cottage, which was Hlmply filled with
persons reciting to one another wonders which they had either experienced
themselves or seen others experience. I remained, made an appointment for
half an hour of "the doctor's time that evening at the Pool hotet', and waited
from that moment impatiently for the evening to come. At that office I had
heard enough to Interest me.
At the appointed hour the Old Doctor entered my room. Our conver
sation lasted not half an hour, but four hours. I sat entranced; the theo
ries he Introduced were so novel, no contrary to all I had ever read or heard,
that I failed ito follow his reasoning. Arguments as to their impossibility
were simply met with the one statement: "But it Is so; there are no W
and 'ands' about it; I do what I tell you. and the people get well." At length
I asked for proof and until two o'clock the next morning I was going from
boarding-house to boarding-house seeing patients and getting confirmation
I wa satisfied that cures were made of that there could be no doubt But
let me interrupt myself. Before ever I saw Dr. Still I knew that McCarthy's
statement that he did cure was true, for McCarthy told me at that time that
Dr. Still had cured him eight months before of asthma of long standing;
To make a long story short, we sat and talked on the stoop of Dr. Still's
house 'till four o'clock, and whwi 1 went back to the hotel It was with the
understanding that In July I would come to Kirksvllle to teach Anatomy to
a small class and myself to learn osteopathy. What an example we have
here! As Dr. Helny Marks said to me at the City hospital in the October
of that year: "Still is a philanthropist, but a fool; he could keep that
knowledge to himself and his family make himself and them all rich; but he
gives it to the world. We need more men like that."
.u .0ur.umVe cIaSS Pened ,n September. I tn shut my eyos now and see
that gathering in a small back room at the tumble-down cottage. Eighteen
students were there (the class had subsequently twenty-three members), and
each tnd every one there waa there not to the money .there was In it but
had either been a sufferer and was cured by osteopathy or a close friend had
been Mamie Harter, Hatten, War rwho afterwards claimed that he had been
' ' ""1; Mrs. Gentry and Mrs. Peters
""'--1 and Hill had seen
' ' In fl vpr.-
. eager for further infoi... .
pathy. In 1898 there were over
.j had a membership of eighteen; every
ol, save Materia Medlca, was taught. Surely
s no marvel. In 1892 I had foreseen that as
........ wiiich would come should begin it would (be rapid. At the
tlrst lecture which I delivered (the first lecture ever delivered In an osteopathic,
school), I had prophesied that ten years would see that frame cottage replaced
by a handsome brick building; that the class of eighteen would swell to a
School attendance of over five hundred und that there would be five hundred
practloners in the field. All laughed. That prophecy was fulfilled In less
than five years. What has made the success of osteopathy? Honesty qnd
loyal work, self-sacrifice and devotion to a great principle; loyalty to the
truth, to man and to woman. And, let me add, that the essential source of
tho success of Dr. Still and osteopathy comes from the verv truth of that
remark of Dr. McCarthy: "Damn it, he cures them!"
I cannot go further back than 1892 of my own knowledge back to the
days In 1865, when Dr. Still and Maj. Abbott, hiding from the bushwhackers
out In a corn fluid in Kansas, meditated and thought on these lines; to the
day in 1874 when Dr. Still stumbled on his first truth; to the time In 1890,
when Ward Mas carried to him on a stretcher at Eldorado Springs, to find
out If he could be cured of his asthma. These were before my time; (but my
experience In osteopathy, my knowledge of it, leads me to look for a great
future for It. The seed has been sown; the soil has been .tended and tilled;
the growth, so far. has been vigorous. The future lies in" the hands of the
men and women who are now practicing it. If they are faithful to their
trust all will be well, and ft is my confidence In their faith, their loyalty and
their devotion, which lends me to augur a great future for the science to
Which the best years of my life have been devoted. William Smith, M. D., D
0., Kirksvllle, Mo.
Mrs. Catherine Stahl, Walla Walla
Brewer, Leaves Big Fortune.
The estate of Mrs. Catherine Stabl,
the wealthy brewer, will be appraised
iu a few days and is expeoted to show
the largest value iu propeity of any
womau in the northwest, says a Walla
.Walla dispatch of April 24. Mrs.
Stahl bequeathed 30,000 in cash 'to
three graudobildreu living bete with
their mother, their father haviDg died.
Her daughter, Mrs. Lulu Sowarta, and
son, Frank H.,' ate to share the re
mainder of the property share and
share alike, save the son oannot sell
his interest
Mrs. Stahl had largo real estate
holdings in this county, in Colombia
and Garfleld counties and in Umatilla
eounty, Oregon. She owned 50 saloons
in different cities at the time of her
death, though her piinoipal wealth was
in land.
Called to Walla Walla.
Dr. Heisley was called to Walla
Walla last Friday in consultation over
the oase of Mr. Garreoht at the St
Mary's hospital. Mr. Uarreobt fell
and injured his hip about three
months ago. Dr. Heisley was called
beoaose of bis experience in several
other oases of similar nature, and be
diagnosed it as a fraoture of the oetk
of the femor. A fraoture of this kind
and a dislocation are very hard to diff
erentiate. While in the city be was
oalled to diagnose two other hip cases
wbioh proved to be dislocations, one
of wbioh had been treated eight months
fox rheumatism.
Whitman College Won.
Whitman College won the big in
tercollegiate track meet at Pnllmau
last Saturday between the University
of Idaho, Washington State College,
and Wbitmau College. Whitman's
soore was 63, W. S. Cs 87, and
Idaho's 33. Whitman won nine out
of the fourteen first plaoos, Idaho won
five, and Pullman did not win a single
first plaoe, aud lost the relay to Idaho
as well. Philbrook of Whitman won
four first plaoos, and Martin of Wbit
mau tied the Coast record in the 220
yard dash at 22 seoouds flat, and did
the hundred in 10 flat Whitman re
gards this as the most important vio
tory of the year. Having defeated the
University of Washington at Seattle
in track a few days ago. Whitman al
ready has the championship of three
States, and hopes to land the North
west championship when the Univer
sity of Oregon comes to Walla Walla
on the 13th of May. With good!
weainer martin is expeoted to do the
hundred in less than 10 seoonds.
Buys Splendid Farm.
Mr. Gnstav Vollmer this week pur
chased from the heirs of the Fudge
estate, 237 acres of wheat and fruit
land. This laud is situated on the
south sida of the Preston avenue road,
just west of the B. B. Todd place.
About 65 aorea lies in tbeTouobet bot
tom ; 160 acres in wheat on the bill.
Consideration $65 per acre. Waits
burg Times.
DeWitt'a Little Early Risers are
small, safe, sure and gentle little pills.
Sold by Palace Drug Co.
To Cur Constipation Tor.
fake Cascarets Camly Cothartic. 10o or So,
CCO tall to out, drugHiU KfunU mooes
It Reached the Spot
Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large
general store at Omega, O., and is
president of the Adams County Tele
phone Co., as well as of the Home
Telephone Co., of Pike County, O.,
says of Dr. King's New Disoovery:
"It saved my life once. At least I
think it did. It seemed to reaob the
spot the very seat of my cough,
when everything else failed." Dr.
King's New Disoovery not only roaobes
the cough spot; it heals the sore and
the weak spots in throat, lungs and
chest. Sold under guarantee at Palaoe
Drug Company's store. 60c. aud $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Kodol completely digests all olasses
of food. It will get right at the trouble
and do the very work itsalf for the
etomaoh. It is pleasant to take. Sold
by the Palaoe Drug Co.
A Califomian's Luck.
"The luckiest day of my life was
when I bought a box of Buoklen'a
Arnica Salve" writes Charles F. Bud
abn, of Tracy, California. "Two 2So.
boxes cured me of an annoying oase of
itching piles, which bad troubled me
for years and that yielded to no other
treatment" Sold under guarantee
at Palaoe Drug Co's store.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
does not ooostipate, tut on the other
band its laxative principles gently
move tbe bowles. Children like it.'
Sold by tbe Palace Drug Co.
If You Don't
suoceed tbe first time use Herbine and
you will get instant relief. The great
est liver regulator. A positive cure
for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Chills and all liver complaints. Mr.
C . of Emory, Texas, writes: "My
wife bus keen using Herbine for her
self and children for five years. It is
a snie oure for constipation and ma
laria fever, which is substantiated by
what it has done for my family."
Sold by Palace Drug Co.
Insist upon DeWitt's Witoh Hazel
Salve. It is especially good for piles.
Sold by Palaoe Drug Co.
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the matter of tbe estate of W. H.
H. Soott, deoeased.
All persons whom it may oouoern
are hereby notified that Joseph N.
Soott has been appointed administrator
of tbe estate of W. H. H. Soott, de
ceased, and has qualified as such.
All person having claims againcst
said estate are notified and required to
present them to said administrator ".at
Athena, Oregon, with proper vonobars
as required by law, within six montlhs
from the date of this notice, tbe first
publication thereof appearing on Fri
day, April 17th 1908 and successively
thereafter eaoh week for six week's
publication in Athena Press.
Joseph N. Soott, Administrator.
By Poterson & Wilson, Attorneys".'
L'o Ton C;cr. Vcav ilTouth "
ITi-iiu rrsitis bird and pulji iown what
ev it lunl or medicine nii.y be offered you?"
f r, do you want to iuiuw something of tbs '.
composition and chanu U r of that which s
you taUo Into your stomach whether as
food or medicine?
Most intelligent and senslblo people
now-n-days insist on knowing what they
employ whether as food or as medicine.
Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect,
right to Inrtxt upon such knowledge. So lie
publishesVildeast and on each bottle
wrapper, whnt$7?Tidicines are made of
and vetifiesjrrrfiTor-e This he feels.
in? can w nuru to no occausc, uie. nprn
thjlngnyliont of which his medicines
are made are studied and understood th5!
rnore wiirthWr superior curative virtue?'
Tor the cure of woman's peculiar weak
nesses, irregularities and derangements,
giving rise to frequent hendaehest back
ache, drnng-down pain or distress hi
lower abdominal or pelvic region, acoem
panied, ofwlmes, with a dnbllttatfnff,
pel vie, catarrhal drain and kindred sytno
toms of- weakness, Dr. Pierce's Favwrfto
Prescription is a most efficient remedy.
It is equally effective in curing painful
periods. In giving strength to nursing
mothers and in preparing the system ol
tho expectant mother for baby's coming,
thus rendering childbirth safe and com
paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre
scription is a most potent strengthening
tonic to tho general svstem and to the
organs distinctly feminine in particular.
It is also a soothing and invlgoratlrj
nervine and cures nervous exhaustion
nervous prostration, nenralpla, hysteria'
spasms, chorea or St. Vitus's dance, tnd
other distressing nervous symptotr,i i.
tendantupon functional and dis
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medical authorities uf all the
several schools of practice, recommend
each of the several hiRrcdients of which
Favorite Prescription Is made for the
euro of the diseases for which it claimed
to be a enre. Yon may read what they
ay.riryot(ict by sending a postal card
request for a .free booklet. -of extracts
from the leading authorities, to Dr R. V
Pierce. Invalids' Hotel and Snrilcal Inl
stltute, ltuffalo. N. Y., ami it will come to
you by return post -
Wants All
To Know
Rodlng. Ga., Stpttmbar 19. 19O0.
Chicago, 111.
Gentleman: Your of thi Cth to hand.
In reply win ny, most auurwUy cm my
Itttwr in any way you sm tt forth bmtftt ol
Iht tuff nine. I wmanswsraU correspond
net at to my own cut. I ncommtod
KODOL to all I htar grumbling about their
stomachs, and bar bought many thtlr first
betti. All that Is roquirtd U a trial Of
KODOL. It talks for lUtlf.
Yours tiry truly,
& M. CORtfKLL.
for Dyspepsia.
digests what you eat, takes the'
strain off of the heart, And contrib
utes nourishment, strength and
health to every organ of the body. '
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mu
cous membranes lining he Stomach
and Digestive Tract, Nervous Dys
pepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach,
Digests What
Toil Eat
H. a ADAMS, President.
T. J. KIRK, Vice President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass't Cashier.
H. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIRK, F. S.
I CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 SURPLUS, 25,000
A General Banking ""Business
conducted on Conseivative Principles
Sold by Palaoe Drtig Company.
Represents Banker's Life Insurance
Company Queen and Springfield
Fire CS Marine Companies.
Collections Promptly Made
Office: North Side "Main St., oAthena
F. Hi C
Watch Repairing a Speciality.
a new line of Jewelry, Consisting of
Jade Rings, and Brooches, Bracelets,
Hat Pins, Teddy Bear Bracelets, Col
lar Pins, Mantel Clocks and Silver
ware. Shop in Pioneer Drug Store
Eagle Bar
Clark's Pnre Rye in bottle
and bond; Velvet whiskey
in bottle and bond ; Mont
rose whiskey and Olympia
beer for family nse
Holly Tom Gin
Three Star Cognao
Bine Stem Whisky
Famous Pilsner Beer
Best Brands of Cigars.
Ask for Inland Crackers in
the Red Packages when
you want the best.
of cheap crackers packed in
immitation red packages
by the cracker trust
Ask tor :
Not made by the Trust.
Through Pullman standard and sleeping
ears dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping
car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted,
weekly to Chicago, with free reclining
chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom
Dally. ATHK1 !A, ORE. Dally.
Walla Walla, Day
ton, Poweroy, Lew
Iston, Oolfax, Pull- , ,
1:10 p. in. man, Moscow, the "?'"
Coeur. d'Alene dis
trict, Sjwkane and
all points north.
, ' Walla Walia- Pen-
10:0 a n dieton;speclal 10:08 a. ni.
Fast Hall for Pen-
die ton, LaOrande,
Baker City, and all
points east rla Hun
. tlDgton, Ore., Also
. . for UniatlUa,Hepp-
io pun ner, Th Dalles, 8:45 p. m
Portland, ' Astoria,
Willamette Valley
Points, tallfornia,
Taeoma, Seattle, all
. Sound Points. r
5:25 p tn. L'endletou Walla 5:25 p m H
Walla Special
- M Smltn Arnt.
House, Sign and Carriage Painting
S. T. Kidder, McArthur Building
A Large Stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, ,
Wall Paper and Decorative Materials will be
soon placed on display for public inspection.
We make House Painting a Specialty
T. Vv. JONES Proprietor
Fresh Bread
Pies, Cakes and Pastries Baked Every Day. We make
a Specialty of orders for Lodges and Social Gatherings
On Saturdays Our ffread Will be Sold by Athena Grocers
An ounce of Pre
vention s worHh a
pound of Cure.
is worth more to ones health than any other medicine known.
- Do not fill your stomach with arsenic, calomel, quinine and
debilitate the system, leaving symptoms that it takes years to
obliterate. Herbine is purely vegetable containing nothing
injurious, and is a gentle harmless purgative,
Does More Than We Claim.
on C. Morrison, Kisslmmee, Fla, writes? 4,I have
nsed several bottles of Herbine myself and have advised
several of my friends to use same. I have found it to bo
the best medicine for the liver I ever used. It acts gent
ly at the 6ame time thoroughly." -
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
500-502 North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, MO,
Sold and Recommended by
ly relieves the most severe
case before morning.
30 days' treatment for $1.00.
guaranteed or money refunded.