AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. , F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance an 2nd cIbrs matter made on July 6, 1007 at the portofflce at Athena. Oregon Under an Actot ;ongreM of March 8, 1879 Subscription ftatat t n r vrar. In advanct 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 6c, ATHENA. ORE.. MAY 8 1908 One of tbe most important eoooomio movements of tbe day about whiob tbe getieral pnblio has yet learned little ia tbe concerted aotioo of owners of tim ber in different parts of tbe oonntry in organizing associations to protect tbeir holdings from fire. In tbe Paciflo Northwest, the Washington Forest Fire Association has just elected officers at Seattle and began work for tbe year with 3,000,000 aores nnder its care. Tbe plans include a system of patrol by rangers resembling tbe work done by tbe United States Forest Service in guarding against and ex tinguishing fires. Organizations of similar kind and for a like purpose are at woik in Oregon and Idaho. In tbe latter State, a portion of the expense is borne by taxation and paid from the State treasnry. A western railioad company which bolds large traots of timber has taken steps to guard its property from tiro, and during tbe short time that its plans have been in operation, it has met with most en couraging success. At tbe Kansas station alfalfa roots have been traced to a depth of over nine feet, while at the Colorado exper iment station Dr. W. P. Ileaddon has washed out tbe roots of an old alfalfa plant to tbe depth of nearly 12 feet, says au alfalfa leaflet. Various re ports have been made, without good authority, of finding alfalfa roots at even greater depths. It is witbout doubt one of tbe deepest rooting plants giown on tbe farm. Alfalfa will do more for western agrioulture in tbe next 60 years than all tbo other crops which farmers may he able to grow in this region. Tbe great value of tbe crop as a money maker is tbe main motor wbiob is introducing it into tbo agrioulture of tbe central west. Where alfalfa can be successfully marketed or fed, no otber oropgrowu in tbe west, will yield so great a net profit per aoro lu a series of years. Tbe Commercial Clob of Walla Walla, Washington, has passed iso lation! nrgiug tbe railroad eom&anles -to graut a one-fare rate for tbe round trip, by continuous passago, between points iu interior Washington and Oregou and tbe seaside resorts of these two states. It is understood that tbe Club also favors a higher rate when stop-over privileges are allowed The Walla Walla Club has requestod tbe commercial bodies of Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as well as the Commercial Club of Portlaud, to pass similar resolutions. It is hoped that favorablo notion may be taken by all, as the people of the interior should to given tbe opportunity of visiting the coast especially during tbe summer months, at the least possible cost. Owing to tbe faat that there is an unusually large amount of mouey ou baud in tbe state treasury it bas been dooided to advanoe tbe various coun ties of tbe state u substantial advanoe on the sums due the counties from the common school fund. Tbeir paymeuts are due ia August and the remainder of tbe moneys due will be paid at tbat time. Deputy State Treasurer Perkins states tbat the lnoome from tbe school fund will be greater tbis year than at auy time in the history of tbe state. Usually tbe total bas been aboqt 250, 000, but tbis year it is expooted to te considerably more. What a flue thing it would be for a obauge if men oould be relieved of the necessity of scratching like mad to get the wherewithal to buy grub with, if women could be relieved of tbe drudgery of gettiug said grub ready to put oo the table aud washing dishes, kettles and pans after it was devoured 1 Really tbis would give us a little time to get aoquaiuted with our families and our neighbors and live a trifle. We read the other day of a farmer who bad a good idea of the eternal fit ness of things and was pretty level beaded. He sent his wife, sou and daughter to the state agricultural short oourse, while he bimtelf staid at buiiio. did tbe chores and concocted his own coffee and flapjacks. Tbey undoubtedly appreciated his self eaoii floe, the exercise of which without question had a wholesome influence upon bimtelf. With a view to freeing themselves from the diotation of beef prices by tbe Chicago packing bouses, a group of central Iowa farmers have lately shipped a carload of fine beeves direct to Portland, Me., where tbey will be loaded for shipment to England. A prior shipment direct to the Liverpool market resulted in their reoeiving snob good prices tbat tbey were led to try tbe plan again. If tbe 200,000, more or less, that is spent anually in tbe farcloal distri bution of seeds of very indifferent mer it by the congressmen who bope there by to better tbeir ohanoes of reeleotion were divided equally among the seve ral states and territories for nse in practioal and helpful experiment sta tion work, it would bo a far more ser viceable disposal of the money. The proper spirit is in evidence up at Waitsburg and Dayton. Tbe latter town proposes to close shop and attend Waitsburg's big pionio, and Waitsburg will go to Dayton's Fourth of July celebration. The pull-together spirit does not end with neighborly felicita tions, but extends to a united boost for the upbuilding of tbat part of Washington. A two line local in tbe home paper will in Dine cases out of ten enable one to find a buyer for the article be wants to dispose of as well as quickly locate tbe party who bas tbe thing that he may be in need of. Try it once if tbe method is new to you and see if this statement is not correct. A move for tbe better appearance of Main street was made tbis week when several soale iufeotod shade trees were out down. This should be followed by turning signs to tbe walls of buildings aud lowering gas-pipe hydrants below tbe snrfaoe of tbe walks. Xho Pilot Rock News "made good" with au eight-page speoial edition, which ooutaius a creditable writeup of Pilot Rook, her industries and the re sources of tbe wonderfully productive oonntry, tributary to tbe town. Tbe plutooratio press are quite en thusiastic for tbe nomination of Gov. Johnson instead of Bryan. Naturally. Tbey bate Bryan for tbe enemies bo bas mado and tbey love Johnson for tbe friouds tbat surround him. For tbe first time in several years it was boldly deolared and successfully maintained in tbe bouse ot representa tives loll! week that "the president is not be commander-in-chief of con gress." What's the matter? The Beef Trust is stiJl booming the prioe of its produots, and tbe adminis tration makos no effort to curb tbe combine. Presideut Roosevelt evi dently considers tbe packers' combine "a good trust." Secretary Cortelyon is also swinging around the New York circuit with a few addresses to business men. Is he preparing them for the campaign fund colleotor who will follow later? President Uompers continues to de clare that if congress does not pass the labor legislation asked for, Republican candidates for re-election will be op posed at tbe polls. We shudder to think wbat will hap pen when tbat Indiana man who has remained at home for 19,000 successive eveuings does get a uigbt off I Congressman Hobson is not witbout a oortain cheerful optimism. He thinks that somebody will take the Philip pines off our hands. Briefly, then, tbe south seems to be divided into two classes those who are fighting driuk aud those who are fighting drunk. Tatt adbereuts in Arizona have bolt ed the Republican convention aud will seleot a contesting delegation. HATED TO LEAVE THE MORGUE. M. Gaud, for SO years tbe superin tendent of the Paris morgue, said faro well to the grewsome plaoe with tears in his eves and words of regret ou bis lips. Newspaper men asked him for "experiences" aud "impressions," and when he had given them he re ceived from those who bad heard biin tbe title "Philosopher of the Morgue." To the representatives of tbe Matin he said tbat he had beeu very happy at tbe morgue aud had learned there the lessou of life. "When one sees before him oontiuually," be said, "what it is for which we work end slave and commit all sorts of folly, our fears aud our worries vanish. Or oourse it took quite a while before I realized tbat a dead man is no longer a man before I learned to look upon those who are brought here from the physical point only. Until tbat was accomplished i oould not eat, except with aversion. Two weeks cuted rue." Ho recalled some of the grewsome sceues whiob he bad witnessed, and said : "I became aooustouied to all these things, but peter to the police praotic of con fronting a prisoner with tbe body of a murdered person. It always disgust ed me, probably because my experience told me that these experiments are senseless. Tbe dramatic breakdown never follows exoept in books. Only once did I see a man go to pieces, and he was tbe giant wrestler, Gamahut, iu 1885. Now 1 go to tbe country, to a little house with a garden, where tbei a are fresh flowers and green fields. Who knows but wbat I may not find there in tbe pastoral surrounding dis appointments and sorrows wbiob I es caped while I lived with the dead? Who knows?" COMMENT OF THE TIMES. Minneapolis Journal: Kyrle Bellew says tbat "tbe public tbe great broad public will never take to Isben's plays." Well, baseball is more cheer ful. Kansas City Star: Governor John son of Minnesota denies being James J.Hill's "man." Yet the fact re mains tbat be is permitted to dwell in Mr. Hill's state. Mr. Bryan regards tbis as a pretty suspioious circum stance. Philadelphia Inquirer: Another Rough Rider in Massaobnsetts has got a job witb the government Tbis is singular. How did tbe man esoape so long? New Orleans Times-Demoorat: Oys ter Bay is now looking eagerly for ward to its annual appearance as a popular newspaper date line. Baltimore A merioan: Perhaps tbe hardest thing in human experience is to get away from prejudice. In tbe last few years we have bad extraordi nary ohanges in America, and it bas not been easy for some people to read just their visions. When an honest president, in doing honest work, dis turbed established evils he neoessarily jolted some good people who were per fectly sincere in believing tbat their personal integrity was proof against the iusidious influences of a wrong system. So, instead of blaming the system or of seeing the broader moral purpose of a policy of simple bonesty, tbey took tbe shorter course of saying Roosevelt did it. The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overaome climate affections lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, tbe moBt effective remedy is Eleotrio Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; tbe anti dote for every form of bodily weak ness, nervousness, and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at Palace Drug Go's store. Prioe 50o. When your food seems to nauseate take Kodol. Take Kodol now and until you know you are right again. There isn't any doubt about what it will do and you will find tbe trntb of bis statement verified after you have used Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold here by tbe Palace Drug Co. Valued Same as Gold. B. G. Stewart, a merobaut of Cedar View, Miss., says: "I tell my cus tomers when tbey buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills tbey get the worth of tbat much gold in weight, if afflioted with constipation, malaria or biliousness." Sold under guarantee at Palaoe Drug Go's store. 25o. . ' ' Stop Grumbling if you suffer from Rheumatism or pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will bring quick relief.; It is a sure oure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Con tracted Muscles and all pains and within (be reaoh of all.1 Prioe 25o, 50o, fl.OO. C. R. Smith, Tenaha. Tex. writes: I have used Ballard's Snow Linimeut in my family for years and have found it a fine remedy for all pains and aches. I reoommend it for pains in the chest." Sold by Palaoe Drug Co. Don't cough your bead off when you oan get a guaranteed remedy in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especial ly recommended for children as it is pleasant to take, ia a gentle laxative thus expelling tbe pblegm from tbe system. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarseness and all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. POLITICAL INFORMATION. Registration reopens, April 21. Close for election, May 15. General election, Joue 1. Registration reopens. September 20. Close for election, Ootober 20. Piesideutial election November 3. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 50o is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. 30 Days' Trial 11.00 is tbe offer on Pinnies. Relieves Back aobe, Weak Back, Lame, Baok, Rbeumatio pains. Best on sale for Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. Good for young and old, Sat isfaction guaranteed or money refund ed. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. Croup When a child wakes op In thn middle of the nlftlit with a scrvre attack of croup as fre quently happens, no tlmo should bo tost In experlmcmliiK with rvniodtes of a doubtful value. 1'rompt action U often necessary to ave life. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has never bovu known to fall in any case and It lias IxH'n in use forovoroue-tliiw of a cen tury. Tlier 1 noiio bettor. Itcau be do peiuiedupou. Whjrexuvrliuontf Itispleasant to take and contain u harmful drug. I'rlca, K coins; large le, A) cunts. Sold Bt Palace Drug Co. "E. 0. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen In 1897 I had a disease of tbe stomach and bowels. In tbe spring of 1902 I bought a bottle of KodoJ and the benefit I received all the gold in Georgia could not buy. May you live long and prosper. Tours very truly. N. Cornell, Boding, Ga., Aug., 27, 1906. Sold by Palace Drug Company. Tbe old remedies are the best Hick ory Bark Cough Remedy bas been in use for over one hundred years by tbe old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania, and is still in use by all tbe old families of Western Pennsylvania. Is abso lutely pure; made from tbe bark of the white or shell bark hickory tree. Tbe bark is shipped from the east, and manufactured in Walla Walla, Wash. For sale by Palace Drug Store. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a short time strengthen weakened kid neys and allay troubles arising from inflammation of tbe bladder. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON, El TO 6 Will be the most Brilliant Ever held in the Pacific Northwest Portland. "Tbe Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and tbe oenter ot world-wide interest for one week. Several important conventions to be bled in Portland on tbat occasion. June 1st and 3rd, the Will Sell Special Tickets On This Occasion From ATHENA to Portland and Return for $9.90 For any Further Information Call on E. M. Smith, Loci Abent Or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent. Foley's Honey and Tar No opiates. S. F. Sharp -PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office ouTblrd Street, Athena Oresor Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley Graduates Am. School gf Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still, President, Founder. Drs. HEISLEY HEISLEY OSTEOPTHIC PHYSICIANS Office and Residence Cor. Sth and Ad ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. FLORA JUBILEE S& i gp .: ft ' ir it? hi x IMi Jim tfi v - i M I II 1 ' 1111 I'll! I st i i fui ml Vj. ' i ffl I S I . f ? -- l j There cAre Two Elements WHICH MAKE A BANE STRONG In judging a Bank, always remember that the Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, together with the personnel of tbe Stock holders of tbe Institution whiob give confidence tbat your funds on deposit are in safe bands. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Is essentially a "Home" iostitution. Its Stockholders are well known Umatilla county and Oregon citizens. Its enormous growth is the result of careful and conservative management, with tbe most liberal enoonrgement for all deserving enterprises. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - $250,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS T. J. Morris. Herbert Boylen. J. A. Devlin. J. W. Maloney. A. E. Lambert. J. H. Raley. R. Alexander. W. J. Furnish. R. T. Cox. Joseph Basler. E. Boettcher. L. Dusenberry. E. W. McComas. A. C. Koeppen. J. N. Teal. Frank S. Curl. T. G. Montgomery. Estate ?f Men and the Capital to Care for Your Banking Business A Peep af Ihe inside of THE IMPROVED VIKING SWf Patent tppficd for Besides double seat and knees it has a patent lifting ; reenforcemenj throughout Riveted Extension Double seal Double knee from seam fo seats An Seams (aped, slifcfce4 Ja 1 1 V . and stayed three limes Tha ticket on tuit b ' Cwwtce eckerl TayercPbmpai est iVlade VUhifdri The above ticket is sewed oa double making" it double throughout, thus re lieving" a. great deal of the strain attendant upon seams and other parts. Our Guarantee to give ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION goes with every garment - Sold By j1 M BEECHER A I". (" . 1 . ' Montie B. Gwinn. F.W.Vincent. E. L. Smith. C. E. Roosevelt. R. N. Stanfield. Clementine F. Lewis. Marion Jack. . . Al Page. D. P. Thompson. buttons waisl-tands from seam to seam of olfaction sleeve of every "Viking" Suit, s 'XilTLis label is sewed in the coat. For style and wear they excel. PARENTS No-iL? tr lining1 at tainment covenae; parts which are not made v. . A. J. PARKER'S Everything- First Claim - Mo,d ern and Cp-to-d a t e SOUTH SIDE IMAIN STREET ATHENA & STANLEY'S BAIW Monster Production of Ten Nights in a Bar Room Under (Water Proof Tent Seats for 2,000 People High class Uniformed Band and Orchestra Free Band Concert Each Day DU ENDORSED BY PRESS GLERBT AND CHRISTIAN PEOPLE Athena Wednesday Night May 13th ,