Press Paragraphs . Mrs. J. J). Plamondon spent Sunday ' io Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Kilgore were in tbe city, yesterday. .,- L. W. Tomer of Walla Walla, ; was in tbe city yesterday. .,, Jerry. Stone and W, B, Taylor were -in Pendleton 9'uesday. VBora, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kirk, . May a, 1908, a" daughter. Mr, and Mrs. J. S, Harris, of Wee ton were in to this week , . Hon. G. A. Barrett was a business v -visitor at Pendleton Tuesday. Miss Nina Jaok, of Pendleton, is a guest of ber annt, Mrs. Ed. Koontz. Mrs. Wm. Sbrimpf, w bo has been very ill tbe past week, is recovering. Miss Nellie Fosg . visited friends in Pendleton, . returning , home Wednes day. - ! The Cash-Store 'jTha Kingston M H Stolid i Perfect fitting, - well - made clothes give you a- feeling of s greatt viJoit. nd satisfaction.' iThat's the effect of wearing the- good clolhes made to your individual , measure - by Strauss Brothers Master Tailors Chicago You II have no trouble, to find a pattern that .will suit you perfectly in tiie- immense line ol New Spring and Summer patterns we are now showing. Drop in and see us. Kahn Coat Shirts Corliss Coon Collars Patterson Hats : .Helmet Cuffs Kady Suspenders Bowman's All Wool f Trousers ; V T,M.JAGGARTca,CO. "" Gent's Furnishers " " K $ " " i " f if-. 1 S 1 K A V v7 THE QUEEN OF ' FASHION'S Richest aud Cboioest Creations are most elegantly and perfectly : reproduced on tbe Standard Rotary THE WORLD'S J3EST SEWING: MACHINE 1 S .THE STANDARD ROTARY. SHUTTLE is absolutely necessary to produce tbe Fastest Quickest. Easiest Running and Most Drnrable sewing machine in tbe world. The Davis-Kaser, .Company Complete Heme & Walla Walla, Wash. ... Mrs. Al Booher - has, been visiting witb ber daughter in tbe oonntry this week. Tbe fonndation for Ad Pinkerton's new, house la being; laid by tbe con tractors. Mrs. Tom Montgomery of Pendleton, was a guest of Mr. . Cbas.; Betta Wed nesday. ' F. 8. Le Grow attended tbe . big meeting of .tbe Shrinera at Spokane this week. . . A new ooat of paint, grey in color, greatly freshens the appearanoe of tbe SL Niohola bote!. . Mrs. David Ferris visited at tbe home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W, B. Zerba, Thursday. ' -. Mrs. Prank. Miller of Huntsville, Wash., is visiting ber parents, Mr. and, Mrs Walker, in. this oity. A A danoe will be held at the opera bouse this evening. Kershaw's or chestra will furinsh. the. musio. -.Miss Lolo Smith, a noted, worker in tbe W. C T. U., is assisting in tbe singing services at tbe M. fL church this week. - Alrs. W. R. Taylor and little daugh ter Lnaile, have returned from several weeks' visit with relatives in the Wil lamette Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Tbarp took a spin to Pendleton Monday afternoon, making tbe trip in a oouple of hours in their motor car. Tbe members of Mignonette Eebeooa Lodge, are requested to be present at the next regular, meeting, Tuesday evening, May 12. . E. L. Barnett is again down witb rheumatism and bas been taken to Collins springs for treatment, from bis home in Portland. ( Hazel, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs,- Charles Brotherton, is again worse and a nurse from Walla Walla, is in attendance. A number of Westou people were in tbe oity Saturday and attended the sale.- Marvin Price disposed of a driv ing mare for f 120 at the sale. Two social dances are. on the pro gram for tonight. . One takes plaoo at the Athena opera bouse and tbe other one at tbe town hall in Adams. Strawberries are ripening at Milton and Freewater, and the latter part of next, week, it will be possible to pur chase berries if you have tbe price. Eugh Walker is again in a critioal condition from ill health, at his home in Weston. Dr. Cole -of Pendleton was oalled Wednesday to attend him. xoe nominating petitions oi josepn N Scott, for joint representative was liberally signed by voters in North and South Athena preoinots yesterday. Saturday and Sunday of eaoh week, O. R. & N. will sell exoursion tickets from Athena to Government Reservoir near Hermiston, at $3.55 for ronnd trip. Mrs. F. K. Pogh, of Spokane, who bas been visiting the past two weeks at the home of her cousin, Mrs. J. A. Kirk, returned to her borne last Sat urday. DsMiss Mabel Jenkins will leave for ber home near Salem today, aooom panied by ber sister Mrs. 0. A. Rhodes with whom she has been , visiting for some weeks. . - - : - , In a fire which consnmed their home at Pendleton, tbe family of R. E. Por ter were forced to esoape in their night clothes through windows of the burn ing building. Mr. R. R. Ray of Peoseoola, North Carolina, was in the oity for a few days', visiting bis old . friend, S. F. Wilson.-,; -Mr., Ray was on bis first visit tq the coast and ,was favorably impressed, with the .country. ;. Rev. Norris, of the Free Methodist church,: left this week with his family by team, .for. his pastorate at Boise, Idaho.;, ; His plaoe in the Waterman churob northwest of town will be filled by Rev. Bradley. Reverends Payne and Reeves of Westou, Clark of Echo, Dodd of Sun nyside and Euster of Pendleton, have been tbe -visiting ministers : who have attended tbe revival meetings at the M. E, churob the past week. Tbe only machine which makes ei ther look or obain stitch successfully iLadies When yon are in need of a sewing machine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consider ation and? should buy one which will last a. lifetime, tbe Standard Rotary. You Owe it to Yourself . to learn how tbe Standard Rotary : will do more and better work io less time nd witb more real com fort and : pleasure, than any other maohiue made. ! 2 Remember When ,you buy you are choosing . between years of bard work witb a vibrating or oscillating shuttle ma chine and years of sewing comfort and satisfaction witb a Standard. - House Furnishers Pasco, Wash. Miss Gladys Bush is up from tbej farm oa Birch creek, visiting, friends She with her father, will soon return to Athena tc reside permanently in their home here. - - Mr. and Mrs. Maxin, Mr&Warner, MisaFerrell and a large number of others from Walla Walla and Milton have been in attendance at the Carra dine meetings this week. Little Nina Tbarp is slowly improv ing, since coming home from the hos pital, and nnder the good nursing and constant attention she is reoeiving, it is hoped may soon be well again. . J. W. Crawford, president of tbe Tum-a-lum Lumber company,, was in tbe city hi week from Walla Walla. He spent several hours with A. M. Johnson, the manager of the looal yard. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry spent several days at the J. S. Henry home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are residents of .Connell, Wash., . when Frank is in the employ of the Northern raciDo. i 5 Bert Huffman, editor of the East Oregonian. aooompanied by hia- wife. was in the oity between trains, Wed nesday. Mr. Huffman covered the city' for news and Mrs. Huffman was en tertained by Mrs,' Edwin R. Cox. ' ' Mr. U, G. Levy aud wife of Robin son, Kansas were guests this week at the home of . Mrs. Fry, in this city. Mrs. Levy and Mrs. Fry are sisters. Mr. Levy is agent at Robinson for the St. Joe & Grand island Railway Co. ev. Israel Putnam has been indis posed this week and scarcely able to assist in tbe meetings at tbe Methodist churoh. He anuounoes that 20 have been reclaimed by conversion and sanctifioation during the progress of the revival. 4- Spring sown grain is very xnzoh in need of rain at this time. Serious complaint comes from farmers residing Northwest of town, and in the Juniper distriot, where the soil is lighter than in this immediate vicinity. Fail grain is apparently holding its own. u. V, E. Hoven, pastor of the Christian churoh, went over to La Grande Tues day, returning yesterday.. Mr. Hoven attended the distriot confereuoe of the Church of Christ whiob convened in that oity this week, aud delivered an address on home mission work. " H. H. , Hill has demonstrated his ability as an expert carpenter, by the addition to his oottage on College street of a, pantry , and poroh. The workmanship is above reproaoh and tbe improvement adds materially to tbe convenience and appearance of the residenoe. YAn electric motor, propelling a oeu truugal pump, has been employed in. draining tbe basements in tbe saloon block of water, whioh stood several inches deep since . last winter. This is an annual ooourrenoe, and causes much inconvenience to the owners of the buildings. . - Miss Nettie MoCnrkeh while visit ing her siatcv, Mrs. John Rothrock, nonJiTOCced a severe cold which devel oped into bionohitis and congestion of tbe lungs. A few Osteopatbio treat ments by Dr. Heisley broke it up and she returned home upon hearing of her , father's illness. 'fFred Gross, Jr., left today . for Al berta, wnere he will loot over toe country and see to his own and bis father's interests there. .Mr. Gross and his brotber-in-law, Arthur Doug las, expeot to go to Alberta this fall,1 with their families, to farm tbe Gross laud holdings there. j - H. W. Barnes, George Barnes and A. J. Barnes, brothers, are in jail at Walla Walla oharged with the mur? der of Mrs. Anna Aldrioh, an old lady who has been missing from her Lome near Dixie for several days. A reward of $1000 has been offered for the find ing of Mrs. Aldrioh, dead or alive. Mrs. M. L. Watts and daughter, Vernita, arrived home Friday from tbei(visit in California. ,; Mrs. Watts spent tbe greater pari of. the .time at Long Beaoh, where Aer little daugh ter attended sohooL On tbe way home various points of interest were visited, including Shasta Springs, Eugene and Portland. j j LCMatt Johnson one of Athena's lead ing -musicians, would , like to see a band organized in Athena. Mr. John son is ready to assist a band in every way possible, and is of tbe opinion that there are a sufficient .number of musioally inclined young men in the oity, who witb proper training, would make creditable musioians. j E. F. Zimmerman, field-worker for tbe Oregon Anti-Saloon League will deliver an address at tbe M. E. oburqb in this city on the evening of Jrlav 14, at 7:30 o'clock. The audience will also be entertained with a series of in structive stereoptioan views. No admission will be charged and every one is invited to be present Mrs. G. W. Nye of Garfield;' Wash., was in town part of this week visiting her daughter, Miss Eva Nye, who is a patient at the home of Dra.; Heisley. Mrs. Nye drove out in tbe country and to Weston witb tbe doctor,' and ex pressed herself as being delighted witb tbe country and tbat we were a month ahead of the Palouse country. - "Hizzoner." Judge Richards, is en tangled in tbe intricacies ol the most serious case in his official career. The judge is patiently tussling ; with an aggravated case of tbe mumps. He has 'em on both sides, his jawa being swollen considerably. Tbe pesky case threatens to require Bert's undivided attention for some time, and it may ta tbat be will be to fake his contemplated trip to Portland, snd other valley cities. MtMa Si 9 rr l M Cur 1 ;:An;;Enormous: showing, of New, ! Seasonable Mer chandise in every Department. Come early, . before the Assortments are broken. WOOL DRESS GOODS All wool Panamas, wool Taffe ' , tas, Chiffon Taffetas, plain and r. iShadow" striped Voiles, and many , other new and deeirable. fabrics, - in all tbe popular colorings. WASH . GOODS , India Linens, Mulls, Persian Lawns in all . grades.. White Docks, Indian Head and Bntober Linens. Fancy striped and plain . colored Linens in great variety. ' .-SHIRT-WAISTS - . Fine printed Organdies, Mus lin de Sole in the latest satin striped and flowered effects. Tbe , newest up to date garments in Lace, Mull or Lawn, short or long sleeves, open back or front. if LADIES': UNDERWEAR : Lace or Embroidery trimming . all tbe latest effects. Garments are made specially for us and are extra f nil and elegantly made. . Our Prices we guarantee lower than any" at which the large city stores are sell ing the same first-class merchandise for. B.: & H. Trading Stamps are still given Mosffrovei ret6olve:d toattheyluav$ throw Roquets at those who ARE 0l-i DRESSED. TO BE WELL. DRE5SE 0 GC TO THE PLACE WHERS THEV KMOW HOW.TO - - - - - - - - PRE S5 YOU MAY; 1-5 UPON MS. HAVE YOU NOT ALHEADY WAITED TOO LONG TO PREPARE TOR .SPRING AND SUMMER? tYoU HAVE EEN THE CRoWD-S "JN OUR -5TORE. DoES NOT THAT TELL YOU THAT THE CHOICE THINGS OT THE JEAJoN : ARE FA ST, DISAPPEARING. REMEMBER THE Sooner You get your new thimgs the .longer you will have to enjoy them, and can .anything give you more joy than wearing attractive apparel? Jarman'S: Big fair LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS Tbe very latest Novelties in Voile witb . Satin Bands. . Mo hair in Black, Brown, Blue, Bed, Champagne or White. LADIES' SPRING JACKETS In Covert , or Serge. . All prices. HOSIERY Ladies Laoe nose at all prices. In White, Tan, Slate or Blaok. We have just received a large shipment of tbe oelebiated Bar so c Hose. Tbe best 25o bose on . tbe market. "gloves ' : Silk or Lisle in all lengths in Black, White or colors. , In Silk, Pongee, Mercerized, Mobair, Albatross or lace. All new, this season's goods. Mercantile Co. . WELL BU5TER. Store Our showing of now fads and fanoies in Men's Suits, Hats, and Furnishings aie attracting great attention. Iu'lookiiig over this large aud entirely new stook you aie sure to please your taste. We have new well tailorod, stylish suits from $8.75 to $23.00. Look them over and compare our prices. You will save from $2.00 to $5.00 per suit, by buy ing from us. Wo are solo agents for tbe cel ebrated Gordon Hats, and are now showing all tbe latest stylos. SHOES We are sbowiug all tbe newest lasts in Men's, Women's, Boys' or Girls' footwear. We can? nothing but tbe best and most reliable makes. Men's low or .high outs in Box, Calf, Valour Culf . Vici Kid. Patent, Colt Skiu or Tans. Ladies low or high outs all grades and colors. Misses' and ohildrens' in endless variety. 1 Athena. Or