The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 10, 1908, Image 4

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,J, - - ,
.5a?a it
te Jetton fim
Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Publishes.
A ppllcatlon for entrance a 2nd class matter
made on July 5,
IW7 at the pontofflce at Atbena, Orefron
Under an Aetot Congress of Harcb 8, 1879
. Subscription Hat :
p var, In advanct 12.00
Sliifle copies In wrapper. 5c,
The tax question has been taken up
by the Pendleton Commercial Associa
tion, with tbe result tbat a committee
baa been aDcointed to investigate and
report on oonditiona as it flnds tbem.
Surely tbe Pendleton TribuDe ia in er
ror when it states tbat tho association
bos clotbed this committee with au
tority tbat extends over tbe actions of
tbe oounty couit, and with power to
supervise tbe expenditure of connty
fnods. Suoh could be tbe case, bardly.
Tbere is but one Tammany association
that of New York City. Of course,
tbe Tribune, being on tbe ground floor
of affairs at tbo couuty seat, may have
basis for its statements in tbe matter,
but it will be neoessary for tbat paper
to inaugurate a oampaign of education
for tbe people of tbe connty along tbis
Hue. Tbe Trituue should do it by
dogrees, too. To bolt tbe whole chunk,
is a gastronomic feat wbiob should
not be expected of tbe Umatilla conn
ty tax payer. He lias more thau a
"white man's burdon" on his shoul
ders, now. Additional ones on suob
short notioe will not be tolerated.
Tbat tbere is room for disouasion in tbe
matter of taxes is evideut, nud tbe
notion of the Pendleton Commercial
Association iu moving for a meeting
of tax payers of tbe oounty for tbe pur
pose of participating in tbis disonssion,
is commendable and should be properly
Tbe Western Leader is oufllug tbe
sidewalk question, and says of the in
activity ofr Westou property owuers:
"The Lfador is impressed by the re
markable .uiiauimity with wbioh its
V-eanbrneots for better sidewalks and
a tl, ane town are disregarded by tbe
jV -a populaoe. After last week's
t luota hammer stirred, jiot a
vXw!tj was disturbed from its
normal ' repose. "NVa. see tbe same old
boles iu tti same old sidewalks, and
I watrd-jilngerly upon too same
I slithery boards. Westou, wy
lit immutable. 'Ob Uod, tbv ...
"vyestetdayV.ioday and tomorrow I" '
eatqu., gieeps not alone iu its lethar-
10 negloot of sidewalks and proporty
improvement. Tbere are other towns
iu a like state of hibernation, but in
tbis reapeot, with tho exooption of,,a
few spots, Athena stands with a coin-
paratively clean reoord. With tbe
replacement of three or four crosswalKi
and the oleaniug up of a vaoaut let or
two, the town would be all tbat could
be reasonably expooted of itrelatively
sneak in ir. J
o- fn .
In last week's Press tbere was ptisr
ed a oommunioation from Mr. Cths.
Browu, relative to bis tax assessment.
Prom tbe following answer made by
-. Assessor Strain, Mr. Browu is un
doubtedly iu errr. Mr. Strain says:
"Mr. 0. II. Browu is mistaken about
bis assessments. His six 4?ts and two
bouses were assessed by us at $510 and
equalized at $3040. The assessment,
appears in vol. 1, page 67 of the 1907
assessment roll. He has misread tbe
figures. Our ratiug on tbe same prop
erty for 1908 is $1720."
It will be remembered that Mr. Brown
stated iu his ooruuinnioatiou to tbe
Press, that bis property bad been
equalized at $id20. Exoessive taxation
? discord and roseutmeut in the
t rauVs of the tax payers, and Mr. Strain1
undoubtedly is kept busy with ex
planations. . (
M. D. Wisdom of Portland, secre
tary of the Oregou-Alaska-Yukou-Pa-oiOo
exposition vonimissiou, is compil
ing a booklet "on the resources of Ore
gon, which is to be distributed at tbe
exposition iu Seattle, iu 1909. Tbis
booklet will be priuted on good paper
aud well illustrated with Oregou scen
ery. Besides tbis it will ooutaiu a
write up of the state's resources aud
each county will be giveu a special
notice. The commission is frgnring
ou publishing 800,000 copies at a cost
of $10,000. These wil be distributed
from the publioity bureau in tbe Ore
gon building.
A abort time ago, following from
the October etriugeuoy, common la
borers iu Boise City conld find little
or uo work, but tbere is great demaud
'now fot men in all lines. Contractors
experience oonsiderabln difficulty in
securing sufficient help to properly push
the projects in hand. Oue contractor
even went to police headquarters and
promised to give work to every mau
the city authorities bad that they
could release on condition they be
given work, offering $2.50 to 3 per
day, but tbere were uo prisoners in tbe
city jail. Conditions in every line of
activity are materially improved, and
tbe year's business in and around Boise
will be np to tbe average.
Dean Wright, of Yale, reports that
tbe boys wbo live luxuriously do not
make a good showing in scholarship.
During a period of tbree years three
times as many disciplinay warnings
have been sent to young men wbo
live in expensive private dormitories
as to tbe students living in tbe rooms
on tbe campus. Tbe old tradition
tbat frugal habits make good thinking-
bag never been unsettled by facts.
Still, a rich boy need not be discour
aged from going to college. It is pos
sible to study at a $300 mahogany desk.
Toy dealers declare the teddy bear
oraze is dying out. When tbe stores
closed late Christmas eve, most of tbe
toy departments were pretty well olear
ed out exoept for teddy bears. During
tbe holiday rush thousands of dogs,
elepuuts. monkeys and rabbits, made
of furry cloth and stalled as are the
teddy bears, were sold, but few of the
great numbers of bears tbat went into
the toy shops early in the season left
tbe shelves.
Tuesday oue-half of tbe 15,000 sa
loons in 84 of the 102 counties in tbe
state of Illinois were voted ont of ex
istence. Tbe result comes not as a
surprise as it was generally predicted
that tbe Aim-Saloou league wonld
banish liquor from 000 of tbe 1200
townships iu wbioh looal option was to
fee voted on. Tbe liquor interests on
the other band made good their pre
election statement, that they would be
able to bold all tbe larger cities in tbe
"wet" column.
In addition to tbe wireless telegraph,
theaters, barbers, elevators, cafes and
newspapers, transatlantic liners are to
be equipped with tailor and dress
making shops. Tbe world is beginning
to realize tbat they were truly "wise
men" who put to sea in a plain bowl.
Certain Ling oounty grangers, aided
elem if misguided voters iu
ore eu ou tbe
.iiis movement is
uuwise and .or. . ee it fail for lack
of signatnres. Tbe grade of college
wqrk done by tbe University of Oregon
if tbe "iiigbest in tbe state, and any
Attempt to withhold its appropriation
is a serious rtfleotion ou tbe intelli
gence of onrpeople.
'- All of our neighboring states are
maintaining first-class universities,
aud if Oregon is to keep paoe with her
neighbors in educational work she
should do likewise. Tbe foundations
have been laid at Eugene for a fine
university, but tbere can be no growth
of development so long as the institu
tion is maintained on the present ap
propriation of $47,000 a year. There
is au urgent 'demand for more land,
bnildiuga, books, apparatus and addi
tional instructors. Tbe attendance baa
doubled since 1901, yet the income if
tbe school bas not increased. If tbe
appropriation made by tbe last legisla
ture is withheld tbe university will be
in a deplorable condition before addi
tional f nuds can be secured.
The University of Oregon has mado
au exoellent record considering the
niggardly policy of the state toward it
iu the past, aud, if given tbe liberal
sappovf tba. Is accorded to otber
states, it will become of great use to
tbe people Tbe university has come
to stay, and although it may receive
oooasioual blows from cranks aud
demagogues, if will win out in tbe
eud. If tbis till is submitted to the
people we venture tbe prediction that
it will be approved by a very large
majority. .
If these self-appointed reformers in
Linu oounty were sincere in their de
sire to save wouey for tbe tax-payers
tbey would owl for a referendum upon
some of the grafts tbat are enjoyed iu
oertaiu localities, instead of trying to
destroy the tlnest institution of higher
learning in the state. Falls City
Bob Burdettn, of the Burlington
Hawkeye, is a sage as well asjhumorist
and much of bis best philosophy is told
with a vein of fun iu it, tbat gives it
relish to the reader, and at the same
time carries conviotion to the mind.
His "advioe to a young man" ap
plies equally well to tbe human animal
iu other and older stages of life Bead
how be pa's it:
Remember, son, tbat the world is
oldor tbau you are by several years;
tbat for thousands of years it has been
so fall of smarter and better young
men than yourself tbat their feet
stuck out of tbe dormor windows; tbat
wbeu they died the old globu went
whirling on, aud not one man in the
million went to the funeral or eveu
beard of the deatb.
Be as smart as you can, of course.
Know as much as you can, without
blowing the packing out of your cylin
der head, shod the light of your wisdom
abroad iu the world but dou't dazzle
people witb it, and don't imagine a
thing is so, simply because you say it
is. Dont' tie too sorry for your father
beoanee be knows much less than you
do; remember tbe reply of Dr. Way
la'id to tbe student of Brown Univer
sity, wbo said it was an easy enongb
tbing to. make proverbs such as Solo
man wrote. "Make a few," tersely re
plied tbe old man, and we never heard
that the young man made any, not
more than two or three, anyhow. -
Tl e world bas gieat need of young
men, but no greater need than tbe
yonog mau bas of it. Your clothes
fit you bettor than your father's fit
bim tbey cost more mouey, tbey are
more stylish; yonr mustaobe is neater,
tbe cut of your bair is better, and you
are prettier, oh, far prettier than "pa. '
But, young man, tbe old gentlemeu
gets tbe biggest salary, and bis borne
ly, scrambling signature ou tbe busi
ness end of a check will drain more
money out of tbe hank in five minutes
than you oould get out witb a ream of
paper and a copper-plate signature in
six mouths.
Young men are useful, and tbey are
ornamental and we all love them, and
we couldu't engineer a pionio success
fully without tbem. But tbey are no
novelties, son. Oh, no; nothing of tbe
kind. Tbey have been here befcre.
Do not be so modest as to shut yourself
clear out; but don't be so fresh you
will have to te put away in tbe cool to
keep from spoiling. Don't be atraid
your merits will not be discovered.
People all over tbe world are bunting
far you, and if you are worth rinding,
tbey will find you. A diamond isn't
so easily found as a quartz pebble, but
people search for it all tbe more in
tently. Death Was On His Heels.
Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va,
bad a close call iu tbe spring of 1906.
He jays: "An attack of pneumonia
left me so weak aud witb suob a fear
ful cough tbat my friends declared
consumption bad me, aud death was
on my heels. Tbeu I was persuaded
to try Dr. Kings New Discovery. It
helped me immediately, and after tak
ing two and a half bottles I was a well
man again. I fonnd out tbat New
Discovery is tbe best remedy for
oougbs and lung disease in all tbe
world." Sold under guarantee at Pal
ace Drug Company's store. 50o and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Don't cough your head off wbeu you
can get a guaranteed remedy in Bees
Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especial
ly recommended for children as it is
Dleasant to take, is a centle laxnfim
thus expelling tbe phlegm from the
system. xor gourds, coias, croon.
wbooninc conch, hoarsened and nil
bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. -Sold
by Pioneer Drug Store.
Registration opens for jmCiaries,
January 6.
Closes for eleotion, April 2.
Primary election April 17.
Begistration reopeus, April 21.
Close for eleotion, Itfay 15.
General eleotion, June 1.
Begistration reopens. September 20.
Close for election, October 20.
Presidential eleotion November 3.
Here conies the Spring .Winds to
obap, tan aud freckle. Use Piueealve
Carboilzed, (Acts like a ponltioe) for
outs sores, burus, chapped skin. Sold
by Pioneer Drug Store.
Good Judgment
is tbe essential characteristic of men
and woman. Invaluable to good busi
ness men and neoessary to housewives.
A woman shows good judgment when
she buys White's Cream Vermifuge
for her baby. Tbe best worm medi
cine ever offered to mothers. Many
indeed are tbe sensible mothers, wbo
write expressing their gratitude for
the good health of their Ajbildren,
whioh they owe to the use of White's
Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Palaoe
Drug Co.
Man Zau Pile Bemedy comes ready
to use, in a oollapsiblo tube, with noz
zle. One application soothes and heals,
reduoes inflammation and relieves
soreness and itohiug. Prioo 50o. Sold
by Pioneer Drug Store. ' t
Just Because
your oougb is only in the throat an
does not trouble you now, don't thiokj
that it needs no attention. Wbeu it
bas not had rnuoh of a start is tbe
time to check it. Tbe slightest cough
easily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis
and Consumption. A bottle of Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup will cure that
oougb. Trie prioo puts it within reaoh
of all. Sold by Palaoe Drng Co,
Man Zau Pile Remedy. Price BOo is
guaranteed. Put up. ready to use.
One application prompt relief to any
form of piles. Soothes and heals.
Sold by Pioueer Drug Store.
80 Days' Trial $1.00 is tbe offer on
Pinnies. Believes Baok-aobe, Weak
Back, Lame, Back, Bbeumatiu paius.
Best on sale for Kidueys, Bladder aud
Blood. Good for yooug and old, Sat
isfaction guaranteed or money refund
ed. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store.
When a child wakes np In the middle of the
night with a severe attack ( croup as fre
quently happens, no time should bo hist In
exnerlmcmitifr with remedies of a doubtful
Talue. Prompt action is often necessary to
save life.
Coug'h Remedy
has never bot-n known to fall In any case and
It has been iu use tor over one-third of a ce
tury. There I none better. It can be de
pended upon. Wnvetiierimeiit? It Is pleasant
to take anil contains iio harmful drug. Price,
KceuU; largo sue, 50 cent.
Sold By Palace Drug; Co.
T. T. Geer
For Congress.
For Republican nomination for con
gress in Second district Liberal ap
propriations for waterways, equal
opportunities for labor aud capital,
and governmental control of corpora
tions. "
C. A. Barrett
(Present inoumbdnt)
- For State Representative.
Candidate for re-nommation by tbe
Republican party at the coming pri
mary eleotion to be held April 17, 1908.
Gilbert W. Phelps
(Present incumbent.)
District Attorney.
Candidate for re nomination by tbe
Bepublioan party at tbe coming pri
mary election to be held April 17, 1908.
Frank K. Welles
(Present incumbent. )
For County School Superin
tendent. Candidate for re-nomination by tbe
Bepublioan party at tbe coming pri
mary eleotion to be beldApril 17, 1908.
T. D. Taylor
(Present inoum bent.)
For Sheriff.
Candidate for re-nomiuation by tbe
Democratic party at tbe coming pri
mary election lo be held April 17, 1908.
Fred W. Hendley
(Present incumbent. )
Recorder of Conveyances
Candidate for re-uominatiou by tbe
Bepublioan party at the oomiug pri- j
mary eleotion to be beld April 7, 1908.
C. W. Steen
For Representative.
Candidate for the nomination by tbe
Bepublioan party at the coming pri
mary election to be held April 17, 1908.
Chas. E. Macomber
For County Recorder.
I 'hereby annonnce my canaidaoy
for tbe nomination by tbe Bepublioan
party at tbe coming primary eleotion
to be held April 17, 1908.
John Q. Peebler .
, For County Recorder.
Candidate for tbe nomination by tbe
pomooratio party at tbe coming pri
mary election t be beld April 17, 1908.
- ChasJ:VV, Wall., !
J. For County Coroner
Candidate for tbe nomination by tbe
Bepublioan party at tbe coming pri
mary eleotion to be held April 17, 1908.
Foley's Honey and Tar No opiates.
S. F. Sharp
' Special attention given to all
calls, both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office ouTbtrd
Street, Athena Oregor
Dr. O. F. Heisley Dr. S. Etta Heisley
Graduates Am. School Osteopathy,
Kirksville, Mo., Dr A. T. Still,
President, Founder.
Office and Residence Cor. 5th and Ad
ams St. opposite Chrtstian church. Days
in Athena: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
wW jwa sw bctcjo tnuu ocvucu ou my iiuigs ana eo completely prostrated me that I was
unable to work and scarcely able
after using one bottle I went
Pendleton Savings
Helpful, yet conservative, points with pride to its many
clients possessing a competence, or wealthy, who
received a little help at the right time
and which put them
No Other Bank in Eastern Oregon Has Done More
$250,000.00 f
T. J. Morris.
Herbert Boylen.
J. A. Devlin.
J. W. Maloney.
A. E. Lambert.
J. H. Raley.
R. Alexander.
T. G. Montgomery.
W. J. Furnish.
R. T. Cox.
Joseph Basler.
E, Boettcher.
L. Dusenbeny.
E. W. McComas.
A. C. Koeppen.
J. N. Teal.
Frank S. Curl.
Estate gfD.
Mvttie B.. Gwinn, President
T. jf. Morris, Vice President
- -
of critical taste in dress, be It ultra or
most conaervativc'wtll instantly recognize
the distinct difference between
"VIKING SYSTEM" apparel and
the usual ready-made clothes,
' i" s " ""'"i
mimmxv suspend
Sensible. Useful Gifts f r the Holidays V?
iTtaiprnrFiT Biprrn iv n ihikame divm ttio batcc
W 7
Ttiey oontain nor nd better
fili aon-ruitt&f metal parts antatronf ooid end that cannot near
through. The. new back free action permit ease and comfort no
matter what ooaition the bod maT assume.
They pnHvaar three ordinary kind, wbtrh pi0Qfl
three times the service of nunl SO cmt port.
The Most Comfortable SuepeitHer Ifode for Man, Tmib or Ciy
Iu Llfbt, Hoary or Kxtra Heavy Wri?ht. E.v tra Long (No Extra Co? t)
They make inexpensive gifts ever man, youth or boy will jriallr receive
EKWKS & POTTIR, Dept. , U7 Uncol i St., Hcton. Mess.
OurQ)iefuiRTn.LDoSinirvrxaOoinAXoCASictnailMforlOo, poirtare Instructive
booklet, "Style, or How to Dress lrreclly," frna 1 you oicnttun thi jt li.lcatioa
to stand. I then' was advised to try
back to work,
t, as well as I ever was."
W. J. ATK25S,
HR0AT and LUIa
Montie B. Gwinn.
E. L. Smith.
C. E. Roosevelt.
R. N. Stanfield.
Clementine F. Lewis.
Marion Jack.
Al Page.
P. Thompson.
J. W. Maloney, Cashier
T. G. Montgomery, Assistant Cashier
if 4 0
Everything FlrM j
Cliifin - Mo,d em
. f
mid TJp-to -date
rubber than any other mak. have, void
m.mmm?ji-i-f y ,ipi m. inw
- r
Dr. King's New Discovery, and
Banner Springs, Tena.
ND $1.00