The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 10, 1908, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
I James Bell was a Pendleton visitor
I Wednesday
t F. S. Le Grow was in Walla Walla
Wednesday. . .
V.H. Key of Weston was in the city
yesterday. " :
Milt Swffggart was a Pendleton visi
tor Wednesday.
Joe Soott transaoted busiues3 in Pen
dleton, Wednesday.
A. L. Jones is visting bis daughter
in Pilot Rook this .week.
Mrs. Edward Koontz and Mrs. Henry
Dell are in Pendleton today.
H. C. Bryson, the Walla Walla at
torney, was in the oitjf Tuesday.
( Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saling of
Weston, were iu the city yesterday,
yAjfor Sale a child's go oart, good as
new"-!rnrgo'oheap. Apply to Mis.
I Minnie Uaker, Athena;.
Th Kingston"
S olid
Com f o ft
Perfect fitting, well made
clothes give you a feeling of
great comfort and satisfaction.
That's the effect of wearing
the good clothes made to
your individual measure by
Strauss Brothers
Master Tailors Chicago
H j
You'll have no trouble to find
a pattern that will suit you
perfectly in the immense line
of New Spring and Summer
patterns we are now showing.
Drop in and see us.
Kahn Coat Shirts
Xcrliss Coon Collars
Patterson' Hats
Helmet Cuffs
Kady Suspenders
Bowman's All Wool
Trousers :
Gent's Furnishers
H am
- The World's Best Sewing Machine
It is the Highest Grade because the Standard Rotary principle is ab
solutely perfect, the material the very best and it ;a constructed by skilled
sewer, who can afford to absolutely throw away three hours of every seven
spent in sewing on vibrating or oscillating shuttle machines? ' Four hours
of superior work oa the Standard Botary and three hours of pleasure afford
greater satisfaction. ,
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home & House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash. - -; - Pasco, Wash.
Will Fergnsoa went over to Walla
Walla 1 nesdayevening on business.
K. Barry of PorUandirpeaoh
at the Christian ohnroh next Sunday
I Attorney Wilson was
' Wednesday, where be
in Pendleton
went on legal
G. W. Staggs, accompanied by Miss
Dunoan, came over from Weston Tues
day, by auto.
Found a watoh.
Owner may get
offioe by . paying
. .
information at this
or this notioe.-
ann, who is engaged in the
blacksmith business in Adams, was in
town yesterday.
Miss Jessie MoEwen oame up from
Pendleton, and spent the week at her
home in this city.
Jinks Dudley was ill the first of the
week, threatened with pneumonia, but
is better at present. ' .
Miss Ella 'Anderson of Pendleton
was a guest of Mrs. Frank Goolidge
the first of the week.
' A. Ii. Swagagrt. accompanied by
is daughter Etta bell, went down to
Pendleton Wednesday.
James Feeler ii in (own from
Spo -
kane. Mr. Feeler's family has resided
in Athena this winter. I
Mrs. Jesse Moore, of Cambridge,
Idaho, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Nannie Smith, in this oity.
V Misses Lula Tharp and Mattie Caton,
were absont from school a part of the
week on account of la grip. j
Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. E. McGrew,
who reside near Weston, were shop
ping in Athena Wednesday.-
L. L. Mann, republican candidate
for representative was in the city yeaf
teray, making aoquaintanoe of voters.
Fred Shoemaker, promoter of j a
mining brokerage syndicate, wrtb
offices at Walla Walla, has been in the
oity this week. v
Xhe veranda on the fiont of the St.
'VTi-l 1 , A IL I . . .
Axiouuis uorei nas oeen removea, ana i
the removal serves to . make a better
appearanoe in the building. f
Misses Laura Bowles and Carrie Weir,
teachers in the Walla Walla High
sobool, were guests of Mrs. F. S. - Le-
Grow Saturday and Sunday.
V Mayor Plamondon and Marshal
uholson have inspected the crosswalks
of the city, with the result that sever
al new crosswalks will be put in at
A line of the newest craze in bats,
the stylish "Merry Widow," will be
on display at Joues & Jackson milli
nery store tomorrow. Call and see
them. ., . . . , - ,
The (Jamming's merchandise stock
at Weston was sold at bankrupt sale
Tuesday for $150. II. C. Adams, the
principal creditor, was the highest
MfcnntJ! Mrs. a. j. wortbington
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred John
son, Mr. aud Mrs. Thos. DeFreeoe and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Conley Wednesday
r"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins went
up to Waitsburg Tuesday, where they
were present at the wedding of Miss
Emma Vollmer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gustave Vollmer.
Dr. Sharp was "under the weather"
a couple of days tbis week.- I he doc
tor had a tussle with the gripp, but
prescribing fur himself, recovered and
has resumed his practice.
yj"ay Le Grow's race horses, whiob
have been at the Taylor place for some
time, will be taken to the Walla Walla
race track todav bv- a train nr. where
1 they will be put to work. i tlC,
n - j. w. bmitn ana fcagar JNorvei oame
over from Helix Saturday evening and
attended a meeting of the Masonio
lodge. They were gnests at the Mo
Ewen home, over Sunday.
Some complaint is heard regarding
the unusual growth of weeds iu the
wheat fields. Tbis year more than
common, it appears that the weed
growth abounds in prolifio profusion.
Colonel Clark Wood has resigned
from the office of city ' reoorder, and
his father, L. S. Wood, who has re
oently returned from California, will
again take up the duties of reoorder.
meoDanos only, it is toe .f astest
because the Standard Botary Shut
tle travels less than half as far vi
brating and oscillating shuttles in
making each stitch. It makes 350
stitches while others make 200.
It is the Easiest Bunning because
full ball bearing, and it requires
but the slightest touch to start thai
shuttle revolving, and very little
effort is necessary to keep it going
round and round, whereas on vi
brating and oscillating shuttle ma
chines 50 per cent more movements
of the treadle are necessary iu sew
ing the same length seam to famish
enough power to carry the shuttle
more than double the distance and
to overcome the resistance resalting
from tbe two stops and two starts
iu making each stitch.
Is there a Dressmaker, or a borne
Little Gladys Kidder celebrated ber
7th birthday Wednesday afternoon,
with ber little girl friends as happy
guests. A merry time was bad by all
and goodies and games were enjoyed.
Dr. Plamondon and Wm. McBride
drove over to the Agency Tuesday in
the doctor's Buick car. The roads
were found to be in excellent condi
tion and the round trip was made in
good time. ,s
XWilliam Winship left Athena Wed
nesday for Wasbtuona, Wash.' Mr.
Winship goes to visit the section where
'Jack Weir and A. M. Qillis invested
in farm lands, and he may conclude
to purohase laud there. .
The infaut 'son of Mr. aud Mrs. Dean
Gerking has again been very ill tbis
week,' and the little oue's life despair
ed of. At present it is slightly im
proved aud it is hoped may bo spared
to the young parents.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Baker died at the
home of ber son. Postmaster M. A.
Baker, at Weston 'Tuesday, aged 85
years. Mrs. Baker was born at New
London, Conn. For 14 years she bad
made her borne with her eon in Wes
ton. '.. V""
A. L. Donclas has leased the Eidh-
I - u
niond place at Weston, and with
iamily moved to take, possession y
terday. He also purchased . the Mo
Grew residenoe there, where they will
reside, farming the land whioh is near
Mrs. W. p. Taylor and Mrs. M. L.
Leeper will visit Mrs. J. W. Smith
aud family in Corvallis for a month
or mote. Miss Clare Monssu, pf
Pendleton, will have charge of Mrs.
Taylor's household during her ab
ssnce. '
fZ. W. Lock wood has purchased the
D. JL Preston residenoe in tbis city.
Thapririfl. pairtriMHXV seoures Mr.
Lockwood and family a fine home,
and Atheua people will bo pleased to
learn they are to become permanent
residents here. )
X His honor, Justice Biohards and
"Pete" O'Harra, .have been engaged
this week in the performance of farm
work on the Biohards-Kersbaw traot,
below town. Post boles is said to have
been the principal crop planted by
these energetio laborers.
S Mr., and Mrs. J. B. Mumford, of
Pendleton, visited relatives in tbis city
aud vicinity this week. Mr. Munr-4
ford has leased his property in Pen
dleton, and will leave in a' month Or
two for the seaside, where the fatr'Iy
will spend the sum mer
it. J. Boddy has returned from Walla
Walla, where he wenjt soma , time bjo
and entered a bo'Pital to reiv$e
treatment for a croOto ailment. U
surgloal operation . i was - not ma.
though Mr.'Boddy returned consider
ably benefitted in health.
Mrs. M. A. Terry, who had been a
resident of Umatilla county since 1865,
died Tuesday evening at the home of
oer daughter, Mrs- T. B. Sweariugen
in Pendleton, of paralysis. Mrs. Terry
was 57 years of ago at her death, and
was a daughter of the late Mrs. Sabre
Little Nina Tharp 'was removed to
the hospital at Walla Walla Saturday,
for treatment for the ailment which
has held ber bedfast for many weeks.
Her father, mother and sister are with
her. Dr. Blalock oame over from
Walla Walla Saturday and advised
the move.
Mrs. J. D. Pamoudon and her broth
er, a. A. Earrett, were in rienx ana
Weston yesterday, canvassing those
cities in the interests of Mrs. Plamon
don 's onndidaoy in the Tribune con
test. Mrs. Plamondon stands very
high in the contest, and is steadily
gaining votes.
tGrover Hayes and Miss Elsie Ackles,
p i .
young people woo are weu, Known iu
this city, were recently married at the
home of the bride s parents at La
Grande. They will make their home
in Tbe Dalles. Mr. Hays has an en
gine run on the O. R. & N. from that
oity to Portland.
Asiooe Doll Beed made a visit to town
r.r i I : : l t- L.i .
catch of trout from Byan creek, war
bles have been auguring the backs of
several local Walton disoiples. Iia
Kemp and Henry Miller oould bear
the suspense no lorjger and bied away
to mountain streams yesterday morn
ing. .. ,;.-... ' I:
jTAnna, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Johnson, fell on a piece of
broken glass while at play Wednesday
and suffered a sevure gash near tbe
bridge of tbe nose. She was brought
to town, and Dr. Sharp took one stitch
in tbe cut. He thinks tbe Boar will be
but a slight one; with probably no dis
figorement. ( 'S "l
A Cbas. Keen came over from Walla
Walla Tuesday, bringing with him a
bloodhound puppy. , Tbis is tbe third
addition to Mr. Keen's string of man
hunters, which be will train at bis
father's ranob, west of Athena. In a
few months Charles will be ready to
lead posses along trails of fleeing
hWL H. Whitehead. N. P. agent, has
found a new market for tbe famous
Athena butter, hence tbe scarcity of
tbe article tbis week. Through tbe
trainmen on the N. P. railroad this
tuiter has become known to Pasco res
identj, and now it is shipped regular
ly to that point. Athena farmers'
wives can beat the world for good
E. A. Dudley tbis week moved bis
farming accoutrements to bis reserva
tion land, where be will, be busy for
several weeks putting in aud cultivat
ing tbe crops. Mrs. Dudley and tbe
children accompanied bin), and will
make their borne on tbe ranch daring
tbe season, tbe children riding to
town until tbe olose of schooL
mW E Ji
V -
i .-
la iu
l?UeK i1 8oVc orex
Jarman's Big fair
j losgrove lercitile Co
e are now showing the finest and
ii r i t-
line oi wool urcss auous in mi ui new lau
rics and coloring. Als6
in stripes and many other new? effects. Our stock' has
never been so extensive and varied as it has
proved to be this Season.
j Lace and Embroidery trimmed. A new line just received. All the newest de
i signs. We shall be pleased to have you give us a call and look through this new
and up to date Merchandise, whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to
show goods. . The celebrated B. & H. trading stamps with every cash purchase.
losgrove Mercantile Co
" T mv -
THm : AU-7r,CjTri.fV
mnttW Tor Less rnRi 'ormi
tE A
iy i il -i
" ji a
Ladies' Muslin Underwear
Athena, Oregon
- 1 II"'
most up to date 1