The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 06, 1908, Image 6

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Taeorna Woman Has Old Paper De
scribing Obsequies of the
First President.
Mia. H. F. Moon of Tacoma owns a
valuable relio in tbe sbape of a copy of
tbe Ulster Coauty Gazette, of Kings
ton, N. J., published in January, 1800,
a few days after tbe funeral of Presi
dent George Washington. .Almost tbe
entire paper is devoted to General
Washington, and it gives tbe follow
ing aooonnt of tbe ohsequies:
"Washington Entombed.
"Georgetown, Va., Deo. 20, 1799.
Ou Wednesday last tbe mortal part of
Washington tbe Great tbe father of
bis country and tbe friond of man
was consigned to tbe tomb with solemn
honors and with fuueral pomp.
"A multitude of persons assembled
from many miles around at Mount
Vernon, tbe choice abode and last res
idence of the illustrious obief. There
were tbe groves, the spacious avenues,
tbe beauty and sublime scenes tbe no
ble mai'tnou but, alas tbe august in
habitant was no morel Tbe great soul
was gone I His mortal part was there,
indeed, but, abl how affecting ! How
awful the speotaole of suon worth and
greatness thus falleul Yes, fallen,
ludeed I
"In tbe long and lofty porticos
where oft tbe bero walked in all bis
glory now lay tbe shrouded corpse, tbe
oonntenano9 still oomposed and serene,
still expressing tbe magnanimity of tbe
spirit wblob bad dwelt in that lifeless
form. There those who paid the last
sud honors to tbe benefactor of tbe
country took an impressive and fare
well view.
"On tbe ornament at tbe head of
tbe coffin was inscribed 'Surge and
judioum.' About tbe middle of the
oofflu 'Glorio Deo,' and on the silver
plate, 'General Washington departed
this life on tbe 14th dav of December,
1709. Age 68.'
"Between 3 and i o'clock the sound
of artillery from a vessel in tbe river
thing minnte gnns awake afresh our
solemn sorrow. The oorpse was moved.
A band of music with moninful mel
ody melted tbe soul intoall tbe tender
ness of woe. Tbe prooession was
formed and moved on in tbe follovviug
'y, Infantry (with arms re
versed ).
1 Music
' Clergy. -ueral's
borse, with bis saddle
' bolster and piHtols.
Colouel Si in ma, Colonol Ramsey, Col
onel Payne (pall-boarers).
Colonel Gilpiu, Colonel Marsteller,
Colouel Little (pall-bourors). -Mourners.
Masonic Brethren.
a v Citizens.
"When the party had arrived at the
bottom of tbo elevated land on tbe
banks of tbe Potomac, where the fam
ily vault is placed, tbe oavalaade bait
ed; tbe infantry marohed toward tbe
Mount aud formed their lines; tbe
clergy, tbe Masouio brothers, and tbe
citizens dosoeuded to tbe vault and tbe
funeral setvioe of the church was
performed; the firing was repeated
from the vessel in the river, and the
sound oohoed from tbe woods and bills
"Tbe sun was now setting. Alas,
tbe Sun of Glory bad set forever! No!
Tbe name of Wasbiugton, the Ameri
can president and goueral, will triumph
over death I The unclouded bright
ness of his glory will illuminate future
ages. "
Don't Complain.
If youi ohest paius you aud you are
unable to sleep because of a congb.
Buy a bottle of Dullard's Ilorehound
Syrup, and you won't have any cough.
Get a bottle now aud that oongh will
not last long. A cure for all pulmo
nary diseases. Mrs. J . Gnlvestou,
Texas, writes: "I cant' say euough
for Ballard's Horehouud Syrup. The
relief it has giveu me is all that is
ueoossary for me to say." Sold by
Pioneer Drug Company.
Pendleton Savings
Helpful, yet conservative, points with pride to its many
' clients possessing a competence, or wealthy, who
received a little help at the right time
and which put them
No Other Bank in Eastern Oregon Ha&,.Done More
.. $250,000.00
T. J. Morris.
Herbert Boyien.
T. A. Devlin.
J. W, Maloney.
A. E, Lambert.
J. H. Raley.
R. Alexander.
W. J. Furnish.
R. T. Cox.
Joseph Basler.
1. Boettcher.
L. Dusenberry.
. W. McComas.
A. C. Koeppen.
J. N. Teal.
Frank S. Curl.
T. Q. Montgomery.
Estate f D. P.
Montie B. Gwinn, President
T. J. Morris, Vice President
By Rev. Israel Putnam.
Part Third.
In tbese years tber-j bas been at
work a subtile influence of evil by
which the power of prayer has been
sadly discounted. This talk about tbe
reflex influence of prayer, coupled with
tbe influence of materialism aud ntili
tariaosim, bas made many ministers
pigmies in tbe realm of prayer. True,
prayer bas its beneficial reflex in
fluence, but living too much in the
past tends to disqualify for tbe present.
He who lives near to his Lord bas
provon again aud again that God hears
and answers prayer, as in tbe foliat
ing cases viz. Catherine of Sienna,
George Mnoller, Hudson Taylor and
Charles U. Finny and others.
Tbe first night following tbe con
version of Father Cbiniquy be spent
iu prayer. 'I be next day be preached
and a thousand souls were woo. A
Baptist minister, daring a pastoiate of
11 years, received some into tbe oburcb
every communion service, through the
prayers of a Buffering saint. Mr. Spur
geon said "I have no conOdence iu tbe
polished literary effort to bring about
a revival, but I have all confidence in
tbe old saint who could weep ber eyes
out because men are lost."
"Prayer 4s appointed to convey tbe
blessings God designs to give." With
joyful communion it opens tbe morns
first honr and with trnstful repose
closes tbo last at night with tbe same
blesstul communion. , Prayer climbs
tbe ladder Jacob saw. It touches the
ear and heart cf tbe Omnipotent and
brings tbe needed equipment for ser
vice. As a minister prays in faith and
understanding and importunity so ho
prevails iu power to win souls.
If more time was given to prayer
and less to dollars, especially in the
doubtful methods often used to obtain
them, there would be more of dollars
aud souls to encourage men and please
Ten hours is usually given to temp
oral thiugs while cne is spent with
purpose to win souls. Is this God's
way? Or did Jesus say, "Seek first
tbe Kingdom of God and tbese things
shall be added?" See Matt. 6, 25-31.
Our Presiding Elders formerly were
almost all flaraiug Evangelists, kind
ling the Are of revival where ever they
went but this is so far, changed that a
soul-winner ainoug them is almost un
known and often they cannot stay even
topreaob once, but can only look after
financial matters. And tbe same is
also trne with tbe Bishops, as a whole,
and with such human leadership what
wonder if the body partake of tbe same
spirit as tbe bead. God grant that all
may partake more folly of and pattern
more fully after, the Great Head of
the oburcb.
I care not bow distant, or bumble
the Held, or diffloult the problem, or
severe tbe conflicts, tbe man who bas
God's commission to preaob tbe Ever
lasting Gospel is the King's messenger
with tbe King's message. Aud greater
than earthly Kings, or mighty war
riors, Qr discoverers of new worlds is
the man used of God to win never dy
ing souls to Jesus Christ: And one
reason why so many ministers fail of
reaohiug meu is beoause they fail to
understand tbe magnitude of their
commission. "They that are wise
shall shine as the brightness of tbe
firmament; and tbey that turn many
to righteousness as tbe stars forever,
and ever." Dau. 12, 3. ,
In an important sonse a true mini
ster of Christ is a discoverer of im
mortal souls, one of which is of more
value than teu thousand worlds. Wes
ley and Wellington were cousins, but
vastly different. The latter fought
battles, bathed the earth in tbo blood
of his fellow men, caused children and
widows to weep in bitterness of sorrow
over their absent dead, and wrapped
homes and cities in flames, lhe for
mer, who duriug his lifetime was de
spised by tbe rich and great in earthly
things, aud was turned out of the
oburohes, won seventy thousand soul"
to Christ, and exerts, today, a greater
influence in the world than any other
religious leader of modern times. Mil
lions honor his name for bis life of
Montie B. Gwinn.
F. W. Vincent.
E. L. Smith.
C. E. Roosevelt.
R. N. Stanfield.
Clementine F, Lewis.
Marion Jack.
Al Page.
J. W. Maloney, Cashier
T. O. Montgomery, Assistant Cashier
sacrifice and labors of love, while
Wellington is known to the world as a
man of selfish aims and a destroyer of
bis fellow men.- Of tbese two, which,
think you, is greater in Heaven's sight
The man who has not a high con
ception of tbe call and office of the
christian ministry cannot apeak with
authority. Here is the secret of many
a man's failure. He is not sure of his
oomnission. He has little confidence
and knows not where to oast bis re-
j lianoe. When be btands before tbe
' multitude of tbe unsaved be often
wavers, aud there is an nncertain eonnd
in bis message wbicb betrays bim.
. O that all wonld wait in tbe upper
I room until tbey were conscious of tbe
greatness of their mission, aud then
like Peter at Pentecost, and tbe Master
Himself, speaks with antbority.
Mr. John Riba, of Vioing, la., says
"I have been selling DeWitt'a Kidney
and Bladder Pills for about a year and
tbey give better satisfaction than any
pill I ever sold. I have used them my
self with fine results." Sold by Pal
ace Drug Company.
Good For Everybody.
Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a promP
neut architect, iu tbe Delbert Build
ing, Sau Franoisoo, says: "I fully en
dorse all that bas been said of Electrio
Bitters as a tonio medicine. It is good
for everybody. It corrects stomach,
liver and kidney disorders in a prompt
and efficient manner and builds up
the system." Electrio Bitters is tbe
best spring medioine ever sold over a
druggist's counter; as a blood purifier
it is unequaled. EOo at Falaoe DruR
Company's store.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
acts gently yet promptly on tbe bowels
and allays inflammation at the same
time. It is pleasant to take, Sold, by
Palace Drug Company.
Best Healer In the World.
Bov. F. Starbird, of East Raymond,
Maine, says: "I have used Bucklen's
Arnioa Salve foi several years, on my
old army wound, and other obstinate
sores, and find it tbe best healer in the
world. I uso it too with great success
in my veterinary business." Piice 25o
at Palace Drug Company's store.
Iu tbe County Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tbe matter of tbe estate of John
H. James, deoeased.
All persons whom it may conoern
are hereby notified that Lydia James
was appointed administratrix of the
estate of John H. James, deceased, by
the above court on tbe 7th day of Feb
ruary, 1908, and that sbe has duly
qualified as such.
All persons having any claims against
the said estate are notielld and re
quired to present tbem, with proper
vouohers as by law required, to the
said administratrix at the office of
her attorney, Will M. Peterson, in
Pendleton, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notioe.
Dated at Pendleton, Umatilla County,
Oregon, on this tbe 11th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1908.
Lydia James, Administratrix,
Will M. Peterson, Attorney.
An old Pennsylvania Dutch Duukard
recommends "Hiokory Bark Cough
Remedy." Guaranteed to cure your
cough, and guaranteed to be pure.
Made from the bark of tbe shell bark
or white hickory tree. For sale by
Palace Drug Store and all dealers
The old remedies are the best. Hiok
ory Bark Cough Remedy has been in
use for over one hundred years by the
old Dutoh Dunkards of Pennsylvania,
and is still in use by all the old families
of Western Pennsylvania. Is abso
lutely pure; made from tbe bark of the
white or shell bark hickory treer The
bark is shipped from' the east, and
manufactured in Walla Walla, Wash.
For sale by Palace Drug Store.
r-.v l '. .'.dligcnt people to use only"
; if jU.css of . :own composition. There
for.: H ni..-t lr. Pierce' medicines, the
Jin daily r jying in f
favor. The com-
position of rV.ITierccs medicines is open
to evcrybodyVrr. Pii'roo being desirous
of hnvim; ;hfrSiryirTT;rhlt of Investica
t?)iij.iirfe;i ''ji!v iipwi Ills Hxmulie, being
co:i im?lTrTi' rlt briVr the composition'
'rife aTm''loines is known the more
yilj th'eiT?ra"'t'"ci2rinvo merits be recott
iiizetL Being Vholly'made of the active
medicinal principles extracted J from na
tive forest roots, by exact processes
original with Dr. PIcrco, and without the
uso of a drop of alcohol, triple-refined and
chemically pure glycerino being used in
stead In extracting and preserving the
curative virtues residing in the roots
employed, these medicines are entirely
free from the objection of doing harm
by creating an appetite for cither al
coholic beverages or habit - forming
drugs. Examino the formula on their
bottle wrappers the same as sworn to by
Dr. Pierce, and you will find that his
"Golden Medical Discovery, the great,
blood-purifier, stomach tonic and bowel
regulator the medieino which, while not
recommended to cure consumption in its
advanced stages (no medicine will do that)
yet does cure all those catarrhal condi
tions of head and throat, weak stomach,
torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak
lungs and hnug-on-conghs, which, if neg
looted or badly treated lead up to and
finally terminate in consumption.
Tako tho "tiolden Medical Discovery"
in time and It is not likely to disappoint
yon if only you give it a thnrwtgh and
fair trial.' fDon't expect miracles. It
won't do supernatural things. You must
exercise your patience and ierseYere in its
use for a reasons I; lo length of time to get
IU full benefits. Tho Ingredients of which
Dr. Tierce's medicines aro composed have
tho unqualified endorsement of scores of
medical leaders better than any amount
of lay, or non-professional, testimonials.
They are not given away to bo expert
mentetl with but are sold by all dealers ia
medicines at reasonable prices.
ir.aViiir.f which print cery Ingredient
rnt-.iinu ;': y.hca upon the bottle wrap
Prs and a: 'S v its correctness under oath,
Wants All
To Know-
Rodin. Ga.. ScpUmbtr II, 1906.
Chicago, IU.
Gentlsmen: Yourc of tht 6th "to hand.
In Tply will say, most assuredly um ny
latter la any way you see fit for the benefit of
the suffering. I will answer all correspond
ence as to my own case. I recommend
KODOL to ell I hear grumbling- about their
stomachs, and have bought many their first
bottle. All that is required la a trial of
KODOL. K talks for itself.
Yours very truly,
for Dyspepsia.
digests what you eat, takes tha
strain off of the heart, and contrib
utes nourishment, strength and
health to every organ of the body. '
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mu
cous membranes lining the Stomach
and Digestive Tract, Nervous Dys
pepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach.
Digests What
You Eat
Sold by Palaoe Drug Company.
Represents Ranker's Life Insurance
Company Queen and Springfield
x Fire C8, Marine Companies.
Collections Promptly Made
Office: North Side Main St., cAthena
Frank II. Coolidge,
Special attention given to Reparing.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Shop in Pioneer Drug Store
Shoip Line
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and sleeping
cars da) ly to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping
car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted,
weekly to Chicago, with free reclining
chair cars, seats free, to tbe east dally irom
. Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Pa"y.
Walla Walla, Day
ton, Pomeroy, Lew
iston, (Tolfox, Pull- ....
MO p. m. man. Moscow, the imp. m.
Couer d'Alene dis
trict, Spokane and
all points north.
Wnlla Walia.. Pen
12:23 p m diet on Mixed 12:25 p. ni.
fast Mail for Pen
dleton, LaUrande,
Baker City, and all
points east via Hun
lington, Ore., Also
for Umat illa. Hepp
&4o p ni ner The Dalles, 3:45 p. m
Portland, Astoria, v
Willamette Valley
Points, California,
Taooma, Seattle, all
Bound Points.
6:25 p- m. Pendleton - Walla 6:25 p m
Walla Mixed
K. M. Smith Agent,
"ff tfTVQlf If
AIJLV MkAVLP se before
30 days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
H. a ADAMS, President.
T. J. KIRK, Vice President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 SURPLUS, 25,000
3 per cent Interest
paid on Time Certificates of Deposit. A general Bank
ing Business conducted on Conservative Principles
We C. H. Whiteman Farm, 340 acres
Six Miles West if Athena
This farm consists of 640 acres of the finest wheat
and alfalfa land, 10 acres now in alfalfa, about 40 acres
more can be put in alfalfa; fine water, wind mill which
pumps water into reservoir; water piped to house and
barn. A splendid house; fine large barn with a brick
foundation; good orchard; shade trees; 290 acres now in
wheat. Price, including crop, $42,500. Terms easy.
106 East Alder St. Walla Walla, Wash. . 'Phone. 1534.
House, Sign and Carriage Painting
E. T. Kidder, McArthur Building
A Large Stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass,
Wall Paper and Decorative Materials will be"
soon placed on display for public inspection.
We make House Painting a Specialty
T. W. JONES, Proprietor
Fresh Bread
Pies, Cakes and Pastries Baked Every Day. We make
a Specialty of orders for Lodges and Social Gatherings
On Saturdays Our Bread Will be Sold by Athena Grocers
An ounce of Pre
vention is worUh a
pound of Cure. .
is worth more to ones health than any other medicine know:
Do not fill your stomach with arsenic, calomel, quinine find
debilitate the system, leaving symptoms that it taken years to
obliterate. Herbine is purely vegetable containing nothing
injurious, and is a gentle harmless purgative.
Does More Than We Claim.
Don C. Morrison, Kissimmeo, Fla. writes: "I have
used several bottles of Herbine myself and have advised
several of my friends to use same. I have found it to be
the best medicine for the liver I ever used. It acts gent
ly at the same time thoroughly."
Ballard Snow JLinimentCo.
500-502 North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, MO.
Sold and Recommended by
tf l" "2 A
1 OO y
H. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIRK. F. S.
dose at bed time usual-
relieves the most severe