Athena Merchants Treat you Square Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XX- ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 6. 1908. NUMBER 10 -441 v THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Company m&mm Float is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest v and beat equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grooer sella American Beauty for 1.25 Per Sack. 1$ i Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. R. J- BODDY fl WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing ' Meat 'in Large Quantities. z0 First-class stock, Reasonable price 1: .: A . 3 m n. .h it in-4 ., I r MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose In tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just as good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated; Capital Stock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota. U. S. A. Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons. prompt lirucnc DPincQ adc dihut pohne UtUVtKY II 111.111. I IIIULU MIIL IIIUII I M The Freshest and IP" .VtlitUA e Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here 7 B DELL BROTHERS, j -.-we . 'Vt ' 'X. XX X. X. X 'X. 'X. BEflUTY I and Grain Buyers ' Waitsburg, Wash. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. H. STONE, PROPRIETOR r The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry". most Choice the Market affords in A wmmmmm mm , CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD TH1NG3 TO EAT XX 'X. 'XX 'XX 'XX'XVXX'X '3t'XX'XV WX' WXX'XVXX'XX THE CITY ELECTION Dr. Plamondon Receives Flattering Testimonial of Regard In Splen did Vote For Mayor. For Mayor, Dr. J. D. Plamondon, present incumbent. For Gouuoilmen, A. B. MoEwen, M. Li Watts and F. S. Le Grow, present inoum bents. For Treasurer, A. A. Foss. For recorder, B. B. Richards, pres ent inonmbent. For Water Commissioner, G. A. Barrett, present inonmbent. Ordinance No. 113, by referendum vote, carried. The above is the result declared by the ballots oast in the ' Athena city election, held Tuesday. A total of 128 votes were cast and the faot that Dr. J. D. Plamondon received 111 votes ont of this total, the resolution ex pressed by ballot stands in the light of diguiQed and flattering testimonial of the regard and esteem in which be is held by the citizens of Athena both as ( man and official. He was unanimously nominated for the office in a mass meeting of citizens and bad no open opposition. The result in detail as shown by the ballots was as follows : For Mayor J. D. Plamondon, 111; David Taylor, 2; Jerry Stone, 1. For Counoilmen A. B. MoEwen, 117; M. L. Watts. 115; F. S. LeGrow, 113; Ed Kilgore, 1; Wm. Winship 1. For Treasurer A. A. Fobs, 118; Wm. Winship, 1; David Taylor, l. For Reoorder B. B. Richards, 116; Jerry Stone, 1 ; S. F. Wilson, 1; Ed Knight, 1. For Water Commissioner 0. A. Barrett. 115; Ed Knight, 1 ; Fred Ker shaw, 1. Ordinance No. 113, by referendum vote, carried; yes, 71; no, 39. H1NKLE PROJECT 1M NEW HANDS Cleaver Brothers Take Over 10,000 Acres for Eastern Capitalists. The second large deal in irrigated laud to be recorded in the west end of Umatilla county within tba past mouth was closed at Echo Monday evening wnen the Cleaver brothers, represent; ing Chioago and Indiana capital, took over the Hinkle Ditch company's holdings at Echo. The deal involves about 10,000 aores of arid and semi-arid land and 25 miles of canals and laterals and represents the sum of $100,000. The -other large deal was the pur chase of half of the Furnish ditob pro jeot ty Dr. Henry Waldo Coe and associates ot Portland. The Hinkle Ditch company was or ganized three years ago by J T. Hin kle of Pendleton and O. D. Teel of Eobo with a number of associates. The Hundiob, an ancient attempt at recla mation, was taken over and baa been extended and enlarged until it is now one of the leading projects in the state. The capitalists who have purchased it will oolonize the land with eastern bomeseekers. Whitman Won. Whitman defeated the University of Idaho in two games of basketball last week in the Whitman Gymna sium. The first game was rather easy for Whitman, Idaho being beaten 26 16. The seoond game was harder fought, bnt Whitman won 20-17 Dntoher was out of the games on ao- oount of injuries. These two games closed the basketball season for Whit man, and put Whitman seoond in the interoollegiute championship race. Teacher's Certificates Issued. Two teachers' certificates were Is sued Saturday by County Sohool Sup erintendent Welles. Mrs. Lillian Downs Dobson, of Atbena, was given a first grade certificate wbilo Miss Ella J. Hayes received a tbird grade on the grades of her state papers. MAIN 83 (2 Athena, Oregon i YOUNG HI'S CLUB Joint Organization of the Young Men's Fraternal Society, With Lester Miller Supreme Master. In the rooms of the Young Men's Club in Athena Friday evening a joint organization to be known by the name Young Men's FrateruakSooiety was eleoted by the members of the local club and the members of the Young M en's club of Weston. Fifteen members of the Weston club were present at the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Supreme Master, Lester Miller of the Weston club. Mr. Miller started in detail the objects and purposes of the proposed amalgamation of the two clubs into the formation of the Young Men's Fraternal Society. It is proposed to have an initiatory degree in whioh will be vividly impressed the moral status of the society and the obligatory exactions to be required of all members joining the Sooiety. Mr. Miller, an exceptionally bright young man, impressed upon bis hearers all the sooial and fraternal beneSts to be derived from the society, should neoessary care be taken in living np to and proteoting its principles. A committee was named to draft a constitution and by-laws for the soci ety, and oommittees for other purposes pertaining to effecting the organization were named. Thw meeting ended iu social inter course and the enjoyment of an oyster supper, served iu fitting style by mem bers of the Athena club. The fraternal feeling wbiob prevail ed at this meeting at which a number of Athena business men were present on invitation, displayed a commend able spirit on the part of toe young members of the sooiety to cement a lasting friendship, between the boys of the two towns a spirit and feeling that should be cherished and fostered in every way possible. CANDY CAUSED CHILD'S DEATH Mabel Forrest's Death Due to Poison ' ous Coloring In Candy. .Mabel, the nine year old daughter of Mr.gB.nd Mrs. J. F. Forrest," mention of whose illness was made in Friday's Press, died at the hospital in Pendle ton Friday night. The child's death is attributed to eating candy the color ingredients of which contained poison. The oandy was purchased in Walla Walla and that it contained poison in every par tical contained in the box, is proven by the fact that two other obildren who ate of it were taken violently ill though they were not seriously affected An investigation is to be made. Samples of the candy will be proonred if possible for the purpose of having it analyzed. ' The little girl was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Forrest of Atbena and she was nine years old. The fun eral was held in Pendleton at 2 o'olock Sunday afternoon. The procession was formed at the residenoe of E. J. Sommerville and went from there to the Catholic church where the service was held. Burial was made in Olney c & ino t e ry SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Frank K. Welles Will Be Re-elected Without Opposition. Frank K. Welles, county sobool sup erintendent, who has made an envi able reoord iu bis administration of the oounty's eduoational affairs, has announced bis candidacy for re-ele3-tion. Press readers, irrespective of party affiliations, expresB themselves with favor in regard to Mr. Welles' candidacy, and reoognize in bim a thorough and competent man to have charge of our pnblio schools. It is more than likely that Mr. Welles will be the only candidate for this, important office, a condition which in itself expresses the regard and esteem in which be is held by the people. Death of Jefferson Brown. V .Tufforann P. Rrnwn. mrnri R7 vnnrfl. died at his home in Walla Walla, Sun day of stomach trouble. Mr. Brown was a retired farmer of this oounty and went to Walla Walla to make his home. He was the father of Fred and Pearl Brown, former pupils of the Atbena public school, and resided in Atbena for a time. Cbas. Brotherton of tbia city attended the funeral, which was held Sunday. Card of Thanks. Mr. Louis La Brasohe and family desire to express their thanks through the columns of the Press for the many acts of kindness shown them during tne illoes and deatn or tbeir son, Clarenoe. Mao Zan Pile Remedy comes ready to use, iu a collapsible tube, with not zle. Ou application soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and relieves soreness and itcbiug. Price 50o. Sold by Pioneer Drug Stole. SOI Hi STOCK Shipment of Males Brought From Idaho and Will Be Sold to Uma tilla County Farmers. Two carloads of fine mules were purchased in Idaho last week by W. R. Taylor. The consignment of stock, which includes four head of good horses, was unloaded at Pendleton and driven to the Taylor plaoe, west of town. Some of the best mules ever seen in this seotion of Umatilla county are to te found in the bunch. With the ex ception of two span, all are young mules and range in prioe from $100 to $500 per pair. Mr. Taylor, who Is associated with Fay Le Grow in the stock business, got the cream of the mule teams in the Boise Valley when he purohased this lot. He brings them here for sale and eiuoe the arrival of the stock many farmers who are oontomplating using mules instead of horses for ranob work, have been out to see the animals. One team in particular, "a spanking good span" in the language of one Missonrian, who saw it, is about top uotobers in any class. This team weighs 26 hundred, is well matohed and attracts the attention of all. Already sixteen head of male have beon sold. Casper Woodard bought eight bead and Bern Bannister eight head. ARTHUR SCOn BUYS LAND Purchases a Section and Three Quar ters For $42,000. The sale of the Cooley-Pieroe farm Saturday for $13 000 was one of the largest real estate deals to be consum mated during the past few months, a period of time whioh will go down in the history ot the oounty as famed for the number of its large deals, says a Pendleton paper. This is the big ranoh in the Cold Springs country wbiob has been farm ed by A. B. Cooley Aitbnr Soott of Athena, is the purchaser and the big deal was negotiated by the firm of Coutts, Bittner & Hayes. There are 1120 acres in the farm and 500 aores of growing grain is in cluded in the trausaotion. The ma chinery, however, has already been sold and was hot inoluded. Tbe ranch is one of the large ones ol the county and considered one of the best iu that seotion of the country. Mr. Cooley announced a few weeks ago, his intention to quit farming and a short time afterwards sold the large part of his outfit at auction. Mr. Soott, tbe purobaaer, is one of the woll known wheat farmers of the Atbena country and has had years of experience in tbe growing of grain in Umatilla oounty. LEAVES HIS DEATH UNSOLVED H. D. Lovell, Found Fatally Injured on Rails, Near Starbuck. H. D. Lovell, a stranger, who was found stretched aoross tbe railroad track below Starbuok Saturday by the engineer of a fast freight, died at tbe Walla Walla hospital Sunday after noon without regaining consciousness long enough to give a coherent account of himself or bow he met with tbe ao cident near Starbuck. All the infor mation that Lovell oould give is that be bad a brother residing near Farm ington and a son at Appleton, Wiscon sin. 1 Lovell bad a narrow escape from being ground to pieces by tne ireignt. Tbe engineer disooverd bis body soon after leaving Sarbnok for Walla Walla and suooeeded in bringing his train to a stop within a few feet of tbe injured man. The supposition is that Lovell was taken with an apoplectic stroke and fell, striking his bead on tbe rail. His bead was slightly cot. which gave rise to tbe opinion that be bad met with foul play.' Lovell's body is being held at a lo cal undertaking establishment pending some word from relatives relative to its disposition. An Aristocratic Hog. While in tbe city reoently, D. II. Preston purchased a half interest in "Mastin" tbe prize winning Poland China boar wbiob bae been at tbe head of A. L. Swaggart's thoroughbred herd. Tbe hog was shipped to Waits burg Monday. He is an aristooratio member of tbe twine family and took sweepstake prizes at Walla Walla and Pendleton fairs. Tbe half interest cost Mr. Preston $100. Foreclosure by Default. Peterson, Peterson & Wilson took a default Saturday in tbe foreclosure of a mortgage for L. A. Snellen berger, of Weston, against James C. Dingbam. Tbe amount involved was $230. Kodol is today tbe best known rem edy for all disorders of tbe stomaob, such as dyspepsia, beart burn, sour stomaob aud belcbing of gas. Sold here by Palace Drug Company. I E Thinks Cake Should Withdraw and Give Statement No. 1 Repub licans a Chance. W. S. U'Ren, who announced bis oandidaoy for the United States sen atorship from Oregon to suooeed Sen ator Fulton tnis week, has issued an open letter in whioh be invited H. M. Cake, the leading tepublioan candi date, to withdraw from the race with bim and leave bim the field open so that statement Np. 1 republioans could center on some candidate. He mentions Judge MoBride. Ben Selling, T. B. Wilcox and I. H. Hushes as nossible candidates. Cake deolines to aooept the U'Ren proposal. lne letter comes to me as a sur prise," he stated, "but I must deoline U'Ren's proposal to withdraw from the raoe." M OLD WALLA WALLA FIGHT Two Delegations Possibly at Tacoma Convention From Walla Walla. Tbe organization of an Ankeny- laft olub in tbe federal court rooms in Walla Walla Sattnrday night by membeis of tbe Ankeny wiug has re sulted iu the Boxers charging that the meeting was secretly held aud that in vitations to many Republioans were purposely overlooked. The formation of the Ankeny-Taft club has started afresh the old tight between the Boxers aud the Ankeny wing of tbe Republi can party in Walla Walla, aud in all probability two sets of delegates will go to .Taooma to assist in the organi zation of a state Taft club. Governor Moore, a Boxer leader and a politician enemy ot Senator Ankeny has announoed that he intends to at tend the Tacoma meeting with B. C. Holt, another Boxer. The Ankeny delegates, composed of Ex-Mayor Hunt, R. J. Berryman, Oliver T. Cornwell aud Attorney J. H. Pedigo, were appointed at Saturday night's meeting and have left for Taooma. The Ankeny organization went on re oord Saturday night that it will take no part in working for candidates other than Senator Aukeuy and Secre tary Taft. Tbis will leave tbe field dear for the Boxers to nominate any candidates they see fit to be voted on at the ptimaiy election. Strain Files Petition. ' Assessor C. P. Strain has filed his nominating petition for re-eleotion to the office be now holds. The follow ing is bis platform as announoed upon hispotition: "If I am eleoted I will during my term of office oontinue my present policy. That is I will be fair, watobfnl and economical iu tbe dis charge of my official duties." His motto, to go upon the ballot, will be "Vigilauce, economy aud equality." Death of Infant. Wade, the three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koontz, died Tuesday of pneumonia, after a short illness, and was buried Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from tbe Koontz residenoe, on 4th street. Ev erything that could be done by phys icians, parents and kind neighbors was done for tbe little one, but to no avail. The parents have the sympa thy of the community. k Returned From the Sound. Seattle and Tacoma where he spent the winter. He met sevctal former Athena people who are residing on the Sound, and reports that all are doing well, particularly W. E. Young, who is en gaged iu the grooery business at Taoo ma, aud Dr. Will Soott, who is prac ticing in Seattle. Death From Diphtheria. Walter Manker, 19 years old, died Monday evening after a week's illness with diphtheria at Pendleton. Tbe oase was especially severe. There have been a number of cases in that town, but everything possible is being done by physicians aud health boards to prevent its spread. 'V Ravne-Lieuallen. Mr. David H. Bayue aud MIbs Etbel Lieuallen were united iu marriage Wednesday at tbe home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. J. T. Lienallen in Adams. The couple took a wedding trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bayne will reside in Helix where the groom is engaged in the mercantile business. Office Made Vacant, By tbe removal of William Potts from the district, tbe office of tbe chairman of the board of directors in district No. 69, wbiob is three miles west of Warren station Las been de clared vacant by tbe county sobool superintendent. An election will be called to fill tbe vacancy. Kodol is a soientiflo preparation of vegotabie acids with natural digest ants and coutalns tbe same juioes found in a healthy slomsob. Euoh dose will digest more than 8,000 grains of good food. Sold by Palace Drug Company,