The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 31, 1908, Image 5

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    Press Paragraphs
Frank Coolldge visited Pendleton
Lester Swaggart came np from Pen
v dleton yesterday.
J. M. Hayes was up from Pendleton
Wednesday on business.
- Walter Preston spent Saturday and
Sunday in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Howe goes to Pendleton this
afternoon for a short visit
Mrs. Laura Alexander came over
from Walla Walla yesterday.
Miss Alta Sharp went to Walla
Walla Wednesday, for a visit.
Mrs. E. A. Dudley was a Pendleton
visitor last week, ooming home Satur
Hush McLean haa rAtnrnnd fmm r-r
Lake, where he spent a oouDle of
Mrs. Charles Norris. who has been
seriously ill with the grippe, is reoov
, eiing.
, Rev. Putnam closed a series of suo
( oessful " meetings at Adams Sunday
i Angus Gillis came down from bis
home in Adams county, WaBb, Wed
l. uesday. '
Y: Mr. Castello, a popular student of the
i Normal at Weston, was in the city
j Sunday.
Dr. Eeelor of Walla Walla was in
i the oity Wednesday on professional
J. E. Froome, the hotel man, had
. business at the county seat the first of
)the week.
De Witt's Little Early Risers aie the
best pills known. Sold by Palace Drug
Mr. Gilliland, the O. R. & N. oper
ator, was ill this week and incapaci
tated for work. '
Mrs. Wilkinson is spending the
week at the home of Mrs. W. B. Tay
lor near town.
i Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman were
guests of Walla Walla friends tho
first of the week.
i A. L. Swaggart shipped a thorough
bred Poland China sow to E. Gill, of
jDufur, Wasoo oounty. .
Miss Delia Danner goes down to
Pendleton on this afternoon's train to
spend a couple of days.
S J. H. Ridenour left Tuesday for bis
home in Portland,' after some weeks'
visit here and at Weston.
, W. H. Reeder has returned to his
borne in Taooma, after a visit of a
"fouple of weeks with bis children here.
) Attorney S. P. Wilson will leave
Saturday evening for North Powder,
where he goes on professional business.
STbe East Oregoniao estimates there
are 15oo cases of La Giippe in Uma
tilla county of which Pendleton olaims
W. ,
lliss Smith, a trained nurse of ex
perience, has charge of the case of
John Gillis, who is ill .with appendi
citis. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bell were up
from their home near Myriok station,
and attended the skating patty Friday
Sight ,
: Mrs. M. L. Watts is now able to at-
teud to ber household dnties and the
prospects, are bright tor a pleasant
Vaaiorma trip.
, Rev. Isreal Putnam, pastor of the
Mithodist Episcopal oburob, attended
the Union revival meetings in Pendle
ton this week.
f Main street business lots in Hermis
ton sell for $100 per foot frontage.
Robt. Forester reoently sold 15 feet
at this prioe.
I Grandma Mansfield, the mother of
Mrs. A. L. Jones, has been ill the
past week with la grippe, but at pres
ent is recovering.
I The Snnday sobool class of young
ladies, oonduoted by Mrs. Theo. Dan
ner, will give a tea and sooial soon at
the Christian churoh.
- i
Miss Rose Fletcher, a trained nurse
from Walla Walla, came over yester
day to attend the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman.
Trains for passenger and freight
trafflo are betas ODeratsd nn th North
Bank road between Pasoa and T,vl,
Wash, a distance of 115 miles.
Farmer' alnnhnriA linA ia im
proving its servioe and extending its
Jiaes so mat toe wnole mountain dia.
trlot will be in touch with t.h invm S
kwm. Winship ia having a hard
I tussle with rhanmafiam in hia faai-
after a prolonged attack of the grippe.
He has been ill for about three weeks.
Mrs. A. B. McEwen leaves today
for Pendleton, where she will visit
her ohildren in the academy, and at
tend the great Haudenaohield meetings.
Mrs. A. L. Jones oame home from
Pilot Rook Wednesday, where she has
been visiting her daughter Mrs. Frank
Boynton, who reoently gave birth to a
bay boy.
Attorney Will M. Peterson, accom
panied by his brother, a C. Peterson,
who recently arrived from North Car
oilna, were in the city for a few hours
The ladies Aid society of 'The M. E.
oburob are preparing to give a Wash
ington tea on February 23, in the Ep
worth League rooms. Further an
nouncements will be made later.
The Milton gnn club has been reor
ganized, with Mr. Cookburn as presi
dent. About 30 new members were
received into the olnb at a meeting
held there Tnesdnv nvAnintr.
)s A Freewater report aays the prioe of
flfAHA nnAil X. J 1 - Aa .
wuuu in iuuii vi.j ia $0 per oora
delivered, and those who bought wood
at 8 not delivered, early in the sea
son, are now kicking themselves.
i Henry Eoepke arrived home from
Columbus, Ohio, Wednesday. Mr.
Eoepke went east some time ago with
the remains of his mother-in-law,
which were shipped there for burial.
Eodol is the best remedy known to
day for dyspepsia, indigestion and all
troubles arising from a disordered
stomaob. It is pleasant, prompt and
thorough. Sold by Palace Drug com
pany. r- Last night the meronry hovered ten
aciously in the vioinity of the zero
mark At the Barrett residence one
thermometer registered two degrees
below zero and another registered six
degrees below.
Mrs. Lou M. Hornaday of Walla
Walla, will give the annual C. W,
B. M. day address at the Churoh of
Christ, next Lord's dav at 11 a. m.
Ladies of the churoh are requested to
meet Mrs. Hornaday at the churoh
parlor, Saturday afternoon at 3 :30.
While soliciting orders in Athena
Tuesday, Mr. L. a Martin of Pen
dleton, agent for the Grand Union Tea
company had his right leg severely
injured by a gate striking him. He
returned to his home in Pendleton.
Mrs. James Mitohell left for her
home in Moro, Wednesday, after a
visit of several weeks with her parents
here. Miss Nellie. Foss accompanied
Mrs. Mitohell' as f ar as Pendelton,
where she will visit ttn balanoe of the
Week. jf , '
Eennedy's Laxative Cough' Syrup
aots upon the bowels and thereby
drives the cold out of the system. It
contains no opiates it is" pleasant to
take and is highly recommended for
children. Sold by Palaoe Drng company.
f TO Vt TT CaaU i.n i l . i m -
... u. 4-. uuwiji .mi a aaii ween, xoi a
isit with relatives at Clovis, Califor
nia. His aged mother is at that place
with her other sons. James and A. E.
D. Mr. Soott will stay until spring,
and will probably be aooompaniod
home by Joseph Soott and bride.
t Two suits for the recovery of money
were filed today in Jnstioe Riohaids'
court by Attorney Wilson. Fred Shoe
maker sues Henry Bergevin on a prom
issory note for $18, and Robert Gen
evay brings suit against Peter Pam
bern to reoover the sum of 147.30.
John Gillis who has been critically
ill with appendicitis at bis home in
this oity is reported better by Dr.
Sharp, the attending pbysioian. Every
indioation now points to the reoovery
of Mr. Gillis withont resorting ' to an
An Vvmn 1Tatt4- HHitiia I
yjn iuux iuau xiip
tO r
Walla Walla
We want yon to make your headquarters at the Davis-Easer Store.
It'a the store that has made the most rapid growth of any store in this
section of the country.
It's the store that has a special department for handling mail orders.
It's the store where yon can always find without any question of a
doubt, positively everything that yon may need to furnish the borne.
It's the store where quality is the first consideration where yon can
not buy a trashy article even if yon wanted to and where prices are the
proven fairest
Then, it's also the store where your patronage is appreciated, and
wbere satisfaction is guaranteed.
Aooept our invitation to call when next in Walla Walla, or write us
your wants and let us send yon pictures and prices. We sow have fine
catalogs describing and .Illustrating the beat stoves and beaters made.
Send for one. Doesn't cost a cent, and we would like a chance to add
your name to our big list of out-of-town customers.
The Dayis Kaser Company
Complete Home and House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Waah. - - - Pasco, Wash.
operation. Dr. Eeelor'was called in
consultation with Dr. Sharp on Tues
day and it was decided that it was un
necessary to send the patient to the
hospital at Walla Walla.
TThe home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Carman is under quarantine restric
tions, where their little daughter,
Eiouise is dangerously ill with scarlet
fever. The little one suffered an at
tack from this disease last winter in
a mild form. Her condition at the
present time is at the lowest ebb, the
attending pbysioian pronouncing the
crisis at band. A trained nurse ar
rived yesterday from Walla Walla,
and everything possible is being done
for the little sufferer. -
Grandma Gerking was taken violen
tly sick yesterday morning and small
hopes fur her recovery were enter
tained for some time. At present
there is little change in her condition,
and owing to ber advanoed age, grave
fears are felt by her1 friends as to ber
ultimate reoovery.
The date on which the revival
meetings at the M. K. cbnroh will be
gin is to be anuounoed soon. Evange
list Corradine of St Louis has sent
word that he can come for the purpose
of holding a series of meetings and the
money for the expense of the meeting
has been raised.
Oohu MQuary. the Philippine war
veteran, was in town Wednesday and
Thursday shaking hands and visiting
with old friends. John is now a pros
perous farmer in the Washtuona
country, Adams oounty Wash., and
values bis land holaings at seven oi
eight thousand dollars.
Clarenoe LaBrasobe has been seri
ously ill the past week at bis home
south of Athena with a oompiloation
of liver and kidney trouble. The
young man was taken siofc about two
weeks ago and gradually beoame worse
nntil Wednesday, when a slight
obange for the better took place.
A rumor was in circulation this
morning to the effect that Nelson
Stamper had died yesterday at Pot
latch, Wash. The cause of the rumor
was a'telegram, announcing the death
of John MoBride, a grandson of Mr.
Stamper's. The telegram was to Hen
ry Stamper of Weston, announcing the
toy's death.
In the Turner will case A. F. Turner
et al., appelants, vs. O. 0. Turner et
al., respondents, the deoision of Judge
Bean was affirmed by the Supreme
Com t In this case the appellant
sought to have the courts set aside the
will of the late Mrs. 0. A. Turner by
which her property was left to 0. C.
Turner. 'r
hKjbis evening at the City Hall, the
-li.! , 1" . A Al
citizens mass meeting ior toe purpose
of nominating municipal officers will
be held, and doubtless tbe meeting
will be well attended. Dr. Plamon
don is being urged by his friends to
again acoept tbe bffioe of Mayor and
David Taylor is also being talked of as
a possible candidate.
Miss Emma Luedtke has been suffer
ing from a very severe attack of tonsi
litis. It was feared at first that it was
diphtheria, as there was a gray mem
brane formed over tbe tonsils. All
precautions were taken and the liouse
was quarantined for a day, but it
soon developed that it was tonsilitis
and tbe quarantine was removed.
Nearly three inohes of snow fell
Wednesday afternoon and evening in
this vicinity and insnres moisture that
was badly needed for growing grain.
The snow storm was general and ex
tended north as far as Pasoo. In the
mountains considerable snow fell. At
Eamela there is two feet of new snow.
At that place there was nboui eight
inobes of old snow on the ground.
Mrs. H. B. Nelson, formerly of Wes
ton, but now a resident of Franklin
oounty, Wash., is in a Walla Walla
hospital and her oonditioo is reported
to be extremely critical. Her daugh
ter, Mrs. Victor? Chastain, of Lewis
ton, Idaho, who has been wintering in
California, had been summoned to her
bedside and ber son Mr. Clark Nelson,
of Pendleton, is with her most of the
time. . ..
John Cummings, tbe Weston mer
chant, has taken advantage of the
bankruptcy law and tbe matter is now
in tbe bands of Judge u nomas Fitz
Gerald, referee in bankruptcy. Ac
cording to tbe statement made by
Cummings his total assets amount to
$3770, while his liabilities are $3083.
58. Of the latter the sum of $483 is
due the Saling estate for rent, $3,200
is dne Henry Adams, while $194.40 is
owed M. Born & Co.. of Chioaco. .
jVThe skating party given at tbe rink
last Friday evening by H. A. Barrett
and Walter Judy was replete with new
features for entertainment. A rose
contest was held, all tbe skaters par
ticipating, and Miss Cecile Boyd was
the suocessf nl contestant. Instrumen
tal numbers by Misses Eittie Gholson,
Lucile Eemp and Mary Boober and a
vocal solo by Mrs. J. D. Plamondon,
were highly appreciated. Cake and
fruit punch was served by Mrs. Harry
McBride and Mrs. I. M. Eemp. -
amar Union No. 6. of tbe Farmer's
fCo-hperative Educational Association
of America, is in a flourishing condi
tion. Twenty new members have re
oently been added to tbe rolL A. L.
Swaggart is president and Cass Can
non vice president of Lamar UnioD,
which meets on tbe first and third
Monday nights in each month. Many
social features are injoyed by tbe
members. An interesting paper edi
ted by Mrs. Carmiobeal and an able
corps of assistants is read each eve
ning. , The pleasures of tbe next
meeting will be marked by a splendid
supper. -
WE ARE Still mkinc the
duo iLK URON.
Jarman's Big fair Store.
losgiwe Mercantile Co
We are taking inventory, and we
find we have a great accumulation
of Remnants of all kinds and shall
sell them Irom now until February
1st at cost and many them at
less. Now is the time to get bar
gains for Children's Dresses, Skirts
and Shirt Waists.
If you can find the lengths to suit
you, you are sure to get more for
your money than ever before,
B. C& H. Trading Stamps with all
cash purchases. &
losgiwe Mercantile Co
Athena, Oregon