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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1907)
Peculiar toeltself Id selection, proportion and combination of Ingredients. In the process by which their remedial values are extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness and economy, Curing the widest range of diseases. Doing the most good for the money. Having the most medicinal merit. And the greatest record of cares, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as SarsatabS. 100 doses $1. What Moved Him. Blobbs dwelt next door to Mr. flood, Whose reputation wasn't good; And so, one day, Blobbs moved away He did not like the neighbor Flood. The General Demand of the Well-informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy ot known value; a laxative which physl clans could sanction for family use because Its component parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial ia effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, In action. In supplying hat demand with Its excellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for Its remarkable success. That Is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is given the preference by the Well informed. To get Its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. MADE FOR C SERVICE and guaranteed absolutely WATERPROOF OILED SUITS, SLICKERS AND HATS Every garment guaranteed Clean Light Durable Sult32 Slickers 3S sote ereesr dcaurs murwniM catalog run ran tmajkim9 TROLLEY WAQOX few Method mt Elcwtrlo Transports tloa Sooa to Be Been. Americans seem rather slow In rec ognizing the many advantages of the trolley systems of cities and towns. In the majority of the foreign countries, both city and suburban, trolley roads have been utilized for many years for transporting freight, etc. A Pennsyl vania man, seeing the possibilities of trolley transportation, has designed vehicle which Is splendidly adapted for the purpose. As shown In the lllustra tlon. the preferable form Is along the lines of the ordinary wagon used by the express companies. Electrical means are attached to the wagon, so that power can be obtained from the over head trolley wires and transmitted to the driving wheels. Especially In the larger cities, where the main streets WHAT IS PERUNA? i'oWka kUOU TdOLUiX WlH-tSS. TrnpstoCalifornia OVER "The Road of a Thous and Wonders" From Portland to Los Angeles 'fhrough San Francisco An artistic book with 114 beautiful colored pictures has been published by the Southern Pari He Company I Hunt rat ing and deacrlblnv the attractions of i hit wonderful road and tho country ths ,u ih which it passes. It can be ob ta) el by sending lft cents to Cbas. 8. Ke , Passenger 'liaftlo Manager, room 991 Flood Building, San Krancisco, Cal., or the undersigned. Whon you get ready to n East remem ber that you can save two-thirds ot a day and enjov a through trip direct to Chi cago without change, first or second lass, by purchasing your ticket over the ' K. Si N., Hhort l.lne, Union Puciilo id Chicago A Northwestern. Address lir apply to any O. R. A N. agent for more complete Information. win. Mo Murtay, (iencial Passenger Agent, Port land, Oregon. "HIS aUSTIR-a VOICt" True to Nature The New Victor Talking Machlhe with taper liu arm. brings every kind of musio and song to your home. It brings thero-to stav-the tal ent that fl,00u.0oo could not secure for'even one night. Magnificent hand selections, beautiful vocal solos, couiio recitations and stirring mel odies. W VICTOR Talking Machine You will have thaworth of what you pay over and over again in Real Pleasure ajd salsiaet iou. Other talking machints coat less than the Victor, but there is no ecouomv in the pureha of men, because thity do not give real satisfac tion. Ih Victor Is not ine a talking ma chine, it is a musical Instrument of tba hightw-t on er. It does not imitate- It reproduces the human voice or tone of any instrument exactly precisely w thout the screeching, scratching grating nolsea always present w ith "cheap'' machines. rVe cell absolutely new Victors low In pries $10. $17 and $23. larger mathlnea from l3i. 40, JSOupte $100. Easy term of pay ments If desired. THE HOUSC Or QUALITY" SHERMAN, CLAY & GO, Sixth and Morrison Sts., opp. the PORTLAND, P. N. U. OREGON Ns, 43-47 are strung with overhead wires, this vehicle could be used to advantage. It need not Interfere w'ith'the running of the cars, as the vehicle could be read ily run on to the side of the street to permit the passing of the car. The right to ue the power could be leased by the company. In fact, overhead wires could be strung on streets not used by the trolley companies. In this way the driver of the vehicle could reach a point close to his destination, the goods being transported the small distance re maining by hand trucks. w BIN writing to advertisers please caaatiea sais paper. RATTLERS AND BEAR AT PICRIC. Dora Start War of Annihilation Among Snakes Capture Cnb. Boys at a picnic at Greeley, Pa., re cently had rare fun, says the New York World. Aluch of it was due to the fact that there has not been such a drought In Pike County for fifteen years. The Delaware looks like a lost river, the beds of the smaller streams are dry. The picnic was held at Rattlesnake creek, In which so little water remains that It does not hide the bowlders on Its bed. Every boy bad a putty blower, made from a straight piece of alder, from which the pith had been punched, leaving a caliber big enough for a bird shot. Soon the boys discovered a colony of rattlesnakes preparing to cross the creek toward them. Every Pike County boy who Is not a nature faker knows that a rattlesnake hates to wet its rat tles. The boys hid In the bushes and waited. Twelve rattlesnakes were In the approaching bunch. The biggest started ahead to reconnolter, the oth ers waited on the bank. The scout snake made his tortuous way from bowlder to bowlder, and finally his rattles, dry, reached the pic nic grounds. He rattled a wireless "all right" to the eleven, which crossed In Indian file. The boys turned their putty blowers on the snakes and fired fast and accurate broadsides. Maddened by the hall of shot the snakes turned on one another, and soon every one lay dead, killed by the venom of each other. The twelve snakes' combined length was sixty-five feet But this was not all the fun. At luncheon the tempting odor of honey on the sandwiches attracted a very small cub bear from his home In a neighboring wood to the picnic ground. The boys fed It on bread and honey and took home a real but docile teddy bear. A Cheerful Hint. Among the presents lately showered upon a Maryland bride was one that was the gift of an elderly lady of the neighborhood with whom both bride and groom were prime favorites. Some years ago, according to the Woman's Home Companion, the dear old soul accumulated a supply of card board mottoes, which she worked and bad framed, and on which she never failed to draw with tho greatest free dom as occasion arose. In cheerful reds and blues, suspend ed by a cord of the same colors over the table on which the other presents were grouped, hung the motto : "Fight on ; fight ever." Father of a Large Faniilr. "What are you working up now?" asked the Inquisitive render. "Well," replied the special magazine writer, "I'm trying to get a line on an unknown hero who deserves something handsome at President Roosevelt's hands." "Who Is he?" "The husband of the Old Woman Vho Lived In a Shoe." Oh! the Horrid Thing! "Mrs. Van Astorbllt called upon me this morning," said Mrs. Woodby, proudly. "Yes?" replied Mrs. Chellus, with af fected Indifference. "I heard she was Interesting herself In charitable work, but I thought It was among the very xr." Philadelphia Tress. Poor coffee furnishes grounds for much domestic dlsssatlsfactlon, Is It a Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or is it Both? Some teoile call Fenra a p-mat tonic, utners reier to renma tu a great catarrh remedy. Which of the people are right! is it more proper to cau renma a ca tarra remedy than to call it a tonic ? Our reply is, that Peruaa ia loth a tonio and a catarrh remedy. Indeed, tnere can oe no enectnai catarrh rem' edy that is not also a tonic In order to thoroughly relieve any A a a case oi caiarrn, a reneay must not only nave a soecino action on the win. cons membranes affected lrr th rx tarrh, bnt it must hare a general tonio action on tne nervous system. Catarrh, even in Bersom w am otherwise strong, is a weakened eon oKion or some mucous membrane. There must be semethinsr to strairtn. en the circulation, to five tone to the arteries, ana to raise the vital forces. Perhaps no vegetable remedT ia th world has attracted to attann from medical writers as HTDSASTIS CAHADEHSIS. The wonderful effi cacy of this hers has been recognized many years, and is growing in its hold upon the medical profession. When joined with CT7IZ23 and COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is formed in Pe runa which constitutes a gpecifio rem edy for catarrh that in the present state of medical Treeress cannot be improved upon. This action, rein f mm m ' . xorcea oy suca renowned tonics as C0LLINS0NTA CANADENSIS. COR. YD ALIS F0EMCSA and CEDE0N SEED, ought to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its stages and locations in the body. From a theoretical standpoint, there fore, Peruna is beyond criticism. The use of Peruna, confirms this Anininn. Numberless testimonials from every quarter oi tne eartn furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusiastic. When practical ex perience confirms a well-grounded the ory the result is a truth that cannot be inasen. Werae Yet. The timorous Chinaman fled with sgilit- X, but the boys grabbed his Q and yelled "Kill it I" Then they cut off the said Q close to his head, While he danced areund Ilk a P la a killet. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O We. the undersigned, hare known P. 3. Chenev lor the last 15 rears, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bulsaess transactions and financially able to carry out any obllgv liuu luaue ut uin nnn. WALDING, KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O Hall's Catarrah Cure is tken Internally, act. lng directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces OH the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. xae nail's r anuiy ruis ior uonstipatlon. Artistically Speaking;, Mrs. Kawler (looking at photograph) It's an excellent picture of you, but it's an exceedingly poor one of your husband. Mrs. Crossway I know it, but I like It all the better on that accouat. He makes such am admirable er fell, you know. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Iacnrable. The professor was welcoming a niece. who had just returned from a trip abroad. "Had a fine time, had you?" he asked. "Perfectly splendid." "Yet you were going areund between showers all the time.' "Why, how can you talk so! It didn't rain a drop while I " "Don't interrupt me, child. I know what I am saying. It was raining when you started away from here and It's rain ing now. Comwehend?" Aa He Telia It. Just as Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were getting off the street car at the crowded corner downtown, Mr. Ferguson felt a hand slyly inserted in his pocket. But he did not turn his bead. He recornlied his wife's deltate touch. Is Your Hair Sick? That's too bad ! We had no ticed it was looking pretty thin and faded of late, but naturally did not like to speak of It. By the way, Ayers Hair Vigor Is a regular hair grower, a perfect hair re storer. It keeps the scalp clean and healthy. I in mtt acquainted with Ar.r's Balr ( ana I Ilka It T.ry much, t wonld asp. elallf ncammeod it aa aa excellent drawing (or tne hair, keeping It soft and smooth, ana BrevenUDjr the hair from spllttlna at the ends." itlKKlB FaiTS, Vaedan, Mich. I A Hade ky J. O. Ayr Oa., LowaU, Xaaa. Iyer's PILLS. CBEKB.Y PECTORAL. The gammer Celd. It Is tba easiest thing In the world to catch a cold during the last days of summer. Some often do Imprudent things, and next day find that they are In the possession of one of the most difficult colds to be rid of the summer cold. As a rule, the simplest remedies for a cold are the surest There Is noth ing for carrying off the congestion like a hot bath, a hot drink and a good sweat Do this at night On arising !n the morning rub the body rigorously with alcohol and a Turkish towel before -entering forth. If It la a tight cold In the head, rub the bridge of the nose thoroughly with vaseline at night This simple remedy sometimes works like a charm. Another effective method Is to snuff up warm salt water. It Is of the utmost Importance dur ing a cold to keep the system from becoming clogged. The old senseless maxim, "Feed a cold and starre a ferer," Is responsible for many bad complexions. The proper method Is to eat very lightly or, If possible, to diet or fast for a day. GOVESNOB'S SOU A NEWSBOY. ILOOB THE SOURCE QFiUX DISEASE Every part of the body la dependent on the Mood for nourishment and Strength. When this life stream is flowing through the system ia a state of purity and richness we are assured of perfect and uninterrupted bealta; tecause pare blood la nature's safe-guard against disease. When, however, the body is fed oa weak. Impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble la manifested ia various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skia affections show that the blood is ia a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, nahealthy matter ia the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poisoa remains. These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood ia various ways. Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the) avenues of boiily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and form nrie and ether acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming ia contact with contagious diseases is another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and microbes of Malaria into ouf lungs, and when these get into the blood ia Sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Soma are 6e unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to suffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any and all poisons, -supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely ana permanently cures blood diseases of every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores PURELY VEGETABLE Skia Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., and docs not leave the slightest trace f the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely j harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. Is for sale at all first class strug stores. ook on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write-, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA r Execntlve'a Heir Alao Hakes Montr with st Lsmeaade Stand. Being the son of Nebraska's gov ernor has not interfered with the Amer icanism of George Lawson Sheldon, Jr., aged 14, and all boy. Gov. Sheldon, apparently, does not believe In giving his eon all the loose cash In his pock ets, and the youngster Is Independent enough to get out and hustle. During the State Fair the boy ar ranged a lemonade stand at the head j)r -i.e. 'j-- !r i .4 .' f GEOBQE SHELDON, JS. of the stairway In the dome of the capltol and made $20 on the venture. Visitors were thirsty after the long climb. In the evening young Sheldon hustled on the street with papers, tak ing his luck with the "newsies," and his success was so great that It is ald he has planned to continue the occupation. Not on Hie. Buffalo BUI was talking about his re cent visit to Newport "Reginald Vanderbllt," he said, "drove me to his farm In a superb mo tor oar one afternoon. As we spun along, Mr. Vanderbllt pointed out a famous millionaire, and told me of an Incident that had recently happened to the man. It seems that a penniless youth had had the cheek to come to the millionaire and ask leave to pay atten tion to his daughter. "'But you have no means,' said the father, with a frown. "'But I love her,' said the young man. " 'But, hang It, what would you live on T " 'I love her,' the young man repeat ed. 'We would live on faith and hope. "The father frowned again. "'And charity,' he frowned. Not Natnre Pake. Rev. William J. Long, the famous nature writer, said one day in Stam ford : "A school teacher here in Stamford was put right the other morning by a tiny nature student amongst her pupils. "She had given out for parsing the sentence, The birds sing,' and all the children had said that the word 'birds' In this sentence was common gender. She had accepted their answer as cor rect But one little fellow at the tall of the class said that 'birds' was mas culine gender. "'Masculine? Why masculine tho teacher asked. " 'Because only cock birds sing, the d replied." Her Idest. This poet" said Tess, "speaks oi. spoondrlft on the bosom of the wa ters.' I suppose "spoon-drift' Is a nauti cal term." "I fancy," said Jess, ""that spoon drlff means when you are out la a boat alone with 'him' and Just drift ng." Philadelphia Press. Unreliable. "He fairly dotes upon her. He la wild about her." "I don't take much stock la these wild dotes." Houston Post According te Rales. Sentry You can't leave. Soldier But, I have the captain's eral permlsslen. Sentry (Importantly) Let's see It Translated fer Transatlantic Tales from II Metto per Rldere. rT0 St. Vitas' Sauce ane an Nervous Diseases If Id niaiint.ljr osrea br Dr. Kline's Orh Kerve Beatorer. Send far FBKK 2 trial bottle and treaties. Dr. B. B.KUae, La., Ml Arch bU, Fails. JPa, So Slns-alar. "Punny," said Baretop, "bnt there was a time when the barbers used to speak of my hair." "You mean befere you began to get baldr asked his friend. "Yes. Now they speak of my hairs." Philadelphia Press. Mother win flad Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup tks best remedy to use lor their c&Udiea aurlag- tae teething period. Wheat "Do you think the railways will be willing to obey the law?" "Oh, yes," answered Mr. Dustln Stax; "we'll obey the law all right But aot until after our lawyers get through explaining It" Washington Star. IRRIGATED LAND IN WASHINGTON The Wenatchee Valley Irrigated Ap ple Orchards are paying $500 to $1600 per acre this year. Cascade Orchards, one mile from Leavenworth, is now on sale. Get particulars free trom H. C. Peters, 022 Alaska Bldg., Seattle ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon 20 Mule Team BORAX will cleanse every article In yonr kitchen or dlnlna room make them brisht and for silver or newte? ve a high pound. All dealers. Hamnle, Booklet and rlorOsma "WHIZ' Oakland.Oal lOo. Fsdlio Coast Boras Oe., Goes Up. Bacon Has he been successful with his new airship? Egbert Partially so. He goes "up In the air" every time he tries to start the thing. Xonkers Statesman. 250r-v(U DRUCGJSTS-BOo. SWOBS OIL CONQU W FOR STIFFNESS, 8ORENE8S, SPRAIN OR BRUISE, NOTHING IS BETTER THAT YOU CAHJ8EJ LUMBAGO'S PAIN, RHEUMATIC TWINGE, YOUR BACK FEELS LIKE A RUSTY HINGE SCIATIC ACHES ALL PLEASURES 8POIL, FOR HAPPINESS USE 6T. JACOBS OIL. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A boarding and day school for young men and boys. Accredited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Amherst and all state universities and agricultural colleges. The principal has had 28 years' experience In Portland. Mate reservations now. J'or illustrated catalogue and other literature address J. W. HILL, M. D., Principal and Proprietor, PORTLAND, OREGON Fresh from the Ear to the Can in Maine Preferred Stock Sweet Corn is packed for us there because the Maine soil and climate combine to produce the sweetest, tenderest, most delicious corn in the World; canned right in this wonderful corn pare! en Fathered and packed the same dav. with original crispness and sweetness perfectly preserved. This it the secret of "sweet corn goodness" in Preferred Stock Canned Goods ?aak4 fkvm the Bast an Srnra ThtfUltftb crop PREFERRED STOCK atyeur Gnctr't LBWIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLaJTD, O&EGOIT, U. 8. A. W. L. DOUGLAS BCST IN THE WORLD $3.00 a $3.50 SHOES vroSHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THB rSMILV AT ALL PRIOFS. $25,000 jiSS3KrKW4,5f t?fiurimtf I ntomm Mao's) 03 A $3. BO mhomm rim VWaaru thmmmnyothmr mmnufmoturmr. THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people to all walls of life than any other make is because of their excellent style, easy-fitting, aad superior wearing qualities. The selection of tbeleaihers and other materials for each part of the shoe sad every detail of the making is looked alter br the moat ooaapleta organization of superintendents, fore men and skilled s hoe maksrt, who receive the highest wages paid in the shoei sdustry, and who workmanship cannot be excelled. If I could take youi nto mylargef aetoriee at BrocktoB.Ms.a. and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, yon wouldthea ondentand why they hold theirshape, fit better, wear! onaer and are of araater value than anv other make. Mf tf .00 aiMf $B.OO BUT COOES mm mmmtrnf bm mommMmJ mt ..i . ""CAUTION I The genuine bare W. L. Douglas nam. and pries stampJdbooxSS: Tfe SaUtt. Aak yourdeeJerfor W.L. Douglas shots. I f r-T.f 5 V-t sofa-staty. eksutevsTTwbyasiLCMsioafM. W. L.L'LT.IJ! Jf daNisW