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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1907)
I iffiN , ,L ,Mk MONITOR if' l Substantial Drill PL jS' Athena, - - Oregon J JOB PRINTING- THE AND ALL DISEASES Two years ago a severe unable to work and scarcely able after using one bottle I went back PRICE 50c For B RJ$? Kl ft V 1 1 ill PI pa U VI 11 tflVHM I Gents' Furnishings, Rubber Goods, Shoes, Gloves, 3yfe Sell Neat Workmen Past, Modern Presses High Grade Stock Ei - W" HI' l"lMl,JJlWWM;.viw.uaB.1 ,l-lm"HK.V-1 J-J i: m '...j- MWIIIiWIHIig Jf DR. THROAT AND cold settled on my longs and so completely prostrated me that I was to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. Zing's New Discovery, and to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY WM. McBRIDE. AT THE PALACE DRUG H. ..-. ...,. .. 30 days only, we will give you 5 lb Shilling's Best Baking Powder . $1.95 One sack Cane Sugar . . . 6.00 4 gallon Jacket Syrup . . . 2.50 1 lb Shilling's Best Tea . . . .45 3 packages Arm CS, Hammer Soda . .25 25 lbs Chase C& Sanborn's Bulk Coffee 5.00 One box Sea Foam Soap, ioo bars . 4.00 One package Gold Dust .. . . 23 One bottle Catsup 20 Now here is your chance to purchase 60 days' supplies at a great saving. We need the money, you need the goods. these conditions, if you don't buy from us we both loose money. 14 n n Arl koal representative for A thena If Qll I Kiland vicinity to look slier renew His and increase subscription list of a prominent monthly magazine, on a salary and commission basis. Experience de sirable, but not necessary. Good opportunity for rliflit person. Address Publisher, Box W, Station O, New York. wl I Id and LUNG PREVENTS AND $1.00 STORE. I a chance to buy your Groceries for Winter, cheap for Cash. will give you the following prices : T. I. TA&&AET & COIPAM CASH STORE The Place j 1H OTHER TOWNS WESTON. Mrs. Harriet Greer is quite ill. Sbe in in town at ber daughter's residence, the Hugh G. Walker borne. Tbe Rath bone sisters gave a delight ful farewell Friday reoeption to Mes dames David and John Warren, who are to leave very bood to try farm life in Adams couuty, Wash. Both ladies have been prominent members of Stepb auie temple and it is with profound regret tbe "Sisters" contemplate tbeir removal. Tbe responsibilities of a mail mes senger overcame tbe genial, easy going Jog. Clodius. After a brief tiial ot prompt attendance at Uncle Sum's beck and nod be took to bis bed, com pletely crushed in spirit, with bis ner vous system an utter wreck. Fred Gerberding, propiietor of tbe Lobby, was obliged to mount tbe driver's seat and pilot tbe bns to and fro, wbiob office he will be obliged to bold until his father, D. Gerberding, can return from Walla Walla where be is in at tendance on his sick wife at St. Mary's hospital. Hugh Taylor is back among tbe Weston "boys" after a sojourn of sev eral months at Medford, Oregon. Hugh returns, as he went, a free and inde pendent baobelor, tbongb report had him married some time ago to one of Medford's fair belles. The Misses Stevens of Calgary, Can ada, are visiting Mrs. Alex Walker and other relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. A. B. Hanna of Meaobam, is tbe guest of ber mother Mrs. Eliazbetb Hall, at the residenoe of Cashier Hall. FREEWATER. Mr. Roy Wheeler leaves for tbe Horse Heaven country today where he will be employed by F. Cresswell. The Tuni-a-lum Lumber company received two oarloads of lumber yester day from Tacoma, over the Northern Paciflo and Traotion lines. The water iu the river raised last evening over 10 inohes and consequen tly tbe ditches are running full to overflowing. A meeting was hold in tbeFreewater Times office on Saturday evening for the purpose of organizing an Odd Fel lows lodge in this oity. Dan J. Kirk of Milton was eleoted chairman and D. C. Sanderson, secretary of a committee to make the preliminary arrangements. The grand master of Oregon has been communicated with and is making ar rangements to install tbe new lodge early in December. The organization will have its new home in the new ball erected by Bradley, Mitchell & Hadley, wbiob will make one of tbe most beautiful and commodious lodge rooms in the state. Invitations will be issued to Walla Walla, Pendleton and Milton lodges to take a share in tbe in- One lb ground Chocolate Two lbs Crackers Ten lbs Lard Twelve lbs Japan Rice Four bars Tar Soap . One case Corn One case Tomatoes Five Gallons Pearl Oil that Saves you iatory exeroiaes. There will be a charter list of over fifty members. MILTON. Kenneth, the little son of Guy Ed wards, is quite sick with lagrippe. Miss Grace Bussel wag tbe guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards. Sbe came over on tbe car from Walla Walla. A drenobing iain fell in Milton and vicinity all last night, giving tbe ground a regular soaking. The raiu was mnob needed by tbe farmer?, as the ground was thoroughly baked and tbe grain was Dot doing as well as de bired. Miss Esther Beaumont has leturned home after a two weeks' visit at Col lege Place. Mr. J. Pierce, who bongbt the Thomas Jones property on George street, is making extensive improve ments on tbe place. Mr. and Mrs. Falgatter returned to Milton tbe last of the week after an extended trip through Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. While absent Mr. Falgatter was engaged in taking pic tures, and he brought home a number of Que views from different seotions of the country. Tbe new briok oven for tbe Milton bakery, whioh was built by Bill Small, suddenly collapsed Saturday eveniug, laying tbe whole oven in ruins. It lias taken several weeks to build the oven and Mr. Pierre, tbe pro prietor of the bakery, was ready to move over, but now a delay of several more weeks will be neoessary iu order to get a new oven built. A Significant Prayer. "May tbe Lord help you make Buck leu's Aruioa Halve known to all," writes J. G. Jeukins, of Chapel Hill, N. 0. It quickly took tbe pain out of a felon lor me and oured it in a won derfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns aud wounds. 25c. at Wm. McBride's drug store. Tbe old remedies are the best Hick ory Bark Cough Remedy has been in use for over one hundred years by tbe old Dutch Dunkards of Pennsylvania, and is still in use by all the old families of Western Pennsylvania. Is abso lutely pure; made from tbe bark of tbe white or shell bark hickory tree. Tbe Lurk is shipped from the east, and manufactured in Walla Walla, Wash. For sale by Palnoe Drug Store. It comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to tbe soreness and inflammatou, for any foiin of Piles; it soothes and heals, re lieves tbe pain, itobing aud burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 50 cts. Guaranteed. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. Do you know that Piuesalve Carbol ozed acts like a poultice in drawing ut iufla mmatiou aud poison? It is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, eczema crooked hands it is immediate relief Sold Dy Pioneer Drug Store. If you buy" a $30.00 order, we $30.00 Under v Overalls and ALIENS RETURNING TO HOIS Every Vessel Sailing to Europe Car ries Full Steerage Lists. What appears to be the greatest ex odus of aliens from tbe United States ever known is now in progress. Every vessel sailing from New York for Europe the past few weeks has carried full steerage lists, and thoso sohednled to sail between now and Christmas already are folly booked leaving thousands unable to obtain ac commodations. It is estimated that tbe eastbound steerage for November and December will be many times that of tbe oorrespondiug months of last yar. Steamship men and immigration officials who nave studied tbe move ment, especially with regard to the day laborers of I'.aly and Hungary, state that it is muoh larger and more per sistent to the eastward this year tbau ever before, and from this they argue that a large proportion of the voya gers, scenting a letup in industrial aotivity and with an exaggerated idea of the present oonditions, have no in teutiou of returning in tbe spring. Tbe returning Immigrants will spread the news to all parts of Europe, with tbe result that the number of able bodied men seeking profitable employ ment in this country next spring will be materially lessened. Be Charitable to your horse as well as to yourself. You need not suffer from pains of any sort yonr horses need not suffer. Try a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment It ourea all pains. J. M. Roberts, Bakerfleld, Mo. writes: "I have used your Linimunt for ten years and flud it to be tbe test I have ever used for man or beast" Sold by Wm. Mo Bride. i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CRED ITORS. In tbe Couuty Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of tbe estate of Ann Kirk, deoeased. Notioe is hereby given to all whom it may conoeru tbat Marion Jaok has qualified as exeooutor of tbe last will and testament, and estate, of Ann Kirk, deeased. All persons having claims against tbe said estate are re quired to present them together with proper vouchers as by law required to the said Mariou Jack at the office of bis attorneys, Peterson, Peterson & Wilson, in Pendleton, Oregon, with in six months from the first publioa tiou of this notice. The first publication hereof will be made in the Athena Press on Friday tbe 18tb day of October, 1007, and successively thereafter eaob week for six weeks, tbe last publication appear ing ou Friday, 20tb day of Nov. 1907. Marion Jack, Exeoutor; Peterson, Peterson & Wilson, Attys. 35 .20 1.50 1.00 22 2.25 2.40 1.50 Groceries, I loney l I