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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1907)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance an 2nd clam matter made on July 5, 1W7 at the poatofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot CoDgreBB of March 3, 1879 Subscription Hatct : vt-ur, tn advanci .Single copies In wrappers, 5c, 12.00 ATHENA. ORE.. NOV. 29. 1907 THE STATE FUNDS. It is easy to read between tbe lines of the American Surety company's attaok ou Governor Chamberlain, through its Portland mouthpiece, W. J. ClemeOH. Should the company be able to hold State Treasurer Steel in oflico until his term expires, the surety people will have saved over $50,000 interest on tho total amount of Steel's bonds, at the expense of the state. This proceedure Governor Chamberlain would prevent, and for this rouson do mands that Steel resign, so that the state may collect the bonds from the surety company and thus come into legitimate possession of funds illegiti mately deposited with tbe defunct trust company. With the resignation of State Treasurer Steel the burden of securing the deposit would fall on the surety company, and in turn the com pany is endeavoring to shift onto the state at the expenso of tho common wealth, the task of straightening out Steel's tangle with tho busted trust company. Evidently the governor has no faith whatever in tbe trust com- pany ever paying, hence his action in seeking reoovery of the state s money through the only recourse left the re signation of Steel and then colleotion of tbe state treasurer's bonds. So long as Steel is not forced to resign be oan draw salary and also protect the bonds guaranteed by tbe corporation, thus giving tbe state the "double cross." Of the 1395,000 of state funds depos ited with tbe Title Guarantee bank, $100,000 is oovered by American Surety company bonds, on whioh the state oan sue as soon as the insolvency of the bank is legally established. But the remaining $295,000 Is oovered only ty tbe gouoral bonds given by the surety company for the protection of all state funds in tbe treasurer's hands, and ou these bonds suit cunnot be brought until Mr. Steel is called upon to turn the funds over to Lis successor. If ho is allowed to serve out the torm for whioh he was eleoted, his successor will not take oflico until throe years from next Jauuary, and in the mean time uo legal demand cau be made ou tho suroty company for the $295,000 doposited in the Title Guarantee bank. Interest on the amount could be ohaiged against tbe company only from the date of snob legal demand. If however Stool were to resign now, demand could be made at ouce upou the surety compauy by tbe state and iuterest would begin to run from tho dato of the demand. Tbe compauy will save thoroforo interest on the amount involvod for over three years, if Steel serves out tbe term for which ho was elootod. Assuming that the money is worth to tho oompauy six per oout, tho saving would be $17,700 Fer annum or ovor $53,000 for tho three years. The smothering of tho Barrett bill, which had for its aim and purpose tbe provoutiou of just suob a tuugle as rave M If you have failed to attend ment SIO.OOO Worth of up-to-date merchandise on sale at sacrifice prices, all must go before December 1. when we will display our Enormous New Stock ot Xmas Goods. Come help us move. TEUISCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE The fastest growing Store in Eastern Oregon. Steel has made of bis disposition of state funds, was accomplished by Steel and those interested in securing deposits of state monies, by thrusting a substitute bill before senate aud housn while tbe Umatilla representa tive lay ill at his hotel and incapaci tated to offer defense for his bill on tbe floor of tbe bouse. The principal feature of tbe Barrett bill was that it provided for tbe deposit of all state funds with the different banks of tbe state; made tbe state board responsible for tbe safe-keeping and security of tbe funds provided that no bank could bold on deposit an amount of state funds equal to more than 75 per cent of tbe capital stock and no more than 90 por cent of the value of the securi ties offered. On the pretext that it "took away all tbe authority of the State treasurer," Steel offered every opposition possible to tbe bill, and now after exercising his authority, be is up againBt tbe real thing good and plenty. And so is tbe state. The following from tbe Chicago Grocer is suggestive and worthy of careful reading: "The day of safely marketing rotten eggs and aeggs about ready to hacob is over and both farm ers and merchants have an ample rea son lor being exceedingly carerui or the ben fruit tbey dispose of, as other wise the consequences may be exceed ingly uupleasant. A government in spector reoentlv hung around a store in an Iowa town, and when a farmer f brought in some eggs he said he want ed some fresh eggs and took the lot. Several of them proved to be rotten and the farmer was assessed $120 by Uncle Sam under the new pure food law. If tbe merchant had taken the eggs and disposed of them to his cus tomers he would have been liable to the same fine." The holiday reason will soon be on and the merobant who uses a liberal amount of printer's ink will be the one to secure the greater-portion of tbe trade. Tbe Press will be in a position to care for any amount of ad vei Using that the merchants of Athena desire to do. Already the merchants of tbe other towns of the county have started an advertising campaign through tbe newspapers and are going out after trade in every direotion. Tbe reoont migration of foreigners from this country to theh native homes will not be received with regret by the citizens of tbe United States Lot us only hope and pray that the out pouring from our shores will continue, so far as tho lower and ignorant class es are oonoerned. 1 Gov. Folk in his speech at tbe James town Exposition, on Missouri day, bit the stand patters ou a sore spot wbeu ho said: "A tariff deliberately de signed to create monopoly and to give a few people tbe right tc prey upou the rest of the people is prohibited by the moral law the law of oonsoienoe. " BRYAN'S PLAN A GOOD ONE. Every uote put out by a national bank is guaranteed 01 iusured by tbe United States government. If a na tional bank fail, its curreuoy remains as sound as a gold dollar, and this faot establishes perfeot confidence in national bank currenoy. Mr. Bryan would extend this safe guard to the deposits of national banks. He would have tho government insure the payments in full of every dollar deposited m a national bank, tbe cost of this insurance to be collected as a tax from all tbe national banks. If this reform oan be effected it will sssec our Monster Bargain Base- Sale ctinm 1 gal. can Towles Top Syrup 1, now 1-2 gal can Towels Top Syrup 60c, now 1 gal. can Longs Saratoga Drips 95c, now 1-2 gal. can Longs Saratoga Drips 55c, now 1 gal. can Woodlawn Maple 1.50, now CASH WILL SAVE YOU CASH WORTHINGTON SPOT CASH GROCERY prove tbe greatest fluauoial boon ever extended to tbe Amerioau people, Under it bauk panics would cease. Credit in a national bauk would be as good aud as unquestioned as a note upon a national bank. There would be no motive whatever for runs ou national banks, and these tragedies of theperseut banking system would soon become a dark and unhappy memory. Periods of comparative industrial and fluauoial depression cau never be altogether avoided. So long as the speculative spirit remains in tbe human mind, occasional undue inflatiou of values and unsound speculative ven tures must be expeoted. If, however, we oould eliminate the wild fear that loads to panio-striken runs ou banks, the injurious effects of neoessary oc casional readjustments of values would be reduced to tbe minimum. Depositors would have no reason to withdraw their deposits aud hide them away when most needed by tbe baukg and tbe public. Assured of the pay ment to tbe last cent of their deposits, tbe people would go about their ocou patious with confidence and hope. Fioanoial panics would be robbed of their most disasterous oonsequeuoes. Tbe moral effect of this reform would be tremendous. It would im part great impetus to the virtue of thrift and eoonomy. Under existing conditions every severe flnanoial panio deals a terriflo blow to tbe saving spirit of tbe people. Men are led to reason that it is not worth while to save. That large element whioh is inclined to live up to its income points to tho ill-fortune of others who lost their savings in broken banks and so fall baok on tbe demoralizing dootrine that it is best to spend all and enjoy life while you oan. Mr. Bryan finds from statistics that the average annual loss to depositors for 40 years has been less thau a fourth of 1 per cent, and from this fact con cludes that a very small tax on the national banks would amply insure all their deposits. There is indeed reason to believe that if the deposits were so insured losses in future would be muob smaller than inthe past, einoe tbe mo tive that now prompts depositors to raid and break banks would be re moved. We should then see an end to this unhappy business of raiding and breaKing banks which ordinarily would be sound and solvent. The plan advocated by Mr. Bryan is deserving of thorough and friendly consideration. Tbe fact thai it chances to be advocated by tbe democratic leader should not be permitted to exert the slightest adverse influence ou tbe minds of republican leaders of con gress. Spokesman-Review. room CLOSING 75c 45c 75c 45c 1.20 HAMBERUM KiaaaaaaaagqaaaaaBaaaqgaBaaoaaaaan Coughs,Colds, CROUP, WhoopingCough This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size SO cents. Sold in Athena by McBride. The Crackers with a Flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them LARGEST ADVERTISERS or REAL ESTATE IN THE UNITED STATES WE wilt sell your farm, home, or business property wherever situated. Send for our blank to Rive description f same and have it listed with us. We have 1-uyers for property all over the United Slates ,t,id your farm, home or business property m;:y be just what our customers want If you want to buy a farm, horns or business propi 1 1 y, write us to-day What you want and in w ' at state, county, or towR you want to We issue a new booklet of farms, homes a. id business property that we have for sale ry month and sent oil request You had better have your farm, home or business property lis- 'd with us for our next issue. If you need the service of an attorney before the Patent Office or other branches of the Government in this city, we will give you the name of a reliable ii m. Write today, Addr sa EJ.TOTTEN & CO. Bond Building Washington, D. C Foley's Honey and Tat tor M opiates. a AAAAAiiAAAAAi Eagle BERT CARTANO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY VVVVWVNVVVVwVAVVA'V Honrbonnd Bock sod Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cognaff Blue Stem Whisky Famous Pilsner Beer Best Brands of Cigars. THE i Bar ! "BERTS IS 1 AT THE ELE IS THE PLACE" ELECTRIC SIGN 3 lostae OUT PRICES . 1-2 gal can Woodlawn Maple 80c, now 1 quart Woodlawn Maple 50c, now 1 2 1-2 gal. kit Target 1.75, now 1 4 gal. kit Target 2.75, now 1 2 1-2 gal. kit Towles Top 2.25, now First National of Athena CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS 20,000 PER GENT IHTERtST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS E MODERN BANKING FACILITIES OFFICEES H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. L fJEOW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP. Ass't. Cashier. B A. J. PARKER'S I i -fmmm BARBER SHOP et"i'i' ii-aS''' l'"-- llMiiS ;- Anilir, Clan - Blurt em SOUTH SIDE MAIN - ir 1 111 mi mi 1 1,1m rniiiMMBi-r iihitmi miitity '""'"'1 ' "'"' H'mlH WftMri''V to'.i i An ounce of Pre- A vention is worlh a pound of Cure. is worth more to ones health than any other medicine known. Do not fill your stomach with arsenic, calomel, quinine and debilitate the system, leaving symptoms that it takes Tears to Obliterate. Merbirw is purely vegetable containing nothing injurious, and is a gentle harmless purgative. CIIRFSC0NSTIPATI0N' CHILLS AND vUIxCo FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, MALA RIA AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. Does More Than We Claim. Don C. Morrison, Kissimmee, Fla. writes: "I have used several bottles of Herbine myself and have advised several of my friends to use same. I have found it to be the best medicine for the liver I ever used. It acts gent ly at the same time thoroughly." PLEASINQ PRICE goc, HARMLESS Ballard Snow Liniment Co, 500-502 North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Recommended by W. JlcBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATHENA, OR. 60c 40c 1.25 I.85 I.64 DIBECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. Bank THE ATHENA MEAT mm m IVIAKKt.1 J. II. STONE, Proprietor The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, at lowest prices. Fish and Oysters in season. Highest cash price paid for poultry. u