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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1907)
Athena Merchants Treat you Square Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XIX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1907. NUMBER 72 ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Company Floor is made iu Athena, by Atbeua labor, la the latest and beat equipped mill iu the west, of tbe best seleoted Bluest em wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells Amerioan Beauty for $4 H) s Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. jrfll R. J. BODDY C Iff) WHOLESALE BUTCHER $A, 'f ' Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat' in Large Quantities. "W First-class stock, Reasonable price THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. H. O. Mansfield, Manager Athena, Oregon BUILDING 7 AND Yards at Walla Walla, Toubhet and Lowden, Wash. Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. What Makes it the Popular Route Fast? The Northern Pacific Railway ever has in mind the comfort of its patrons. Its through trans continental trains are composed of new and modern equipment which is kept in perfeot condition. The latest improvements are found in day coaches, in standard Pullman sleeping cars and in dining and observation cars. None but the most competent, civil and obliging employes are in oharge. The company tries to make the journey of its patrous pleasant and its efforts are appreciated. INQUIRE OF LOCAL AGENTS The Northern Pacific Railway A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A., Nor, Pao. Ry., Portland, Ore. 3 I3!!!3" fill A I lpif niatfiisiiitf ifiF&FaFi i m miu g i y mtfitii a a unc PROMPT DELIVERY WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT The Freshest and 3 wmrnnr vlUUiiL We Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here DELL BROTHERS, BEAUTY er Sack. and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. MATERIAL FUEL FOR FULL INFORMATION most Choice the Market affords in ABLES clirSSc,s IN B IG HERE Union Church Services In Athena Stores Close-Masquerade Ball at Opera House.. .Thanksgiving day was observed oy all Athena. Friends visited friends, and tbe nsual homecoming of relatives to be present at the festal board was noted in many instances and general good cheer prevailed. Stores and business houses observed the day by dosing and bat little busi ness was transacted, only a few pur chases were made, and these from meat markets and grooers. Tbe hotels served sumptuous Thanks giving dinners to their guests, and a number of home dinner parties were in evidence. . A Union Thanksgiving churoh ser vice was held at the Christian ohuroh in the evening at 7 :S0 o'clock. Rev. Israel Pntman, pastor of tbe Methodist Episoopal ohurcb, preached the ser mon and the united choirs of tbe oity rendered an appropriate song I service. Tbe young people, to excellent musio ' furnished by tbe La Braohe orchestra, ' I I 1 ' . i . . . , J A in masKS ana guttering, reepieuuaui costumes, tripped tbe light fantastio until the wee ems' hours. Funeral of Mrs. McDonald. . Mrs. Mary McDonald, wife of Neil MoDonald of Adams, died at her home Sunday morning, November 24, after an illness of several months dur ation. Funeral services were con ducted at 10 a. m. on November 26 at the MoDonald home, and from there a large company of friende accom panied the remains to Weston where the body was interred. Mrs. McDon ald's maiden name was Cameron and she was born in Tiree in Argyleshire, Sootland, October 22, 1838. Valuable Dogs Shot. "Roque," the valuable birddog owned by Fay Le Grow came home Sunday jsrith a broken leg. The limb bad been shattered by a bullet fired from a "22" rifle. Dr. Plamondon has set the leg in a plaster cast and "Roque" who is a patient patient, seams, io be doing as well as could be expected, under the circumstances. "Bingo," a collie, also owned by Mr. Le Qrow has been missing for several days and the supposition is that he has been killed. Cars on the N. P. A special train came in Sunday over tbe Northern Paoiflo and distributed cars along the branoh to be loaded with wheat Ten oars were left on the siding at Grandview and Athena's allotment consisted of five. Three oarloads of flour was taken by the special at the Preston-Parton Mill. Holiday Greeting The. happy Christmas time is fast approaobing, and again we take pleasure in inviting you to inspect our new and well selected line of Watohee, Clooks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and plated ware, Cut Glass, Fountain Pens, Etc. Do not forget that we pride ourselves ou our good goods and low prices. We make our reputation on euoh goods as Roger 1817 and Community Silverware the finest in the world. In watches, I oarry only the best makes, Howard, Hamilton, Wal- tham, Hamden movements, With a large line of Gold and Gold filled oases, to select from. V. II. COOLIDGE Jeweler POHNE MAIN 83 Athena, Oregon PHI A DRAIN R. & N. Force Engaged In Cut ting a Channel Across the Low er End of Main Street. That the O. R. & N. company re alizes the perilous situation in whioh its Athena yards and depot grounds is confirm ted in periods of freshets and high watei is evidenced by tbe exten sive preparations now being made to counteract any possible damage from future floods. A foroe of men has been at woik this week digging a channel aoioss tbe lower end of Main street, just east of tbe depot The channel is 5 feet wide and six feet deep. It was lined with heavy timbers on top, sides and bottom the top being covered to conform with the regulation street grade as to con tour, material, etc This channel is supposed to take care of water coming down tbe flat on the east side of tbe tracks and depot build ing. Last winter and during the early spring when high water put the Pendleton-Spokane line out of commission, tbe yards and depot platform were un der water and considerable damage re sulted to the track. One morning, passenger train No. 8 arrived in Athena and proceeded beyond Weston and was forced to return, owing to track being washed out beyond. Tbe train reaohed here and was tied up for several days but finally got back to Pendleton and it was just 30 days be fore the company could repair the branoh line and No 8. again whistled for Athena. Mail and passengers were transport ed overland between Athena and Pen dleton and from Atbeua to Walla Walla during that period. At one time 85 saoks of mail was received at the Athena post office for distribution. PHELPS STATES HIS POSITION He Will File' Prosecutions Against Pendleton Saloonmen. When the holidays are declared oil, whioh is said will occur Monday, one, if not more of the Pendleton salooumen will faoe a charge of violating tbe Sunday closing law, unless all signs fail, says the East Oreconian. It is now known that charges against at least one saloon have been made before the district attorney and it is expeotod that an information will be filed by Mr. Phelps as soon as tbe holidays are over with. When questioned upon tbe subject this afternoon Mr. Phelps admitted that some information concerning a Sunday violation had been furnished him. Ho then deolared that if suffi cient evidence should be forthcoming, whioh be understood would be a charge would be made. He does not wish to file a charge now beoause it would be impossible to try tbe oase during tbe holiday period and ai the aooused is a permanent res ident tbe case enn easily be resumed. "In tbe event of a change in tho city administration of Pendleton will your course regarding' gambling and saloon closing be the same as it has been during the past administration?" Mr. Phelps was asked. "It certainly will," replied that of ficial. "The city admnistration has absolutely nothing to do with tbis office, exoepting that it is the duty of tbe police to report violations of state laws to me. In tbe past I have noti fied the Pendleton police to this effect and also the peace offloers in all tbe other towns of tbe county. I have in formed them that should they fail to report violations of state laws to me I will prosecute tbem for malfeasance in office. "Pendleton is in just tbe the same class as far as I am concerned as all the other towns. Local officers must report- state law violations, whioh means violations of tbe gambling law and Sunday closing law as well as others. Gambling in tbis county is olosed for good." Big Revival Closed. Sunday night marked tbe close of tbe revival services which have been conducted for the past mouth in Walla Walla. During Rev. Hart's stay in that city 800 persons went forward seeking salvation. Of these 600 were converted. Aside from tbis the finan cial part of the meetings was gratify ing. In all, 2300 was raised, $800 of tbis was devoted to paying for tbe tab ernacle and the rest went toward pay ing the salaries of tbe evangelists. i Saw Mills Stop Work. Fred Flint returned from Seattle Tuesday evening and will spend tbe winter in Athena. He was employed in a Seattle saw mill, which closed down, throwing its employees out of work. A number of mills on tbe Sound have closed down during tbe past few weeks. Horses for Sale. Six good teams for sale at low fig- ure. for cash only. Horses run from 1100 to 1600 pounds and are thorough ly reliable. Enquire at N. P. Depot. COULD Four Jurymen Believed Steve Adams Guilty of Murder In the First Degree. The jury in tbe Steve Adams mur der oase was discharged at 5:45 o'clock Sunday aftemoou, being unable to agree on a verdiot, ; after being out since 8:30 o'olook Saturday night. Tbe jury stood eight for acquittal and font for conviction. Jurymen J. F. House, Charles Dittemore, D. W. Gar wood and S. A. Varnuni were the four men who believed Steve Adams guilty of the murder of Fred Tayler in the Marble Creek distriot of Shoshone county, Idaho, in August, 1904. Five ballots were taken, all with tbe same result The jury was ready to report with attorneys for both sides and it was agreed to keep the jury out a little longer. Clarence Darrow, ohiof counsel for Adams, tried to obtain concession of bail for Adairs and of immunity from arrest by Colorado authorities until tbe Is disposed of. No prom ise was given him. Sheriff Bailey of Shoshone county arrived with a. war rant for tbe arrest of Adams on tbe charge of murdering Ed Boule, near tbe same place and at about tbe same time the Tyler murder occurred. It is understood that Adams is not to be taken to Colorado at present and that tbe state will not oppose offorts to get bail tor Adams iu tbe Tyler case. Darrow will later make an ap plication for bail for his client. Hawley. chief counsel for the state, deolared the disagreement of the jury will have no effeot on tbe prosecution of the Tvler oase again, nor will it less en the efforts of the state to prosecute in other oases wherein Western Feder ation of Miners officials and prominent members are defendants. Hawley is disappointed at tbe verdiot. Darrow says the defense expeoted an aoquittal. X Masquerade Eutertainments. A masquerade skating party, a Thanksgiving masquerade ball and a oharaoter paity have been principal features sooially, in Athena, tho past weok. Wednesday night the young folks glided around tbe rink in gor geous costumes and Thursday night tbe Masquerade ball took plaoe in tbe Athena opera h'o'hse,' and tonight in glittering array, the members of tbe i Friday Night Skating Club will repre sent historic characters. rs. Line. . , Mew High Line. AAuother valuable improvement has been added to tbe eftioient rural tele phone system centering in Athena. Line No. 26, is now a complete high line, tbe construction work being com pleted Monday. This line accommo dates a large number of patrons, and extends northwest of town. ' RECEIVER WANTED FOR MINE Application Alleges Highlands Gold Mines Co. Is Insolvent. An application for tbe appointment of a reoeiver for tbe Highlands Gold Mines Co,, of Baker county has been filed in tbe federal court by Douglas W. Bailey, of this city, as attorney for H. J. Shultz, of Walla Walla and about 30 Montana stook holders iu the mine. Tbis is one of tbe prominent mining properties in the state, is val ued at $100,000 and has been tbe'ib jeot of much litigation. It is alleged in tbe application that Judge Crawford of La Grande has con federated with tbe directors to obtain judgment against tbe mine upon an alleged fictitious claim of $20,000, tbe purpose being to obtain possession of the property. Of this claim, $10,000 is Crawford's bill for service rendered as attorney for tbejeorporation and tbe remainder is alleged to be dne tbe di rectors. The application alleges tba' tbe company is insolvent and asks for a receiver to take charge and hold tbe property until tbe court issues a final decree. It will be argued befoie Judgo Wolvertou Wednesday. Hog Killing Time. Hog-killing time is here and butch ering is now tbe occupation being fol lowed by the average farmer. A. L. Swaggart slaughtered fifteen bead this week and many of bis town friends were remembered with geuerons dona tions of spare ribs and backbones. Teachers at La Grande. Over 200 teachers are in attendance at tbe state teachers' institute at La Grande this week. J. H. E. Soott of tbis oity is attending tbe institute aud in cousoqaenco members of tbe eighth grade have vaoation this week. Mothers with little children need no longer fear ctoup, colds or whooping cougb. Dees Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It works off the cold through the bowels, clears tbe head. Guaranteed. Sold fay Pioneer Drug Store. 'For Sale A good heating stove, Lorng wood. Enquire at tbe Press office. 1 Charged With Maliciously Securing a Warrant to Search Weston Residence and Bank. Tbe famous Mabel Warner is again figuring iu the courts. This time tho neice of the late J. W. Young, whose ; estate she claims is hers, started a bunch of trouble for herself, her hus band and one Craddick, a doteotive in ber employ, by scouring a warrant in Justioe Riobard's court to searoh tbe resideuoes of A. Phillips and Chnope Rojjers, and the Farmers' Bank f Weston. The warrant was issued by Justioe Richards, on what ho consider ed sufficient allegations made by Mrs. Warner and her deteotive, Craddiok. Mrs. Warner was after papers which she alleged belonged to her. The Phillips house at Weston was searched, but at the Farmer's Bank of Weston Mrs. Warner was blocked when Justioe Riohardssaw fit to recall tbe warrant. Tbis put an end to Mrs. Warner's round. Tbe next came from tbe other side when Mrs. Warner; her husband and tbe detective were brought before a Justioe court in Pendleton to answer to the oharge of having seoured a searoh warrant with malioious intent Tbey were placed nndor a cash bond of $300 eaob, to appear for preliminary examination. This is but another act in tbe con test oase for the J. W. .Young estate. Mrs. Warner has been tried in the cir cuit court for forging a will and the case long ago assumed more than a state-wide notoriety. A second complaint, filed by the Weston bank, has been made against the Warners. In this complaint tbe same oharge is made that is alleged in the other complaint, that of securing a searoh warrant with malioious intent. 1 At the Opera House. Last Saturday evening many attrao-. tious were going ou the Christian fair, Methodist revival, I. O. O. F., skating rink, and Dr. Coon at the Opera House. Those who braved tbe weather and beard Dr. Coon, expressed themselves as well pleased, and gave tbe doctor a oordial invitation to re turn and leoture again, some who had come from Weston to hear tbe leoture wanted him to oome there and speak. Stoves That Burn Sawdust. In Jarman's Department Store and at tbe St Nichols Hotel have recently been installed heating stoves that thrive on saw dust fuel. Tbe owners of tbe new stoves pronounce them to be an unqualified sucoess. Tbe beat eis burn an economical fool, for saw dust at present costs but little money aud once filled with it, the stoves can be so regulated as to give out a satis factory, even beat. In the Recorder's Court. Claud Estes was fined $50 in Record er Riobard's court Monday morning as tbe result of a fight in the Corner Sa loon Friday night, between Estes, Clarenoe La Brasche aud Cbas. Gay. In tbe fracas, Thomas, one of the pro prietors was struok by Estes, and it was on complaint of the saloon man that Lstes was fined. Appendicitis Is due in a large measure to abuse of tbe bowels, by employing drastic pur gatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's New Life Pills, tbe safe gentle 1 cleansers and invigorators. Guaranteed for headache, bilioosnemt, maleiia aud jaundice, at Wm. Mc I Bride's drug store. 2&e.