Scrofula Few are entirely free from it. It may develop ao slowly aa to cane) little if any disturbance during the whole period of childhood. It may then produce dyspepsia, c tarrh, and marked tendency to con sumption, before causing' eruptions, ores or awelliners. To get entirely rid of it take the great Biooa-punner, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablet! known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses si. Tht capital represented by Great Brit ain's cotton trtda in $2,000,000,000, and the profits $350,000,000 per year. THE MILK PAIL is kept free from italeness, sliminess and stickiness if it is washed with Borax and water in the following proportions I tablespoonful to a quart of water. Noiala Wasted. "We nse the low pressure system In tbis plant," explained the engineer. "That Is, we use the steam over and over again." "I see," said the visitor. "It's some thing like the system of ventilation In the sleeping cars." Mothers will And Mrs. WlnsloVs Soothing Syrup the remedy to uae tor their ohildrea luring the teething period. In th Customary War. The city editor was looking over the notes handed in by the new reporter. "Gliggina made a set speech, did he?" be asked. "No, sir," said the new reporter. "Be er stood up." TripstoCalifornia OVER "The Road of a Thous and Wonders" From Portland to Los Angeles Through San Francisco An artistic book with 114 beautiful colored pictures lias been published by the Southern Pacific Company Illustrat ing and describing the attractions of thin wonderful road and the country through which It passes. It ran be ob tained by sending 15 cents to Chan. 8. Fee, Passenger '1 radio Manner, room 997, Flood Building, ban Francisco, Cal., or the undersigned. When yon get ready to ro East remem ber that you ran save two-thirds of a day and enjov a through trip direct to Chi cago without change, first or second class, by purchasl ng your ticket over the O. K. & N., Bhort line, Union Paclfio and Chicago A Northwestern. Address or apply to any O. R. & N. agent for more complete information. Wm. Mo Murray, General Passenger Agent, Fort land, Oregon. JOIN THE PIANO CLUB Now Forming You With Ninety-Nine Others Join in Taking One Hundred Model "M" $400 Kohlcr & Chase Pianos. Co-operative Buying Brings the iavings In Whkh You Share, the Club Price Being Only $CO I Cash, or on terms of $10 cash and $10 monthly. Quarterly, semi-annual or yearly payments can be arranged at cash coft to club member by merely pay ing bank rate of interest. Model "M" Kohler & Chase Pinno is guaranteed for a lifetime. AuU besiaos, we do not collect from widows and or phans. Our Free Life Insurance Clause provides, in case of death of club mem bers after contract has been in force six months and payments have been made Hccordinir. to agreement, the family is given a receipt in full for balance of your unpaid indebtedness. The Piano stays in the home, without a dollar mote being paid. Club now forming Send at once for Booklet "G," which will be sent post paid and will explain the fairest, safest and best Piano proposition ever offered to the public. Booklet ' U" should be in the home and read by every one who contemplates the purchase of a Piano. Semi postal today, and save a third of your Piano money. There's a reason why more Kohler A Chase Pianos are sold on the Coast than any other two makes. The users of the Piano will te.l you. Ask one. It is poswib e now until the club is filled to place in your home Model "M" I4Q0 Kohler A Chae at club cost, one hundred Pianos, $28,700, or $287 each, for those who join in the wholesale transaction. KOHLER & CHASE, Box 532 Seattle, Wash. A Preoietloa. There'll be bread rlota In this coun try yet," growled the cross boarder. "Do you think bread will ever be ao scarce as to cause that?" queried the landlady. "I referred to the quality," returned the boarder, permitting a slab fs'rall with ominous thud on the table. Phil adelphia Ledger. Uaa smjof aqj Jumoj jompoo 0) Ai)onx)sp in MAoq jj xap eqj sdaej os i 'asjajM tq vaitm. pas janimrig n ood sjnjonjjs qj sjpai esnoq jo i8M eqj jao laoiS j Isapartlasr Mara laforaaatloa. Mrs. Chugwater Josiah, I saw the phrase, "his royal nibs," in print tbs oth er day. Is there any meaning to it? Mr. Chugwater Tea ; it's an English title conferred oa the manufacturer who is penmaker to the king or queen. , IWeThis? We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all buisness transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tion made by his Arm. W AIDING, KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O Ball's Catarrah Cure is sken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur face ol the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 rents per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Tea Hash far Hlaa. Huggins Why did Peckem apply (or a divorce? Muggins -He happened to be home one washday whan It rained. Taa Trata ef It. Teacher Johnny, can yon us the difference between define fot "caution and "cowardice?" Johnnr When you're scart to go out and stay home for fear It'll the boat comes In all right, ardlce." Teacher Well? Teasnm. on a boat sink and it's "cow Johnny home and "caution." And if you're scart and stay the boat does sink, then It's Balked. The favorite son; large eallber guns- Decided to bold a convention; But an untoward fate, 'tis sad to relate. Upset this most worthy intention. There wasn't a hall would hold them all A county roofed would have been too small - As space for the sure dissension. Philadelphia Ledger. Help the Horse No article Is more useful about the stable than Mica Axle Grease. Put a little ea the soiodles before vott "hook up" it will help the horse, and bring the load home quicker. OICA AXLE GREASE mean null better than any other grease. Coats the axle . with a hard, smooth surface of i powdered mica which reduces friction. Ask the dealer for i Mica Axle Grease. STMtiUS 0U. COMPACT aaaMMtti ai i isiiiiiaSaamMSI UOWAKD E. BURTON. Assayer ar3 Chemist, ijeauVlUe, VOloriKHA opKiuwu yrvmi w.u. Silver,, SI; Hold, Silver, 76o; Uold, Mc; Zlneor Copper, fl. Cyanide testa. Mailing envelopes and full price list sent 00 application. Control and Urn- hlmwirk .111 it' 1 1 All. tonal Hank. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon IRRIGATED LAND IN WASHINGTON The Wenatchee Valley Irrigated Ap ple Orchards are paying $.500 to $1500 per acre this year. Cascade Orchards, one mile from Leavenworth, ia now on sale. Get particulars free irom II. C. Peters, 622 Alaska Bldg., Seattle BORAX Sample, Booklet and Parlor game "Whls," 100. l'acillc Coast B jrax Co., uaklaud, Cal. A BARGAIN IN FARMS. Flue farm of 60 acres, northern Douglas county, 4 acres elearcd, land verT rioh, In famous "Shoe String" valley, 5-room house and other buildings, Hue wnter, 15 acres fir timber, line nrchaid. all kli.a mute ana Derries. in cluding all orons, good horse, cow and calf, 4 Angora kids, 6 Poland China pigs, 100 hens, all farm implements, house furn.shlngs complete everything goes for I2,ft00, Owner must sacrl lice at once on account of sickness. Write for full particulars to O. A. 13 KA KING, P.O. Boa 2:2, Roseburg.Ore. C. Gee Wo Tae well knowa reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used-Me Cures Without Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knifa Ha narantas to Cure t'utnrrh. Aathma, Luna. Throat, Khr.timatlnm. Nirouiina. Servoua Bahlluy, totmutn. i,ivr. aianay irotuK:aisoxMi oaaaaooo. ! wakas and All rritata uwiim. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Received from Peking, China Safe, Sura and Reliable. IF TOT ARE AITKTKO. PONT PIXAX. DSXAI8 ARK l)ANtJiaOl'8. CONSULTATION PHEB ttromeaanotoall, wrlMforajrinptoablaiikandoIm- lar. Xnclono 4ents lnatamt TWEO. OKBWO OHlMKSKjlEDlOINKCa Mi It first St., Oor. ktorrlnoa, Portland, Oraioa. Pleas Maatloa Tkt Paper. P.H. U. Na. 43-07 TTTHKX wriUng to advarUasnht al f f . tnoniioa sma popar. P 1 OS "m a r t V,Ni3LA.i1 roots and herl and la that rXfc-i ' discovered and ia iv- fc.! ivi ? -;ij i;ViX Inn to the world his wonder. fttuilU6liXM, lul rmdi. We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from Impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows It.too. Askhimaboutit. Ton mast look well after the condition of your IWerand bowels. Unlet tbar la dally action of tbe bowels, potsooeaa prod acta are absorbed, eauslnc, headache, blltoasneu, naa too, dTtpOMla, and tkna preventing tbo Bar. saearflla from doing Its best work. ayer't rill are rNer pills. Act gently, all vegetable. The dot Is only on frU at bed time. 1 A' by J. 0. Ayor Co., LeweU, Man. mo autaoAMtasars e" BAIK VKKW. AQUH CURE. CBEBJtV PECTORAL. LJLijers Modern Japanese coins nad Dank notes bear legends in English as well as in Japanese. Pattlna- Him Next. "Willie, will you tell your sister I am here?" "Would you like to have her com down?" "Of course." "Them If you'll give me t quarter I'll tell her you are not here." Houston Post. ftt. Yitnsf Base 0 all Hervont Disease narmanantlv cured br Dr. Kline's Oreat irvS rmum. Rand tat FREE S3 trial bottle and tnttU. Dr. B. H. Kilde, UL, tol Axcli Uk, f bUsk,l-a. February holds tht record as the month ia which most children are bora; Jane as that la which there are fewest births. . Kaklns; It Rlarkt. Once more poor woman is laughed at for her lack ef banking knowledge. There is no denying it, however; she is funny when she gets tangled up in the paraphernalia of finance. The Den ver Post tells this tale: The Denver National Bank, not long ago, received the following letter from a lady well known in social circles: . "Gentlemen Please stop payment on the check I wrote out to-day, as I acci dentally burned it up. . Tours. "MRS. BLANK." Shake Inte Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Eaie. A powder. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure tor sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching; feet. Bold by all Druggists. Price 25o. Trialpack age mailed FREE. Address Allen B. Olmsted, Lefioy, New York. V7a-o-Dat Fatlanthroay. "That millionaire is very selfish with his money, Isn't her' "No, Indeed; he's an altruist with It" "How do you make that vaiT "He believes wealth Is a burden and be says he will not inflict his burdens on other people." Baltimore Ameri can, . fatal Sysaptoaa, The professional auctioneer, bavinf just told the crowd the usual story to the effect that the watch he was trying to sell was a full Jeweled timepiece, with chronometer balance and solid gold filled case, suddenly felt himself blushing at the aged and venerable lie. "Great snakes I" be said to himself. "That's the first time such a thing has happened to me in thirty-seven years 1 It means either softenin' of the brain or fatty degeneration of the heart!" Hastily stepping down from the. little platform behind the counter, he went lnte the back room and announced to the si lent partner that he bad retired from the business for good and all. One of the Essentials of the happy homes tof to-day Is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and know ledge of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World; not of individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtaining the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and whole some family laxative ia the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senaa. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the 'California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for rale by all leading druggists. THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY THE FISH BRAND SLICKER Is the BKm who has tried to ret the same service out of some other make Clean Light -T)uto!)&, (hmrrtrpd Waterproof cjsd5oULvwyvbre 13 HIS CATJS2 FOB SUICIDE. China Serraat Declared Hla Mi treaa' Slaarlaar Wu Too Hick, Queer ia the story related of a 'Chi nese man servant, who declares that he prefers death Itself to the Infliction of hearing his mistress, who 1b described as a lyric artist, practicing her songs, morning, noon and night And, odd to relate, this particular heathen seems to be sincere, as be baa really made sev eral attempts on bis life, and even, after his last vain endeavor, repeated his resolution to die rather than be condemned to listen to' strains which he regards as anything but dulcet Evi dently the lyric art has no charms for him. This eccentric Individual was brought to Europe by the lady's hus band a year ago, but It Is only recently that he developed this inveterate dls like to her music. Last month, It It said, he concocted a sort of poison and made himself sick with It, but the re sult went no further. Then he tried opium, but awoke apparently none the worse from a phenomenal spell of Bleep. As poisons and drugs were powerless In helping him to carry out his project of shuffling off the mortal coll, the Chi nese man servant decided .on trying more active measures. One morning be took up his position on the balcony of the house inhabited by the family which courts the muses and, after tak ing a last look, as he imagined, at the busy scene around him, be flung him self Into space. It so chanced that a motor cat was coming along. On the top of the automobile reposed a box containing a provision of tires and, as luck would have It, the Chinese tum bled in among them and they broke his fall so that he got off without a shock. But such an acrobatic exhibi tion, even from a representative of the Celestial Empire, was not relished , by the occupants of the motor car, who protested so vigorously against this pe culiar addition to their company that the whole party were soon on their way to the police station. The luckless Chinese failed to make himself under stood, and something like a deadlock would have been the result If the lyric artist had not appeared to claim him. This was the third time within a month that he had tried to put an end to his days, and she insisted on know ing the reason. Then the man servant found his tongue, and In broken French replied, before the officials and the automobile set, "All want to know. I say. French madame howls too much. I die or hook it." Prompt measures are being taken for the restoration of this hopeless Chinese to his native land. London Telegraph. There An Others. Don't Imagine, my boy,, if you throw up your Job That the firm that employs you will fail, That the whole office force in their an- gulsh will sob And the senior partner turn pale. You are highly efficient and active and bright ' So you say. I'm unwilling to doubt you; But the chance of all this Is incredibly slight, There are plenty of others without you. Don't get mad with the girl, and to make her feel bad Fail to go for your usual call. It's the truth, though I know it sounds awfully sad, That she never may miss you at all, It's a mighty poor policy staying away, Though I grant that at times she may flout you, But I know that I'm la a position to say There are plenty of others without you. i Don't get soured on the world and do anything rash. Not to speak of the good of your soul, If you jump In the lake you may make a small splash. But you'll never leave much of a hole. Don't expect folks to make such a terri ble fuss When they think very little about you, And, to use common language, aren't caring a cuss. There are plenty of others without you. Chicago News. Oppoaltioa to Trousers1. The modem custom of wearing trous era was taken from the military dress introduced Into the army by the Duke of Wellington during the Peninsular war, says Chambers' Journal. In early days these were known as "Wellington trousers," after the duke. When they were coming into general use at the commencement of the nine teenth century the religious world and the fashionable were most determined in their opposition. A clause In the original trust deed, dated 1S20, of Shef field Nonconformist chapel provided that "under no circumstances whatever shall any preacher be allowed to occupy the pulpit who wears trousers." But this was not all. Some doubts were expressed In many quarters con cerning the question whether a man could be religious and appear In trous ers. One of the founders of the primi tive Methodist body remarked to a col league In the ministry "that trousers wearing, beer drinking, so-and-so will never get to heaven." Father Reece, a famous Methodist minister, twice president of the confer ence (born in 1765, died in 1830), could not be Induced to adopt trousers, and among the Methodists was the last to follow popular fashion la this respect. Drat Meatloa It. "Pop! "Yea, my son,- ' "What is a nom-de-plume? "Why, It's a man's pen name, my boy." "Well, pop, that's not the name roa call your fountain pen when It wont work P lonxers Stateamaa. CONTAGIOUS NO LIMIT TO ITS V0miS FOR EVIL Contagious Blood Poison has brought more suffering;, misery and humflai Hon into the world than all other diseases combined ; there is hardly any limit to its powers for evil. It is the blackest and vilest of all disorders, wrecking the lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it and often being transmitted to innocent offspring, a blighting legacy of suffering and shame. So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it by using the same table ware, toilet articles or clothing of one in whose blood the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison but a very deceptive one. Only those who have learned by bitter experience know by the little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance, first, of the suffering which is to follow. It come9 ia the form of ulcerated mouth and throat, unsiehtlv copper colored soots, swollen Elands in the troin. falling hair, offensive sores and ulcers on the body, and in severe cases the finger nails drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat tered and the sufferer becomes an object of pity to his fellow man. Especi ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious Blood Poison, shown when the infected person endeavors ta combat the poison with mercury and potash. These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the troubles for a wniie, and tne victim is deceived into the belief that he is cured. When, howeveivthe treatment is left off he finds that the poison has only been driven deeper into the blood and the disease reappears, and usually in worse form because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus front the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destriictiva action. S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Pol son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs and barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and field. We Offer a reward of Ji.Ooo for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral PURELY VEGETABLE Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fullr ex plains the different stages of the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat ment for all sufferersof this trouble. No charge is made for this book, and If you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, out physicians will be glad to furnish that, too, without harge, THE SWIFT Windmills were introduced in England by the Crusaders, who had seen them in nse among toe saracens. ImMl ALCOHOL 3 PER C1TNT A(lerVcparat!onErAs slmilating UieFoodanaRefiuIa ting the Stomachs audBowdsof RwmofwDiiestlonkeifU ness and RestXuntalnsneittar OpiuniMorphine rorMiiieraL MOT NARCOTIC. aHMMai(ttaBBaaBMK A&afOfiJklSMQBniVBEt JlxJam' jhdHgtSJtS- utsaeStKi Anerfect Remedv foTConsfliia- Hon , Sour Stoniach.D'larrtwea WormsX!oimilsioTisJevmsli ness andLossorSiEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. hirmStri-GanUtiStnprm (Guaranteed undFtheFoTO Hf' SR 1 ;;-l,)l,;;7 t ;,f (pi 1 y 7 J iHiiiaLdiLrJS A boarding and day school (or yonng men and boys. ' Accredited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Amherst and all state universities and agricultural colleges. The principal has had 28 years' experience in Portland. Make reservations now. )or illustrated catalogue and other literature address J. W. HILL, M. D., Principal and Proprietor, PORTLAND, 0REG0I SPINACH like the good, old-time home "greens" in five minutes, made possible anywhere at any time of year, by using Preferred Stock Canned Gockis ?Mkd Wkcrmr tas Bast An Srawa . Preferred Stock Spinach is grown in New spinach grows best most tender. There, the spinach for this high-grade brand into the can crisp and fresh. Consult the Preferred Stock list sues. Wktn tht afpttitt "lap" trder Spinach Jrcm jreur Oncer m -n a irwis. w&isi erBCTTs. reatuuea, eaioog, xt. a a. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & S3.50 SHOES t"wmu PSMOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OP -r xk THe FAMILY. AT ALL PRIOE8. 3 ftQn.flfin T," njr ra oswt aver W.L. FT f VI aft !?" $3.60 aAoaa (Max smut of mafiiacturmr. THE REASON W. L. Dougla. shoes are worn by more people In all walks of Ufa thaa any other nake. Is because of their excellent style, easy-atting, and superior wearing qualities. The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part of the shoe, and erary detail of th making Ig looked after by themosteompleteorgantantienof snperinteadenta.foreraenand skilled shoemakers, who reoelve the highest wages paid in tha Shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. If I esrala take yaa into my large factories at Brockton. Maj aad show yon how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are mad, yea would than naderstand why they hold their shape, at better. ft 94 .Oft awrcf tS.CO COST tdm Bhttmm i www iubbct aim mrw w biawt Tun iiu Miy CAUTlOV I The genuiae hare W.X. Douglas name and price at am art oa bMtoauTaka ro sswnw, jrmr annr jar " . i direct W faetory. Sao seal erery whare by BLOOd POISON in any form. b. t. o. goes down to the ery bottom; of the trouble and by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virus anq adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. So thoroughly does S. S. S. cleanse the circulation that no signs of the disease are ever seen asrain. and offsorino- is protected. SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA The storv and a half house in Milan. I Ohio, where Thomas A. Edison was born, ug till standing, though not fit to occupy. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signs; In Use For Over Thirty Years Ill THK OKHTAUM COMPANY. NFW TORS CtTT. MILITARY ACADEMY Jersey because there too, it is canned, that rare t lu of canned goods may go 71 different kinds, in PREFERRED STOCK ower BISIS. lioaria SBoea. ir Be cannot bscdIt to mail Catalog firaa, WH Piin. , , ft nsa. j w tVa Hail mt mmm - - -