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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
Press Paragraphs Mrs. Manasse was a visitor in Fen dleton Wednesday. Attorney Petersou was in town Tues day on professional business. Wanted, a good girl in family of two. Inquire at tbis offioe. T. F. Howard, an architect from PeudletHi was in the city Tuesday. For Sale A good beating stove, burns wood. Enquire at the Press office. At Taggart's Cash Store is to be found the nobbiest stock ot Umbrellas in town. Miss Greer, of Baker City, was a guest Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. T. Ellin. Mrs. Lizzie Jones was in Pendleton Wednesday, visiting her daughter and attending to business. Rev. Humbert, of Eugene, was in tbe city this week visiting at tbe borne of Mr. and Mis. V. E. Hoveu. Mrs. W. S. Perry and little daugh ter, Minnie, were guests at tbe Gaton and Dnnnister homes over Sunday. 4 Earl Dudley and Marion Hansell de parted Monday for tbe haunts of the wild goose ou tbe Columbia river. J. 0. Turner, who resides north of Weston bas placed an order with C. A. Barrett & Co. for a deep well pump. R. E. Paddook, representing Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., called on Athena hardware merchants Tuesday. A new carpet adorns tbe floor at Central telephone office, much to tbe satisfaction of the manager, Miss Eva Ridor. Miss Mabol Jenkins is expected to arrive in Athena soon, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Rnodea from Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norris spent Sunday in Walla Walla. They drove to Milton, and from there took the iuterurban. Frank and David Parted have gone to their Weston Mountain timber ranoh wbero tbey will cut cord wood during the winter. Wm. Mraz, of Coltou, Wash., bas boeu tbe gnest of Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Kemp tbe past week. Mr. Mraz is a brother of Mrs. Kemp.' P. D. Mann baa purchased an auto mobile. It is a Cadalao model and was purchased by Mr. Mann from Dr Blakesley of Pendleton. J Fred Ruble, a pharmacist, formerly employed at the Pionoer drug store, is now a resident of Walla Walla, and works for the Sbelton Drug Co. Mrs. G. W. B. Zerba and daughter, Miss Lizzie, nrrivod home Saturday from a months' visit with relatives in nortborn Washington and Idaho. Mrs. Aguos Ferguson and Mrs. Jose phine Ferguson were guests the first of the weok of Mrs. Wm. McBrido, from their home in Walla Walla. W. W. Jacobs has boen making im- provonionts on his residence property at the corner of Third and Jefferson streots, opposite tbe M. E. church. Mr. and Mis. Bert Zerba left Mon day for Alberta. Tbey will spend tbe winter at the homo of Mrs. Zerba's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Mosley, near Claresholm. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gorking arrived horuo Tuesday from a two weeks' visit atTaooma, Salem, Silvortou and other points. They report fine weather and an enjoyable trip. ..' The special nicotines now being con ducted at the M. E. church aie well attended and nro creating some inter est. Rev. Putnam is assisted this week by Rev. Chns. Maxou. s Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking left 'yesterday for Laidlaw, Crook county. They were accompanied by their sou Charles, who will spond the winter ou the Sound aud in California. Last evouiug Pythiau Lodgo No. 29, K. of P. eutortaiued royally. After a sossiou of the lodgo, sociability aud good cheer reigned supremo, Knights and their ladies enjoying a sumptuous spread and tbe different features of entertainment i A masquerade ball will be given at the Atbena opera bouse on Thanksgiv ing night La Biaobe Bros.' orchestra will furnish tbe musio and supper will be served in the opera house. Ms. .Wm. Crouin bas been very ill at ber borne on tbe Tompkins ranch northwest of town, and under a physi cians care. Sbe is now attended by ber sister, Mrs. Jamea Feeler. H. MoAithur has boen very ill with la grippe at his borne in Portland for some time. With Mrs. McArtbur, be will leave as soon as be is able, to spend tbe winter in California. Mrs. William Tompkins realized tbe eat sum of f 14.50 as tbe receipts for tbe tea and lunob served at ber borne last Saturday afternoon. Tbe money was turned into the Aid society fond. Mrs. J. D. Plamondoo, accompanied by Henry Barrett, went over to Walla Walla Monday by automobile. Tbe roads were in excellent .condition for automobiling aud good time was made. (ihe goose bunting party consisting of Charley Smith, Will Harden, Elmer Connick aud Wm. Winship letnrned homo Saturday, having bagged 21 geese on tbe trip. Tbey were gone about a week. By I bei X' F. S. Le Grow, accompanied by Sam Pambren returned Sunday from tbe Crab creek stock range. Mr. Le Grow brought down 350 bead of cattle which lie will winter in tbe Cold Springs country. Gwners of gasoline engines will do well from now on to see that the cyl inders are protected from freezing ny thorough drainage or seeing C. A. Barrett & Cd. relative to anti-freezing mixtures. Geo. Ridenour was visiting at tbe Boyd home the first of the week. Mr. Ridenour has been taking treatment at the Hot Lake sanatariurn for rheu matism. He left for his home in Walla Walla today. To Lease Six hundred acres of wheat land in Franklin county, Wash., 12 miles from Council, for a year or term of years. All tbe land except 40 acre in cultivation. Inquire of Mrs. Jaokson Nelson, Athena. Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. Stamaoh trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating,, etc., yield quick ly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist for a free trial. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. A Mr. Cunningham of Walla Walla, has decided to locate in Atbena and open a shoe shop. He bas purchased the tools and equipment used by tbe late John L. Smith, and will com monoe work at ouoe. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol ozed acts like a poultice in drawing ut iurla mmatiou and poison? It is antiseptic. For outs, burns, eczema, cracked bands it is immediate relief. Sold oy Pioneer Drug Store. y Craig Wilkinson and Alfred Loweu gart left yesterday for Cambridge, Idaho, where they will remain during the winter. They went by team, mak ing the drive aoross the mountains in compauy with another man. Mrs. Jane Watts bad tbe misfortune to step on a nail Tuesday, whioh pene trated her toot leaving ber in a crip pled oonditiou and suffering much pain for tho time. However, no seri ous results are anticipated. Dell Bros, added materially to the appearance of their store room by changing the position of a partition. Convenience bas also been obtained by tbe change, tbe icsult being more shelf room for the display of goods. , Miss Jordou, state organizer for tbe Christian Woman's Board of Missions, will give an address at the Christian oburoh next Sunday morning at 11 o'clook. Miss Jordon is an interesting speaker and all are invited out to bear her. xe. E. Porter, of Grass Valley, Ore., as iu the oity Saturday, and viewed the'prospeots here of engaging iu the mercantile business. Before leaving, be expressed bimsolf as being pleased with Athena aud surrounding country, but vas undecided whether be would engage iu business here. Standard Sewing Machines Standard Sewing Machines have been in use for 35 years and during that time have given complete satisfaction to operators iu all parts of the world. This is due to their thoroughly soioutilio construction, accurate fitting, easy uotion and great strougth and also tbe superior quality of r.jotal used iu them, which makes the "Standard" more durable than any other machine. Every part is accurately made aud interchangeable and can be replaced, if necessary, at auy time, which means the "Standard" machiuo will last forever; there is no woar out to it. Each ruaobine is given a practical sowiug teat, and is proporly adjusted by experienced op erators before leaving the factory. The maohiue is thou ready for imme diate use, and our complete Book of Instructions tolls the purchaser bow all kinds of up-to-date sewing can bo perfectly and quickly done on the "Standard." The "Standard" is not a cheap ruaobine, neither iu quality or price. It is made especially for those who demand tbe highest quality from the very best materials obtainable. No machine is cheap that is not durable; to the cost of repairs on an inferior machine will soon double the original prioo, not counting the wear aud tear ou nerves and patience; and uiuiachiuo is durable unless planned upon correct nieobanioal principles, and made of the very best materials, fitted and furuishod by competent workmen. We are General Agents for Eastern Washington and Oregon, and have a complete line of "Standards" ou our floor. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-k ASER 0. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-14-16-18-20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, : WASH Make Your appointments Here Miss Nettie Cannon was over from Walla Walla Saturday and Sunday, visiting friends iu and near Athena. Miss Gladys Bush is ud from tbe farm of ber grandparents on Birch creek, where sbe bas spent tbe past summer. Miss Zelma DePeatt will spend Thanksgiving week at ber home in this oity, from tbe High school in Wall i Walla, where sbe is attending sohol. John Goodvkooutz, of Wasbtucna, was in tbe nity tbe first of tbe week. Mr. Goodykoontz is tbe gentleman from whom A. M. Gillis reoently pur chased a farm in Adams county. Mrs. Lester O'Harra is in Walla Walla this week, attending her moth er, Mrs. Richard Gerberding, of Wes ton, who reoently underwent an opera ton in a hospital in that oity. Arobie Kid well, who recently arriv ed from bis borne in Versailles, Mo., is visiting at tbe homes of his cousins, Mrs. Frank and Robert Tbarp, in this city. Mr. Kidwell will make bis borne with the Runions, near Pendleton. V Misa Merna DePeatt was stricken with another attaok of illness Tuesday morning, which ber pbysioiana pro. nounce appendicitis. The little girl is very much better at present and an immediate operation will not be neces sary. Henry Barrett derived a snug in come from bis Pine Creek orohard this season. His early fruit netted good prices, a large portion of it being sold to the Freewater cannery. He bad no difficulty in disposing of bis apple crop. It is a well known fact that persons living in the Pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pmeules at night usually relieves back ache. 30 days' treatment, $1.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Pioneer Drug Score. Miss Cecile Boyd was tbe guest over Sunday of Miss Ada Ely at the E. O. S. N. S. dormitory, and of Miss Doris Barnes, at her borne in Westcn. Sbe was aooompanied home Sunday eve ning by seven young ladies from tbe Normal school. Miss Katherine Sharp bas resigned her position as teacher in the Cannon district and the board of direotois have secured tbe servioes of Mrs. Lillian Dobson, who will begin teaobing next Monday. Mrs. Dobson bas taught this school for three previous terms. YOrie Zerba, who some months ago went to Myrtle, Idaho, to reside, re turned to Atbena this week with bis family. He lost bis entire crop this season in a hail storm, and his opinion of Idaho, or tbe portion where he re sided, at least, is not very flattering. It is announced that Dr. J. Franklin Coon, of Walla Walla, the noted Os teopath will deliver a leoture at tbe Atbena opera house tomorrow evening, beginning at 8 o'olock. Tbe dootor's subject is "Diseaso; its Cause aud Cure." No admission will be charg ed, and all are cordially invited to go aud bear the lecture. p C. A. Barrett has purchased 160 acres of land on tbe reservation, south of Atbena. He bought 80 acres from M. Gagnon and 30 acres from Peter Gagnon. Tbe price paid was $75 per acre, a total of $12,000 for the place. The land is among the best pieoes on tbe reserve and is a prohfio wheat pro ducer. The papers, transferring tbe land to Mr. Barrett were made out yesterday. Protracted meetings will begin at the Church of Christ in this city on the evening of Nov. 29th Prof. D. C. Kellenis of Eugene Divinity Sohool, a very successful evangelist, will be here to conduct the revival. Old time Gospel methods, used in the first cen tury, A. D., will be pursued and people will be asked to obey the Christ of the Gospel. k The union Thanksgiving services of ail the churches iu this city will be held Nov. 28th, 7:30 p. m. at the Church of Christ. Rev. Putnam of the Methodist Churoh is to preach the sermon. Musio will be furnished by the ohoirs of tbe different ohurobes. Let everybody be present at these ser vices with a grateful heart and an offering for those in need. H.Another disastrous wreck oocurred tu the Northern Paoifio in Vansycle canyon, north of Adams, Tuesday night. Nine cars, loaded with grain, left the track. None of the train men were injured. The wreck took place on the heavy grade where a train of cattle was ditched several weeks ago, the reason for the wreck being tbe same Bpeed of engine beyond control. Tomorrow afternoon iu the MoAr thur building on Main street the ladies of the Christian church will hold tbeir fair. Luuch will be served at noon and oyster supper iu the evening, com mencing at I o'olock. Booths for the sale of homemade candies, popcorn, eto. will be presided ovor by the young ladies aud the usual articles for use and ornament will be on sale. Call in whether you purchase or not. A. M. Gillis reoently purohased a half seotion of wheat land in Adams county Wash., 9 miles from Wash tuona, aud four miles from Delight, consideration, $15,000. Mr. Gillis is very much pleased with bis purchase, aa it is well improved, with modern bouse, well furnished, piped with wa ter furuished by gasoilne engine, good barns, outbuildings eto. Eleveu horses, four cows, poultry aud all the acces sions that go with a well appointed farm inoluding 30 acres of alfalfa, and good orchard" are iu tbe purchase. Mr. and Mrs. Gillis with tbeir three younger boys will leave about Deo. 15 to take possession of the place, Ralph temaining here until the close of sonool. Mr. and Mrs. John Gillis will remain in Atheua. 139 RESOLVED THAT THE ART OF BEING WELL DRESSED 15 To BE DKE5SEP FOR. EVERY OCCASION -EVEN IN THE kitchen. Turkey, mlador ANY DAlNTYw5H SHOULD 0E WELL DRESSED, NOT You? BU5T flrPAitlr-cat r THANKiklVINI WILL YOUR TURKEY TA-STE GOOD IF YOU -5IT DOWN TO THE TABLE -5HABBILY CLAD? .SoME PEOPLE THINK IT S UNNECE-S.SAR To EAT To LIVE. EATING WILL MAKE YOU "EXI.5T" BUT YOU MU5T WEAR GOOD CLoTHE-5 AL.SO IF YOU WI.5H TO "LIVS.", THE.SE THINGS WILL HELP YOU To ENJOY YoUR TURKEY; ALL OUR TABLE LINENS ARE REDUCED. OUR REGULAR LINE AT 1 .00 NOW 1 1 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 .65 ,75 1 1 4 4 .65 .65 .60 Jarman's Big fair Store, PiHetiles A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe case before morning. 30 days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE. BACK-ACHE The greatest Cloak Sale gf the Season will begin Saturday, November 23rd at Mosgrove Mercantile Co's 150 Jackets, high grade, many are Silk lined, originally, marked to sell at $10.50 to $18.50 are to be sacrificed right now in the Cloak and Jacket Seasoa Your choice sf the $10.50 lot for $1.95; your choice of the $18.50 lot $3.95, and so on