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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
-4131 M 1 1 4i ' i 1 11,1.1 I V- V' U lYI i I JOB PRINTING-" AND ALL DISEASES THE ( :.f OF () DR. KING'S 1 UVJLZ3 UU LTUSV Two years ago a severe cold settled on my longs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c 3k For Gents' Furnishings, Rubber Goods, Shoes, Gloves, -U-.ffik, MONITOR " Neat Workmen Fast, Modern Presses High Grade Stock THR AT AND SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY WM. McBRIDE. AT THE PALACE DRUG 30 days only, we will give you 5 lb Shilling's Best Baking Powder . $1.95 One sack Cane Sugar . . . 6.00 4 gallon Jacket Syrup . . . 2.50 1 lb Shilling's Best Tea . . . .45 3 packages Arm C$ Hammer Soda . .25 25 lbs Chase Sanborn's Bulk Coffee 5.00 One box Sea Foam Soap, ioo bars . 4-00 One package Gold Dust .. . . 23 One bottle Catsup . . . . .20 Now here is your chance to purchase 60 days' supplies at a great saving. We need the money, you need the goods. Under these conditions, if you don't buy from us we both loose money. The most Substantial Drill on the market. With the Saucer Feed, there is no cracked seed Planted. JJS C. A. Barrett Company Athena, - - Ortgon 11 1 n a 1 Local representative for A thena II U II LljUtmd vicinity to look after renew Hla ami increase subscription list of a prominent monthly magazine, on a salary and commission baHig. Experience de sirable, but not necessary. Good opportunity for rln ht person. Address Publisher, Box 59, Station O, New York. AND LUH PREVENTS PTIOD AND $1.00 STORE. a chance to buy your Groceries for Winter, cheap for Cash. will give you the following prices : FT I. TA&&AET case: store The Place that Saves you 1H OTHER TOWNS WESTON. Miss Annie Kelson, woo baa been staying at the Tboren borne lately, was summoned borne by tbe extreme illness of ber father, N. H. Nelson, section foreman at Weston. Wallace Kelson is at borne for a fow days, hnt will leave soon for Helena, Mont. Henry Ferguson is visitiug in tbis neighborhood from his farm upbt WallaJWalla. R. M. Van Slyke, who was so se verely injured iu a collision with a railway tiaiu lust summer, made bis first visit to bis son, Mr. Jobu Van Slyke, today. James Fnson and bis assistant, R. Hunter, have returned for a brief va cation from a two months' run of work in neighboring towns. James A. Kirk reports the advent of a fine baby girl at bis home. Elmer Richmond and family have removed to Walla Walla from Helix. Miss Stella Edgmond and Mr. Dallas Mays, both of Joseph, Ore., arrived here yesterady to enter the Normal sobool. Mrs. M. J. Richmond is visiting ber son, Harlow Riobmoud, at YVulla Walla. Mrs. William Fnroell and daughter, and Mrs. Hester Thome of Dry Greek, were guests of tbeBeneflel borne today. MILTON. Ihe revival meetings which have been iu session at the Christian church iu this city the past two weeks have been a success. Tbe Rev. Mr. Hilton, tbe pastor, conducted the meetings, and bas been assisted the past week by the Rev. Mr. Hoven, pastor of the Christian church of Athena. dinger Bros, are building a uice, roomy office at their lumber yard in North Milton. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hale returned Sunday from a two months' visit to Kansas City, Mo., and other eastern oities. Mrs. George Edwards came down ftom Washtuona, Wash., Sunday eve ning to attend her daughter, Mrs. Gertie Miller, who is seriously ill. Dr. W. J. Fortuue of Taooma, a promineut veterinary and surgeon is iu Milton aud has decided to open up an office in the city for tbe practioe of his profession. Messrs, Joe Dyke, Blake Williamson and Archie Cobb, are preparing to start a meat wagon andwill handle all kinds of meat and poultry. Miss Lola Reniok, who bas made her borne with Mr. and Mis. S. A. Miller for tbe past six years, is now in stalled as helper in tbe Portland sani tarium. Miss Beniok will take tbe three years nurse's course. Miss Verna Putnam, who bas been H TWv f (C One lb ground Chocolate Two lbs Crackers Ten lbs Lard Twelve lbs Japan Rice Four bars Tar Soap . One case Corn One case Tomatoes Five Gallons Pearl Oil spending tbe summer visiting relatives iu Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois, returned to ber home in Milton Wed nesday, accompanied by ber aunt, Mrs. A. B. Strom of Kirkbaven, Minn. Mrs. Strom will visit friends in Mil ton, Portland and Spokane. John Skillern, a wealthy sbeepowner of Boise, Idaho, visited several days in Milton this week, the guest of Prof, and Mrs. R. J. Davis. Mr. Skillern knew the Da vises in 'Tennessee and stopped off while returning from a visit to a son in North Yakima to see bis old-time friends. FREE WATER. Ihe Traction company reoeived three refrigerator cars Saturday from tbe Northern Pacific and these are be ing filled as rapidly as possible by tbe sbippors. R. E. Allen, mauager of tbe Traction company, made a special trip to Taooma in order to consult North ern Pacific officials iu regard to secur ing cars to relieve tbe apple shippers at tbis point. Tbe Northern Pacifio bas promised to do their utmost to send cars aud it is likely that tbe fam ine will be a thing of tbe past in a few d iys. Cbaile9 W. Records shipped two oarloads of alfalfa Saturday to Seattle and James Khk shipped one car. This hay is all consigned to John L. Criab and goes over tbe Traction line via tbe Northern Pacific. Miss Luoy Kirk was a Freewater visitor Friday. 0. T. Godwin was a business visitor in Walla Walla Saturday. Miss Jennie Tiernoy was in Walla Walla Saturday visiting ber brother Frank Tierney. A Significant Prayer. "May tbe Lord help yon make Buck- leu's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jeukins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. It qniokly took the pain out of a felon for me and oured it in a won derfully short time." Best on earth for sores, turns and wouuds. 25o. at Wm. MoBride's drug store. The old remedies are tbe best. Hiok ory Bark Cough Remedy bas been in use for over one hundred years by tbe old Dutob Dunkards of Peuusylvania, and is still in use by all tbe old families of Western Penusylvauia. Is abso lutely pure; made from the bark of tbe white or shell bark hickory tree. Tbe bark is shipped from the east, and manufactured iu Walla Walla, Wash. For sale by Palaoe Drug Store. It comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to the soreness aud inflammaton, for any foitn of Piles; it soothes and heals, re lieves tbe paiu, itching aud buruiog. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 60 cts. Guaranteed. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. Jerry Stoue was a county seat visitor Tuesday. 0 AO 11 If you buy a $30.00 order, we $30.00 Overalls and & COIPAFT TOBACGOLESSCIGAR A CUBE Traveling Man Has Secret Which Kills Desire For Tobacco. "Yon may talk about your horseless carriages, your wireless telegraphy, yonr tireless beat and all these other things that modern man bas invented for the benefit of this prosaio old twentieth century, but I've got 'em all beaten for a scheme to make money it's a tobaocolesa oigar tbat will cure tbe victim of the habit and all with out bia kaowiug tbat he is taking the remedy." Tbis seoret was iutrusted to a report er by a traveling man at the Hotel Portland. He is still on the road, but his new sobeme, it seems is a side liue, or rather be is working to perfeot tbis new End most original idea. "And furthermore," continued tbe man who has fortune staring him iu tbe faoe and scintillating all about him, "I intend to arrange so tbat my tobaccoless smokes may be used not only in cigar?, bnt iu cigarettes, tbe pipe, and if my ideas do not fail me, in the chewing plug as well. "It is as simple as auytbing in tbe world. What is it? Well, yon know that would be telling, and my fortune, my days of rest and when every day is Sunday and there will be no work, for me at least, depends upon my guarding tbis secret. "My new stunt for the users of to bacco is to be an evolution for tbe afflicted ones. The wife, sweetheart or any old body may use my tobaoco lesa preparation and the smoker will never know tbe difference. He will smoke his cigar, I mean the kind I am preparing, his oigartette or bis pipe and he'll never know tbe difference." EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CRED ITORS. In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla Connty. In the matter of the estate of Ann Kirk, deoeased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may oonoern that Marion Jaok bas qualified as exeooutor of the last will and testament, aud estate, of Ann Kirk, deeased. All persons having claims against tbe said estate are re quired to present them together with proper vouchers as by law required to the said Marion Jaok at tbe offloe of bis attorneys, Petersou, Petersoo & Wilson, in Pendletou, Oregon, with in six months from tbe first publica tion of this notice. Tbe first pnblioatiou hereof will be made in the Athena Press on Friday tbe 18th day of October, 1907, and successively thereafter each week for six weeks, the last publication appear ing on Friday, 29tb day of Nov. 1907. Marion Jaok, Exeoutor; Petorsou, Peterson & Wilson, Attys. .35 .20 1.50 1.00 .22 2.25 2.40 1.50 Groceries, loney