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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
1 . I v AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July 6, 1W7 at the poBtofflce at Athena. Oregon Under an Aotot Congress of March 3, 1879 Subscription ftatk-: p t year, In advance 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, ATHENA. ORE.. NOV. 22 '.907 M mmmmmm Two handred and thirty new people found homes io Oregon every day from September 1st to October 31st as a re sult of the ooloniHt one-way tickets, and through the bolp of the newspapers the population and woalth of the State has boen enormously inorenned. The exact number of tickets sold as report ed by Mr. William McMurray, Gene ral Passenger Agent of the Harriman linos, for 1907, was 13,753. For the same time in 1!)06 it was 8390, an in crease of 4863 or about sixty per cent. This of course does not include tickets sold to Oregon over the Canadiau Pa ciDo, Northern Pacific, Great North ern, or any oilier roads whose tickets came around by way of Paget Sound. Tho Oregon Development League has made tue colonist rates the chief feat ure of its work. The Portland Com mercial Club circulated 400,000 leaf lets with this low rato its central fea ture, and probably no advertising ever done by any state in the Union has shown better results. The rates will be on again during March and April 1908. haul upon a level track. The locomo tive weighs more than two hundred tons and is supported upon sixteen driving wheels, eight on each side. A train a mile and a half long, which is the length of two hundred and ten cars, wonld have astounded railroad men of the last geueratiou, but en gineers today'are looking forward to longer trains, if they have not already made them up. One of the best signs of the rapid clearing of the financial situation is said to be the ordering of resumption of work on railroad projects that were abandoned in the Paciflo northwest two weeks ago. The Harriman com panics have ordered work resumed in a number of places ou new construo tion, and forces are being organized. A Montana paper worries over the increased amount of gambling carried on within the borders of that state. The habit, or praotice or evil or any thing else it may be termed, is rapidly being rooted out of Oregon and but few cities of any consequence or size will tolerate it in this state. rom BiSDllKBSS The horse show which closed recent ly at Portland was a tremendous sue cess, and the Oregon animals on dis play as well as the show itself was voted by Dr. Withyoombe as just as good, if Dot as large, as the one in New York City. 1 A iuu on the banks is about the worst piece of damphoolisbness that any people ever engaged in, and is like a stampede in a crowded house when the word "Fire" is heaid. To keep cool in time of danger is almost an augelio attribute. Great as was' thewhea crop, says the Arlington Record, it is likely to be surpassed by the crop of wild geese, acres of which are now ready for the harvester. Arlington appears to be the stopping plaoe of these birds of passage, and more of them have paused in their flignt to inspoot the country hereabouts than Rockefeller has dol lars. Hunters are swarming in from all directions and the railroads, pow der trusts aud hotels aio hoping the goose harvest will last all winter. Four sportsmen brought in 160 geese as tho result of one morning's work and it is not muoh above the average of a good shot. , A Kansas man who has an 800 aore orchard said in Medford: "I have visited all the fruit sections of the country, but the only sections that ap peal to me as an apple grower are the Hood river and Rogue river valleys." James J. Hill astonished his friends reoently by appearing in a suit of white. He even wore white shoes. Perhaps Mr. Hill has decided that it will be useless for him to go on trying to look like a Methodist preaoher. CLOSING OUT PRICES 1 gal. can Towles Top Syrup '1, now 75c 1-2 gal can Towels Top Syrup 60c, now 45c 1 gal. can Longs Saratoga Drips 95c; now 75c 1-2 gal. can Longs Saratoga Drips 55c, now 45c 1 gal. can Woodlawn Maple 1.50, now 1.20 1-2 gal can Woodlawn Maple 80c, now 1 quart Woodlawn Maple 50c, now 1 2 1-2 gal. kit Target 1.75, now 1 4 gal. kit Target 2.75, now 1 2 1-2 gal. kit Towles Top 2.25, now 60c 40c 1.25 I.85 I.64 It now looks as though Chioago and Kansas City will right it out for both the republican and democratic national conventions of next year. In connec tion with the light between Kansas City and Chicago, the places where past conventions of the two parties have boon held may prove interesting. Four democratic national oonvontions lmvo boon held in Chicago that of 1864, when MoClellau was nominated ; of 1884, when Cloveluud was nominat ed the first time, of 1892, whon he was nominated the last time and of 1896, when Bryan was first nominated. Not alone is the eight-hour law be ing rapidly udoptod in some modified form by all the states, tut in most in stances ic is boiug rigidly euforced. Up in Suohouiish oouuty, Washington, tho oouuty commissioners allowed la borers to work on county roads more than eight hours a day and the state attoruoy gonoral is up in arms over it. Tho commissioners are liable to crimi nal prosecution. Two hundred nnd ten loadod freight ears is tho train which a loooruotive. lately built for the Erie railroad, will Harriman is quoted as saying that he would rather own all the railroads than run the government. The reporter probably misunderstood him. He must have said he would rather own all the railroads aud run the government. The AshJand Normal school is also reported to be enjoying the most pros perous year in its history. Maybe these sohools oan be made nearly self-sustaining After she bad saved the lives of three young men a New York girl re fused to lot her name be known to the reporters. She must be the only girl in tho land who has no desire to go ou the stage. "Can a man who is a Christian ac tually bo eugagod in the production of wealth under modern conditions?" asks Prof. Shailer Mathews. Up to this writing the professor has received no answers. Mr. Sohmitz of San Frauoisoo now perceives tliat a politician is more or less handioapped whon he has to use a jail as campaign headquarters. Those depositors who refuse to get rattled over the financial soare are the meu to whom bolongs the honor of preventing a financial panic. raw fl?jAKI If you have failed to attend our Monster Bargain Base ment Sale $10,000 Worth of up-to-date merchandise on sale at sacrifice prices, all must go before December 1, when we will display our Enormous New Stock ot Xmas Goods. Come help us move. TEH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE , The fastest growing Store in Eastern Oregon. CASH WILL SAVE YOU CASH WORTH1NGTON SPOT CASH GROCERY Oregon Shoit Lime to Union Pacific fh rough Pullman standard and sleenine cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclinlne chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom reuuieion. ABRIVB Daily. 12:25 p. m. Walla Walla. Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew iston. Colfax. Pull. man, Moscow, the uouer a'Aiene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. 12:25 pro 3:40 p m 6:15 p- m. TIME SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE, Walla Walia- Pen dleton Mixed Fast Mall for Pen. HlnfAn T.Dfliwin1a Baker City, and all points eist via Hun tington, Ore., Also for UmatillaHepp ner, The Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, California Tacoma, Seattle, all oouna roinie. Pendleton - Walla Walla Mixed IlKPART Daily. 12:25 p.m. 12:25 p. m. 3:40 p. m 6:15 p m E. M. Smith Agent, Aihena. Athena merohants carry dependable goods in stock, and the people of this vicinity appreciate the merit of the big stock ? to tho extent that out-of-town trading is becoming less pronoa'ueed eaoh year. The declaration by experts that there is very little real whiskey in the oonn try Eeerns to have increased instead of abating the prohibition sentiment. Incroased price should at least guar antee consumers against milk that is largely an optical illusion. When conferences occur at the White House, E. H. Harriman is never mentioned among those present. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker, of Fayette. N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Eleotrio Bitters have done me more good than any medioine I ever took. For several years I had stomach trou ble, and paid out much money for medioine to little purpose, until I be gan taking Eeotrio Bitters. I would not take $500 for what tbey have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged aud for female weaknesses. Great altera tive and body builder; best of all for lame back and weak kidneys. Guar anteed by Win. McBride druggist. 50o. Be Charitable to your horse as well as to yourself. You need not suffer from pains of any sort your horses need not suffer. Try a bottle of Ballard's Suow Liniment It cures all pains. J. M. Roberts, Bakei field, Mo. writes: "I have used your Liniment for ten years and find it to be the test I have ever used for man or beast." Sold by Wni. Mo Bride. A Hard Debt to Pay. "I owe a debt of gratitude that oan never te paid off," writes G. S. Clark, of Wostfleld, Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. King's New I Dis covery. Both lungs were so seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Dis covery. The ominous dry, hacking cough quit before the first bottles made a complete cure. ' Nothing has ever equaled New Disoovery for coughs, colds and all throat and lung com plaints. Guaranteed by Wm. McBride dragRist 50o and 11.00. Trial bottle free. To Cure Constipation Torxveit Talie Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo cr S5ft UCU fail to cure. dnupcittU refund munes I RMBe maaniagagagianaaaauaaiaaangqaBaaggaa CtTEES Coughs,Colds, CROUP, WhoopingCough This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug end may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. Sold in Athena by McBride. The Crackers with a flavor INLAND CRACKERS Are not made by the Trust All Grocers Sell Them Li LARGEST ADVERTISERS REAL ESTATE IN THE UNITED STATES WE will sell your farm, home, or business property wherever situated. Send for our blank to give description i t earno and have it listed with us. Wo have buyers for property alloverthe United States and your farm, home or business property m:-.y be just what our customers want. If you want to buy a farm, home or business property, write us to-day what you want and in v at state, county, or town you want to locn 2. We issue a new booklet of farms, homes nd business property that we have for sale ev ry month and sent on request. You had bcttc- have your farm, home or business property listed with us forour next issue. If you need the service of an attorney before the Patent OfficB or other branches of the Government in th:t city, we will give you the name of a reliable f rm. Write today. Addr ss E. J. TOTTEN & CO. Bond Building Vab'n?ton, P. C. Foley's Honey Tar for children,safe,sure. Nq opiates. lAVVWvWrVVVVrWrAYVA THE i TJorvln "Ror f XiVbQIXJ XJiAiL BERT CARTANO, Prop. GOOD LIQUORS A SPECIALTY Hourhound Bock ant Bye Holly Tom Gin Three Star Cogaao Bine Stem Whisky Famous rilsuer Beer Boat Brands of Cigars. "1F8I8IW" AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN First ational of Athena CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS '1 Bank $50,000 20,000 4 1 IMS I 1 DEPOSITS MODERN BANKING FACILITIES L. OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President, T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Lp GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Ass't. Cashier. DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. II. STONE, Proprietor The place to get the best cJWeat thrt money can buy, at lowest prices. ' Fish and Oysters in season. Highest cash price paid for poultry. A. J. PARKER'S 11 IP Everything Flrnt Clan Btot,eTn and Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA m 1 A switch in time scares nine. Save many a isick spell hy giving Ihe chile! BALLARD S H0REHOUND SYRUP EVERY MOTHER should keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Synip, If she wishes to pave her children from serious sick spells. Ifc con tains absolutely nothing Injurious, does not constipate. Good for children as well as adults. m A cough often leads to consumption and Bhould be checked immediately. A Household Necessity. J. C. Smith. Houston. Texas, writes : "T hum naaA Ballard's Horehound Syrup in my familv for the cast few years, and find it far superior to any other cough medicine we have tried. Every household should be supplied with this worthy remedy." The Delight of Children. CURES COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING COUOH, SORE THROAT, BRONCHI T1S AN'lt A I I I lirsjrj tdmidi cc -..iv. iivuuia, PRICE 25c, 50c, and $1.0Q AV0IO ALJL, SUBSTITUTES, Ballard Snow IMment Co 500-302 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., w. Sold and -Recommended by McBRIDE, PALACE DRUG STORE ATHENA, OR,